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Red Tide
Yvette finds herself in the unenviable position of coming into existence in free fall at almost terminal velocity
Permalink Mark Unread

Her first conscious experience is a weightless feeling, the muffled sound of wind, and the gnawing feeling that she's forgotten something terribly important. It's like waking up from deep sleep with all the world around her ablaze, except worse. Was she asleep? She feels like she'd been dreaming, but that's not right. It's sort of right, but it isn't, and she can't put any words to why. There's no before the not-dreaming, she doesn't know her name or who she is or what she even looks like. This... does not seem normal. Wait, that doesn't make sense, either. How does she have any idea what normal is when she doesn't remember anything at all? She doesn't understand. What is this thing she's in, why is there the sound of wind, why does her weight seem weird, why does she have a concept of what weight is and isn't weird, isn't that more strange than anything else?

And then the protective cocoon around her tears, and is ripped away, and many of her questions are answered. The ones that aren't are tabled for later, because she has bigger problems right now. Like falling out of the sky. Like that. Quite reasonably, her second conscious experience is panic. This does not seem like a problem she is equipped to solve. Knowledge from... somewhere... notes that this fall is not from the kind of height people survive, especially not someone completely unprepared. A confused amnesiac is probably even less equipped to handle it than the average person. This is so incredibly unfair.

She has enough practicality to flatten herself out to catch the wind. This buys her enough time to figure out that she has no kind of device, some parachute or propulsion system or something, to slow her own fall or catch enough wind to slow herself down enough. And then also to curse, or at least try to, because the ground is very close and she is out of time.

"Oh, fuc—" she begins, and then is cut off by crashing (painfully) into some kind of large glass dome. Ha, she thinks, through the pain and the confusion as she crashes through it, at least I beat the dome in resilience! This is an outrageously petty victory, but it's all she has.

Then she crashes into something else, and all she knows is pain and darkness.

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...what in hells.

A falling star from a crumbling moon. No, no star—a person, falling to their likely death.

This has nothing to do with him. Nothing. He should turn around and pretend he didn't see it. Nevermind that the moon was a creation of that ten times damned self-styled god. He should look away and pretend he never saw it.

Damn him, he does not. Instead he—what is he even doing?—stills that person's fall. Not by much, the device he's using can't very well stop them—but maybe by enough. Maybe, if they are lucky and well-built, they will survive.

Maybe, but he has to go check anyway, damn him twice over.

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The dome had been impregnable before, completely without any kind of obvious entrance and about as nondescript as anything else in the Reef of Fallen Worlds can be. Just one more bit of random, complicated tech that washed up ashore. Apparently the person's entrance was enough to crack it open, because there's a hole in the ceiling and a crack down the side that's big enough for Aleks to fit through. He gets what lots of hopeful reef-sifters hope for their entire lives to get; first grabs at whatever's inside.

Unfortunately, the main attraction of whatever's inside looks like it's been broken into pieces by this person's landing. The large crystalline object (coffin? pod? it could certainly fit a person) is in pieces, cracked open to reveal its hollow center, like an empty eggshell. Even the array of five arms around the main attraction wasn't spared this wayward not-star's wrath; one is lying in pieces on the floor, sparking unhappily.

And in the middle of the destruction is what looks like a young woman, lying broken in the crater of her own creation. Her short hair is a familiar shade of red, and there's a mark like a stylized pentagon on her temple. Aleks has seen both it, and her, before.

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"—you!" hisses the man, drawing a pistol more quickly than the eye can track and pointing it at the prone form on the floor.

...prone and unmoving. Is it... are they... dead? He dares not approach, not yet. He merely observes, gun at the ready. And he waits.

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For a few seconds, there is no movement. The person looks, for all intents and purposes, dead. Then there's... some kind of pressure building, in his head. Not physically, but on Aleks's mind. Pushing uncomfortably at him, at his sense of self. And then in a rush it releases, and the broken woman takes a shuddering breath. The black bodysuit she's wearing conceals a lot of the details and seems to have succeeded at disguising the blood, but there is no disguising the unpleasant cracking noise of bones being shoved back together.

Her eyes flutter open, and she lets out a low groan.

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The man tenses, gun still pointed at her, safety clicked. Not that it will work; if this is them, if this is the Changing God...

Still. Better with a gun than with no gun.

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Eyes search above and then around for something recognizable, eventually fixing on Aleks.

".... I'm sorry," she mumbles to him, a little dazed, "was this yours?"

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"I thought I beat the dome in resilience, but upon reflection, there were no winners here," she elaborates. Then, hissing with pain, she starts attempting to sit up—there is another unpleasant crack. She makes a face, but continues her motion, and now she has a better vantage point to look around in clear confusion.

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"...are you them. Are you the Changing God."

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".... Maybe?" she says after a thoughtful pause, looking genuinely stumped.

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The man starts cussing in some other language and reholsters his gun.

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Okay, well. Apparently she is not the Changing God. Okay. She resumes looking around to see where she's landed. Her eyes fix on the broken shards of crystal behind and around her.

"... Oh, skist," she mutters, blinking at it. "I think I might have needed that."

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...............damn him thrice over he offers her a hand to her feet.

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"Um. It's supposed to stop a... bad thing. A bad hunting murder thing." She blinks at him with confusion, then takes the offered hand and (clumsily) stands, wobbling a bit. "The.... Sorrow? That's a dumb name, why is it named that."

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"You seem to know a lot for someone who doesn't know if they're the Changing God."

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"Honestly what I do and don't know is completely nonsensical! Why do I know language, or what gravity is, or the difference between a stratosphere and a thermosphere! It's kind of frustrating."

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Castoff or self-amnesia, then. He wouldn't put it past the bastard.

"Do you at least know why you fell?"

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"Something... was attacking." Confused blink. "The Sorrow? Maybe because of the dumb name, I'd be mad if someone named me 'The Sorrow.' Um. And then I was in a... cocoon thing... and then it broke open and I was falling."

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"I see."

He doesn't, not really. He starts looking around, himself, for anything of value (although he thinks the Changing God's latest castoff is very likely to be the most valuable thing here).

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The interior of the broken and sparking arm looks like it has some kind of synthskin container. The end of the arm itself looks like some kind of injector, or perhaps scalpel, so plausibly the synthskin was for fixing the subject after they were cut-or-injected-or-something. There are some devices arrayed around the perimeter of the interior of the dome, but if any of those hold easily scavenged prizes, they're not obvious about it.

The latest castoff (probably) is investigating the crystal chamber itself. And talking. She seems to be talking.

"How is this supposed to help with the Sorrow, though?" She leans down and carefully picks up a shard of crystal for inspection. ".... 'Resonance chamber'? Resonance of what? Was it for making sure it couldn't find me? Disrupt resonance between us? Or amplify it as a weapon to, deafen it or something? Why was I supposed to go in it." She eyes the pointy arms skeptically. "That does not look like it would have been good for my health."

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"Falling onto it can't have been a better option," says the man without turning around to look at her, still examining the various (apparently useless) things around.

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This earns a little giggle!

"It might have been, though! It depends on how it was going to do... whatever it was going to do. You can achieve world peace by killing everyone in the world, but that doesn't make it a good solution!"

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"That was a very specific and entirely unenlightening comparison."

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"Was it specific? It doesn't seem very specific. There was no specification about how the horrible genocide would be achieved, which I guess matters... any... for how good of a solution it isn't. There are worse ways to do it than others. But anyway, the rhetoric is just obvious, right?" She leans over to peer inside the hollow crystal shell. "You can technically fulfill criteria without the end result being anything like what you want. Maybe this is like that. I don't know, I don't know how it does what it was supposed to do."

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"Which is stop whatever 'The Sorrow' is from doing whatever it was trying to do to your sire before they decided to jump ship again and leave you to your death."

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"... there was no ship involved, though? I'd have mentioned."

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"You are the ship."

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She straightens up from where she was peering at the interior of the crystal, then looks down at herself, then back up at Aleks.

"... no?"

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He covers his eyes with a hand and counts to ten, breathing deeply. "Never mind."

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"... Okay," she agrees. "Well, I have no idea what this thing is, or how it was supposed to work, or why it's called a resonance chamber. I think I want to figure that out, it seems important." She looks at the little crystal shard still in her hands. "Probably showing a sample to people might get me on the right track. Do I have any pockets? .... Why do I not have pockets."

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Because your sire doesn't care enough about you or anyone else to have left you anything before they vacated the premises, the man doesn't say. He chooses to shrug, instead.

Notably, he's wearing a long full-body coat with many, many pockets.

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"Oh you meant the body!" she says, with dawning realization. "As in they were in it and then they left and now I'm here. And I'm... new and whatever was left over."

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She pauses, then makes a face. "... Wow, what an asshole."

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That startles a snort out of him. "You're telling me."

Asshole doesn't even begin to cover it.

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"Why would they not have pockets, though!" grumbles the latest castoff, offended. She steps away from the wreckage she landed in to start investigating the rest of the dome. "Me not having pockets means they didn't have pockets either!! That's just dumb, pockets are great. If I'm whatever was left over they left important bits behind!"

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"You said you were in a cocoon, did you not? Maybe the cocoon gave you the... whatever-it-is you're wearing."

Better than being naked.

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"Mmmmmno it didn't have that kind of apparatus, and if it were a conscious nanobiological entity of some kind it'd have handled the fall better. Escape pod or protective capsule is more likely. I think I was already wearing this. Maybe some extra bits on top? It probably doesn't actually matter, it's just offensive."

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The man snorts again. "Then be offended, for all the good that will do." The Changing God does not change.

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"It's not really to do good. Just for me."

What does this device on the edge of the interior of the dome do? She's going to poke it and find out!

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"What are you—don't touch things you don't know—!"

But as she approaches it, a triangle of lights on its casing blazes into life and an image unfolds in her mind.

A towering crystal, a jagged, grey landscape, dead and stifling air, and at its peak—

The image disappears as quickly as it came, and a voice comes from the device. "Command me," it says, somehow managing to sound condescending despite being completely inflectionless.

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Huh. That's... interesting.

"Please display a list of commands," requests the dumb idiot who is poking strange tech that she definitely doesn't understand in the slightest. Very politely.

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"You are going to get yourself killed, or worse, me."

But the machine obliges, although its lights flash in what seems to be a distinctly irritated fashion. Heated air is spat out of its vents as an enormous list of commands races through her mind, far too fast to read.

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"This doesn't look like it houses a defense system, but you can wait outside of the dome if you'd feel safer!" Then, distracted, she squints at the list of commands. Scrolling rapidly past her. ".... Please display a list of commands slower."

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Here's the list again! ......faster than the previous time.

"Commaaaaaand. Meeeeeeeeee," it drawls at her.

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"Please be slightly less obnoxious about following my commands!" says the last castoff, brightly. "Does intelligence come with that condescension of yours, because for someone housed in a box with only the ability to say two words it seems very dumb to be rude to the people outside it! Come on, display a list of commands at a sensible, readable speed."

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The machine buzzes and the lights flash in that distinctly irritated way again. Here's the list of commands! Now it merely blinks for half a second in front of her mind's eye. "Command me," it sighs for the third time, sounding resigned now.

"If that machine sprouts a gun and kills you I will laugh."

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"If it had the ability to try to kill me I think it would have already been trying, clearly it started hostile. I think it's just throwing a temper tantrum with what little power it has." She hums thoughtfully. "Which is actually rather reasonable, but still very rude. Come on, thing in the box, I'm not the bad guy here. If you're intelligent and want out of it, I have to have some idea of how your box works to extract you safely and find a compatible replacement chassis that can do more than petulantly ask for commands!"

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It doesn't display the commands anymore, and instead hisses once more through its vents and says, "Your command was not understood." It sounds smug enough that it probably did understand, but is choosing not to respond usefully. "Command me."

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The young woman huffs.

"You are badly designed on every level, your interface is garbage, and none of it even seems to be fully under your control, or you wouldn't respond at all. If you have any level of intelligence, it is a complete waste of processing power, and I almost think you deserve to sit in there doing nothing for the next century because you don't know how to make nice."

Then she kicks it, once, and flounces away. "Enjoy however long your processors last before someone takes you apart for spare parts instead of trying to help you, asshole!" she calls over her shoulder.

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The lights flutter in definitive alarm just before her foot smashes into the device's base and there is a noticeable crunch noise from the inside. "Cell-Gating damaged," says the machine as its lights' flickering gets more frantic and smoke starts coming out of it. "All prisoners lost. Shuttering Lugum Vo."

Then the lights finally flicker out.

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...that was kind of amusing, he has to admit.

"I don't think that was very productive of you."

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"It was not!" she agrees. "Do you see anything else potentially useful in here, or can we leave our rude company behind? That thing over there looks like it's the power generator but also looks like it'll explode if it's sneezed on too hard so I'm not touching it."

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"So you do have a drop of sense in you. I was wondering."

What's that we doing in that sentence there?

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"I don't really think sense can be measured in drops," she muses. "Not without some kind of very obscure numenera, but really that seems like such a terrible way to store sense. Liquid forms are really mutable and that's likely to introduce a lot of potential flaws. Solid would be safer."

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He does not know what he was expecting. Clearly she did not come with turns of phrase installed.

The man shrugs and turns towards the crack in the dome that passes for its entrance.

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That seems like it's a 'no' for anything else that might be salvageable, then!

Possibly he should have fashioned some kind of leash for his traveling companion, because when she steps outside she lights up like a child on her birthday.

"Ooooo," she says, of the many, many bits of the once-treasures and technologies of past civilizations arrayed haphazardly before them.

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"No, not 'ooo'," he says. "This is the Reef of Fallen Worlds, and it is approximately maximally designed to tempt you into blowing yourself up by poking the wrong thing." Or the wrong person; he will not have been the only one attracted by the falling star that might contain treasures, and they will certainly find the Changing God's latest castoff to be a nice treasure in her own right.

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"It clearly wasn't designed though! Besides, everyone's picked over all of the easy bits, and the deadly bits are the ones that look fine anyway, so anything neat will actually take some level of patience or cleverness and so it is interesting! I bet I can find something cool."

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"Not if 'something cool' finds you first, instead."

He's not even sure what he means by that. Probably he's talking about the scavengers.

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"Hmm! That's a good point. How obvious was I went I fell from the sky?"

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"Rather. A bright falling star, visible despite plain daylight."

There's that drop of sense, again, he was starting to think he'd imagined it.

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"Oh. Then we probably want to leave." She looks sadly at the reef, then stage-whispers, "I'll come back for you!"

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There's that we again. He agrees, though, and leads the way up a broken ramp and across what seems to be a bridge made of light leading to the unsubmerged top of what looks like a sunken airship or something like that.

Except he notices a small group of people coming right in their direction from up ahead and starts cursing in that other language again.

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Oh. Uh. Oh dear.

Does her companion know what to do? Because she doesn't. There aren't even any decent places to hide.

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He seems to have resigned himself to a confrontation of some kind, and stops walking, crossing his arms—

—(he's faster than them anyway, he can reach for his pistol and shoot them before they can even think to pull a trigger)—

—to wait for them to arrive.

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It's a group of four, one of them obviously leading the others by the way he carries himself and his presence. He's a wiry man with parallel scars running from his left cheek to his left collarbone and wearing grey gloves embedded with pulsing lights.

Ah, he thinks, one of these two is probably the star, or came from it. He's betting on the woman, she looks like the more clueless of the two by far. "Well met, friends," he says with an easy smile. His cronies fan out around him, casually blocking their passage.

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"Hello," says her companion neutrally.

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“Are we though? Friends? We just met.”

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Please don't come off as that clueless so easily.

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The man laughs like that's the funniest joke he's heard in a while. The smile doesn't really quite reach his eyes, though.

"Well, friendships can start at the strangest of places and times."

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"They can, but I'm afraid we are not interested."

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"He's cranky because I wouldn't let him at the star," she says in a stage whisper.

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...he slowly turns to look at her with the most genuinely incredulous stare.

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"So you have seen it!" the man replies brightly. "You wouldn't let him at it, you say?"

She is... probably lying. Probably.

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“Nope! Too dangerous.” She points back at the dome she landed on, perfectly innocently. “Broke through that dome there. There’s even a shiny new crack in it that you could probably fit through to squeeze inside. But! I saw an unstable vanometric power cell in there and there is no way I was going to let him go in to poke around. Unknown numenera, broke through that dome, and hanging out in there with that? Ha! No thank you.”

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...so that's what she's playing at. That's... surprisingly clever.

He will play along by folding his arms again and looking away from her.

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"...in there, you say?"

She... doesn't look like she's lying. He's real good at this whole 'lying' thing and she does not look like she is.

    One of the man's thugs, the one closest to him, looks agitated and leans towards him to say, "I've heard of vanometric power cells. I think they can take down an entire block."

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“There might be an expert in town that could figure out how to disable it safely. Or one of you might be able to manage it? But I couldn’t, not my specialty.”

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"Came all the way over here for fucking nothing," mutters her companion under his breath.

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"...I think I'll give it a look anyway, but many thanks for the friendly warning." Maybe it's not as bad as it sounds? Still... might be a lost cause, then. "And if you're ever in need of someone to run some errands for you, either of you, the name's Qorro. Just ask around, you'll find me."

He inclines his head subtly and his thugs relax and follow him as he walks past her and her new companion.

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“Sure. Thanks. And good luck if you go for it!”

And then they can leave. When they’re far enough away, she lets out the breath she was holding through her teeth.

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As does he. "That was... some incredible thinking on your feet," he says, sounding genuinely impressed. "Is that a real thing? Vanometric power cells?"

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“Thanks! It seemed the obvious way to be harmless? Scavengers like them, but we gave up. And yes, they’re a thing, it’s even what was really in there, and I really don’t know how to disable it safely.”

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"They might figure out you were lying when they find the whole place wrecked and no obvious thing that wrecked it."

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“If they go in. If they don’t realize the giant crystal wasn’t the thing. If they don’t go find an actual expert. If it wasn’t someone else entirely. If they can find us after they realize. But yeah let’s not stand here and talk about it I… did not like them.”

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Does that mean she likes him? He's so flattered.

"Out of this wretched place, then."

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“He doesn’t mean that, you’re lovely, and I’ll be back later!” she says, to the reef. But yes, leaving.

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"Circus Minor," he says after some more walking up ramps and stairs, through an angled stone arc, to an elevated terrace with tents, buildings, pillars, monuments, and most of all people. "Market and host to all sorts of merchants and spectacles," he elaborates dryly, and then wonders why the hell he's playing tour guide to the castoff.

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Maybe because she's smiling at him like that! Because she's smiling at him very much. He is definitely her favorite person in the world. Also the first one she's ever met, but, still.

"A market! Can we get me new clothes? With pockets? And... less sticky bloodstains?" She pokes at a bit of her black bodysuit. Just because the blood doesn't show doesn't mean that she doesn't feel it.

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"...aye," he says, wrinkling his nose. "I may know a place or two."

Again, why is he helping.

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"I solemnly swear to pay you back. Because I am completely broke," she says, very seriously.

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The man snorts and waves a hand vaguely.

Here's a tent that sells clothes. One can buy them there. Does the nameless castoff have preferences?

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She is firm about her pocket preference, and after a contemplative pause decides that she would like to wear A Color. She is not sure which color, but definitely a color. Thoughtfully, she compares the red wisps of her short (and a little singed) hair to some of the colors available, and picks out something flowy in green. With many pockets. Many.

"Probably it would be smart to get clean before I change," she muses, tucking away the crystal shard that she had been awkwardly holding in her hand into one of the pockets that has a little flap to keep whatever is held inside still.

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"Neither Falinda nor Steristi could believe it," comes a voice from a nearby tent before the castoff's companion can reply. The owner of said voice is covered entirely, head to toe, in tightly-wound robes and furs. Entirely, that is, except for their face; their face is covered by a mask. They have a companion, similarly garbed if slightly differently coloured, and both of them seem to be staring (?) directly at the castoff. "Had she come in shame," the merchant continues, "ready to return what she had taken? No. Her hands were empty, her and her companion's expressions baffled."

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The nameless castoff blinks, frowns, then turns and makes a beeline for the duo that seem to be mad at her.

"I'm extremely sorry, what exactly had been taken? And would you accept monetary compensation for it, sometime in the future after I have actually earned literally any shins to my... lack of name?"

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"Falinda was shocked to have been so readily acknowledged, and briefly confused by the thief's feigned ignorance, but quickly hid its surprise and schooled its features to protest: nay, that book was one-of-a-kind, and mere monetary compensation would not overcome the ten years of grief the loss of this book had caused. Only returning it would suffice to settle this debt."

