"Uh, okay." Marian logs into the computer and starts poking.
The most recent set of labs, marked as drawn at 6:27 am, are still PENDING. Marian skims through Ma'ar's overnight blood sugars and med record. She divides her piece of paper into its usual quadrants and starts taking notes.
The vital signs flowsheet, pulled automatically from the monitor, is set to only update hourly. Ma'ar's 3 am temp was 38.1, 4 am was 38.3, 5 am was already 39.5. Can she change that retroactively...? Apparently she CAN. She sets it to q15min, refreshes it, is able to pick out that he was up to 38.4 by 4:30 and then spiked fast. And hasn't come down since. He's had Tylenol, long enough ago that it should have taken full effect by now, and fluids and antibiotics, and he's still at 39.3.
The heart rate increase starts earlier, she notes. He was in the 60s most of yesterday. There's a big spike around midnight, he was running in the 150s for a while, and then he settles back down, but doesn't go lower than 80. By 4 am he's running in the mid-90s. By 5 am his baseline is above 100, and it hasn't come down since. She's dubious that it's pain-related; the recent dose of Dilaudid didn't really touch it. And his blood pressures are...fine, but not sky-high like they were during his panic attack yesterday, or during whatever the fuck happened at midnight. He's sitting at 108/62 right now.
She's still working on her coffee and her worksheet, waiting for Nellie, when the phone rings. LAB, it says. She answers it.
"- Nellie? We got critical results." To the lab tech, "- yeah go ahead, sorry."
She writes them down. Sodium at 126, e.g. really fucking low. Potassium at 2.7, likewise a critically low result. Lactate is 4.1 - not panic-level high but pretty concerning - blood pH is too low, down at 7.28 despite his also-low CO2. His bicarbonate is in the basement. Metabolic acidosis, partially but not fully compensated, his body is breathing faster to clear extra CO2 and raise his blood pH but not all the way. Probably the lactate is responsible.
Oh and his white count is 32. Not technically critical but it's gone from normal to pretty damn high.
Marian is starting to wonder if Ma'ar actually is sick enough - or at least will be soon - to make a 1:1 assignment reasonable. She doesn't like it.