Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
Kennedy will try a bite.
It's edible. She'll eat the rest of it while in the general vicinity of Mrindeh unless that seems objectionable in some way.
The bird kids, who had gotten distracted on their way to Mrindeh by the street murals and the pretty buildings and the other person over there with feathery wings, finally flapjog over. "The guy said you could do toys, can you? I don't know what kinds of toys there are. How many can we have? What was your favorite kind when you were a kid?"
"Oh, I wasn't a kid, I've always been a grownup, but there are lots of kinds of toys. What kinds of things do you like?"
"Demons are mostly like humans except for being indestructible and having powers. What's a peggy bear?"
"And it has stuffing and fur and it's not alive so hopefully you can make one. If you can can I have a stuffed dog? Maybe a brown one. With spots! To match my wings but it doesn't need wings."
"It's polite to say thank you when someone does something nice for you," Kennedy informs the bird kids.