Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"If I decide I like this I can practice alone. I'll learn less from listening to you if I'm also making sounds."
Morningflower occasionally squeaks along for two or three notes at a time. On a few of them she manages to match Cam's pitch but not most.
"Music? Yeah, I think some comes preloaded with the software pack I included but I don't know if there's much or what kind it is."
She still doesn't give much indication of an opinion beyond her occasional off-key attempts at chirping small handfuls pawfuls of notes.
Morningflower tries a string of notes long enough to be limited by her breath support. She gets more pitches at least approximately correct but trends distinctly flat by the end. She lets Cam finish the piece solo after that.
When they get to the border he remarks, "I think it's cool you wanted to try it. If you don't wind up liking what results you can get with vocals I can set you up with a musical instrument sometime."
"I might only like music at all if I can find a non-decorative reason to; I still haven't decided. But to offer that is generous; thank you."
The first cat he comes across in RiverClan territory is a gray tabby peering curiously out from some reeds.
"Probably it should go in the camp; I can't imagine Leopardfur - er, star - would object, since you already put that spring there."
"I dunno, allied with? Working with? I heard he came to RiverClan with you. Unless there's more than one talking Twoleg Twolegging about."