Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"It's hard to say because I only got numbers yesterday and I wasn't attaching them to time as it went by. But maybe - a small handful-slash-pawful of decades for the Clan cats and their associated kittypets, a bit less than that for the Jellicles. That's the name for the Londinium ones; they're actually two separate strains of uplift-catnip."
"They are! It doesn't stop them from making truly idiotic decisions about who to have kittens with but they are."
"Huh! I guess I can interrogate Cricket about that on my own time if I think of questions about... cat asexuality."
"I'm also time-dilated since I'm dreaming too, but yes I still don't really know much about it since I didn't grow up enough."
"I mean I'd ask you if I had any questions about it now but I kind of don't, I just feel like there should exist cat asexuality questions that I happen not to have. Anything else?"
"StarClan isn't the whole afterlife, it's just what we call the part of it where all the Clan cats hang out. The Jellicles have one too, called the Heavyside Layer. They're working on reincarnation there but they haven't got it yet."
"Yes, it's all very nebulous; there isn't a consistent geography. Just lots of little places kind of like this one, built partly by the expectations and partly by the intentions of cats in them, with some other rules. I think most of the former Clan cats would pass on reincarnation because either they're doing good important work or they're doing stupid petty work or they're just sort of living about the same as they were except minus the scarcity and natural disasters and whatnot. But probably a lot of kittypets will want to go for it; this place can't do humans very well. They still move around and pet you and stuff but there's no one inside and you can tell."
"...would anybody like me to pet them while I'm here, and I can try to memorize a list of who-all wants to come back for whenever I find a family that would like a person-cat?"
"I'll ask around. You can pet me if you want; I've never had a person do it I don't think. Or the humans that were around me when I was alive might have ever but if they did I forgot about it because the part where they drowned me was much more memorable."
"Man, why did that one lady decide to uplift cats in a social environment where it's still socially acceptable to drown them." Pet pet.
"I don't know! I think I'm glad for it anyway but I can't imagine it was very well considered." He headbutts into the pets. "This is pretty nice but it's not that much nicer than having another cat groom you. - Oh, some of the other cats who were watching things with me thought you should pet Fireheart. They said that he basically asked you to and it's just that he never says anything straightforwardly. Or, it was just commentary; they didn't ask me to pass it on but I am telling you anyway."
"...I'm not actually sure that I should take your word for it, that would be pretty rude in my culture. Also I imagine if any other cats smelled it on my hand that would be embarrassing for him."
"No, just if it's going to be a while I'd want to try and think of more things to tell you than if it was sooner."
"It'll be whenever I have a few minutes and a place to lie down, I guess. Or something to tell you. Will it be really noticeable to Cricket if you give him a word? Such that I could tell him to tell me if he gets a weird one?"
"Only if it comes up. I guess you could . . . tell him a word, but not what it means, and that he should be on the lookout for suddenly knowing what that word in particular means?"
"Cute, I like it. For ones you initiate yourself it really does help if it's at night, by the way, though obviously daytime's not prohibitive. - Also probably don't tell Clan cats that I'm cool and funny and informationally-transparent; StarClanners like to keep a very serious, mysterious image."