Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"I have a form mostly ready; it needs a few last touches - " Here is a thin packet slid out from between some earlier pages of the magazine; here is a pen pulled from behind an ear, both offered to the space between Ellie and Felicity.
Ellie takes them. "Thank you, uh, sssssssss. Sir. - Citizen? Sorry." She buries herself in the paperwork.
Huh, Cam totally thought he was a woman, but he as far as he can recall did not act on that thought so he will just let it lie.
Ellie finishes the form, checks it over a few times, and makes faces at some of it but doesn't ultimately change anything. "Okay."
Then they can all go up to one of the nook-counter-window things together. Rome apparently isn't quite evil or incompetent enough to be anything less than perfectly polite to Ellie in front of the people paying thirty-some thousand alternate alternate universe dollars in order to free her; in fact the staffperson is quite celebratory. Elevation mumbles something about the mailman winning the lottery as he passes Ellie an 'I was manumitted today!' sticker. She doesn't apply it on anything.
And once the paper copies of Ellie's new documents are printed (with assurances that more durable versions will be mailed to her later), the staffperson informs the ensemble that they're free - he does a polite little customer-service laugh at the joke - to go.
"Well we can't just commit grievous moral abuses, we've also got to be tacky about it."
"Did you need anything else from me for now? I intend to continue generally existing in Londinium if something else comes up."
He fishes a rubber-banded stack of business cards out of a pocket and hands Cam one. Elevation D. Clarke, Spring Solq., Alphabet Conglomerate. Work phone, personal phone, "fac" number. An address. One cannot uplift humanity without its lowest members.
"We work to coordinate smaller and more specific activist and charitable organizations throughout the Empire and beyond in order to move resources and effort between them so we can collectively generate the most and most-impactful good. It's through them that I was called here to assist you today; I'm somewhat surprised you hadn't heard of us."
"I just asked Jesus if he happened to be able to help me out and he said he'd send you."