Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"I didn't, I made it. Kind of right in front of you but perhaps you thought I was very good at sleight of hand. Please do not feel moved to leverage my awesome powers for world optimization, I am already on it and apparently you are under a horrible curse."
"It's so horrible. I have absolutely no suggestions for what you should do with this incredible power. Also it would surprise me a lot if omnilol weren't magic but I don't actually know."
"There are birthstones associated with each month, and people wear theirs for miscellaneous minor helpfulnesses, like nullifying influenza, and also you can put other kinds in arrays to create resonances for more serious healing. - I said 'you' but really I mean licensed professionals; it's complicated business. Oh, and sometimes they use different types of herbs as part of those, too."
"I'm trying to think of more really basic stuff that it's definitely safe for me to cover - uh, in your video thing it did not seem like you guys were geocentric; we obviously are, and the sun and the moon are the same size and distance away and they're always opposite each other . . ."
(There is, as she says this, something very moon-like visible through the sliding door. In the daytime.)
"It's . . . that? Sorry, that's not helpful - it's a sphere, hovers over the North pole, goes up and down, exudes cold, is why we have seasons?"
"The sun hits more or less directly on various parts of the sphere depending on how it tilts in its progress around the sun, and the tilt changes throughout the year. The equator has no seasons because the sunlight is equally direct at all times and the poles have weird seasons because their tilt situation is also unusual. Seasons north of and south of the equator are opposites."
"That's so weird. Doesn't that make it hard to keep track of things? And it's the same with your days and nights, isn't it; half the world is offset from each other all the time - or, wait, it's not even that because it would all be continuous - how does that work, societally - "
"We have things called time zones within which it is conventionally the same numerical time, though exact sunrise and sunset may differ by locality within a time zone just as they might depending on whether you're up a mountain or down a valley. There are twenty-four time zones so at any given moment twenty-four times are represented on Earth, modulo greebles."