Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"I have some magical powers with medicinal applications and would be happy to try to help."
"It depends on what's wrong with him. I replaced somebody's entire leg yesterday but diseases are more complicated."
"Yes, Fireheart mentioned to us about Cinderpelt. Greencough is a different matter; I would like a demonstration of your power."
"...well, let me see if I can figure out what that is, first." Water quality test on the river.
The results turn up a couple of recognizable bad-news substances and several more unidentifiable ones.
"How rude of them! I can make a filtration fountain for you guys to drink from. And put up a 'no dumping' sign, though I don't know how effective that will be."
"...trickier. Even if I put a filter upstream in the river itself that won't immediately clear out the fish's poison. I can make new fish but that'll just improve your odds with every particular fish..."
"Making new fish would help substantially. The issue is less than it was last leaf-bare, but the fish which died then are still dead."
"Okay, sure, I can put a filter in the river and restock it with fish, plus a fountain for drinking. Won't completely fix the problem but hopefully it'll help. Plus the NO DUMPING sign but sometimes signs get ignored."
"Twolegs can talk to each other even when they aren't in the same place. A sign is - that, I think."
"Yeah, basically. I will make a visible rectangle and Twolegs who look at it will think 'ah, someone wanted to tell us "no dumping"' but they might ignore it."