Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"That's good.
Maybe if all the Twolegs end up finding out about the Clans, I'll go and thank my old housefolk, and let them know I'm doing well. I - my heart belongs in the forest, but they were all right, in their own way."
"I'd imagine conditions for cats would improve in households if everyone involved can communicate!"
"But if you like living in the forest for some reason far be it from me to suggest you stop."
"Of course I do. It's just - I respect the choices of cats who want to live as kittypets, but even for them, it's strange to think of Twolegs as . . . as basically the same as cats, instead of - like the weather. Something that just is the way it is."
"Twolegs are awfully bizarre! I understood them better than the other Clan cats but even so. - I suppose I imagine that we must seem very strange to you too."
"You seem culturally dissimilar but not that weird, really. Are there any persistent twoleg mysteries I can answer for you?"
"You mean the very thin hair on most of the body and more on top of the head? Uh, I don't know why it's like that here because I don't know if twolegs here evolved. Where I'm from this would involve explaining the underlying theory of why all living things are how they are and would still not in the specific be a satisfying answer."
"No, the way you change them. How do you even do that? Or, I suppose you can just make them, but how do the Twolegs who aren't magic get them."
"Oh! Clothes! They're not attached. We wear them because we think they look nice and they keep us whatever temperature we prefer to be and have pockets for carrying objects and other such practical purposes. Most fabric is made of fibers - like sheep wool, if you're acquainted with sheep, but you can also use plants and other things - twisted into very thin strings, and then wrapped around other such strings so it will hold together. At a lower technological level everyone has to do that themselves and it's very labor intensive but at this technological level machines can do a lot of it and most people just buy clothes."
"Technology is stuff that you can build or do because you know more things. Machines are a subset of technology that have complicated moving parts; they include cars, for example. Buying is exchanging tokens of value for other things - trade, but with half the trade abstracted every time, so you don't need to specifically have whatever the other party wants, you just assume they'll be able to buy it later."
"Oh, that's another mystery: please explain everything about monsters. - And if you can do anything about the Thunderpath without letting the other Twolegs know about the Clans yet . . ."
"- do you mean the large objects on wheels that travel quickly along paved areas of ground?"
"I don't know what wheels or paved are, but - the kittypet word is cars, I know, it's just that I'm not a kittypet. So: monsters."
"I feel like monsters implies they're alive and they aren't alive. They're intended to help twolegs get around faster and farther and with more stuff than they would otherwise be able to. I cannot prevent them from being used, but if there's a specific place that's a routine problem I could add a fence, maybe a bridge?"
"ShadowClan and Highstones are on the other side of a Thunderpath; many cats die or are injured there. Do you mean not alive as in dead or as in," he takes a moment to consider, "rocks."
"It is sometimes possible to replace parts of a living thing with machines but a machine by itself is never alive."
"Is Cinderpelt's new leg a machine? It obviously moves, and she said you were a medicine cat so I assume you had to know things in order to make it instead of just being able to do that with your magic automatically . . ."
"Cinderpelt's new leg is not a machine, and I don't have to know things very well to make them, I can copy things from the past or present. It's just like her other back leg. But it's possible to get around using a machine leg instead."