Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
He sets it down on the ground. "One of their elders died yesterday, and their leader, Crookedstar, is very sick and on his last life."
"When they would otherwise die, they go into a brief trance and are healed of their lethal injuries."
"...gosh. Uh, I continue to be not very trained in medicine for cats, just twolegs, but I can see if it's obvious or something."
"RiverClan may appreciate your assistance. But I mostly wanted to explain things which will probably affect their moods today."
"All right. Hm, other things that might come up - you'll probably meet Graystripe; he was in ThunderClan until recently and he's a close friend of mine. We were apprentices together."
"It doesn't happen enough that there's a ceremony about it or anything. In Graystripe's case, he fell in love with a RiverClan cat, and when she died giving birth to his kits, they were going to be raised in ThunderClan. RiverClan wanted them instead and - he went with them."
"It was his choice, ultimately. Our camp was - attacked by some rogues, at a time when most of our warriors were away - and the RiverClan warriors who had come to ask for the kits helped drive them out. Most of us were still willing to fight to keep them, but Graystripe called it off."
"It's not really a 'do'; we defend our borders well. But the time that it did happen, it was because the deputy before me betrayed the Clan and brought rogues there in an attempt to increase his own power." One of Fireheart's ears flicks. "He's the leader of ShadowClan, now."
"They suffered a terrible plague recently; their leader, deputy, and many of their warriors all died."
"Wow, that really sucks. Remind me why you guys like living out in the forest without vets and everything?"
"I can imagine a future now where Clan cats can have productive relationships with Twolegs going forward, but - you don't really seem like someone who would be a kittypet, if you were a cat and couldn't talk to Twolegs - "
"I'm immune to diseases and getting hit by cars! I guess if I had nine lives that might be equivalent."
"It sounded like you thought of vets as something that might make some cats want to be kittypets? But the one I went to mostly just poked at me, and sometimes cats are different when they come back from them."
"I suppose the use of vets is probably not very obvious when you have no communication established. They're like medicine cats. The part where they neuter folks is a drawback I admittedly did not think of when I said that though."