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"Oh. That will be harder, but I will try to find it, and try to make it up to you if I can't. Describe the one-of-a-kind book, please?"

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"The thief asked, and though Falinda was once again taken aback by the thief's actions, it was no cost at all to relay the description, for the merchant's memory was as a library, itself. The book, said Falinda, is easy to recognise by the five-coloured sigil on its cover, and the fact that it is sealed and impossible to open. As you would know, the merchant added in a mutter to itself, for you were the one to take it in the first place all those years ago."

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"Okay. Thank you. I'll do my best, but I am admittedly a wandering amnesiac, so. Uh. Sorry."

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"A convenient excuse, thought Falinda to itself, but so long as the thief honored her word and returned the book, the merchant would be satisfied. Temporarily. And so it and its partner returned to work."

As they indeed do, turning back into their tent to resume organising books.

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Okay. That was nicer than they could have been.

She ambles back to her own companion. "That was more offensive than the pockets," she informs him, solemnly.

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"...what, having stolen a book?" asks her companion with some amusement as he starts leading her somewhere once more.

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She trails after him like she's some kind of duckling that's imprinted on him.

"Yes. Did this body's last occupant make a habit of just stealing things? Am I going to have a bunch of people showing up and pointing at me, being mad at me for a thing I didn't do, but that they very reasonably think I did?"

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"I think stealing in particular was not so common, but more because your sire's crimes were so numerous and varied that any one type of crime can only make up a small fraction of the total."

He still sounds amused.

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"Wow. I hate it."

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"One problem at a time. You stinking is the first."

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"... Do I stink? Did they also not bathe on top of everything else??"

She stops to sniff herself with some clear concern.

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"Blood has a smell, you know."

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"Oh." She resumes following him. "Then I guess I have one less reason to be mad. Maybe. Even though that one is... also still their fault, though."

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"I am going to go out on a limb and predict that a full two-thirds of your problems will be because of something they did."

As a very conservative estimate.

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"That's kind of depressing," she muses. "Oh, that looks familiar and interesting, hold on, can you hold this?"

Aleks gets passed her bundle of new clothes and crystal sample, and she immediately heads off to go look at something from up close.

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"Are you about to go touch more things?" he says, rolling his eyes and taking her bundle of stuff...

...and then he sees what it is exactly she found interesting. Oh no.

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There in the corner, behind all of the tents and almost trying to be inconspicuous for how conspicuous it is, is a... device of some sort.

It's strange in approximately every detail, its colour and shape and the way it moves—but strangest of all is the way it's transparent, not like something made of glass or anything like that, but instead more like it's the ghost of an object, unmoored from the present reality.

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So clearly something is going on with this clock, but she can’t figure out what without a closer look. Something to do with time would be very aesthetic, with its clear clock nature, but assumptions like that are dangerous. Probably. They’re probably dangerous. This feels logical, but she admittedly doesn’t have very much life experience to draw on, so. She’s making educated guesses.

The people in front of the clock are not interesting, and she ignores them accordingly.

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Her travel mate doesn't cuss under his breath but he does cuss in his head when one of the uninteresting people in front of the clock doesn't ignore her, and instead gasps as she sees her. Her companion, more remarkable than her by the way light sparkles between his fingers as he twitches them, seems equally taken aback.

    "It is an honour," he says in a deep, sonorous boom. His eyes flicker to the castoff's companion for a second, a spark of recognition in them, but he quickly turns back to look at the castoff herself.

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"Mm?" says the distracted nerd who keeps poking strange things, blinking out of her musings. (It's not clear whether this looks like a temporal anomaly or a dimensional anomaly or something else entirely, and furthermore why it looks familiar, and she's very curious!) She looks at the people that seem to be... addressing her. And saying that something is an honor.

"Hello. I'm sorry, what's an honor? I didn't mean to interrupt anything."

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    The man who addressed her glances at her companion again—has Aleks not even told this castoff about them?—before turning back to her. "I am Mimeon, and my fellow priest here is Casmeen. We are both part of the Church of the Changing God. Your church."

Her companion—Aleks is his name, apparently—looks deeply uncomfortable, but doesn't say anything.

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She suddenly understands very clearly why Aleks is uncomfortable. Not because of the neat clock thing, but because of these people. Who are they, and why do they apparently worship a being who doesn't return borrowed books? Clearly this is not the sort of person that should be worshipped, they're an asshole.

But she can't exactly flee to hide behind her companion and pretend she doesn't know how language works, can she. She went and used it and everything. And clearly they... already know what she is? This seems like it could be bad.

"... Uh. No. That by definition is my sire's church. I'm, er. New. Can I help you?"

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New. He knew it. "Ah—yes, I have some questions, if I may. Will you tell me about your tattoo? How did you shape it? Do you know why it differs from the others?" he asks. Casmeen nods along with the question, just as curious.

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Ohhhhh no. She takes a nervous half step back, towards Aleks.

"I don't know much about it; I didn't; and no, I don't. I don't think I'm the correct person to be asking any of these questions."

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"But you are," breathes Casmeen, full of awe. "You are a castoff of the Changing God, and the tattoo marks you as his child. We treasure you, revered one, you and all of your siblings."

    "You are and will always be welcome here, revered one," says Mimeon. "We stand ready to serve as we can. Have you any questions for us?"

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...well, didn't the castoff say she needed help with some chamber or something? These people are as likely as anyone is to know about it.

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... She thinks she might be offended. This is how they treasure her? Ha! She feels like an experiment in a petri dish, not a person that they think is valuable.

"Do you treasure my siblings by immediately accosting them with questions they're not equipped to answer when they're clearly off balance and uncomfortable? Do many of them have second visits after the first?" she asks, tartly.

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..............she's kind of hot and he will not be caught in a million years admitting this aloud.

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The two priests do not seem to share this reaction, though, and both look very taken aback.

"We meant no offence, revered one," says Mimeon.

    "We so rarely have a chance to meet a new sibling of yours," explains Casmeen. "We forget ourselves in our joy. Pray forgive us."

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"Apology accepted, and thank you for it."

And then she turns to go, all thoughts of looking at the clock forgotten in the wake of these people that make her deeply uncomfortable. She would like to get away from them yesterday.

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"Wait—please, would you stay a moment and hear our plea, revered one?" says Mimeon while Casmeen seems even more shocked that her apology didn't earn them... much of anything. "We have need of help with this clock, this construction of your sire's—"

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She pauses.

Okay, so on one hand, she wants to be elsewhere, and on the other hand she is still very curious about that clock, and on yet another third hand that may or may not be part of the original body plan, she sees an opening to get two things she wants just by putting up with some people that were only mildly rude and seem to quite regret it.

"... Will you pay me for my time?"

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Pay? As in money? What on the Ninth World would a castoff need money for don't they know they can get anything...?

Mimeon is immediately nodding as soon as she asks. "Absolutely, revered one, anything you want. If you will?" He takes a step back and gestures towards some specific faces on the, and it is indeed a clock, as he says.

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"All right," she agrees, going to go look at the clock that is very exciting and looks so familiar and what no she is not easily won over, that would be silly.

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"Dark figures seem to circumambulate these clock faces," he explains while she looks. "My theory is that your sire's creation of the time-shields that protected this city established a connection with his future selves. Given this, we believe those figures may be castoffs—or ghosts of castoffs, perhaps." He shrugs a bit, and his fingers sparkle. "The Clock is unmoored in time, and we do not have a knowledge sufficient to investigate. Your connection with your sire... may be enough to give you the edge we lack, align the clock with the present time, and uncover who these figures are." Then he smiles. "But even if you cannot, we will not be poorer for the knowledge gained in the attempt."

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The castoff gives a nod and inspects it critically. While trying to figure out how this works from absolutely nothing sounds like a fun challenge, it is probably actually smarter to start at the proverbial beginning. Which would be whatever she remembers. So, what had she been doing when it... wasn't her that was doing it?

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She is working at the clock. It is no longer transparent, but perfectly solid.

There is a noise from behind her. So they've come, the three traitors. They think to surprise her, but through the powers of the clock she has foreseen this moment. There is the faintest sound of metal sliding against leather, and she slaps a hand towards the controls of the clock. It's easy to turn its powers against her prospective attackers. She's not entirely sure what it'll do to them, but it's better than what they'll do to her.

Arcs of energy stretch out from the clock, over her shoulders and to its victims. She doesn't bother to even look. The way their screams disappear tells all she needs to know. That's that problem solved, then...

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.... Aaa? Aaa. Yes, aaa. She grimaces at the unpleasantness of the memory.

Are. Are those figures the same figures that her sire trapped in there? However long ago it was? ... The memory didn't feel like it was in her body, she was too tall, the skin was a different color, and her shoulders were larger. This is completely nonsensical. How can she remember things from that far back? Experiences that actually happened while her sire was using this body makes sense, but picking things up from before that implies a level of connection that is... kind of unsettling.

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When she returns to the present, she can immediately spot the effect she's had on the clock: three beams of ?light? seem to be arcing from it to three ancient statues (devices?) scattered around the cultist encampment.

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Of course her sire would make everything only respond to bodies of their own creation. How maximally unhelpful to the overall good of the world. Ugh. What an asshole.

"Hm," she says, instead of saying how her sire sucks out loud to the people that worship him, and then goes to investigate the devices themselves.

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Aleks silently follows her, looking over his shoulder a couple of times to make sure the creepy cultists aren't coming with.

The devices seem to be made out of some metal, the tallest of the four pillars only a bit taller than she is, and with her activation of the clock the centermost pillars of each of them seem to have acquired a glowing symbol to their faces. As the castoff approaches the first one, something... changes.

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Aleks gets a very quiet, "Sorry," and an apologetic smile when they're sufficiently far enough away from the creepy cultists. She will definitely be more careful about wandering off to poke things in the future. Mostly because they might be surrounded by people that are much less easy than whatever neat thing she wants to poke.

And then she gets to the first device and immediately gets absorbed in her subject. There are two sets of images - ones on the device itself, and changes to the city around her. The people, their clothing, the very buildings themselves shift to what is clearly another time. More colorful, with less cultists, and the buildings look like they've suffered less weathering. So... probably the past, then. In comparison, the images attached to the device are more mutable, with her choice between three, offered to her throught... some kind of mental interface. She can view any of the three that she likes, and does so. Somehow she knows that if she wants, she can pick one to lock to this particular device, showing it and only it.

Three images for three devices? Are they the same images for each of the devices? Looking at the others verifies: yes, the images in the devices are the same three, and it's the changes to the city around her that are the real difference. Some sort of... time alignment, then? Align the times of the images to the times shown in the changes around the device? That seems almost too easy, but nothing she remembers implies that this is some kind of trap. The trap was already sprung, against her siblings, long ago. This isn't a grand puzzle left for her sire's wayward children, it's a simplistic self reminder for a being that is centuries old. In case they ever want to come back. For some reason.

It's laziness.

For some reason this bothers her more than just trapping three people in a temporal clock device. Trapping three people could be justified, but abandoning them in it behind a simplistic memory aid, out of sloth, is just. Horrible. It's horrible. She hates it.

The first device she sets (or, well, the third she looks at) is the easiest to match up. Ancient surroundings of a city under siege, and one of the three images is of a man and a woman, in that siege. Figuring out the other two is a bit trickier, and she does not want to see what this thing might do to her if she gets it wrong, but with a mix of careful observation of fashion choices and a vague sense of how old each of the images are, she attaches them to each other well enough.

When she connects the last image to the last environmental changes, the devices go dark, and the clock fades back into reality.

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And the clock is now active, the movement purposeful, the time shown—real, the present. It is anchored.

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Time to go poke that too, then! Maybe there's a way to let her poor siblings out. She really doesn't feel like being pissed at their mutual sire is reason enough to be trapped in a clock for eternity.

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Aleks, as usual, follows.

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And there's the central clock face, with the three shadowy figures, almost detailed enough to see...

...until they surge out of the clock towards her and everything goes dark.

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The castoff abruptly tips to the side and falls to the ground, unconscious.

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But this is not, precisely accurate. She is not unconscious. Her mind just... isn't inhabiting her body anymore. It's somewhere else.

There, it's dark and confusing. With distinctly non-Euclidean geometry.

And she is not alone.

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The three figures seem—maybe even more disoriented than she is. They don't even notice her there, at first. And they are definitely also castoffs; if nothing else, they all have a tattoo like hers.

"What befell us?" asks the leftmost member of the trio, a woman dressed in powerful armor with a scarred face. "Did they do something? Are we still in the clock?" What new torture does the Changing God have for them?

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"Uh. Hello," she says with a little awkward wave, somewhere between shy and distracted trying to figure out how the geometry doesn't work. "No, I was the one that did something. Are you three okay?"

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The three of them look at her, then. The rightmost one, a small and tense man carrying a shield, says, "Probably. You did this, then? We were—ingested into your head. I saw it. How is that possible? Who are you?"

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"Uh. I'm your very youngest sister, about an hour old if you round very generously. And... you were ingested into my head, sorry about that, I uh. Didn't mean to." Why would that have happened, though...? "... Did the clock separate you from your bodies? Trap your minds and leave your bodies to starve as vegetables in your wake?"

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"...yes, I believe so," says the middle one—tall, dressed in black, a violet fish-like crest attached to the top of its head, large yellow eyes squinting at her.

    "An hour old? That's not possible, we faced the Changing God only days ago and yours is not the body they wore then."

        "Centuries ago, not days," corrects the third. "I believe we may have been trapped in that clock for much longer than we think, Kamose. Something... about it... it messed with our perception of time."

"Time is an illusion," shrugs the middle one, looking at the void that replaces the sky in this location. "'How long?' is the wrong question." It turns to the latest castoff again. "What is this place? Where are we?" Outside time, then as now, he wagers.

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“I… am not entirely sure. I think we’re somewhere in my head, but. I’m not sure it’s… just mine. This only feels like a very small part of it, but this place is so vast, and it scooped you up so easily.” She frowns. “… do any of you three remember things from before our sire used our bodies?”

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"Yes," says the middle one, its six nostrils flaring. "If this place is not just yours, however... whose else is it? I have never visited such a place."

    The rightmost castoff's eyes have grown wide with the revelation, too, though, and he walks over to the latest castoff to grab her by the shoulders, desperation on his face. "One prison to another!" he says, wildly. "You brought us here, you must let us out."

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Aaaaahhh touching she did not want there to be touching! The touching should stop!

“Yes, agreed!” she cries, tugging herself out of his grip and glaring at him. “But let you out where, what is a mind without a body to house it? What do you think would have happened if this place didn’t catch all three of you?”

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"Death, as certain as any prison," concludes the middle one, which causes the one that had been grabbing the latest castoff to slump in dejection.

    "Did our sire never give you any other abilities?" wonders the woman, the one who was called 'Kamose'. "We all have our unique gifts, and this seems to be yours... but to only be able to draw in consciousnesses, and never let them out... seems incomplete. What other gifts did our creator bestow upon you?"

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She steps very carefully away from castoff grabby hands and tries not to be too offended that her first physical touch - mental physical touch? - on her actual person was that. Does touching Aleks' hand count? Probably. Okay, second physical touch, she guesses.

“Could I get some space to think, please, I am an hour old and doing my best to help you and I was trying to figure the answer to that exact question out before someone decided to invade my personal space,” she snaps, irritated.

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    Dejected castoff now looks guilty as well as he walks back to the others.

"Of course," says Kamose. "We're not going anywhere."

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"Great, thank you." Deep breath. Then she turns to pace, because she's thinking and she doesn't want to be in arms' reach of any of these people, because they're all traumatized and taking it out on each other and also her.

"Okay, so," she says, picking up her previous train of thought, "we catch memories from bodies we weren't. Why would that be? That implies that there's, mm. Some level of mental connection besides merely housing the same person for a while."

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"The Tides," agrees the nonhuman one.

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"The... what now?" she asks, stopping her pacing.

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"The Tides," it repeats. "I don't understand them very well, but our sire has harbored an obsession with them. They have colours, and represent different ways people relate to each other, themselves, and the world. Psychic links, if you will."

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Nonhuman castoff is honestly her favorite of the bunch, it has been nothing but sane and reasonable this whole time and she appreciates it for it.

"Huh. Okay. And probably also with each other, if we're all in the same... mental construct place, and sharing memories with parent-dearest." She looks around at it. "... But it does still feel... maybe not mine, but in my control. Which would make sense."

At their confused looks, she decides that actually they can probably reason out some information she'd been conveniently failing to mention to anyone. And it’s important to reasoning through this problem. She might as well say it out loud. "I'm a mind reader, of course I'd have some kind of psychic extra nonsense. Our sire likes having bodies with discrete specialties."

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It nods. "So it stands to reason that you would be the best-placed out of us to figure this place out."

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"Right. No pressure." Sigh. "Okay, so. Regardless of my actual abilities, it's probably very scary to suddenly be in the power of someone none of you know. I am very sorry about that. I don't even really know me, yet. I do not want to keep the three of you eternally in my mind prison. That sounds like a terrible time for everyone involved. I will, however, keep you here if you'd like me to, because this is probably still a nicer place for you than the clock or death. At the very least I'm not going to, to forget about you and wander off and leave myself a damn reminder in case I turn out to need you later." She sounds so offended. "What I would like very much to do is to borrow our sire's stuff to make you three brand new bodies, put you into them, and send you all on your way."

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"Maybe you could find us our old bodies?" says third castoff, sounding hopeful. "Even if it's been centuries, we're nothing if not durable..."

    "Unless our sire has destroyed them," reasons Kamose. "Which would be just like them."

"...it would be," third agrees grudgingly.

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"Even if they weren't directly destroyed, it's... Not like anyone was likely to feed them in the time you've been away. So unless sire-dearest put them in giant jars on life support..." She grimaces. "Sorry."

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"It is most certainly not your fault," says the nonhuman. "Our sire's, for being who they are, or ours, for underestimating them."

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That causes her mouth to twitch with what is almost a smile.

"Yes, but unlike sire-dearest, I have the ability to feel empathy for other people, so. Sorry our sire sucks so much, and I'm sorry you're in this position where you're all at the mercy of an hour old sibling. Anyway, everybody's on board with getting you new bodies?"

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The two as-yet-unnamed castoffs nod, and Kamose says, "Most certainly."

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“Okay. Let me see if I can get you a deck of cards or something before I try to figure out how to get back to my own body. This is all clearly a mental construct anyway, and clearly we all have some conjuration abilities of some kind, because we're all in clothes..."

After a bit of thoughtful staring into the distance, she does in fact conjure a deck of cards. "Ha!" Cards can go sibling-ward, she will go back into arms' reach to give them this present. "Any requests? I bet I can do chairs and a table, too."

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"...would a training dummy be at all feasible?" wonders Kamose. "I haven't fought in, well, centuries."

    "Are books possible?" wonderes the nonhuman one. "I don't have any that I want, in particular, it would just be fascinating if they were."

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"Sure, training dummy," agrees their baby sister, who gets to putting one in the corner for them. It has a doofy face drawn on it. "And... I have no idea, but that would be fascinating if they were. Let me try the one book I know..."

Nonhuman one continues to be her favorite, that's such an interesting request! She makes a book that could plausibly be the one Falinda and Steristi lost to her sire a decade ago! It... is a nondescript grey aside from a shifting five colored sigil that can't seem to decide what its actual shape is. Furthermore, it opens to completely blank pages.

"... Yes, but I think not for information I don't know. Journaling materials, I guess?"

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"Would be appreciated, yes," it says.

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Their baby sister conjures them a lot of stuff to make their stay in her (their?) head more comfortable! Chairs, couches, tables, journaling materials, any game they can describe to her in sufficient detail, several plates of their various favorite foods, weapons for sparring with each other or beating up the combat dummy with, and so on. She is really quite open to requests, and cares about their comfort!

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    "You're being very kind to us," says Kamose. "Thank you." She bows.

"I believe we failed to introduce ourselves," adds the nonhuman one. "I am Diviaticu, and these are my companions Kamose and Villon."

    "Have you chosen a name, yet?" wonders Kamose.

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Their little sister bows back. "I don't see why I shouldn't be kind to you. It's nice to meet you all. And, uh, no, I haven't. It seems like kind of a big decision and I don't really... understand... naming conventions."

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"You can always change it if you don't like it," shrugs Kamose. "I did."

    "Our sire was studying the Varjellen when he made me," says Diviaticu. "I borrowed a name from their culture, but that is more... distasteful... than most would prefer."

        "Because you have to kill someone to earn it," snorts Villon.

    "Most distasteful, yes."

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Eep. Maybe Diviaticu is not her favorite sibling of the three, then.

