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someone needs to tell first age exalted ellie and fate that you're not supposed to select the same person for all of "bed, wed, behead"
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Long, considering hum.



Excited hug and kiss!


Kisses! (She loves making Elathea excited like this, enough to wash away entirely all her trepidation.)


"Then, my dear. I would like to invite you to accompany me to my manse on the Blessed Isle. How soon can you be ready to leave?"


"I've already packed."


"How forward-thinking. You can help with my things, then."


"Alright." Kiss!


Kiss! And then preparations to leave. Which mostly involves packing up the last of the books; Elathea has already arranged continuation of the bureaucracy and associated governmental and caretaking institutions and so forth.

And then to an empty courtyard, quite sizable. She sketches a convoluted series of diagrams on the ground with a piece of chalk. Finishing, she pulls out an amulet, orichalcum with an enormous ruby. She holds it up, and it throbs with with power. Elathea speaks a mystic word.

A blaze of sunlight erupts into the air. When it vanishes, it reveals a chariot and a stallion, poured of molten gold.


She laughs, delighted. "It's pretty!"


"Beauty is among the many aspects the Sun will claim to be unconquered in. He deigns to share a portion of that gift with his conveyances."


"Sadly, I think universal beauty is one area the Sun will have to concede in. Impossible to meet everyone's tastes if you can't shapeshift, after all."


"I won't be arguing the point."


Giggle kiss. "You meet all my standards just as you are, though."



Then to load all their things and board themselves. Elathea takes the reins and off they thunder into the sky, landscape rushing past below.


She cackles, hanging over the edge to stare at Creation below.


She gets a very accelerated view of the direct path to Elathea's home on the Blessed Isle.

In about three hours, they're circling for a landing.


"Quite exceptionally fast," she says, almost teasingly. 


"That is rather the point. As entertaining as three months with no one but you in a thirty-mile radius would be, I do like sleeping in real beds."


"I won't take you on too long of a camping trip, then."


"Not until you find a tiger big enough to bed and blanket all at once," she laughs.


"Hm... There's this one Lunar who can make all his shapes grow larger, I might ask him how he does it."


"Fair enough."

She brings them down to land on a rooftop that seems to have been more or less designed for the chariot, judging by the chiseled inscriptions and easy access to the interior of the building with a large door and sloping ramp.


Well, if you have the chariot, it'd be a shame not to use it, and silly not to design things for it. 

Still, she takes note of some of the design in case it's useful for other things (like, creating a landing pad for Elathea to come visit her).

(She's trying not to be stressed about being back in the Blessed Isle.)


Perhaps Elathea can distract her with a tour of the building, meeting the staff, exploring the grounds...


Pretty well; Elathea has excellent taste, and Gleam enjoys seeing everything she likes. 

She also enjoys chatting with the staff - especially any who aren't too stiff around her. (She... Should probably try to make friends here who aren't connected to Elathea, if she'll be staying any length... But 'the staff' is a good place to start.)

(And it lets her subtly sound out said staff's opinions of Elathea.)

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