Yvette finds herself in the unenviable position of coming into existence in free fall at almost terminal velocity
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"Having good taste?" Nuzzle nuzzle. "Darling. Shhhh. It's okay."


Of course it's okay it's just not very ego-syntonic.


Little giggle, petpetpetpet.

He's so cute. She's keeping him, wait, wait, no, that's not the correct way to think about someone. She would like to keep him in her life. There. Yes. Good. Acceptable.


Still not a mind reader, still mostly content to be where he is.


The mind reader doesn't want to fill him in on her thoughts right now, he is tired and sleepy and this takes precedence.

Also she's tired and sleepy too, she guesses.


zzz good night



"Good night," she murmurs, and then eventually drifts off herself.


He is awake before she is, and he freezes in terror for the two seconds it takes for his sleep-addled brain to remember the whirlwind of a day he had yesterday, but then he relaxes and smiles at her.


Her brow furrows a little in her sleep, but it smooths out when he relaxes. She will probably have problems sleeping at any hotels, if she even hears thoughts when she's asleep.


...yeah. That sounds very unpleasant.

But maybe she won't need to.




Eventually, she does stir.

"Mmnh," she mumbles, moving towards him for More Cuddles.


He has by then fetched a book to read, but he puts it down for More Cuddles.


"Good morning." He can feel her smiling into his skin.


"'Morning. Sleep well?"


"Probably, though I have nothing to compare it to," she says, with a yawn. "I was half expecting to get shunted back to my mindscape with my siblings, but I guess that wasn't that kind of unconsciousness."


Oh right that's a thing. She has a whole host of psychic stuff going on, huh?


"Mhmm. Sire-dearest likes specializing bodies. I think I have a couple different psychic things, stacked up neatly on top of one another to make a cake. A psychic cake." Yaaaawn. "... Mornings are probably not for figuring out these kinds of questions."


Oh is she one of those people then.


"Your guess is probably better than mine, with both more context and the ability to observe me from outside." Nuzzle. "This is nice."


It's very nice. Another thing he hadn't had before and hadn't... known was missing.


She gives an affirmative hum. "Glad I could help." Nuzzle nuzzle. "Though to be fair, I didn't know I was missing this either."


Was she even missing it? It's only been a few hours after all.


"I think we can now move the estimation of how old I am to a full day," she sniffs, loftily. "But I also mean in my... vague library of what life can be like. This is not the sort of thing my sire had. I'm breaking new ground."


That's... kind of really depressing, wow, and they're hundreds maybe thousands of years old.


"Isn't it? I... kind of pity them, now that I think about it."

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