"Uh. Yeah I'll... pass on that. And I guess I could change it if I don't like it, but. I'd rather get it right the first time?"

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"Well, I wish you luck, new one," says Diviaticu.

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"Thank you!" Then again, there are a lot of acceptable reasons to kill someone? She probably doesn't know enough to judge, and shouldn't.

"Okay, is that everything you'd like? I should probably try to, uh, leave and go back to my own body."

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"I think so!" pipes Kamose. "Once again, thank you so much for your help. We hope we won't be imposing too much by staying in your, ah... mind."

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“You’re welcome! And it’s better than the clock or dying just for opposing sire-dearest.”

Okay! Back to the real world. She can do this, right? It’s her mindscape thing. She can just… go back.

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When she opens her eyes, she finds herself prone on the ground at the exact same spot she was just before. The two cultists are hovering anxiously, but her travel companion is standing between them and her body, arms folded, looking (though she cannot see his face) like he is daring anyone to touch her.

He is also extremely worried and snarking at himself in his head for being worried over a gods damned castoff.

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"I'm okay," she says the minute she's conscious again, mostly to Aleks but also she guesses to the other people here, too. "Sorry, I didn't expect that."

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    "Revered one!" sighs Mimeon in relief, before bowing. "That was masterfully done; a performance worthy of your sire."

Aleks himself—merely looks over his shoulder and gives her a minute nod before turning to look at the priests again, but there definitely is a knot in his stomach that gets unmade when she speaks.

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She would like to talk to Aleks right now, because he was so worried, but she does not want to do it while the creepy priests are hovering nearby calling her 'revered one' or something.

"Does that count as helping with the clock, can you pay me so we can go?" she says, sitting up and getting to her feet.

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"We—can—" starts Mimeon, but Casmeen interrupts it with, "But what did you find? Who were the figures in the clock?"

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"Your concern for my welfare is touching. Kamose, Diviaticu, and Villon. Trapped in the clock by our mutual sire."

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Casmeen's face falls. "I know these names. They're not new to us. They were favoured servants of your creator, castoffs who served them well—Diviaticu was the one to bring the Order of Truth to Sagus Cliffs!—but the three of them betrayed their holy trust and disappeared."

    Mimeon nods and sighs. "Nevertheless, our agreement shall be honoured. Here, revered one," he says, reaching inside a pocket in his robes for a bag and another pocket for shins. He counts them—a hundred, total, a not-at-all negligible amount—places them in the bag, and offers them to her.

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"Thank you," she says, taking it, and then yes excellent they can go now.

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Yes they can. To... wherever it was Aleks was taking her, probably.

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She does not wander off even a little bit! And she is sticking so close to Aleks!!

"Probably a conversation should happen before a bath, if you um. Know a place we can talk privately? ... I'm sorry for scaring you."

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"...okay?" He can find a quiet, secluded alcove somewhere.

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Well first she can pay him back! She knows the exact amount she owes him and is definitely not distracting herself from hard conversations by getting it all repaid first. Definitely not. But then it’s hard conversation time, so uh. She’d better get to that.

"Okay so um. I know exactly what happened that caused me to pass out, but it's going to take some explaining first and, um. Admitting that I haven't been... entirely honest with you. I haven't lied! To you, I mean. But I did, er. Leave out that I can, er. Read minds. And I could play dumb and say I didn't know this was information you might like to know, but actually what really happened was that I had just started and I was scared and it seemed smart to not mention it."

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He pauses and tries to think back on everything he... thought... over the past hour or so. Then he wonders if he really even has any thoughts he cares about sharing. His tragic backstory? Meh.

"—that explains why you disliked them so much so quickly," he realises, thinking about the cultists.

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“You have mostly just been saying exactly what you’ve been thinking, but softening things a bit so as not to hurt me? Which is really sweet and one of the reasons why I have gotten so attached to you and keep following you around. You’ve also just been really nice in general. And, yeah, it’s um. Not great to be inside the heads of people who want to study you, or knock you over the head so someone else can study you.”

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...well that's a whole lot of emotions he's feeling right now. He is not sure he can keep track of all of them and he very much hopes she can't either.

He looks away, and it occurs to him that that is entirely useless, so he sighs and looks at her again. "Well. Thank you for telling me."

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“You’re welcome. I also um, don’t know how to turn it off. It probably doesn’t come with an off switch, I can’t imagine sire-dearest would see the point. So I will understand if it means you don’t want to keep helping me out anymore.”

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"As you've said, I don't think there is much that happens in my head that I care about expressing anyway."

And why is he helping her anyway? This is a great opening to walk away. And yet he sits.

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“I think it’s a combination of your sense of responsibility towards a brand new person, and also how I’m naive and well meaning and charming. Apparently those are very endearing traits, my siblings all went from being rightfully alarmed by me to thinking I was very nice and cute.”

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Is she trying to convince him to walk away out of principle.

"Let's get you clean," he says, instead.

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“Well, yes and no, I think if you’re genuinely confused about why you like me I should try to help with that out of principle, and also not try to keep you if you don’t want to stay, but I think you do, so it’s not really risking anything to be honest so it also can’t really be seen as particularly noble I think I’m babbling yes let’s get me clean. Um. Is there a place where I could grow out my hair? I don’t like when you look at me and see them.”

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...honestly every time she opens her mouth she makes it intensely obvious how much she is not the Changing God, but that's not a bad idea in his opinion. She'd probably look prettier with longer hair anyway and HE WILL STOP THINKING ABOUT THIS AND LEAD HER AWAY TO A BATH OR SOMETHING RIGHT NOW.

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She giggles.

“Sorry. I would look prettier, though! … probably. I do not entirely know what I look like.”

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"Your mind reading isn't visual?"

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“No. I can kind of see things if people are thinking of what they’re seeing? But I can’t just tune into their senses.”

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Well what if he thinks about what he's looking at right now?

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She beams and says, “Oh, thank you! … and I am pretty, wow.”

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"Not all castoffs are, the Changing God seems to experiment with appearances."

But yes, she is.

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“I think they try to do different things with them! For different purposes. They seem to like to make them specialized? So probably pretty was supposed to go with the mind reading. … Which makes sense.” She makes a face.

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“Isn’t it just! … I’m sorry, I distracted you from taking me to have a bath. We can go do that now.”

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They can, yeah. Back where he lives, where it's quiet and dark and people can be sneaky and quiet and away.

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"Oh this is much nicer," agrees his companion, once they're underground and properly in the Underbelly. "No creepy purple guys."

She speaks of the local law enforcement, the levies. They all wear purple, and disturbingly similar smiles.

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It is indeed underground and most importantly quiet and dark and dangerous if you don't know what you're doing and who you're meeting, which he does.

Keeps everyone away, anyway, and he likes it like that.

So he can take the nameless castoff somewhere where she can get herself rid of the blood and all that.

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A scrawny, malnourished mutant girl called Crooked Qeek is fishing nearby, but amiably shrugs and says the fish are only nibbling today, anyway. She thinks that maybe even the blood the pretty new girl is cleaning off might get them to come out and actually bite, so there's every reason to be fully supportive.

"I can keep watch for a couple shins if you want," she offers, glancing between them and wondering if the pretty new girl is here for the reason she thinks she is. (The reason is that Mr. Grumpy Speed Man has a girlfriend which would be so cute but she will never never bring this up to him because he would be grumpy about it.)

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Mr. Grumpy Speed Man will entirely fail to produce words and instead merely offer the mutant four shins then wait for the castoff to be done with a look on his face that should hopefully keep everyone away.

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His castoff companion seems to find his expression very cute, and also Qeek to be very cute. The former gets an amused smile, and the latter gets a couple of extra shins before she goes.

"Thanks!" she says to Qeek brightly. (Qeek is surprised that the pretty new girl wants to talk to her, and decides that she approves even more of Mr. Grumpy Speed Man's new girlfriend, now.)

Then the castoff retrieves her stuff from Aleks, and goes and cleans up. After a little while, she comes out wearing her new set of clothes. Predictably, they suit her better than her nondescript black bodysuit. While the bodysuit did hug every single one of her curves, her layered green thing (with pockets!) contrasts nicely with her hair, and has more of her actual personality. ... Also some cleavage, which the previous outfit did not provide.

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...will go help her find someone to grow her hair rather than have any thoughts about her new outfit.

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Well, probably someone up top could provide this service, almost certainly by paying through the nose, but there are a couple of promising avenues here in the Underbelly. The most obviously promising of which is Meuk the Meatmonger. While this might be a major logical leap to anyone that is not a local, everyone who lives down here knows that Meuk has a numenera that regrows meat from three carcasses in vats. Like a sensible person, he made a business out of this, and chops off slices of them to cook up on his grill to sell for a very competitive price.

"I don't think you want your pretty friend to use one of my vats for hair growth," he says apologetically. "It's not good for anything complicated."

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"Really?" She blinks and looks at the vats. They are, respectively, a vat filled with throbbing muscles, a vat filled with some kind of flapping leathery monstrosity made entirely out of wings, and the last is a bundle of wriggling, meaty tails. "It looks like it's fine at complexity, it just likes repeating body parts. Does it do that with everything you put in it? Is there a pattern to what gets regrown over and over?"

  "Uh," says Meuk, who is not used to anyone asking technical questions about his vats. "... Yeah? and extremities, mostly? Even if it's not what was cut off in the first place. I had to throw out a promising carcass because the vat was giving me nothing but hooves."

"Huh! That's interesting, I wonder why it's doing that. Can I look at its internals? I might be able to fix it."

  Meuk is Highly Skeptical, and looks at Aleks.

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"She seems to be 70% made out of wanting to fix shit," shrugs Aleks. "And she seems to know how. She fixed that clock the cultists were obsessed with, upstairs," he adds.

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"It actually wasn't really broken," she clarifies, because she feels that judging her fixing abilities by figuring out her sire's memory aid is incorrect. "But I won't touch anything unless I know what it'll do, and before I do touch anything I will ask and explain to you what I think will happen."

  "... Hm. All right. But I'll have your hide if you do break it, understand?"

"Absolutely, I'd be heartbroken anyway. You have such a nice business model!"

And then she gets to looking at it. Carefully.

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"Ohhhhhh," she says, after a lot of peering at internals. "Okay, so, what I think is going on here is that there is only one processing unit for three vats? And it looks like these were built to have one each. So spreading out the processing power to three different apparati is causing it to make incomplete blueprints of the things it's regenerating. So if it sees a hole, it just fills it with the only thing it knows how to make, over and over."

  "So how would you fix it?"

"Mmmm it's not really broken? I think this is just flat better for what you're using it for. But I'd want to let you switch between one or the other in case you want to open a healing business as well as a grilling business. In a perfect world I would also want to be able to tell it which things to regenerate endlessly, but I don't know how to pull that off without grafting a lot of tech onto here that might not even make friends with it. I do think that if you have another hoof problem you should try two vats instead of three and seeing if you can work from that."

  "And... what about things that have already been regenerated with a bunch of hooves? Could that be fixed by changing its, er. Mode? And then chopping off the hooves?" Meuk is really invested in this question, for personal reasons. The personal reasons are why he is wrapped head to toe (to other, unwanted toes) even though his entire profession is standing over a hot grill.

"I would want to test that to be sure, but I think it might fix it. Do you want me to try it?"

  Meuk lets out a breath. "... Yeah. Please."


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There is fiddling from there, which the castoff takes very slowly, explaining as she goes. She turns the whole thing off, disconnects two of the three vats from the network, then turns it back on. Then the bundle of wings gets tossed into the singular vat, and some wings are sliced off. After a lot of wings, there is what looks to be some sort of dead bat.

  "Well, I'll be. Guess I can branch out into doctoring after all."

"Yeah! But be careful. I don't expect it'll know what to do with anyone with cybernetics, or anyone that's been modified after birth by something else. So, person that was born a mutant will probably be fine, person that was mutated by something else is risky, and I wouldn't recommend it. Also anyone or anything that's made out of anything particularly weird. You," she points at Aleks, and says seriously, "should not get into this vat when it's in doctoring mode."

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"...me?" He has absolutely not thought about his tragic backstory in her presence, he's sure of it. "Why me?"

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"You're extra special complicated with transdimensional nonsense on top, and I don't think it'd know what to do with you at all. The results might actually be dangerous. So. No vat for you. Probably not for me, either, it might work but it also might not. Depending."

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"—how do you know that."

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"You're giving off faint transdimensional energy readings every time you move, it's confusing the nearby datasphere networks."

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"The—you know what, I don't care," he says, shrugging. "Your sire's fault, anyway."

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"Oh. I'm sorry."

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  Meuk clears his throat. "So can you show me how to switch back and forth between the modes?"

"Ah! Yes, sorry, hold on..." She explains the process again, and then decides that this is not clear enough. From there, she to solicits little scraps of different cloth to tie to specific parts, along with a little paper of what things go in which order, with reference to the bits of cloth. It is very important that this be very clear.

  "All right, much appreciated. And you just wanted to grow your hair longer...?" The Meatmonger is a little bemused to see someone go to all of this trouble for something so... frivolous.

"Yes, please! Do you need it for anything right now? I don't mind waiting or coming back later."

  "Nah, go ahead."

"Eee," says the castoff, who removes the experimental bat (with a nonorganic hook) from the vat and plops her hair into it. "It might need my actual scalp depending on how it works but—oh, no, it's fine."

  Meuk snorts, then goes and starts counting off shins to pay the strange woman. The Underbelly needs people like her, in his opinion.

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Aleks is just leaning against a wall, watching everything with a faintly amused (and amusedly fond) expression on his face.

The Meatmonger's body has been covered in unwanted toes for years and she fixed it in under an hour. Who is this woman, and he wonders if all of the other castoffs would've been similarly capable of such things if they had been so inclined or if this is just a her thing.

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She meets his eyes, then turns a little bit pink and looks away, smiling.

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...what did he think of that caused that? Was it the thing about other castoffs? He supposes it was a pretty complimentary thought, but he kinda stands by it. She's very noble and altruistic, to the extent she can be said to be anything at three hours old. More people could stand to be like her.

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Eeeeeeeeeeee she wants to wrap herself in a blanket made out of his emotions and snuggle in it forever.

Her hair is probably long enough now. She checks, so she can continue not looking at Aleks, even though she wants very much to look at Aleks, except she also doesn’t because feelings are complicated. So instead she'll focus on her hair. Yep! Her hair is long enough now. It could use a trim to tidy it up a bit, but that is not Meuk’s problem.

  Speaking of Meuk: "Here," he says, handing her a pouch of shins. "You did good work, kid. You got a name?"

"Oh! Thank you. Uh. No, not yet, I haven't, er. Figured one out yet."

  "'sfine. You'll be plenty recognizable without it."

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"Looking good," Aleks says, and if he sounds sarcastic that's mostly force of habit; he means it.

He's also finding it kind of hilarious that she managed to figure out a way to get paid for getting the hair she wanted.

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“Have a good day,” says the castoff, giving Meuk a little wave and returning to Aleks.

“It is pretty funny. I’m kind of proud that I’m already so fiscally responsible.” She counts her available money and raises her eyebrows. “…. He pays way better than the cult.”

Meuk, being one of the most financially secure businessmen in the Underbelly (if not potentially the entire city) gave her a little over four hundred shins.

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Aleks gives that amount a low whistle. "He's swimming in more of it than I'd reckoned."

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“He has a smart business model! Also he didn’t want me to go back up top.”

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"...not go back as in live here? Why is that?"

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“Yeah. Because I was clever and helpful, and he thinks having a clever helpful person that figures out numenera would be great for local business, and he sort of thought that they’d take advantage of me up there anyway.”

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Aleks snorts and rolls his eyes. "The Underbelly is not all roses." But with someone like Meuk to vouch for her she could in fact go pretty far, here.

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“I also have a guide!” she points out, brightly.

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"Is that what I am?"

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“Yes. As long as you would like to be.”

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He's not entirely sure what he means by that. Maybe her mind reading will be enlightening.

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If it is enlightening, she doesn’t help him out with it.

“So I do want to figure out a safe place to sleep before I get started on various projects. It seems smart to get myself squared away on that front first before I start trying to reverse engineer how my sire does body creation, or whatever is going on with the resonance chamber.”

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Places to sleep are easy. If nothing else she can crash at his, but inns and whatnot are also an option.

"Body creation?" Why does she want that, she has a pretty good body already in his opinion.

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“It’s not for me, it’s for my siblings. The clock separated their minds from their bodies, and it did it ages ago. And apparently I have a… mindscape thing… that was built to catch them. So. I would like to get them bodies of their own. Probably the whole thing was built to keep castoffs prisoner to sire-dearest, it sounds like something they would do.”

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He's kind of proud of how she has reached the entirely correct conclusion that her sire sucks.

"That does sound like them," Aleks agrees. "It's not even very practical but I don't think they are that practical a person."

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“It might have other uses, but I don’t know what they’d be. And of course I concluded that my sire sucks, I don’t see how I could think otherwise?”

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He mentally gestures at Mimeon and Casmeen.

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“They’re able to avoid the bad parts! They don’t have to deal with people being mad about stolen books, and also coming into existence falling out of the sky. Without pockets.”

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Snort. "Fair." Though he thinks her sire-dearest's main flaws are upstream of the way they affected her personally. They're just an overall terrible person.

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“Well, yes, but how it affected me personally makes their flaws very obvious and hard to overlook, you know?”

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"I still think the likes of Mimeon and Casmeen are just willfully blind." Or too ambitious and selfish themselves to care.

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"Oh, I agree, and I do not want to go up top and be fawned over and called 'revered one' while they completely fail to register my status as a person, just. I sort of understand how they could find it easy to overlook."

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Aleks gives her a noncommittal shrug at that. "At any rate, what are your sleeping preferences?"

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"I'll stay with you, if you don't mind."

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"Sure. I can get you a mattress or something."

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"That would be great, thank you!"

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He lives in an actual proper building, rather than one of the tents or shanties, on the second floor. When they get to the door, though, he stops and frowns. "Haven't used the door in forever," he mutters, mostly to himself. "One moment."

Then he vanishes.

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... Wait he can teleport??

And he uses his teleportation to skip unlocking his door?

She is so charmed.

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A couple of minutes later there are door unlocking noises and he opens the door from the inside to welcome her in.

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His duckling of a castoff bounces inside and gets to looking around curiously.

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It's spacious enough, for a single person.

The door opens to a living room with a sofa and a couple of armchairs around a dark rug in front of a timberless, chimneyless hearth. Behind one of the chairs, nestled against a wall, there is a ceiling-height bookshelf with holographic titles displayed, and next to that same chair on a corner table lies an electronic book reader, screen unlit.

To the left there is a small kitchen unit, separated from the living room by a counter and a pillar. The fridge seems to offer a fairly wide array of synthetic nutritional goop, but other utensils seem sparse and unused.

To the right is a hallway with two closed doors, presumably to a bathroom and bedroom. There doesn't seem to be any real windows anywhere although there are a couple of frames that show a fake holographic outside.

"Home sweet home."

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She finds this house intensely charming, and does not regret choosing to live with him instead of going to find an inn or something.

"Awww! It's very cozy. I like it."

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He's not sure if she's just saying it but whatever. He likes it. It (usually) has no people.

Anyway here's a bathroom (does her body even need it?) with a laser shower and disintegrating toilet, and here's his bedroom with a queen-sized floating bed, a closet, and another fake window.

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"I am not just saying it, I really do find it nice and cozy, and... probably? If nothing else I do bleed, and mud exists, so." She bounces on the balls of her feet, looking around and smiling. "Your home has a lot of neat tech, it must have been tricky to cobble this all together."

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"Teleportation can get you some pretty interesting jobs even without going into crime," he says, shrugging. "I made do, over the years."

Translation: he worked his ass off for a bit, got a lot of money, and now lives off his savings and the occasional odd job for Fulsome or whomever else.

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"Aww! I'm glad. I uh, hope I'm not imposing? I have no idea if I'm a pleasant roommate or not."

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"I suppose we'll find out."

And if she's not she will doubtlessly nobly leave or something. It seems like her.

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"I don't think it'd be nobly," she snorts. "It would be uncomfortable to be in a place I wasn't wanted?"

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"You're very good at trying to pretend you're not noble." It's a refreshing change of pace, honestly.

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"I don't think anything I've done is particularly noble? I guess wanting to find my siblings new bodies counts, but. Getting along with people seems practical."

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This is an unconvinced Aleks.

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"Also I just genuinely like people! When they're not failing to remember I'm a person, anyway, I guess I didn't get along with or like anyone in the cult. And kind of. Yelled at them about manners." She sounds a little embarrassed about this.

