Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"Well," she repeats. "I may be selling this place anyways, as it happens. At some point."
"The farmhouse, the field on this side of the river, and a bit out on the other to Windover past Druid's Hollow. Kind of a triangle shape." She gestures to the lines implied by the edge of the forest and by where the cultivated land gives way to natural moor.
"She means me. I'm not clones; I'm arbitrary material objects with a star cloud inside."
"Yeah, I can do that. Preliminary pilot experiments are uncomfortable for the stars I incarnate though."
"Yeah. Plus I can't disentangle the clouds at all, which is why there are so many of Felicity, but it's a convenient trait in an assistant."
"He means me; I'm Felicity. Also most of me is much happier together than they ever were apart."
"Me too! And I guess now I probably don't all have to hide away since you already know about me. But how did you see all my bodies in the first place? I thought I got them in there very quickly." A few Felicities start filing out of the shuttle.
"Binocularing people who think they are unobserved is a kind of sketchy use of your campground."