Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
" - Right, you're from a different world or something. Uh, so around here, the summer solstice person is like, super inclined to do immoral-seeming things for the greater good, and then something literally always goes wrong with that and it ends up just being in fact bad. And I hugged Princess for emotional regulation even though I knew she didn't like it, because it seemed like being less emotionally regulated would make me more likely to do bad things and I didn't think she was a person."
"Ours is in June, but I suppose that could just reflect that we had a calendar reform you did not."
"January February March April May June July August September October November December."
"You have a month named September but it isn't the seventh one?? Also that's more than we have. - Unuary Druoary" (the first 'r' is silent) "Triinary Tetrinary Quintamber Hexumber September October."
"I acknowledge that this makes more numerical sense than ours but how long are your years?"
"I would pronounce four zero zero 'four hundred'. I did not learn this language magically upon arrival like I did cat language, but rather already knew a strikingly similar language from home."
"That's . . . weird . . . Uh, but no, four hundred is base ten, which would make it - " she counts on her fingers, mumbling, "one two four eight sixteen thirty-two sixty-four one twenty-eight - two hundred and fifty-six days."
"We have a language called Latin! Had. It's a dead language. Many modern languages are descended from it though."
"That's - probably not actually weirder than having almost the rest of the language be the same?? How's your Rome doing."
"It is a perfectly nice city in Italy, the state the central boot-shaped peninsula from which the Empire reigned later turned into. They speak Italian, which is derived from but not identical to Latin."