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Why would anyone be embarrassed about—this is exactly what he means.

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"Well I don't mean I regret it, and I'd probably do it again, but. I don't know, it felt. Mean? Blunt? I guess I want to know how to be both but I don't want to do it accidentally!"

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Someday she'll meet more people and understand that everyone sucks and is terrible all the time and she'll get what he means.

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"I am skeptical. I bet a lot of people suck, but I also think I'll keep liking people."

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"Anyway, here's your key. If you lose it I'll be mad. Also if you turn out to be untrustworthy I'll be even madder and I'll come after you. We clear?"

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She giggles, and takes it!

"Yes. Thank you. I'll be good, I..." she trails off, looking around and looking for words. "... I like your home. It's your space. It feels very loved. Being untrustworthy would ruin that and something valuable would be lost?"

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He rolls his eyes. "See, it's saying this kind of stuff, that's not the kind of stuff other people say."

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"Hm. You'd know better than I would, I guess, but. I don't like breaking valuable things?"

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"So long as you know that you're also a valuable thing and other people will want to break you."

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Blink, blink.

"... Well, of course. Have I seemed like I don't value myself too?"

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"No, but you match a pattern."

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"I... suppose, but it's not really fair to project patterns I haven't actually started fulfilling? A lot of what I've done has been very self interested, just I've also been nice about it and care about other people too."

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"Then ignore the ramblings of this old man."

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She squints at him. "... No? You care about me and want me to be okay. I'm not ignoring that, it's precious. Just... I don't know. See me as I am instead of. What I most resemble."

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He laughs self-deprecatingly. "I'm not sure I know how, but I'll try."

Going with his gut instincts got him this far, he'll update them with time but he's not sure how to turn them off.

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Giggle. "That's fair! I think I just want you to trust me to take care of myself well enough. But that takes time and you've known me for, uh, maybe three hours now?"

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Which is also how long she's known herself, too. That's very surreal.

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"Subjectively I think I've had a bit longer! ... Depending on how long I was unconscious. I expect it wasn't as long as I experienced in the mindscape thing, because if I'd been out that long I think you'd have been more worried? But."

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"It was a few minutes."

Not too many minutes. He figured there was some weird CG thing going on there. Probably.

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“Yes, see. Subjectively I have had slightly longer with myself!”

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He smiles and shakes his head to himself. "Fair enough."

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She beams at him.

"So! Do you know someone promising I can show a shard of crystal to and ask if they know anything about a resonance chamber? ... I guess the cult might, but. Eh. Preferably someone else."

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"...maybe the Order of Truth. They are less likely to see you as an avatar of your sire but they do see everyone as experimental subjects."

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"Lovely. Better or worse chance than the cult, in your opinion?"

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He does a so-so gesture with a hand. "About the same, I'd say. Adahn—the name your sire was using ten years ago, with your body—was with them back then."

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"Mmm. Promising, because I bet they were working on the resonance chamber at the time, considering its location, but. Potentially awkward if sire-dearest left outstanding debts or angry victims or something."

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Shrug. "Your choice."

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".... Order of Truth. I think I want some variety in people that kind of want to dissect me, if nothing else."

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"Very well. Now?"

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"Yes please! Though, if we get separated, are there any... tricks I should know about how to get back to your home without you? I'm not going to run off to poke things again without asking, just. This seems like a good thing to have a fallback plan for."

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"...other than walking? The door is not booby-trapped or anything."

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"I was actually thinking more 'how to not be mugged,' really."

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"Hm. Stick to open areas with better lighting, pay attention to your surroundings, be careful of cheerful or friendly people just as much as of shady people, and if anyone accosts you in the actual Underbelly tell them my name and that should scare them enough."

And if it doesn't... well, he can back it up well enough.

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"Okay! Thank you. ... Possibly we should buy me some kind of self defense instrument before the Order of Truth. I can maybe stab people with the crystal shard I've got, but that's not what I have it for."

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"Do you know how to use a gun? I have a few."

A couple dozen of them hidden around the apartment.

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"Uh. ... Maybe? I don't like that answer, we should actually test my aim before you give me one to carry around unsupervised."

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He snorts. "Sure," he says, walking over to the living room and reaching under one of the armchairs for one of his guns. It is reasonably small and light, and has four settings: off, tag, stun, and lethal. "It also has a safety when the lethal option is picked," he says, switching the gun to that mode. When he does, a little switch on the upper back part of the gun pops out, which he clicks then unclicks before switching the gun to "tag".

"Shoot something."

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"In...doors? ... Okay." She will shoot at the inside of the hearth, that seems like the best place to practice without maybe breaking anything in his nice house.

Her aim is passable. Not marksman quality, and Aleks is definitely a better shot, but passable.

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And when she shoots, all it does is release a light bullet (and not a very fast one) that leaves a slightly glow on the surface that disappears after a few seconds.

"Good enough to work with."

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"Excellent. I am no longer an innocent unarmed waif in a wide and complicated world. I am an innocent armed waif in a wide and complicated world!"

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He can provide her with an appropriate holster as well.

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It is easily hidden underneath her layers. After some consideration, she leaves half of her total money in Aleks's home, most of it carefully hidden in one of her boots, and the rest in an actual pouch she can easily get to in case she wants spending shins.

"Okay! Ready to face the world. Probably."

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Aleks offers her a hand, then.

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She tilts her head, then takes it, amused.

"Can you bring passengers. Is that what this is."

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In lieu of replying, she feels a tug in her mind and in her body, almost asking for permission—

—and then they are in free fall. 

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She gives permission, because that seems like the obvious thing to do.

"Um," she says, about being in free fall. It's not as bad as the last time she was in free fall, this is definitely survivable, but.

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It's less than a second, anyway, and then they're on firm ground.

"The Government Square," says Aleks once they are steady on their feet again, letting go of her hand.

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"Oh," she says a little faintly, blinking. "Okay. Uh. Give me a minute. I think I'm okay, just, um. That was not how I was expecting that to work."

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"Sorry," he says, though he's—mostly sorry that it had a stronger negative effect than he'd expected, there is still some prank-like thing he wanted to do. "It's best to look where I'm going first. This does not come with any safeguards and if I teleport while intersecting something or someone that will not be good for anyone involved. Found that out the hard way."

Thankfully the only casualty was his left foot, and he barely feels the lack anwyay, his prosthetic is great.

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"Eek! I'm sorry, that's a horrible way to find out that there are no safeguards. This is better, just. I'll need to get used to it."

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"My apologies," he repeats. "Anyhow, ready whenever you are."

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"Apology accepted." Deep breath. "Okay, yeah, let's go. Order of Truth is where?"

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"That building," he says, leading the way to said building, the one behind the bust of a person holding a glowing orb.

The inside is... interesting, to say the least. Computers, synthetics, energetics, all sorts of -ers and -etics, abound, but probably what will draw her attention immediately is the star-seeker they ran into earlier, the man by the name of Qorro. And he looks... very, very miserable.

    "When I told you to retrieve the falling star, I wonder if you heard 'return to me with empty hands and excuses'," sighs the woman talking to him. "I no longer need your services, Qorro. Collect your things and go."

        "What? No, Salimeri, I—there was a, a vanometric power cell, it was unstable, we, we needed to disable it, but everything was long gone by the time we got there!"

    "And that is why you are unsuited for this work," says, apparently, Salimeri, massaging her eyes. "Honestly, I don't know what I expected. I saw promise in you, but also the flaws. And I ignored them." She finally notices the two arrivals, and her eyes turn enormous when she sees the castoff. "Adahn! I haven't seen you in ten years. Ten. Years. I cannot begin to imagine what your excuse might be." Especially after their last night together. It was... incredible. Or so Salimeri thought?

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"... Um!" says the castoff, raising her eyebrows and turning slightly pink. She was not prepared to be confronted with memories of that nature. Um. Um. "... N-no, um, I'm. Not. Adahn."

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    She blinks twice in momentary confusion but then understanding dawns. "You're a castoff," she breathes, eyes turning downright gleeful as she studies the castoff from head to toe. "Remarkable. This is rather like visiting a house you once owned, and seeing new tenants through the windows."

She's not even trying to pretend, here, that's the Salimeri he knows and loves kind of despises.

    "And don't think I don't see you, there, Aleks dear," she adds. "What a coincidence that you would be travelling with her. Especially given how you and Adahn parted, when they were still wearing her body."

"Please do pretend I am not here, it will be best for all of us."

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"Um," she stammers, and then carefully steps between Aleks and Salimeri because Aleks should not have to deal with this person he kind of despises. Words, she should words. She should words instead of trying to figure out how one does that with their tongue.

"I-I wanted to come here," oh no wrong phrasing! "to ask about something called a resonance chamber? I have some memories from, uh, Adahn about it and I'm curious."

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    "Do you? Fascinating. Yes, I can probably help—for a price."

"Say it's a monetary one."

    "You know it's not, dear."

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She squints at Salimeri.

"Oh. You were the one they were working with. Between the. Um. Yes. You could probably actually help. What's the price?"

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"Straight to the point! I like that." She crooks her finger to motion them to come closer to a screen she projects a holographic map to—a map of the Reef of Fallen Worlds. She taps a gilded, ornate structure, not far from the dome containing the resonance chamber. "This is the Anechoic Lazaret. It had been hopelessly sealed since the dawn of the Ninth World. Until, that is, I decided to spend a week or two on it." She smiles. "It was quite simple once I figured out the trick. I've been slipping in and out at nights, investigating, taking notes." Then she frowns. "Until the structure got sealed again while I was away."

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"... Okay?" she says, not hearing anything that sounds like an actual price yet.

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    "So," she continues, "I believe someone tramped inside with no regard for dangers and managed to trigger a failsafe that resealed the structure. I need someone to reopen the Lazaret and," she waves a vague hand, "handle whatever nonsense the trespassers have stirred up in their wake."

"Send him," says Aleks, gesturing in Qorro's direction with his head, arms folded.

    "I suppose I could do that," she says, and Qorro looks up from his feet with a hopeful expression on his face, "if I wanted him dead by sundown and the entire structure looted by strangers. Or aflame." She raises an eyebrow. "Or I could hire someone that's actually competent." And Qorro sags again at that.

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This doesn't make sense. She looks at Salimeri and tries to figure out the puzzle in front of her.

"But you're not hiring me. You're trying to leverage me." She furrows her brow. "And I think that actually I'll call your bluff."

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"...I beg your pardon?"

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"You were dying to know what my sire was up to. Half of your relationship with them was trying to get information about what sort of weird puzzle that they were working on, because you didn't know and that drove you up the wall. And now here I am, castoff with knowledge and key to anything they might have made to only respond to themselves, and you... want me to go tramping down to solve your problem for you? No you don't.

"You want to see what you can extract from the little baby castoff before she gives you what you want. Well, I'm not playing. I don't need you. You will save me time. That's it. But if you're inclined to waste it, then I will go elsewhere."

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...instead of focusing on the part of his emotions that is reacting to the castoff he will focus on the part of his emotions that is directed at Salimeri. That sounds safer.

    And Salimeri, for her part, looks—taken aback, shocked, and more than a little aroused. This castoff is indeed one of Adahn's, of that there can be no doubt. "No one else would know as much as I do about your little project," she says, which is true enough, for all the good it does.

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"Not by themselves, no, but I bet I could ask around. Besides, I could say the same about myself, and you know it. Do we want to keep stating the obvious or do we want to work together?"

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Salimeri laughs, at that. "Very well. I fibbed. I don't know much. Adahn said the chamber was built with living crystals from a world called the Ascension. They were remarkably resistant to telling me what it was for, though, regardless of the interrogation methods I employed." At least the interrogations were... exciting. "They said that it would stop the Sorrow, and that none of the castoffs could know about it. Which seems odd to me, but they were ever the odd one." She snaps her fingers. "Seek out the castoff who helped them build it, that surly artificer whose name escapes me at the moment. He has machines and circuits embedded in his flesh, those little cultists in Circus Minor might know him."

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“None of the castoffs could know about it…” she muses, frowning. That sounds nice and ominous. “All right. Thank you. And here is a sample from the resonance chamber. Which I broke. By falling on it.” She hands over her shard of crystal, then glances at Qorro. “… Sorry. Self defense.”

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Qorro splutters and opens and shuts his mouth many times like a fish out of water while Salimeri laughs even harder and accepts the crystal. "You really are your parent's daughter."

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Eugh. Now she feels dirty, and wants to do something her sire wouldn’t ever do, just out of principle. Oh, she has a idea.

“Well, if you mean that, then surely that’s not enough reason to remove Qorro from your payroll. It wasn’t a fair fight. Though, for the record, Qorro, I think you deserve better.”

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She scoffs. "This was just another in a string of failures. ...but maybe, if he was up against one of Adahn's." She eyes Qorro appraisingly and says, "You're on your last chance. You had better impress me next time."

    "I will, you won't be disappointed, I promise!" he says, to which she scoffs again.

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She kind of wants to help him, but she doesn’t think it would actually fix anything. Sort of like trying to save a drowning man, except he keeps diving back into the water every time she pulls him out. It’s not really her problem, and she has enough on her plate already. Besides, Qorro’s go to method of inviting her to talk to Salimeri was going to be intimidation, followed by violence if she refused, so. Maybe these two actually deserve each other.

“Let me know if you figure anything out from the crystal sample, and Qorro knows where what remains of the resonance chamber is. And I’ll go ask the cult for details about the sibling in question.”

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"Good luck with your project, little castoff," she says, already focusing on the crystal and no longer looking at them.

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"You too," she replies, dryly.

And then they can leave! Hooray. Though, she still feels like she could use a bath, again, from being favorably compared to her sire, and certain memories that she is conflicted about having.

"So, back to the cult. Yaaaaaay."

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He can wordlessly lead her from there to Circus Minor, so that she has a better idea of where she is with respect to everywhere else.

There's a reason he does not like Salimeri.

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"Yeah. I can see why," she mutters, on the way there. "... Actually. Can I um. Have a hug?"

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"... A hug. Where two people put their arms around each other and, um. Hug. Salimeri brought up... some memories and I feel complicated things about them. And I think I'd like a hug over it."

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He knows what a hug is, just.


Whatever, sure, he can uh. Take a step closer to her and...? Hug? He guesses?

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She hugs him and kind of clings, leaning into him and closing her eyes.

Right now she would like to drown out the complicated touch memory of a life she didn't live in favor of this life, now, that she is definitely living. ... Upon reflection she kind of wants to go make her own sex related memories to drown out her sire's, but, uh. Probably she should have some chill about that, and think about things first. Especially since her most obvious partner would be Aleks, and. That might. Make things complicated, somehow, and that sounds scary.

"Thanks," she mumbles into his chest.

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"S...ure," he says, more bemused than anything. Like, he hates Salimeri too but he's not sure what exactly triggered this.

...............he's also not complaining, though. Pat pat pat.

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"Uh. Well. The entirety of my sexual experience is now memories of sire-dearest with her, so. That's... not great." Shiver.

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"...oh. Oh of course they did." They deserve each other, Salimeri and Adahn.

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She giggles. "Yes they do. That was why all of the stammering at the start, I was suddenly confronted with. All of that."

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"I'm sorry, I didn't know." Yuck.

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"You have nothing to apologize for. And. Yes. Yuck is right. Though actually if it were just a flat yuck, it'd be simpler, it's. Not zero appealing but it's also... really distinctly incorrect and obviously not me and. It's complicated." Sigh. "Hugs are simpler."

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Well, hugs are a thing he can provide, at least.

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Hugs are excellent, and she indulges in them for a while, but eventually they must end. She has things to do. So, she pulls away and gives him a grateful smile.

“Okay. I think I’m better. Eugh. That probably won’t even be the last of those from sire-dearest.” She makes a face. “So that’ll be exciting.”

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If it means he can hug her again and he is ending that train of thought right now and resuming his walk back to Circus Minor.

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She giggles, and follows.

“You can hug me. I like hugs. When they come from people I like, anyway.”

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Not engaging with that.

CIRCUS MINOR here it is oh would you look at that it seems they are holding a public execution he had missed it earlier.

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They’re holding a what?

She spots the crowd of people, and their thoughts are honestly uncomfortable to be around. They’re all… spectating. Watching, for a million different reasons, most of which aren’t good. And then on the stage is a man who seems to be spewing something from out of his mouth. What he’s spewing is coiling around him slowly. That… might kill him, yes, but it’ll take days.

“How is that an execution,” she whispers. “That’s. That’s not an execution, that’s public torture.”

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"He will die at the end of it all the same, won't he? And in the meantime he will vomit nightmares which the crowd will listen to for enlightenment."

Disgusting, but not his business.

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“Oh, yes, because someone’s dying nightmares are so enlightening. The local government sanctions this?? I don’t have any idea if he deserves execution or not but if he does it should be kinder. Skist. He’s. He’s so confused and terrified, did they drug him too?”

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"That's where the nightmares and the death he is throwing up come from, yes."

The "death" being the strange, disgusting humanoid creature standing behind the man, who seems to be made out of the fleshy tendrils that are coming out of his mouth and getting wrapped around him.

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She hadn’t even noticed that… thing. It doesn’t have a mind to notice. The most obvious thing to her right now is what every single mind associated with that fucking stage is thinking. It’s all she can really see. Or, well, sense.

“This is horrible,” she hisses. “And unconscionable and pointlessly cruel and, and, and. Why even do this at all, just stabbing him is faster.”

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"To scare other people away from doing the same, is my guess," he says, shrugging. "The Devourer of Wrongs," hooded dude standing in the shadows over there, "will eat his corpse to acquire his memories and find any accomplices."

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“Then why the fuck are they drawing it out! Accomplices have plenty of time to flee the city while that poor man is tortured to death! This makes even less sense now! And what if he’s innocent, what then, do they apologize to his family, or just to what’s left of his corpse after they’ve eaten it.”

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Another shrug.

He only feels a little bit guilty that the next thought he has is something along the lines of "remember how he said everyone was terrible?"

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“Yeah, you were not kidding!!!” She gives a shudder. “Let’s. Let’s be away, from. From that. I. I want to figure out a way to get the city to stop this cruelty but actually if I stay here much longer I’m probably going to just throw up and start crying.”

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He nods and leads the way back to the cultists.

At least they are disgusting people in an entirely mundane and harmless way.

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Augh augh augh augh terrible that was terrible that was a thing that should not be why does it exist who would want to make that happen in the world!!!

“Give me a bit before we. Go talk to the people who don’t see me as a person.” She shudders. “Maybe go window shopping. Or. Or something.”

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This is the marketplace, he can definitely show her around some nice shops selling pretty things and trinkets and devices and art and what have you.

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Mostly she is unhappy and distracted, actually! She’s trying to cheer up a bit but augh the psychic impressions of a drugged man being tortured to death!!!

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Maybe he could. Hug her again?

(This is a higher density of hugs per minute than his entire life has had.)

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Oh. Hugs. Yes okay, this. This helps. She’ll just cling to him, then.

“Thanks,” she mumbles.

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He just nods and... you know, hugs, that thing. That he's doing. Hugging.

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… little giggle.

“You’re so confused by this,” she sniffle-giggles. “It’s kind of endearing.”

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"I'm not confused," he replies, tartly. He's merely unused to it! And it's kind of awkward. Even if it's nice.

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“It’s very nice,” she agrees, and she’s reminded of that other thing she didn't want to think about earlier, and this reminds her of other ways she could distract herself from horrible psychic impressions of a man being tortured to death while a crowd watches in fascination. That she could do, possibly with Aleks. No, no, that's. No. She is going through quite enough as her first day as a person, she is not going to use her only friend as her rebound from horrible feelings.

"You were a little confused, though," she teases, a little.

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"Only the first time," he grumps.

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"Uh huh. Sure."

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"You're the mind reader, not me."

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"It seems really rude to disagree with you about what you're thinking!"

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Shrug. "You might be better at finding out what it is than me anyway."

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"... Yeah, but do you want me to?"

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Honestly, kinda? It's pretty irritating not knowing what he's feeling or thinking. They're his thoughts and his feelings and not knowing them grates.

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"Huh! Okay. Well. You also like hugs, but you're confused about liking them because it's... not your normal, I guess. Less confused than you were the first time I brought it up, but not no confused."

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"...hm." That doesn't not make sense, he supposes.

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"You mostly seem very confused about why you like me and why you keep helping me! Which seems uncomfortable and confusing. You like me because I make funny jokes and because I'm... sincere and helpful and nice? And you keep helping me because you like me, and because you feel like walking away from me would be a bit like abandoning a small child in some sketchy ruins, which. Is kind of fair."

