Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
so uh why are you trying to learn more about the world as an adult or whatever
in this particular way
I'd never tried omnilol before, believe it or not, and I hit a point where it seemed like tripping was the best way to figure out more of how everything fits together, you know?
were they like in a cult or something
do you need resources for how to not be in a cult anymore
I don't think I can actually get any of those for you from here
I'm fine; as you can see I can now just drive to a drugstore and get it whenever I want.
do you have a support system?
I think people who were in cults need a support system or whatever even if they're like, out
Must have misinterpreted the thing about not looking too closely. Who've you talked to?
uh, said hi to part of the One for a bit
a few randos from all over the world, living ones
a cloud that's part my dad
more rando clouds
buncha people I knew on earth came to visit, though all that
and then you
yeah, I mean why not, right
it's kind of a jerk to be honest but that's not that surprising who he is as a person
I just thought I would let it know I'd died and stuff
and now I don't have to really interact with him until we inevitably merge
which like doesn't really count cause I'm not gonna until we're both real big
are you super sure about being okay
uh, you know, the One cloud that has everybody except for the people it doesn't yet?
it's okay to need help when you need help
or something
you know?
I am very okay, just taking some new opportunities to learn stuff. I know what the One is but I didn't know that it spoke in parts.
oh okay
but yeah it's like dozens of billions of people
obviously no single star could hold its entire attention?
that would be terrifying
no it's like
I guess I hit my max on good metaphors for today
but like, I wasn't talking to a piece of it that's the same as just a single person used to be
oh oh okay I've got it
it's like
I wasn't talking to an egg, I was talking to a little cut off piece of a completed chocolate chip cookie
it's all one thing