Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"And I will go make sure the supply of cat food is plentiful - anybody want to come with me to make sure my cunning packaging ideas are also cat-openable? -"
Then they can all join him and make sure that they can claw or bite open blister packs containing various delicacies and operate the kibble dispenser. The trash can is over there.
Most of them are cat-openable but not these two, at least on a short time scale. One of the kittens is really mangling the plastic on one of the harder ones. Everybody else snarf snarf snarf snarf snarfs.
"I don't recommend eating the plastic," Cam tells the kitten, tossing the rejected packaging types and rendering abundant the good ones. "What is you guys's preferred excretion situation, do you like sand or litter or do you want to learn to use plumbing or what?"
He will go wake up Cricket from where he's napping in the shuttle and have him demonstrate plumbing usage since he has already been taught to do it, and he sets up an automatic sand-over-here-litter-over-there system not far from one of the park that will scoop up and dump over the side solid clumps.
Oh, woah, plumbing is pretty interesting actually; several of the cats who voted against it are intrigued.
One cat who wasn't in the food testing group approaches. "Are there any - " Her voice is scratchy and breaky; she coughs. "Are there houses made for cats?"
"I haven't made any that are specifically for cats, but I did leave some space. What should a house for a cat be like?"
"It should have doors we can open."
"And soft things and small spaces."
"A mix of small and tall spaces."
"Things to climb on and room to run around."
"Small spaces that are up high."
"Here, let's walk through one." He opens the nearest unclaimed house. With his other hand he's got his computer and is CADing a house amount of cat furniture.
"Stuff for humans to make and store food with. It's possible you'd like complicated food too with some iteration and taste-testing, but my understanding is that you do not currently have such a sophisticated taste for seasoning and exact temperatures and stuff that you'd benefit from kitchens."
"Why do they need help with that," one says at the same time as the creamsicle-colored one asks, "Does it work on cats?"
"It is not sized for cats, but it would not somehow fail to spray water on cats if cats went into it and turned it on. Humans don't lick themselves. Or each other, at least usually and for cleaning purposes."
The scrungliest one sticks a paw in, then runs a few steps away and shakes off the water. "The basin."