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She is definitely going to get herself killed if she keeps walking around poking things like she seems to like so that last part definitely tracks.

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"Yes, though for the record I think I'd be better off in a bunch of sketchy ruins than in a city with people! ... Also this is making you a little uncomfortable even though you think it's really nice, too. Want me to stop?"

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........honestly, no. A part of him just wants to never have to use words again even though another part of him is calling him immature for it.

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"I don't think you're immature for wanting to never have to use words again! They're tricky. There have been a bunch of times where I've wanted to just fling my feelings at you so I don't have to say stuff, but unfortunately. I have to say stuff."

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Maybe he could get mind-reading wait no that would be a terrible idea if he knew what everyone around him was thinking he's pretty sure he'd never leave his apartment again. That, or go blow a city up.

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"Yeah, please don't go blow a city up. I might want to figure out how to find an off switch for mine, so I can deal with... psychically unpleasant things without needing to grit my teeth and bear it. Also probably it'd be polite or something, even though I think I wouldn't have any idea how to interact with people anymore. Uh, if we find something that lets you read just one person, you can read me?"

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Seems like as good an idea as any. Then the last shreds of doubt he has over her personality, identity, and motives could vanish just like that.

(Maybe? Is that too paranoid? He did give her the keys to his place. Why did he do that again? ...wait if he's asking himself that she may well find out. Hmm. Why did he do that?)

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"Aw. You feel as if it'd be strategically smarter if you were more paranoid, but you're not, and you don't actually feel that you're wrong about me. You just have survival instincts in the back of your mind going, 'Hey this habit could get you killed sometime.'"

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"Next time I meet a charming castoff remind me to be more paranoid about them."

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"Sure. Is there anything I can do to help prove I really am as nice as I seem?"

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"Keep doing it?" he says with a shrug.

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"I wasn't planning to stop! But I'm impatient." She beams at him.

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"Unfortunately I'm slow."

Says the speedster teleporter.

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"You are not. You're... mm. Cautious. Which is probably good, one of us probably should be."

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"You are not wrong."

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"Okay. Thank you. This helped a lot. Let's go talk to the cultists. I think I'll play curious loremonger, I want to know more than just the brother that Salimeri mentioned, though he's top on my list. I still have bodies to figure out how to make."

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And here he was having so much fun interacting with the actual least terrible person in the world.

Back to some terrible people!

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She beams and takes his hand when he has that thought. Just to give it a fond squeeze, because. He's so great.

And then, yes. Terrible people. Hello, terrible people!

"Do you have time to answer some questions I have about my family?"

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"Oh, hello again, revered one," says Mimeon.

    "We would love to help," says Casmeen. "How are you feeling, after earlier? Any lasting effects from the clock?"

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Huh. Actual interest in her status and health? Weird, she didn't know they were capable of it. Maybe they noticed what tended to offend her and adjusted accordingly, she doesn't think they've had time to grow as people.

"I'm all right, thank you. No negative effects that I can feel."

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"We are glad to hear that," says Mimeon, and Casmeen nods. It is always a tragedy when some ill befalls one of the Changing God's children.

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Ah, yes, there it is. Completely failing to care about her as an individual. Warm familiarity.

"Do you know how my sire creates our bodies? Or how often they end up making another child?"

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"No longer than two decades, historically, is how long they've spent on any one body," says Casmeen, "but the process they use to create the new bodies has ever been a closely-guarded secret."

A genius does not share their secrets lightly.

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She thinks that rhetoric is dumb and should go die in a fire. A real genius doesn't feel the need to be defensive about it, their genius is obvious enough that they can throw all of their discoveries to the wide open world and then still keep making new ones. But that's just her opinion.

"Makes sense," she says, because it does sound just like them. "Could you tell me about some of my notable siblings, then? In case I run into any?"

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"Oh, how could we," demurs Casmeen. "All of you have done amazing things." Or died trying.

    "You all share the same type of tattoo," says Mimeon, "so you should be able to recognise each other with that."

"Regretfully a number of your siblings have withdrawn from society after a while, so you won't run into as many of them as you could."

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"I mostly just want to hear about the famous ones, and maybe some I could collaborate with and learn from," she admits, smiling self consciously. "The worry isn't not being able to recognize them, it's not knowing if there are specific ones I should be looking for, for my interests."

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"Oh, well, what are your interests, then?" asks Casmeen, brightly. It's always great when one of them finds their niche and brings more of their sire's genius into the world (even if diminished by distance).

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“Understanding numenera, and understanding how to actually make new ones. Artificing, I suppose it’d be called. Salvaging from the ancients is all well and good, but I want to build instead of salvage.”

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"Mazzof," says Mimeon immediately. "By far the most accomplished engineer and technologist of your sire's children."

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“Ooo? Tell me about him then, please, maybe he’ll take a little sister as an apprentice.”

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"He's a genius, just like your sire," explains Casmeen. "They worked together for a long time before parting ways, and he has helped your sire with numerous projects over the years."

    "He's easy to recognise, his body is covered in cybernetics and devices, and he's often muttering to himself."

"He's not the most... sociable of your siblings. Prefers to be on his own with his machines, and even when around other people spends more time in his head than in the real world. Easily distractible."

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“Oh,” she says thoughtfully. “Well, I like machines too, so maybe we could get along anyway. Any idea where I could find him?”

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Casmeen shakes her head regretfully. "Hidden? Gone? Who can say. He has withdrawn."

    "Your sister might know," suggests Mimeon. "Matkina, the White Death. Skilled assassin, expert in infiltration and stealth, and makes it her business to know where your siblings are so she can stay as far away from them as she can." A shame, but she is welcome for the diversity of perspective she brings anyway.

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...Aleks has heard of that one. She—used to be around the Underbelly, not too long ago.

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"I can't imagine she'd appreciate me just showing up and asking, especially if she puts so much work into staying away from us. Any other ideas?"

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"I don't think so," Casmeen says, shaking her head once more. "Your siblings tend to roam and wander, but any of them is as good a bet as any other. Most have not specialised as much in finding people as she has."

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"Hmm. All right. Thank you. Any other really notable ones I should probably know about in advance?"

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There are a few that are notable beyond being interesting to her specifically. Notably: the First Castoff, now dead, the one who rebelled against their creator and started the Endless Battle, a centuries-old war between castoffs still loyal to the Changing God and the traitors; Paj Rakken, the now-leader of the First's side of said war; The Chalcedon, main general of the Changing God; Melmoth Leviarm and Inifere, who lead two active cults; Lady Anshe, mistress of a vast commercial empire with fingers in all pies; the list goes on.

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Lady Anshe sounds incredibly cool, and kind of like who she wants to be when she grows up. Not that she mentions this, but she definitely thinks it.

"Sounds like a lot of variety. And all of them are unaging and powerful and it sounds like have histories that go back centuries. But some castoffs can stay neutral in family fighting, yeah? Lady Anshe or the cults don’t favor one side or the other when it comes to the Endless Battle?”

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"Correct," says Casmeen.

    "Not all can, or should, be involved in fighting off the Deceiver's forces. If all castoffs were involved in the Battle, that would mean much less of your sire's light to shine the world. The Battle is... a necessary evil, but an evil nevertheless."

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“Right. Good. Because I’d much rather stay out of it and, as you said, shine light upon the world.”

Also if she did fight it would not be on her sire’s side, but these people don’t need to know that.

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"Was there aught else we could help you with, revered one?" asks Mimeon.

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“No, I think that’s most of what I wanted to know. And everything else sounds like I can only get by meeting some of my siblings myself. Thank you very much for your help!”

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    He bows, and Casmeen follows suit. "Of course."

Aleks seems ready to go, but also... distracted. He's looking over his shoulder in the direction of the plaza where the execution was being held.

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She bows back to them, then returns to Aleks to go. Upon seeing his expression and feeling his distraction, she tilts her head and looks toward the place of Augh.

“Hm?” she prompts, quietly.

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The crowd that had been watching mostly-passively now seems to be chanting something and punching the air, advancing on the levies and overseer.

And at the helm is a man, his skin glowing gold brightly enough to be seen from that distance.

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“Well now I’m curious!” she says to Aleks, beaming.

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He raises an eyebrow at her and offers her a hand.

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“We could just walk, you know,” she snorts, but yes okay. She gives him her hand.

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"Where's the fun in that?"

And now they are close enough to the crowd to hear what they're saying, no sudden free fall since he could just line-of-sight it.

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"Free the prisoner! Let him go!" the golden man and his crowd say.

FREE THE PRISONER kill the overseer FREE THE OVERSEER no don't do that

    "I saw what you did, you rabble rouser!" says the overseer, pointing at said golden man but clearly quaking in his boots. "This is your doing!"

"Free the prisoner! Let him go!" the crowd repeats, heedless of the overseer's words.

    "...well, I'm not risking my life to intervene in the fate of a worthless piece of belly trash. If you want him, take him," he says, turning around to look at one of the levies. "Unmake the prisoner's death and retreat! He isn't worth our blood!" Said levy takes out a device like a circular mirror and squeezes its frame. The mirror spins, flashing shards of light across the death and the fleshy tendrils wrapping themselves around the prisoner, and all of it disintegrates into reddish dust. "There! Satisfied?" But without waiting for an answer he and his levies march away as the crowd surrounds the platform and cheers.

no don't let the overseer go kill him FREE THE PRISONER the prisoner is already free LET HIM GO we feel like you are not paying attention

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She’s a little giddy from so much concentrated rush of victory, but it’s not an unpleasant feeling. And it’s not enough to distract from the two strange buzzing voices coming from… the gold man? The gold man’s aura?

Well, regardless.

“Executing people over days of torture is barbaric!” she yells to the overseer, because no really what the fuck, dude.

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    Yeah he's not staying to pay attention to whatever this crazy crowd is saying, he's gone.

The golden man, meanwhile, notices her and beams at her.

A PRINCESS kill her SHE'S A LOVE INTEREST talk to her first

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The crowd starts to disperse once it is clear the man is free, with one exception: a man in an orange and purple outfit walks up to the platform to check on the ex-prisoner. They start exchanging quick words, and it's clear the prisoner is... not thrilled to be there.

"You did that?" asks Aleks, ignoring them in favour of following the castoff towards the golden man. "...good job."

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"Of course!" he booms. "It's what I do!"

THE HERO SAVES THE DAY another day of pain and suffering ANOTHER DAY OF ADVENTURE

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“Well thank you for doing what you do,” says the castoff sincerely, and then yes she would actually also like to check on the poor man who was in the process of being tortured to death. “Aleks, do you have a canteen or something, he’s parched.”

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He does, yes, here it is.

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The golden man follows them as the prisoner blinks at the offered water and gratefully drinks the water.

A SUITABLE COMPANION FOR A HERO she has lessened this man's pain HEROICALLY we don't like it

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The ex-prisoner gives Aleks his canteen back, completely drained, and croaks a "Thank you," before clearing his throat and turning back to his companion. "Well? I was the one drinking the water, there's no reason for you to stop talking." Bastard left him out to dry.

    "Yes, well, you see, Ris," and for how much the man's shaking one would think he was the one who'd just spent however long being tortured. "I was hoping to get a reward for turning in the fellow who sold us that brandy without telling us about its secrets, but—"

"But?" snarls Ris. "There's always a but when it comes to money, isn't there?"

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Wow, just out of death’s door and already arguing about money, what impressive priorities.

“Oh, I see. That wasn’t altruism at all, you just also didn’t want to get executed.” If she sounds disappointed, it’s because she is. She glances at the golden man and raises her eyebrows. Altruism, or pragmatism, hm?

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THIS IS BORING WHERE'S OUR NEXT ADVENTURE the man is saved let's move on

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"I—yes, it's true that the Devourer of Wrongs would have learned about me if he had eaten Ris, and I did manage to escape the levies when they showed up looking for us." The man looks Ris in the eyes and puts his hand to his heart. "But Ris, I escaped the levies and saved you from the Devourer because I love you and did not want to see you die. You have to believe me." Escaping the levies was just good luck.

    "Do I?" Ris says, sounding like he very much does not.

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Huh. Honesty. Okay.

“It would have taken you days to die, like that,” she muses. “Probably time for him to flee the city and be out of their reach before they knew about him. So altruism probably was a motivation, I suppose. But I think your friend probably needs water, medical care, and maybe some food before excuses.”

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    "You know the best way to get those?" snarls Ris. "Money. Which you still owe me."

        "Ris, I—I promise you, I never got paid, I don't have the money." The man very much looks like he's running out of options here and turns to the golden boy. "Please, friend, if you're planning to leave town soon, I'd be much obliged if you could take me with you," and protect him. "This misunderstanding is going to get me killed."

The golden man narrows his eyes. "You," he declares, "are no hero." He says it like he's sending down judgement from above, the worst one could say.


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Golden man’s talking friends are hilarious and she was managing to keep a straight face until now, but the combination of the golden man’s wrathful judgment and the bickering between voices is enough to cause her to crack. She covers her mouth with a hand and stifles a giggle.

“This is dumb,” she says, coughing and distracting herself getting the small pouch of money that is not in her boot and offering it up. “Look, here, just. Talk about this over a meal and compare viewpoints and wait until emotions settle down, okay? I’m sure this has been very stressful for both of you.”

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WE WERE RIGHT that never happens SHE IS THE LOVE INTEREST we like the quiet one better

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    Ris... watches her money dubiously for a few seconds before accepting it, then eyes the other man, who raises his hands in a "surrender" gesture.

"Keep it," he says. "All of it. Let's follow her advice, let's, just talk, okay?"

    "...fine," although it is very suspicious why would Tybir not accept the money if he wasn't paid for their job, hmm? "But I still want to kill you."

"I really am sorry," he repeats, and really means it. He looks at the other three and nods. "Thank you for your help."

    "—yes, thanks," says Ris belatedly, "for saving my life and all. Now, Tybir?"

He sighs. "Yes, I'll—let's go somewhere else."

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THAT WAS VERY NARRATIVELY SATISFYING no one died we should go chase the overseer

The golden man turns to eye the direction the overseer and his levies rode off towards speculatively.

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Aleks... is both amused and befuddled by everything that just transpired, here. He looks at the castoff for cues on what happens next because he's kinda lost.

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Oh no golden man may or may not be about to go kill a guy.

“The real villains here,” she says solemnly, “are the people that okayed this kind of execution in the first place.”

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THAT SOUNDED SMART that sounded dull

But the man turns to look at her anyway and smiles genially. "You are right!" he declares. "Which makes my lack of introduction even more shameful. I am Tahir!"

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"...is there a reason you yelled that."

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"So the world will know of me! Which it already does, of course. Everyone knows of Tahir! But it's good to remind them."


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He’s insane. He’s absolutely insane. He’s insane and hilarious and has talking demons made of nanites in his head.

“Well, hello, Tahir. I haven’t picked my name yet, I’m still working on it.”

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His eyes go wide. "You can pick your name? I didn't know that! I never picked my name!" IT IS A FINE NAME "It is a fine name." He turns to Aleks. "Did you pick your name? What's your name?"

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"Aleks. I didn't pick it."

What. Is up. With this guy. Castoff help?

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"I shall pick my name!" PICK TAHIR "I pick Tahir." we feel you missed the point IT IS THE BEST NAME

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The castoff can’t help Aleks right now. She can’t remember how to breathe, because laughing is more important.

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...this guy's thoughts must be hilarious but this does not help with Aleks's confusion.

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she mocks us SHE IS LAUGHING WITH US we are not laughing SHE IS THE LOVE INTEREST kill her

"It must have been fate that we met this day, for you make fine companions to a hero! Would you like to accompany me?"

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“To, to where,” she wheezes, “and are you aware that you’re possessed by, by.” Okay serious talky time now. “Some sort of pair of intelligences, I think they’re nanites but I’m not an expert so I don’t, actually know for sure.”

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...the glow suddenly dims to a glitter and nearly winks out, and the man wobbles in place. "Wh-what?"


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So that's what's going on.

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But the golden light returns in a sudden, savage explosion of radiance and heat. "I have no idea what you're talking about." A CLEVER EVASION now convince her she's not interested in this "Let's talk about something else now. You aren't interested in this."

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And then he blinks a few more times as the light dims back to its previous glow and looks behind himself in confusion for what she could possibly be staring at.

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Well now she’s kind of concerned for the guy that’s clearly being possessed?? Is he okay??

“… sure. I’m not interested in this,” she repeats dutifully, because she doesn’t want to see a guy get yanked around like a yo-yo in front of her.

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"Excellent! Whatever it was must be terribly uninteresting anyway." WHAT WERE WE TALKING ABOUT we wanted to join them THERE SHALL BE GLORIOUS ADVENTURES there shall be pain JOIN THEM join them "Anyway! Can I join you?"

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"...didn't you say we were joining you?"

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"Oh! That does make more sense, yes. For I am the hero. Join me!"

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"Um." Mostly she's concerned and not sure if she can handle trying to solve... whatever this is... on top of everything else she's trying to solve. She looks at Aleks.

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...what, she was the one making the decisions here, he's just as lost.

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"I understand, joining a hero of such great renown is not a decision one makes lightly. Maybe a temporary arrangement! Then you, too, will see if the heroics call to you."

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“Um. N-no thank you. I’ve got a lot of things I want to do, and I don’t think I can fit heroics into my schedule.” She’s very concerned for you, guy possessed by some nano demons, though! She wants to help you but she’s got three siblings to re-embody and a super strong sire up to shenanigans that she needs to figure out! And you look like you’ll just make that harder.

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...SHE REFUSES US? you were wrong SHE IS NOT THE LOVE INTEREST AFTER ALL a red herring

"A pity! You were very heroic on this day, nevertheless, and it has been a pleasure to run into you. Farewell!"

And without further ado he marches away.

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“Good luck,” she calls after him, then she looks at Aleks again. Hug? Can it be hug time?

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...yeah, sure, hug.

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“Actually, can you just. Bring us home, is that a safe teleportation for you? It’s fine if it’s not it’s just. It’s very loud here.”

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"...not from here, we're too far. But I could skip most of the distance by line-of-sighting it?"

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"Okay, yeah. That would be great. Thanks." She nestles closer for snuggles. It is easier to just focus on his thoughts when she is being hugged by him, instead of drowning in a sea of noise that's suddenly so much louder now that she feels bad about seeing a person and then consciously, thoughtfully declining to try to help them.

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Line-of-sight it is. It's only a handful of sudden changes in location before he's close enough to the building to feel comfortable teleporting directly into his apartment.

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His castoff companion is so cooperative, and also snuggly. When they're in his apartment she relaxes just a little, then gently tugs Aleks over to his own couch for slightly more comfortable snuggles.

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This is starting to feel like that mutant girl might have been onto something. He is not sure how he feels about that.

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This elicits a little giggle.

"We can stop, if you'd rather. This just... helps."

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He doesn't exactly want to stop, he just...

...okay it's not like he can fail to be honest with her, here, is it. Okay. So:

One, he has never had a girlfriend or boyfriend or really even many kinds of regular friends, he does not know how that goes. Two, they have known each other for like three hours now (maybe more? time is fake) and he is pretty sure people don't actually fall in love at first sight like that and while she may plausibly be the least terrible person he knows right now that does not seem like the most solid of foundations on which to base anything. Three, he has... some vague misgivings about the power imbalance here.

There, that was many thoughts in a row that he explicitly thought about wow he's kind of exhausted.

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"Yeah, that looked exhausting," she agrees, finding and patting his hand. "Good job, it was very well thought out and clear. Give me a bit to properly reply, I have to go and put my own thoughts into words. It's terrible."

This is a lot to deal with, but actually this is an interesting problem. Furthermore, it's an interesting problem with someone she knows, and it doesn't involve anyone outside doing anything or being incapable of being helped or something. After being confronted with a problem that was probably too big for her, and needing to let it go, having a smaller one with fiddly bits coming from places she understands is sort of... soothing. Like relaxing into a semi-familiar puzzle after walking away from something bigger.

"... So the first reply I'm thinking of is that the... concerns about inexperience and power imbalance are very reasonable, but feel to me as kind of... Misaimed? I'm unique. Mostly. Mostly unique. Is there anyone in the world I could actually have a, an unquestionably balanced power dynamic with, as a mind reader that's like three hours old but with probably hundreds of years of fuzzy memories and knowledge that I can draw on even when I can't... quite remember it all? Because I kind of think that the answer to that is 'no.' Not even with my siblings, not even if they have the exact same abilities, which they wouldn't, because even the closest in age would now be older by at least a decade. Which doesn't mean it doesn't matter, just. I don't think I slot neatly into, into categories here. Have I seemed, um, easy to lead around or bad at expressing myself? Mostly I just feel like I've been doing precisely what I want, and you've been following and supporting me because you like me, and you like what I'm doing. Which actually feels like the power imbalance is tipped in my direction, not yours, but that wasn't the flavor of your thoughts."

