Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"You have our sincere thanks for your efforts." It seems a true enough statement on the brown cat's part, though a few of his Clanmates are looking on in horror rather than grief.
Cam folds up the Hell Vet to bring back to his house later. "What do you normally do with dead bodies?"
"Crookedstar was a noble leader, and will be missed," says Fireheart, bowing his head and slipping through the curtain after the fountain placement cat.
"I'm sorry again about Graypool," Fireheart meows quietly. "For you and your brother, if you would pass on the condolences."
Mistyfoot looks like she really doesn't want to stand up and walk places but eventually she does anyway. Here they all go along the river.
"What are you planning to do here besides making water things and trying to save dying Clan leaders," she asks after a bit of silent padding along (and one false start where she forgets to keep her meows within the Twoleg range of hearing, before being gently corrected by Fireheart).
"Uh, I'd like to end material scarcity but I need to know more about what this world is like before I get really started on that." He scatters handsful of birdseed as he walks.
"This is a bit earlier than I told WindClan to expect us, Mistyfoot. Perhaps we'll cut back into ThunderClan here," meows Fireheart as they approach a human-made footbridge. A path continues off it in both directions, the farther aiming through some trees and the closer cutting through a field, which on closer inspection Cam's RV is on the other side of.