Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"So everyone but RiverClan will . . . be better at lying to each other?? Why are they getting left out?"
"Oh." She continues walking in silence a while.
" - Oh, I see, it's not actually about lying at all, is it."
"I mean, nothing stops you from putting lies on it, but yeah, that's not the central use case."
"I didn't know what else it might mean to manipulate information. But it's just for far-away talking of any kind? With whom?"
"Other people who have computers - so the other clans, but I'll be handing out more of these. In the long run it'll let you talk to twolegs who aren't me and don't speak cat, if you want."
"That seems . . . interesting. - I heard you've been escorted around the territories by Fireheart; is he well?"
"I'm glad to hear it; he's a good cat. He helped me carry my kit back here after we had been driven out by ShadowClan."
"Quite well. I heard you spoke with him this morning, I hope he was well behaved. Gorsepaw is his name."
"That having been established, if you tell me your name I will try to remember it for the duration of this conversation."
"Oh, that's pretty, most of the clan cat names are kind of lost on me aesthetically but I like yours."
"Oh. Thank you. I don't know much about Twoleg names to compare yours to."
I also had two other kits. They were stillborn, while we were in exile."
"A dirty Twoleg cave under some Thunderpaths without access to any prey but occasional rats isn't really the best environment for a kitting. I believe it happens less under more usual circumstances."
"Are rats bad to eat in some way? This is the second time I've heard them mentioned disparagingly and I think I would have expected them to taste about like mice."
"WindClan mostly doesn't eat mice either. But rats sometimes have Carrionplace disease, and they're big enough that colonies of them have killed cats before."