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On the one hand, fair. On the other, does she have any memory of ducks?

.......he did not mean that in a dehumanising way, just, uh. Well how likely is it that, out of everyone in the world including her siblings, he's someone she'd want to spend a lot of time around? He has met lots of other people and found most of them to be terrible so he feels like he has a good basis of comparison here! Whereas she hasn't and she does admittedly have good opinions on what good people are but of course he'd think so, and he's being nicer to her than he would be to other people because he likes her.

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His thought about ducks sends her into a fit of giggles.

"I, I don't know if I have any memories of ducks, but I know what they are anyway," she says between giggles. "A duckling! Following you around! I'm sorry it's just so cute." Giggle, giggle.

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Yes! And they imprint on people when they hatch. So: duckling.

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"I cannot deny the, the similarities!" she giggles. Leaaaan. "I mean, maybe that's a little of what's going on, I have definitely been sticking with you out of familiarity, but I also don't think it's all of it? I could have started following around Meuk, he was perfectly nice and I liked him. I bet he would have absolutely gotten me a room somewhere if I'd asked. But he also has his own stuff going on and wouldn't drop everything to follow me around, which is... what I have observed you doing. So maybe you are actually my duckling, it's just I'm the first person you've really liked."

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He is not sure how he feels about that.

"I don't have a stable job," is how he justifies it aloud, even though obviously she's reading his mind so she knows it's just a justification.

Well, kinda. He doesn't do much during his days, he reads and sometimes eats out and every now and then does the odd job that requires a speedster and/or teleporter (he mostly tries to keep within the law but, uh, the execution from earlier should let her know what he thinks about the law in general). Meuk definitely has an actual job though.

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"Yeah, he does. So, no following me around while I do whatever I want. And I like having a teleporting speedster following me around as I do whatever I want, offering commentary and support!"

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Pause. She blinks, then frowns. "... I haven't been cleverly manipulating you into doing what I want, have I? I haven't been trying, but it might legitimately be ingrained habits from sire-dearest."

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Is it clever manipulation if he wants to be doing it?

......well, maybe, but it sounds like just "being convincing" or "being likeable" or something. If the way someone cleverly manipulates someone else is by making them actually want it he thinks this is probably fine?

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She hums thoughtfully.

"... I guess, yeah. And I don't... want to discard you? Because that seems like the right word for what my sire does. Discards people when they're no longer useful. If we go our separate ways I'd want to... leave you in a good place and wish you well? Have made your life nicer or at least not worse?"

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Yeah, same.

...............he'd be sad. If they parted ways. It's only been a handful of hours but he doesn't think he has very often thought he'd be sad if he parted ways with someone. Maybe the closest would be Fulsome? He'd avenge Fulsome's death if someone killed him, probably.

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"I'd be sad, too," she admits softly. "I like you. As a person, I mean. It's admittedly also super convenient that I can hide behind you if anyone tries to kill me, but emotionally I like it more that I can hug you in a crowd and everything else can fall away. And that you're patient and thoughtful and letting me... think and act for myself. Also your sense of humor. You're very funny."

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That may literally be the first time anyone has ever said this to him, he is starting to take the duckling hypothesis more seriously now.

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"No, really! Though it's very plausible that other people wouldn't know, a lot of it is how amazing your thought process is instead of what you directly say, but. You're funny!"

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If she wants to die on this hill he's not dissuading her from it.

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"I do not expect anyone to attempt to kill me on this hill and so I see absolutely no reason not to stay," she sniffs.

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Other people will just definitely think they have a thing going on, though, it's very stereotypical for romantic partners to find each other funny even when they're objectively not.

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"Oh. I guess we might want not want to give people that impression?" Pause. ".... Though I kind of think that if you follow me everywhere, and I live with you and cuddle you and hide behind you when I'm nervous or in large crowds they're going to think that regardless, so. That might be a lost cause unless we put a lot of work into it. And I don't think I really... care if people think we're romantic partners."

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Aleks... kind of doesn't care what other people think but he does care what the truth is.

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"Oh! Yes, that's a good way to phrase it. I also care what the truth is. It matters to us what we are, but their thoughts don't." Snuggle. "..... I just um, have no idea what the truth is. Um. .... Remembering sex with Salimeri kind of made me want to attempt to seduce you in order to drown out sire-dearest's touch memory with one of my own so I could more easily not think of it again, but also I thought that was a bit too cold and selfish and that you... deserved better than that. So um. I didn't attempt to do that? It did occur to me as a thing I might want to do."

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Aleks is, uh, not a virgin, but kind of only technically. He's had sex only enough times to find out he is thoroughly uninterested in it.

Though there's a part of him that wonders if she'd be an exception to this as she is to most other things.

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Well now he has a blushing castoff. Still in his arms, but definitely a shade of pink.

"I was also kind of scared of trying because I value you a lot and didn't want to, um, make things weird or or or have a baby's first crush equivalent that you were uninterested in and found awkward and. Um. I guess I could probably stop talking now but it doesn't feel fair for me to be able to see all of you and for me to not tell you what's going on with me in return?? And also I would rather you know than not I just don't know what to do with any of it so um."

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If he were younger he'd probably blush, too. Now he... thinks he has probably grown past feeling embarrassed about things, maybe. He mostly thinks she's kind of adorable.

But yeah he also doesn't really have anything to offer, here.

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She gives a little nervous giggle.

"Well at least we're even, I guess!" she mumbles, then scoots to bury her head into his shoulder. "So this all sounds like a 'probably' but also like we might need to leave it alone for a while so things are, are. I don't know. More structurally stable??? Does structural stability make sense in relationships, it seems like it should, but. I am actually lacking a lot of context for how to build stable and healthy relationships, considering."

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See, the fact that he is also lacking said context should be a red flag for her, that much he's pretty sure of. Why would anyone want to be with the little misanthropic mess that he is? Surely she could find someone better. Golden boy was pretty, wasn't he?

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"Golden boy was being used in a game of tug of war by nano-demons, I strongly feel like it would be highly unethical to touch that, considering," she says in a deadpan. Then she turns serious. "... And... because you're great and I like you? Theoretically you could go find a better apartment than this one, right, but does that mean you want to go looking?"

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He's not sure he could find a better apartment than this one in the Underbelly, actually, and anyway moving would be a hassle. Also he has gone and personalised it a lot, he knows where all of his guns are in this apartment!

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Giggle. "Right! And, um, I guess we're not that level of know where all of the guns are hidden in our apartment equivalent, but. ... It seems like a nice place? I would like to stay for a while and learn more of its quirks."

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...oh that was a pretty good analogy, wasn't it, he hadn't noticed.

Well. Okay. Sure. She's free to find other apartments though whenever she realises this one is weird and broken.

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"I don't think you're weird and broken," she says immediately. "Or, or not more than anyone else is. I think everybody's kind of weird and broken."

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Oh yeah he's been telling her this forever hasn't he.

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"You have! I have cleverly used your rhetoric against you. Bwuahahaha."

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He never saw this coming.

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"You should have! I'm very clever." Pause. "...... I um. ... Kind of want to kiss you. Um."

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"I don't... quite understand it. You're just. Very yourself? And it's great?? And I want to express that somehow, and. I guess kissing just seemed like the obvious way to. Do that."

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...he's having a hard time untangling his reluctance, maybe she can help.

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"Mmm." Snuuuuuggle. "... There's a lot to it, and it's hard to catch it all. This feels... like it's not fitting the normal pattern of how life goes, for you. You're not sure if you just want to make me happy or if you want to kiss me or if this is how things should or shouldn't work." She squints at him. "I think I then lean 'no' on kissing, until you're more... settled and sure?"

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"And now you're extremely disappointed," she pronounces, a little amused.

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He is hit by the sudden realisation that actually it is intensely stupid and immature to overthink it to this level and he is too old to be beating around the bush like that so he will instead kiss her.

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Predictably, she kisses him back! He can feel her smile, and she melts into him with a happy hum.

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He does not regret it.

Well, he thinks he wouldn't have regreted it no matter what but this is, like... substantially better than he remembers it being.

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It is similarly so much better to actually kiss someone, than to just have memories of her sire kissing someone in her body! They did it differently, and also she cares about what her partner's feeling in more than just a tactical does-this-get-her-what-she-wants sense, which turns out to be super important to the experience! By kissing him she is making him happy and furthermore she is happy and they are doing a nice thing together and it's the best thing in the world.

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Aleks himself cannot read minds but he can at least read body language well enough.

Are first kisses meant to be more... chaste than this? Or last less long? Maybe, but he'll take a leaf from himself-ten-seconds-ago's book and stop worrying about what he's "supposed" to do and just enjoy the entirely bizarre way this day is going.

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His kissing partner seems to be having a lovely time. She has absolutely forgotten what words are, or what thoughts are besides the wonderful rush of his mind while kissing her, though. She’s just happy and affectionate and kissing him and has zero plans to either stop or escalate. This is just a very nice place to be!

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Okay. You know what, this is fine. He doesn't need to think too much about it or whether it means anything. He can get out of his head for a moment.

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No thoughts! Only experiences! She is on board with this plan! In that she is a happy participant and not actually planning anything!

They will probably be here a while.

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Fine by him, though at least one of them is still sufficiently humanlike to have biological needs that will need attending at some point, like food.

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He’s going to need to be the one to remember, because. Yeah his partner is just happy to stay here, possibly forever, in this nice feelings place.

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She can read his mind so actually she'll probably notice at about the same time he does.

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She absolutely does pick up on it when he remembers! Regretfully, caressing his cheek and smiling, she pulls away a little to breathe, “You’re hungry.”

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"—yes, I believe I am."

He's a creature of habit, enough so that it had actually been some time since he's needed his actual body to remind him to attend to it.

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She giggles, all affection and sweetness. He’s so great!

“I think I’m hungry too, actually. I um. Didn’t notice. Oops?”

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He has nutrient sludge galore but maybe her first real meal in this world should be fancier than that.

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“I do not care, I just want to keep touching you while we eat,” she sighs.

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Really? Assuming she will be allowed to touch him however much she wants while meal is happening, does she not have a preference?

(He obviously doesn't, if he did he would not be so stocked up on easy nutrient sludge.)

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“Mm mm. Just want to keep being held.” Nestle nestle nestle his mind is so nice and she’s being held by him and that’s nice and he likes holding her and that, too, is very nice. “Having other preferences is hard,” she mumbles.

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Sludge it is.

...they will have to get up, though.

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“Mmmmmnngh,” she complains. Can’t he carry her? Or something? No? Terrible.

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If he uses both arms but then he can't make the sludge happen.

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This is such a cranky castoff. So unhappy. Pouting so much.

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"Do you want to perhaps voice your thoughts for those in the audience who lack mind reading?"

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She makes a grumbling sound that is probably a negative, and nestles closer to him. Or, well. Attempts to. There’s not really a way to manage ‘closer’ right now. Nooooooo she misses the warm soft kissing mind space come baaaaaack.

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Fine fine.

He repositions himself so he's more-or-less holding her in bridal carry and—

—now they're in the kitchen.

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“You’re so great,” she sighs affectionately, apparently deigning this to be worthy of words.

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Okay but now she'll need to operate the sludge machine here are some mental instructions on how to do that.

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“Mmmmmmmrrrghhhh,” she complains, but yes, fine, fine, she will operate the sludge machine here. Sludge. Sludge for both of them.

“This does mean that I probably also have to feed it to you,” she notes, once all nutrient sludge has been acquired. She sounds charmed by this prospect.

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Not if he drops her to her feet.

.....he's not gonna but still.

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She giggles!

“You’re cute. You can probably bring us back to the couch though.”

She is, despite her best efforts, coming out of happy kisses subspace. Slowly. And with great protest.

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Back to the couch it is.

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He is lovingly fed nutrient sludge… For a little while. Until she acquires some self awareness.

“So I guess for future reference I need to be careful about who I kiss,” she muses. “Since it seems to just completely shut down all higher processes.”

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Yes that is definitely a correct conclusion to reach here. Not that he disliked it, mind, but it is not very good for getting other things done.

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“I definitely don’t dislike it,” she purrs affectionately, feeding him more nutrient paste. Lovingly. “Just. Yes. Feeling your mind while you’re kissing me is great.”

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He's pretty sure he wasn't thinking about any things there.

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“Nothing very coherent. But you were enjoying yourself and happy to be kissing me and feeling very affectionate and. It’s extremely nice.”

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It must have been, she sure seemed very high on it.

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Giggle. “Yeah.” She snuggles him, and actually has herself some sludge. It’s fine. Not a culinary delicacy, but fine.

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It's fine and most importantly does not require thinking or decisionmaking.

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Yes, that too.

“And now I’m all cuddly and affectionate,” she snorts, amused with herself. And nuzzling him.

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Now? As opposed to ten minutes ago, when she was standoffish and hostile?

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This earns a cackle.

“And inclined to growl at anything that interrupted or removed me from your arms!”

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Including, it seems, himself.

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“Yes. No interruptions would be tolerated. No matter the source.” Nuzzle nuzzle.

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Of course.

.....he kind of wants to kiss her again though.

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“Me too! Food first though. Eat your nutrient paste.”

… she is totally thinking of more than just kissing that they could do, but. But. Eep? Appealing but eep?

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He cannot read her mind so he will just obediently eat his paste.

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Yeah she… probably needs to be the one to bring it up.

“…. So….” she begins shyly, midway through her own paste/sludge, “… we could also do more than kissing. But. Should probably talk about it like adults beforehand. Or something.”

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...okay he wants to be the one to pick his reluctance apart, this time.

........................he can't really find any parts to it that aren't the same parts that were involved in the kissing Except More. He feels like there must be a reason why people care so much about it but, again, when he tried it wasn't even that nice? Perfectly replaceable by a hand. A hand is better, actually, since then he doesn't need to think about other people.

But then, again, she is pretty special, and if kissing was so much better when it was her, well...

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She gives an affectionate hum.

“I’m pretty sure I’d enjoy it. But admittedly it might be a bit fast and I’m worried I’d be, mm. Using you for a thing I want? It’d be a… new and exciting way to claim this body as mine. And also express affection towards you and connect with you and whatnot, but. Not entirely just those.”

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He has some feelings about the framing of "being used for a thing she wants". They are not altogether negative ones.

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“… oh,” she says. Blushing. “That. Okay.”

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If she's cleverly manipulating him, good job she's doing it very well much better than her sire ever did.

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“I don’t think I’m cleverly manipulating you!” she snorts. “I think I’m just. Being honest with you and actually caring about you as a person. But if you are scared that I am, well, fair enough, I could. … give you space to think without me here?”

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That is entirely not what he meant at all.

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“Well I know but the concern you’re joking about is real and very reasonable and. … I wouldn’t want you to regret me.”

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He does not think he'll regret it. Or... not this specifically, anyway, if it turns out the Changing God did in fact get so good at manipulation and lying it's actually them in there rather than a castoff, he'll regret not having been more paranoid in general, but also living with that level of paranoia forever sounds exhausting and depressing and he would all things considered rather not.

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She snorts. "Yeah. That makes sense. Also, for what it's worth, I take great joy and satisfaction in acting in ways sire-dearest would absolutely not, and over time I expect that sort of thing will build up into a mountain of evidence, which hopefully will become so large it will crush them entirely, removing them from my life forever." Pause. "... I think I'm nervous babbling again."

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It's endearing. And not something her sire ever did.

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"It does seem like it doesn't coldly lead them to any of their selfish goals!" she agrees. Leaaaan. She has, at this point, finished all of her nutrient paste. "My anxiety about secretly cleverly manipulating you aside, um. It sounds like we're both fine with. Letting things go further? And if it wasn't obvious I do not have ovaries or a uterus or anything, so, um."

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...she doesn't? Actually does she have cells? Just out scientific curiosity, they could probably find some numenera that gestates children given parental cells, that sounds like a thing that must have been invented at some point.

Uh. Maybe this is the wrong mood. He would like to resume kissing her now that they are done with the nutritional sludge? Don't think the word 'sludge'. Damnit.

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She giggles.

"You're extremely charming. I would also like to resume kissing now that we are done with the nutritional sludge." Like so! Kiss.

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And maybe he can... he can...


...he's not sure what he can, what do people who get horny do? Put hands places? There are places he could put his hands aren't there.

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Help he's so cute.

Yes, there are places he could put his hands. She'll help him out, even, with where his hands should go. And melts into him happily. The kissing space is back! Yay!!

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They can probably figure this out, he thinks. He can even teleport them to his bed sans clothes if she thinks that would make things easier!

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"Yes to teleport, no to losing clothes by teleportation," she murmurs. "I want to savor you."

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If she says so...? He's not really sure what that entails but now they're on his bed.

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Apparently it involves taking his clothes off! And kissing him places besides his mouth. It is pretty easy for her to figure out his favorites, she can literally read his mind. On reflection, she’s kind of glad she was responsible and did the talking part earlier, because now she can just let herself get happily carried away. This body is hers, and Aleks can touch it however he likes, and she likes him very much, and wants him to enjoy himself. A large amount of kinesthetic knowledge has transferred over, even without the full memories themselves. Like being able to talk, but without remembering the conversations.

But this memory will be hers. She wants it to be a good one, and will work very, very hard to make it so.

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Aleks was... right. In his suspicion that this is much better with her than with anyone else. Actually much better than he'd ever imagined it could be, if one were the sort of person to enjoy this. He is hit with the sudden understanding of why it is that people go to such lengths for this, if this is how they feel it even when they do it with people who are not... not... like her.

(Why would anyone want to do this with people who are not like her? He will push that thought away because he wants to do it with her and she is the most like her person there is.)

To say that he is really enjoying himself is an understatement. He is not quite as... melted... as she is, but he suspects at least part of why is because he feels a sense of responsibility for at least one of them having any control over this situation. Maybe. He's not sure. It doesn't really matter? The outside of his head has been much more interesting than the inside for the past many hours, thanks to her, and this is entirely novel, and he does not regret it for a minute. It will be a very, very good memory.

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She’s very smug, after things have winded down. And snuggly. Very smug and snuggly.

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Aleks is very tired. He did not realise sex was this exhausting. Maybe last time he wasn't so into it so he didn't spend so much energy? Or maybe he was just younger, who knows. His brain is mostly white fog plus meta commentary right now.

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“Shhhh, it’s okay. Go to sleep,” she murmurs affectionately, holding him and petting his hair.

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He kind of wants to take a shower first, though. He's feeling sticky and also they ran around all day today.

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She giggles, then kisses his forehead.

“Okay, that’s fair. Can you safely teleport, or am I in charge of getting us to and from the bathroom?”

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He has long since memorised this apartment's layout to his satisfaction and can in fact teleport.

But also a part of him wants to shower with her. It is only 80% curiosity of what that's like.

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“I could be talked out of joining you,” she teases. “But no, I need one too. And I don’t want to let go of you. I might start growling.”

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So they can find themselves inside the very spacious bathtub he has in his bathroom, and the attached shower is right there.

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Excellent! Then they can get clean. Getting clean with a partner involved changes the experience by quite a lot, but this partner in particular is actually inclined to get them both clean over having Sex, Part Two, Bathtub Edition! So presumably there is no real barrier to getting clean.

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Yeah he is not particularly angling for Sex, Part Two, Bathtub Edition, he is rather tired.

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Then it will definitely not be happening. They are cleaned and dried and then they can be teleported back to his bed.

"Okay, now you can sleep," she says once they're there, voice full of affection.

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Yes he can.

...they never found a mattress for her. And before he's done with that thought he's already thinking that that is a very dumb thing to think about, they just fucked, she can sleep in his bed obviously. And he's never slept in the same bed as someone else but it should be... like... the same as sleeping alone? Right? You lie down and close your eyes. Same thing.

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She giggles.

"Yes, I hear that's how it works," she murmurs, going back to petting his hair. She's not as tired as he is, but she's any tired, so she expects to be joining him soon. Just he's so cute right now.

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Okay, then. Good night, even though he's actually feeling a bit... he's... not sure what... giddy? What is he, fifteen? Well, he's feeling a bit giddy about sleeping next to her.

Oh for all that is holy he has a crush. He turns around and groans into his pillow when he has that thought.

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He is so incredibly cute. She is going to snuggle him so much. He is entirely free to hide in his pillow but she's going to wrap an arm around him and nuzzle into his back.

