Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
I'm psychic! Don't worry about the details. I mean that; there's several avenues through which worrying about it might make things worse in some way. But to answer your previous questions: Verona sure exists, and probably other stuff too. It's just cats and humans. Esperanto plejparte samas, sed ne estas konstruita lingvo kaj havas malsamas namon. I almost just said a sentence in what would have sounded like an either horrible or intriguing mishmash of French and German but here's it in Latin instead; most of the ones here are kind of like that or don't match at all. I don't have any physics facts on tap - though that shouldn't be taken to mean you've come across everything - but I'll give you a biology one: you have and had a much hardier respiratory system than these folks; be careful with that when you're planting power and such.
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that with such compact genomes some robustness got jettisoned, I will mind the air pollution. Verona is an Italian town on my planet, is it not part of the Roman Empire? Are there any details that would not make things worse in some way that I could know?
No, it's a country by the Great Lakes, though it's surrounded by Rome. Probably things will go fine with them as long as you don't have any interactions where they don't know you're ridiculously powerful. And the genomes are unrelated to that; it's - do you get the joke if I say you shouldn't make any mosquitos here -
Are there not mosquitoes here? I mean, I guess if genetics is totally different the gene drive wouldn't work anyway...
There are not mosquitos here. Plenty of people are still listed as dying of malaria. It's hilarious, right?
I mean that's probably just the word meaning 'bad air'? Especially if everyone's lungs suck. Sort of like how influenza is not, apparently, viral here.
It super is that! Plenty of them are people who die in fires, from smoke inhalation; some places count drownings.
Good for you! They suck! Both literally and metaphorically. Why do you allow influenza-in-the-local-sense?
Is there anything else you WILL tell me that I might care to know before I go down and then up again to retrieve Felicity?
a cluster made of equal counts of summer solquinoxes and the even day before the autumn's crest
is isomorphic to the seasonchange that nests betwixt them
and if you took a cloud made of said seasonchange and mixed them
you'd have something identical to what you'd had before
(the one exception being that it's bigger, greater, more)
and this result can thrive by virtue of its composition
it cancels out the curse of one and gives the other mission
and so in terms of what you're looking for (or weren't but should've been) it seems that ms. felicity's the best
The One contains the memories and personality of the cat uplift person if you want to sort of ask her anything, though as always there's still a chance any of the other billions of jerks inside it might get in the way. Clouds with a wider spread of birthdays might not be incarnatable because we have seasonal genetics. You can probably get an answer about why there's malaria even though you couldn't get one about influenza. Periods are considered a type of influenza here. The One is sulking at me in backchannel about whether you liked its dumb pun.