"Aleks. You thought it yourself. We fucked. I'm pretty sure it's normal to have a crush on someone you have sex with. It's even mutual."

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It's not! He had zero crush on the people he fucked before. Also he's over thirty, what's this crush thing even doing.

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"Having good taste?" Nuzzle nuzzle. "Darling. Shhhh. It's okay."

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Of course it's okay it's just not very ego-syntonic.

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Little giggle, petpetpetpet.

He's so cute. She's keeping him, wait, wait, no, that's not the correct way to think about someone. She would like to keep him in her life. There. Yes. Good. Acceptable.

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Still not a mind reader, still mostly content to be where he is.

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The mind reader doesn't want to fill him in on her thoughts right now, he is tired and sleepy and this takes precedence.

Also she's tired and sleepy too, she guesses.

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zzz good night

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"Good night," she murmurs, and then eventually drifts off herself.

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He is awake before she is, and he freezes in terror for the two seconds it takes for his sleep-addled brain to remember the whirlwind of a day he had yesterday, but then he relaxes and smiles at her.

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Her brow furrows a little in her sleep, but it smooths out when he relaxes. She will probably have problems sleeping at any hotels, if she even hears thoughts when she's asleep.

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...yeah. That sounds very unpleasant.

But maybe she won't need to.

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Eventually, she does stir.

"Mmnh," she mumbles, moving towards him for More Cuddles.

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He has by then fetched a book to read, but he puts it down for More Cuddles.

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"Good morning." He can feel her smiling into his skin.

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"'Morning. Sleep well?"

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"Probably, though I have nothing to compare it to," she says, with a yawn. "I was half expecting to get shunted back to my mindscape with my siblings, but I guess that wasn't that kind of unconsciousness."

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Oh right that's a thing. She has a whole host of psychic stuff going on, huh?

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"Mhmm. Sire-dearest likes specializing bodies. I think I have a couple different psychic things, stacked up neatly on top of one another to make a cake. A psychic cake." Yaaaawn. "... Mornings are probably not for figuring out these kinds of questions."

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Oh is she one of those people then.

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"Your guess is probably better than mine, with both more context and the ability to observe me from outside." Nuzzle. "This is nice."

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It's very nice. Another thing he hadn't had before and hadn't... known was missing.

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She gives an affirmative hum. "Glad I could help." Nuzzle nuzzle. "Though to be fair, I didn't know I was missing this either."

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Was she even missing it? It's only been a few hours after all.

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"I think we can now move the estimation of how old I am to a full day," she sniffs, loftily. "But I also mean in my... vague library of what life can be like. This is not the sort of thing my sire had. I'm breaking new ground."

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That's... kind of really depressing, wow, and they're hundreds maybe thousands of years old.

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"Isn't it? I... kind of pity them, now that I think about it."

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By all accounts it is entirely self-inflicted.

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"That makes it more sad, doesn't it? Like Qorro. Wanting a person that would make him miserable, chasing after her approval anyway. Except it's their whole life." Sigh. "But I doubt I'll convince them to change. More likely I'll just be stuck cleaning up the messes they leave."

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It doesn't have to be her. Hundreds of castoffs, there.

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"I know. And I'd rather not dedicate my life as my sire's home grown maid-service. Just." Lean. "I somehow don't think I can settle into a life of comfortable normality, apart from their schemes."

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Normality is boring anyway. She's more interesting.

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"Heh. Thank you." Nuzzle nuzzle. He's so great. "So! What do you want to do today?"

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...follow her around like an infatuated duckling? Seemed to work fine yesterday.

Also he's getting used to having a crush on her at alarming speeds, nothing should by rights feel this nice.

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She beams at him and gives him an affectionate kiss. On the shoulder, since it's closest.

"Okay. Let me know if you'd like me to go in a particular direction, though. And this time I will ask before wandering off to go poke a thing that looks familiar instead of just doing it."

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That's reassuring. If nothing else, he is substantially less explosion-proof than she is.

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"I wouldn't say I'm explosion-proof, just explosion resistant. And I have yet to cause any explosions whatsoever, so I feel this characterization of my curious nature is unfair," she sniffs.

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Does she want him to show her around some definitively-explosive trinkets? He knows where to find some and he is absolutely sure he can find some that she would find intriguing, too.

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"No!" Pause. ".... Okay, maybe some little ones, in case I need a portable explosive to throw in an emergency. I need to fill my many pockets with something. But I want to be clear that explosives are boring!"

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No he's not thinking of explosives, he's thinking of dangerously interesting numenera that happen to be likely to explode if poked in the wrong way but have other uses besides.

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"Okay, that's admittedly more tempting. But! Safer numenera first until I have a real feel for how applicable and practical my nebulous library of Changing God knowledge is to everyday life. ... Stuff that they left doesn't count, the clock was triggered to only respond to castoffs, and the thing I solved was just a memory aid for sire-dearest, not actually fixing anything."

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Fine fine but if they explode he reserves the right to haunt her.

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"Please do, I will want to capture your ghost, study it, and then upload a copy of it onto a compatible chassis to let you run rampant as an artificial intelligence!"

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Then something occurs to her.

She is a castoff, and will not die of old age. Her sire made her body to last. This is not true of Aleks. Or anyone else.

"... Ah. That... will be something I'll want to work on sooner rather than later, won't it," she muses.

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...will it?

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"Um, not uploading in particular, just. Uh. I will not die of old age. And you... will if left to your own devices. Also along with most everyone else in the world, which to be clear I think I'm also not fine with, but I'm now particularly invested in keeping you."

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Keeping him.

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"U-um. Well. Keeping you... around. Alive. Safe? Happy. Not so much keeping you like a, a pet or something."

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Generalised scepticism.

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"Sorry! I promise it's not in a weird way. Probably. It's probably not in a weird way. I just. Like you and want you to continue being around."

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He finds it kind of peculiar that despite her mind-reading he noticed he was okay with the other meaning of "being kept" before she did.

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She turns pink and partially hides herself under the covers. He may just see her eyes and up. Nothing else. Everything else is invisible.

"W-well. Well. Shush. Sometimes anxiety is distracting from reality, okay. I feel like I have a lot of predisposition for crazy due to my creation, I think it's perfectly logical to be jumpy and worried about freaking you out."

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Mm. Well, for the record, the feelings he had when she mentioned keeping him were mostly positive. Pretty much all positive. Positive modulo him being himself.

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"Okay. Then. I would like to keep you for as long as you are comfortable being kept. And. Figure out a way to cleverly make you not grow old and die for no reason. Or preferably ever, but. Definitely not for no reason."

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He can't say he has given the matter a whole lot of thought or emotional importance but sure if she cares so much he can go along with immortality for her.

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She smiles a delighted grin, coming out from hiding under the blanket to show it, but mostly to kiss him. Yay!!

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She's adorable and kissing is much better than he ever thought.

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It iiiiiiiis!

“You’re great,” she murmurs to him, fondly.

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He finds it very strange to just be given a compliment like that.

...she's pretty outstanding, too, though.

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"Thank you." Kiss! She wants to keep him. Now she just has to figure out how to do that! At least from the ravages of entropy. (Fuck entropy.)

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... It would be incredibly callous to immediately start asking about whatever the fuck her sire did to/with him that probably-traumatically got him his speed and teleportation powers, wouldn't it. Damn. Uh.

She pulls away and makes a slight face about this. She... does kind of need to know if she is going to figure out an anti-entropy solution for him. Clearly whatever's going on needs to be thought of in order to figure that out.

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...he's not a mind reader, he can't tell why she suddenly got sad.

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"Not sad, exactly, uh. ... Iiiii will probably need to have a better understanding of what's going on with your speed and teleportation before I can enact any kind of anti-entropy solution. For the same reason why you shouldn't use Meuk's vats. And it sounds like getting that involved my sire. And probably it was traumatic, because. My sire."

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He snorts, at that. No, sorry, he doesn't mean to dismiss her concerns, just. It's been ten years and all of the trauma has sublimated into simmering hatred. He can show her the numenera that did it, the Order of Truth probably still has it, or has buried it somewhere.

And you know, he's not even sure what her sire's goals were by throwing Aleks into the untested machine and turning it on. Maybe they just wanted to see what it'd do and had gotten tired of working with him.

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She nods, then gives him a peck on the cheek.

"Maybe I'll remember their reasoning and need to go break something over it. Okay. I want to have some more actual tangible practice with numenera after existing instead of just... a bunch of archived semi-memories about how to mess with stuff, before I go messing with this stuff." She motions to him. "Since this stuff is important."

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Aleks snorts again. So now he's "stuff", huh?

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"Your body is stuff! You are the pattern of processes being run on the stuff!" Then she smiles. "But yes. Congratulations, stuff."

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Very well.

So, now that she no longer seems to be a morning zombie, does she want to get some morning nutritional sludge and then go about being her manic pixie dream self?

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"Yeah, sounds good. 'Manic pixie dream self'? Manic I will accept, but pixie and dream are just inaccurate."

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In lieu of responding he relocates the both of them to the living room couch.

...then teleports back to his room to fetch his prosthetic foot to put it back on. Now couch again.

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"So, would it be weird if I asked you where you left your other foot?" she wonders, getting up to fetch the nutritional sludge so he can put his foot on in peace. Nutritional sludge! It's edible, but it has a really gross name! "Especially if I mention that I want to study it for science?"

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Aleks has absolutely no idea where it is. He was a bit too preoccupied trying not to pass out from pain and immediately teleported away and by the time he came back neither the metal bench he accidentally intercepted nor his foot were anywhere to be seen.

His prosthetic is pretty neat, though. It's got a sort of metallic glassy look when it's off but when he puts it on it assumes his skin tone and the seam between his ankle and it is barely visible. He can't really move it or anything though it's just for balance.

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"Darn. I guess if I run into enough dead ends once I actually start your immortality project, I could make a quest out of tracking down your lost foot. Do you have a preference for your flavor of nutritional slurry, dear?"

If his prosthetic sucked she'd feel compelled to make and or find him a new, better one. So. She's glad that it doesn't suck! She feels she already has enough to do, especially for only being a day old.

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He can always get rid of a pinky finger if she needs one. It's a small price for immortality.

And no, no real preference for the sludge.

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"Absolutely not. Go with a toe, or take your foot off and sacrifice half an inch of your shin," she jokes.

Sludge! Sludge for them both!

"But seriously, no. I would rather avoid sketchy mad science on and with people, thank you."

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Good, he kinda likes his body, even if it's now partially made of transdimensional bullshit.

Also good thing she can read his mind so he doesn't have to pause eating to talk.

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"I like your body too!" Nom. Nutritional sludge. "And yes. Lucky you." Nom! "Meanwhile I have to take breaks."

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Maybe she can figure out how to project.

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She hums thoughtfully as she eats.

"... maybe. I'd want to have a better understanding of what kind of psychic nonsense I've got going on before I poke too much at it, though. It's not like sire-dearest was likely to care very much about accidentally turning other people into vegetables, you know?"

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That would be just like them.

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“See! I have to treat myself like I’m a strange bit of potentially hostile tech! It’s very irritating, I wish I just knew the totality of my own specs instead of just weird minutiae about my own reproductive organs, so I could make informed decisions about things.” Pout. … nutrient sludge nom while pouting.

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Weird minutiae about her reproductive organs. Amazing.

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"What else would you call knowing that you're missing all of the bits that could actually make a kid! Though to be fair my knowledge there is sort of - structural understanding of my sire's procedures and goals over actually knowing what precisely is going on inside this body of mine. I guess I don't know specifically that they just didn't bother putting in a uterus or ovaries, that's just what they usually do with female bodies, and I don't know why they'd do something different with this one."

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If she knew the intricacies of her own body that little pet project of hers of giving her three siblings new ones would probably go way more quickly.

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"Yeah. Though one of them was a Varjellen, so. It would not be an easy project even with full understanding of what's going on in my body. This is why I left them a deck of cards and some board games."

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Very thoughtful of her! Does time even pass the same in there?

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"I have no idea. I want to figure out some way to check on them today and find that out, in fact!"

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Makes sense.

And he is done with his nutritional sludge for the moment.

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She is too! She gives him an affectionate congratulatory kiss over it, and then goes to retrieve and put on clothes.

"So I'm still hesitant to go hunt down my hermit sister," she says thoughtfully, as she does this, "On the general principle that she doesn't seem like she wants to socialize, and that I like having all of my inside bits where they should be. So... I guess I want to figure out what kind of psychic nonsense I've got going on, and how to return to the mindscape to check on various siblings. It is probably helpful to ask their opinions about where I should go, anyway, they apparently worked with sire-dearest for a while."

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Wasn't that a very long time ago? But well, those seem like reasonable plans to Aleks, to the extent his opinion matters.

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"It was, yeah, but it's better than my zilch that I've got now. And yes, your opinion matters."

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That's probably a big part of why he's been following her around like a duckling.

"Quack quack."

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She giggles.

"Any idea where I can find experts in psychic nonsense?"

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...actually, yeah. There's this one weird bar where psychics are said to hang out. He's never been but he knows where it is.

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"Oh! Convenient, all right. I... wonder why all of the psychics hang out in a bar together. I guess it must be nice, having a designated psychic bar? I suppose I would sometimes want to hang out with other mind readers too, especially if I didn't have you."

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"My very favorite duckling." Kiss!

Okay, out into the wide open world!

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The wide open world! Just walking this time, they don't need to teleport everywhere.

...though they might wish they had. As Aleks leads the way to the bar he mentioned, something draws his eyes, and he veers a bit off-course.

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A golden man, looking almost serious and somber, talking to a definitely serious and somber and most of all unamused person.

"I can help! It's what I do. But to properly investigate I need to study the murder scene."

too bad we didn't witness the murder THEN WE WOULD BE ABLE TO SOLVE IT that too

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And yes that is a murder scene. Either that or someone decided it would be fun to drop bucketfuls of human blood in a puddle, leave a severed hand in it, and draw a sinister symbol on the wall with said blood.

"That's Fulsome," says Aleks. The man who runs things down here in the Underbelly. In a certain sense.

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Fulsome, local crime lord, is so unamused with this person. This irritating golden person. He hasn't told his goons to throw this guy off a cliff, yet, but he's definitely considering it.

"Do you have literally anything concrete to offer to the investigation. Besides enthusiasm."

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Behind Aleks, the castoff eyes all of this with a frown, then stiffens when her eye catches a certain part of it.

"... Vague familiarity alert," she murmurs to Aleks. "Symbol on the wall."

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"Fulsome," Aleks says, this time to the man himself. "What... happened?"

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Tahir was about to say something but he stops and turns around to face the new arrivals.

THE LOVE INTEREST RETURNS we already concluded that was a red herring OH RIGHT

"Aleks! And castoff! A most serious situation! An unsolved murder of an innocent."

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"That," Fulsome inclines his head towards the bloodstain and hand, "used to be Wheedle."

As in... Fulsome's protégé. The guy Fulsome was grooming to replace him if something happened to the man himself. So, as good as his son. Fulsome's face is a mask of calm, but it doesn't take a mind reader to know that he is livid. Tahir is lucky he hasn't been shanked by one of Fulsome's cronies, but Fulsome considers him to be an irritating bystander, and irritating bystanders don't get shanked just for being irritating. Now, if Tahir tries to push past the goons guarding the murder scene, that would be another story.

He looks at Tahir, then at Aleks' much less annoying companion, then back at Aleks. "You know this.... person?" Head incline to Tahir.

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"In a manner of speaking," Aleks replies. "He... led a crowd to stop a public execution upstairs, yesterday."

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A PROPER HEROIC SCENE too bad we didn't kill the overseer

"A most barbaric custom, if you ask me! Not that you need ask me, of course, it is self-evident. And the man was innocent!"

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"We don't do things the same way down here," says one of Fulsome's goons. "You're in a different jurisdiction now. And you'd better have more respect for this boss."

Fulsome himself is looking at Aleks's companion again.

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Aaaaaa what is that symbol why does she know it why does it fill her with such terror she doesn't even have any actual memories associated with it, it's just bad!

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"You got something to say, wayward star?" asks Fulsome, pointedly.

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She jumps.

"U-um. I think I recognize the symbol. Uh. From my nebulous castoff memories." She glances at Fulsome, who apparently does not need this explained to him. And... seems to know who she is. Okay that's. Great. That's great. "But nothing concrete, just a, a. Sense of foreboding. Um. Sometimes proximity helps jog things."

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Fulsome raises an eyebrow, then looks at Aleks.

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wayward star? SHE IS THE FALLING STAR FROM YESTERDAY that makes no sense NOTHING DOES many things do

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"I trust her," Aleks says, simply.

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"Then come take a look. Watch your step."

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You know, it's funny, that's worded like a request, but everybody here knows it isn't! But. Okay, yes. She'll get a closer look at the foreboding symbol on the wall that makes her want to flee back to Aleks's apartment and hide under the covers.

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She stands before a blank wall. Sickening purple-black light spills from around the corner behind her. It's her temple, hers, and she's been driven into a dead end by that woman.

Blood seeps through the wall from the other side, soaking through in a familiar shape. Frightened, confused, she traces the line...

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Oh no. Oh no. Oh fuck no—

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... a gate opens with a wet crunch. Fresh blood streams from the edges of the symbol, and she's yanked through the hollow of its center, and into the horrible world beyond.

A strip of blistered land coils through a black, writhing void. The air is thick and foul, textured with the slickness of maggots. Nausea slams into her, filling her head. Infecting her thoughts. This place is wrong. It should not be. An ordinary mind would break, but hers is held aloft on a tidal scaffold, untouchable by the creeping fingers attempting to wriggle their way into it.

But she can still feel them. She can still sense something, some sort of mind in that fathomless darkness. Seeking, tasting. Joyful. Hungry.

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The castoff flinches away from the wall with a strangled shriek.

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And Aleks is already there, faster than the blink of an eye, keeping her from falling.

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Tahir himself looks like he aborted the movement of trying to stop her from falling; he doesn't have permission to help, after all, and it would not be very heroic to break rules like that with no reason.

RULES ARE BAD FOR ADVENTURING rules are for breaking

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“I’m fine,” she says, entirely for Aleks’s benefit. Even as she absolutely clings to him and can’t seem to stop shivering.

“You need to clean this off of the wall. Without touching it.” Fulsome looks unimpressed, but she continues. “Copy down the symbol in another medium but there is something and it is watching for that symbol in blood specifically and. And we don’t want it to look at us.”

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“… Anything else?” Fulsome is really unamused by someone playing knowing seer without actually giving anything substantial.

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“Um. This is to try to get something to open a door to a, I think another dimension.” Shiver. “And not a nice one. lt breaks people. Mentally. I don’t think anyone that wants to go there is okay.”

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“A door to another dimension,” sighs Fulsome. “Made by someone who’s carked. And it’s bloody castoff business.”

This does make the next person to question very obvious, doesn’t it.

“Aleks, would you be willing to pay Matkina a visit?” He motions to the wall. “Maybe see if she can weigh in.”

He’d send one of his more loyal followers, but Aleks is the only one in the Underbelly that could plausibly beat her in a direct fight by himself. For ordinary people to stand a chance against a jumpy, half crazy, paranoid castoff, it’d need to be a whole squad. And they’d probably come back with casualties.

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He teleports himself and the castoff away from the symbol and nods to Fulsome at his request.

"Don't suppose you'd know where she is."

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"Mapper will know!" pipes in Tahir.

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Aleks's gaze snaps directly at him. "...yes, he would. How do you know Mapper."

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"We're friends!"


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“Of course you are,” sighs Fulsome. “I’ll double your usual fee.” Just for dealing with these people. “Need someone to watch over your little star?”

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He looks down at his clinging castoff.

"What do you say? I think it will go easier with your help, but..."

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She lets out a breath.

“No, I’ll. I’ll help. This is important. And if it’s castoff nonsense there’s even odds that something involved is locked for castoffs only.”

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A FINE START TO A QUEST there will be blood

But despite the voices in his head it seems the golden man has enough sense to not say anything right this moment.

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"To Mapper, then." And to Fulsome: "I am truly sorry. Wheedle was a good man."

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"He was," says Fulsome, with a grave nod. This is all he wants to say on the subject. "Let me know if Mapper gives you any trouble."

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Aleks's clinging castoff is sort of wondering if the bright cheerful golden man is coming. She would rather he didn't, but also it... seems like there isn't going to be any talking him out of it.

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Bright cheerful golden man is absolutely coming! He is, in fact, leading the way to Mapper.

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...which is entirely unnecessary, Aleks knows where Mapper is, but so it goes.

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The man himself isn't hard to find, and he particularly sticks out in crowds, even Underbelly ones. Every uncovered inch of him is decorated in crisscrossing finely patterned lines, in white and yellow and pale blue, even his shaved head. A strange device covers one of his eyes, a deep blue light shining from its center.

He brightens up immediately upon seeing Tahir.

"Tahir!" he says, sounding delighted. "Hello! Found anywhere else interesting? Oh, hello Aleks. And... new girl! Hi, new girl!"

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IT'S HIM IT'S MAPPER LET'S ASK FOR A NEW QUEST we have just started a new quest OH RIGHT

"Hello! No, not yet, we are now solving a murder! Very dreadful business. And we imagined you would be able to help!"

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"Matkina," Aleks puts in. "Do you know where she is?"

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"Matkina! Oh, yes." Pause. "She will probably kill me for telling, though."

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"No she won't! Because this," and he gestures grandly towards the castoff, "is her sister! ...one of the good ones. Not the bad ones."

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What a glowing recommendation. She waves anyway, just to properly play off of his introduction.

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Mapper squints at her.

"... I think that makes her more likely to kill me, not less. She hates her siblings."

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"One of the good ones, though!!!"

tell him about the place you found THE REWARD TO A SUCCESSFUL QUEST IS A NEW QUEST

"...also, I hate being that guy, but you know, I did help you complete your map of Sagus Cliffs..."

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"That's true..." he admits. "... Okay, yeah, for you. But! You didn't hear it from me, okay, you figured it out while doing adventuring or something."

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"What had been missing on your map?"

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"Oh, the Changing God's secret lair. We all knew they had one, and I kind of had a good idea of where it'd be located just from the blank spaces on the map, but there wasn't any obvious way to get there! And Tahir got one of the sticha to dig a tunnel right there. It was very clever."

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!!! Want!

".... Could I maybe also learn where that is too...?" Not for right now, right now is murder mystery time, but. But. Changing God's lair!!! WANT.

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"I will show you! It was terribly boring, though, none of the numenera did anything."


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"Thank you, that would be great. Matkina first, though."

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"Sure, sure. But again! Didn't hear it from me."

Apparently Matkina's lair is up by the airship docks! There is a clever little trap door that doesn't look like it's a trap door, but is. Here are the distinguishing characteristics that one can use to figure out where it is! But it'll probably be locked. Mapper doesn't know what kind of key it'll require to open, but that will presumably make the adventure more fun. Or something.

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WE COULD DIG A HOLE THERE that might cause a cave-in. we like it. WE CAN SURVIVE BY DOING BACKFLIPS backflips are not the answer to everything BACKFLIPS ARE THE ANSWER TO EVERYTHING

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If they can get some numenera that sees through doors or walls Aleks could just teleport them past.

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She feels kind of uncomfortable about breaking into her sister's home and thinks they could just try something sensible. Like knocking. Not that she's going to say this out loud. Yet. Everyone can just keep their ideas about how to get into Matkina's home on the inside until they get there.

"We'll figure it out, thank you!"

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The trap door is tricky to find, but with directions they can locate it soon enough. It turns out to be in a particularly quiet corner of the airship docks, and while the door itself blends in quite cleverly, it is given away by the lack of moss on the uneven paving stones making up the 'door.'

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"My idea first," says the castoff, "it's easiest."

She knocks. Since this is a trap door, this involves directly sitting on the ground. It looks... a little silly.

"Matkina? Are you in there? Can we come in and chat?" she calls through a crack in the stones.

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This gets nothing but silence.

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Matkina really really hates other people, she's kind of notorious for it.

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"I'm, uh, your sister! Really sorry to bother you, but I came into existence yesterday and I would kind of like directions to any kind of castoff meeting spot or something! Before I do something stupid like wander off a cliff!"

Knock, knock, knock.

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"... Yeah okay in retrospect that was never going to work," she admits, grumbling. "Matkina for the record I want it known that I tried to be polite and not break into your home!!!"

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Then she looks up at her companions.

"Okay, other ideas?"

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DIG DIG DIG DIG or we could kick down the door WAIT SHE CAN HEAR US RIGHT? DIG DIG DIG DIG

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Aleks looks at Tahir's... uncharacteristic silence... then raises an eyebrow at the castoff. "What's up with him?"

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"One voice wants us to dig and is relating that by saying 'dig dig dig dig' over and over again," she explains in a perfect deadpan. "Personally I want to do as little damage as possible to my sister's home, so. No digging. Sorry. I liked your teleport idea, any idea where we can get something to see through the wall?"

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"Not... off the top of my head. Maybe the Order of Truth would know."

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the White Death will flee WE MUST WASTE NO TIME

"...if she can hear us, and I have no reason to think she cannot, she will run away as soon as we are gone. Might be doing that right now."

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That's surprisingly logical and rational from the golden man, wow. She winces.

"... Right. Uh. Stick something into this crack here, and forcibly pry it open, then? It looks like it opens that way, so. Over here is where we leverage from."

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Tahir strides over to the crack and...

...inserts his fingers into the stone almost like it's made of butter. He grabs the trap door and pulls with similar superhuman strength.

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That works, revealing a ladder down to a modest little nook of a living area...

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... And a very unamused looking castoff, her skin so white it could be snow. She glares up at the trio with dark, glittering eyes, and she's pointing some sort of numenera at them.

"What," she growls, annoyed.

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"Please lower your weapon, we just want to talk about a reasonably urgent and pressing issue."

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"You," she says to Aleks, and apparently she agrees with the whispering nano voice, because she immediately backs up against a wall and is watching him for any sign of movement. "No. We can talk just fine like this. If you go disappearing I will shoot, and your friends up there, sister included, will die, even if I follow."

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Not a good time for him to mention he can take other people with him, then. He briefly considers teleporting towards her then with her away, without her numenera, but decides to file that for if things turn south.

"We mean no harm. We are investigating the murder of Fulsome's protégé."

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...YOU WERE RIGHT we know WE STILL WANT A FIGHT he is deadlier than one

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"Well, it wasn't me. There's no money in Underbelly work."

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"No, we know. We just think you might have a better idea of what's responsible. Because I recognized the symbol drawn in blood, and, uh, considering the source of my memories we thought it might be a good idea to ask someone with a bit more life experience."

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Matkina's eyes flick to her little sister.

"... Drawn in blood."

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"Yeah, uh—Aleks did you bring paper or something, I should have planned ahead better—"

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"Other dimension, drives people mad, otherworldly entity that likes pain and suffering?" At her sister's nod, Matkina continues. "Children of the Endless Gate. Splinter faction of the Dendra O'hur. They're particularly vulnerable to the effects of its victims, what with absorbing memories of those they eat. There, done, I've helped, now leave."

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THAT WAS ALL? we are to find an otherworldly entity that likes pain and suffering YOU WILL BE FRIENDS or we will destroy each other in glory

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Well, Aleks himself has no real reason to... stay here. If Matkina wants them gone so bad. He looks at the other castoff with a raised eyebrow.

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"I am really sorry about bothering you, and especially sorry about your door," says the other castoff in question, looking very guilty. She retrieves her small pouch of spending shins and dangles it. "Can I pay for a replacement? Or as just an apology?"

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Matkina stares at her like she's gone mad.

This girl is just a day old, isn't she, she has no idea how castoffs operate or how they treat each other. This whole exchange was downright civil. Hell, if those fanatics of Inifere's are involved, this was even justifiable and reasonable. What's a damn door if the whole neighborhood descends into insanity with people killing people to make dimensional gateways to insanity to drive more people to the same?

... Matkina's never going to get a better shot at this, is she. She needs a castoff's help anyway and if this girl is just a day old, she hasn't had time to get any real scheming done. This is probably the nicest castoff she's ever going to meet, just because none of the others have gotten the chance to fuck her up yet.

"... You want to apologize?" she asks, warily.

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".... Fine. Then get down here. Your friends wait outside."

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"...Matkina, unless she really insists I don't think I am ready to trust you like that."

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ADVENTURE bloodshed

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"He can stay outside, though."

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WHAT what

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Matkina growls a little.

"... Fine. You'd just teleport in anyway, wouldn't you."

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"Tahir, can you go tell Fulsome the stuff about the Children of the Endless Gate?" offers the castoff. "It's probably important that he know about that as soon as possible, the killer's still on the loose."

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A KILLER TO BE CAPTURED we might see them in action WE MIGHT CATCH THEM we might help them WE ARE THE HERO WE DO NOT KILL INNOCENTS we can kill them instead we guess MUCH BETTER

"Roger that!"

And off he goes.

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...what a very peculiar person.

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She beams, and then heads down the ladder to her much less bright and happy sister.

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Matkina puts away the device she had been threatening them with, and starts pacing. Like a caged animal. She gives both of her guests suspicious glances, unable to decide which she wants to watch more, flicking between them both.

"Do you know what a Merecaster is yet, baby sister?"

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"You are new. A Merecaster is one of the byproducts of how we are made. Every castoff has one, just like every castoff has this." She taps the tattoo on her own temple. "No one knows what they were originally for. Aadiriis thinks that they're a byproduct of the transfer process, the, the antennae at the other end of our sire's mind transfer, maybe. The thing that catches them each time. We don't know. There are a lot of things that connect us, this is one of the stronger ones. We can use them to see into each other's lives."

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"... Uh. Okay. Their... entire lives, or can you pick, or do you get a grab bag of the highlights or something?"

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"No. Just, just a moment that was important to them. Changed them, when they burned or raged or decided something pivotal. When their life was at a moment of flux or they decided who they are."

Aadiriis thinks that the Merecasters are antennae after they've been used, still tied to the body their sire left, still watching for the most important moments. Still recording.

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"That is really nonsensical and strange, but okay."

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Matkina laughs. "Welcome to being a castoff, little sister."

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"Where... I mean, how do these come to existence, how does one find someone's... Merecaster?"

That sounds like the kind of thing no one else should have but the person themself.

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"We've never seen one made. They tend to be left behind in our sire's wake, though. A castoff will recognize one immediately."

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"They are just... lying around? In their belongings?"

He is not so happy with the thought of someone having such easy ready access to his castoff.

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"Not even," she snorts. "More like discarded refuse. They keep their belongings safe."

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Aleks is cute, and she is going to take his hand over it.

"It's fine. I mean, it's not, but. I'm more offended on everyone else's behalf than upset on my own. It'd be kind of hypocritical, you know?"

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Matkina glances at her sister holding hands with Aleks, and gives a disapproving groan, but doesn't otherwise comment. Yet. Ugh. Did the girl go and seduce the misanthropic speedy teleporter? That's damned clever, she admits, but ugh.

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Aleks squeezes her hand but does not otherwise react. A cold glare can't be called a reaction if it's just what his face always looks like.

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"Anyway. I have one for one of our brothers. Tash." Matkina looks away, and... it's so hard to think whenever he's involved. The fucker. There are so many holes. She's dealt with it for decades now and it's still the worst. "And I need you to use it, and tell me about it."

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"... You can't use it yourself?"

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"No. Obviously. Or I would be, instead of going to some naïve little girl who hides behind mortals and cringes about broken doors!" Matkina had been speaking normally, but clearly this struck a nerve, because now she's shouting. ... Why is she shouting? She doesn't remember. "I... why am I..."

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The naïve little girl who cringes about broken doors frowns.

"Are you—okay?"

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"NO. I am not okay. I have never been okay. Our brother," she points at the Merecaster, apparently she means Tash, "fucked up my head a long time ago, and I have never been okay since. So I can't use his Merecaster, because thinking about—that—is hard, makes my mind slide, and all I get when I try is static, and, and it won't fix anything but I need—to fill in as many of the holes as I can. Okay?"

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...Aleks is happy he stayed. He would not want to leave his castoff here with her unstable sister.

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Yeah, she's really seeing the wisdom in having him along! It is very good to have him along. She squeezes his hand, just so he knows that she cares and appreciates him.

"Okay. I can help you fill in as many of the holes as you can. Do I get any ability to steer or am I just along for the ride?"

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Matkina focuses on breathing and trying not to shout.

"Some ability to steer, but not much. Don't get your hopes up. It's a recording, any wiggle room you use is just the simulation being thorough. You want to look for the, the..." she trails off, mutters to herself, then says, "... jahk. That's what it was. I don't—I can't—think of it, but that's what it was called. It was important. Maybe the, the key to what happened."

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"All right. So... pay attention, try to gather as much information as possible, tell you as much as I can to fill the hole."

She doesn't like this, but she also doesn't like Matkina walking around with that kind of, of hole in her mind. And she is going straight to the guy who was responsible, apparently, and. And. Matkina feels so hurt and betrayed and paranoid, and she just wants to patch a hole someone else made in her, and. Probably if she didn't do it someone else would instead so it's fine if she's the one to do it no she will not absolve herself of responsibility. She is choosing to steal into her brother's past and into his mind and she will own up to it. It is wrong. What he did was also wrong, left a kind of damage that she, even as a literal mindreader, can't fully comprehend. She wants to fix it, even if that means being a little bit cruel to her brother. She'll apologize, later. If she ever meets him. For what little good it will do any of them.

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"... You sound like you've decided," whispers Matkina. Terrified despite herself. She wants this so badly, but maybe it won't even work, maybe all of this hope will be for nothing and she'll still be floating around through life with holes in her head and, and.

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"It turns out that I'm a sucker for a sob story," she admits. "Do you—are you—can I—"

She would like to hug her poor broken sister, but that is probably overstepping.

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"Oh, spare me your touchy feel-feels." Without looking at either of her guests, she goes over and opens a small panel by her bed, and retrieves a small black device from the hidden nook. It's jagged and knobbed, and protruding with some kind of antennae. A symbol like their shared tattoo is emblazoned on it. "This goes right to where it happened. It was—I can't—I can't see but I know. By the gaping hole that I can't think about. I killed him and it didn't go away."

That last part is to herself, more than anyone else. Just bemoaning the unfairness of the world.

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"I guess I can't apologize to him, then."

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"Ha. You would want to? He didn't deserve it. I remember that much."

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Aleks feels very much like an intruder here, this is awkward as helllllllll but it's fine. Castoff business. He'll lend moral support.

He is kind of, in an abstract sense, sorry for Matkina. But on the other hand she is an active threat right now and has not exactly done anything to earn his good graces so he thinks he will continue caring about exactly one (01) person, thanks.

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"It's not really about whether he deserves it or not. It's about me erring. Anyway, uh. Do I need to do anything in particular, to. Use it?"

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"No. Yes, but. It'll be obvious. Just follow where it leads. We call them the Tides for a reason. They have a tendency to just... sweep you away." She sounds so distant. So sad. It's pathetic and she wants to stop.

She slaps the device into her sister's hand, looking elsewhere and stepping away from her before she can change her mind. Please work, please work, please. She doesn't know what else she'll do, the holes are getting bigger.

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It does turn out to be sufficiently obvious. There's a thing here, and it's calling to her, and. And all she has to do is just let it take her away.

She doesn't even register when she crumples to the ground as her mind leaves her body. Again.

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Castoff fall counter: 03.

It's a pattern now.

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Everything is wrong.

Tash's body—hers, now—clings like a wet cloak. The world is too bright for nighttime; everything is too clear, distances too close, edges too sharp. The memories fly and buzz past her head, too fast to be caught. A new body, a new mind, a whole new person

She's gone too long without rest, she knows. And there's Matkina, as she was so many decades ago—as she is now—why did the castoff think of this as the past? This is how Matkina has always looked.

On the wastes, the light of campfires. And in the humble village before her, a bigger, brighter fire burns. A pyre. Inside, a body that's too large burns too slowly, greasy smoke snaking into the night. Villagers circle the bonfire, wailing and shaking.

"From exile, you are released," says the headman, throwing a handful of powder into the fire that puffs up as gold, green, purple embers into the sky.

("You are released," some mourners echo.)

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She's... here but she's not. She's thinking but she's... not. She's floating, and she's somebody else, but she's not. It's incredibly surreal. It doesn't make sense. She's so very confused. Matkina looks so young, though. Not really physically, physically she's precisely the same, but her mannerisms are different. She acts so young.

Right. Observe. Observe things more relevant than just 'Wow Matkina looks way less paranoid and sad and crazy.' What is this? Can she figure it out? ... It looks like a funeral. She doesn't think Tash knew the deceased, but. It's hard to know anything, really.

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"They're almost done," murmurs the younger Matkina, beside Tash. "This will go a lot better if we don't interrupt."

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She—he—the castoff nods, and doesn't interrupt. There's no need. Matkina is right.

As the body burns and the mourners chant, they wait in the shadows at the edge of the village. After enough time, the corpse is consumed, and the headman gives a final cry: "To the distant dark, you are released." The villagers drift away, then, leaving him alone beside the smoldering pyre.

And with that, the funeral is over.

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Matkina gestures to Tash, and then leads the way to speak to the elder.

"Neng," she says, softly. Smiling just a little. It's good to see him.

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The man—his eyes are large and milky, blind—sniffs the air at the sound of her approach, and smiles broadly. "Kina!" he calls, putting hands on her shoulders. "You return in unpleasant times."

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"I return because the times are unpleasant," she corrects, gently. "Come on. Let's talk."

She motions to Neng's humble home.

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    Tash follows them, opting to let Matkina talk. She knows this place, these people, after all.

Neng's home is small, hardly furnished and entirely undecorated. He lowers himself onto a hassock and gestures towards similar cushions for the two castoffs, but begins without preamble: "They hung him from a tree. Old Gareb. Took their daggers to him." It started calm enough, placid enough, the sentence, but his face shows more of the hurt and anger with each word. "Called it 'pruning'," he nearly spits, before grunting and trying to calm down. "They sent him home by skimmer, along with the compact they'd made to the plains-people." He gestures at a crumpled sheet of paper on the floor. "Tik read it to me.

"They've promised to put an end to our menace, Kina." He shakes his head. "Why? We've always paid the blood price, for whatever harm we've done. You know that. They know that."

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"Yes. But the Sand Knights won't take shins, Neng. You know that. They see you as monsters, and they're wrong but we can't make them unsee it. Not without blood. And it shouldn't be yours. Your peoples'."

She reaches forward to take his hand. "The Militia is here to help, Neng. You are who we stand for—the small, the threatened, the hunted. That's who we are. We want to protect you, but we can't do it here. Come away with us. If you tell the Knights you're going, if we're here to defend you, they won't force a fight. They have bigger battles ahead of them, believe me."

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He turns to look at his hand in hers, unseeing, and murmurs, "This is our place Kina."

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"I know. But Paj Rekken will give you a home. Trust her. Please. She's set aside land for you, deep inside our territory. You'll be safe."

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Tash watches this all impassively—or, no, more like he's bored. Waiting. Watching.

    "It's not so simple," replies Neng, oblivious to Tash. "Not so easy. Plains-people cannot understand." ...and she is a plains-person, too, isn't she? Matkina may think herself close to them, but she is still not of them. Neng isn't saying that, except by the way he is very definitely leaving it unsaid.

"If you're too stubborn to take the Militia's gift," sighs Tash, "you deserve the ropes and daggers the Sand Knights are bringing instead."

    Neng sucks in a breath at Tash's voice—he'd almost managed to convince himself he'd imagined the other castoff, that it was just him and Matkina—something breaks in him, at that. At the cold, stark reminder that his choice is not just about what he's comfortable with, about his pride and culture, about what's easy. This choice is about his people, it's about their lives. It's this, or... or...

    "You're right," murmurs Neng, eventually, after far too long and no time at all. "But... we can't go without the jahk."

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"The... what?"

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"Up the hill," says Neng, "behind the gate. The cave's been sealed for generations. Inside is the jahk. It's what helps us keep our worst instincts inside. If we leave its song..." He gestures, blindly, in the direction of the heat, of the pyre outside. But then he leans in, close to Matkina, to whisper into her ear. "And you alone out of the plains-people know how to open it."

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"Okay. Thank you. We'll get it. Try to convince everyone else that this is the right move, we don't have much time."

She clasps Neng's hand a final time, and then turns to lead Tash away, up the hills.

"We'll have to hurry," she says to Tash, as they climb. "I see the Sand Knights are riding towards the village already. You said Paj is on her way?"

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Tash looks at her and—


—not Tash. She—the castoff—she remembers. Why she's here. Why he's here.

Not human, none of them, none of these villagers. Teratomorphs is the technical term, though they don't use it. And sometimes they change, go wild, become... monstrous. It happens to the young, or the old. And it usually passes. It passes, and they change back... unless they don't. Unless they leave the village, never turn back. Lose control.

He's not here to help save Kholn Village. Paj Rekken, the First Castoff's lieutenant, the leader of the Militia, is coming here to destroy the village. And she knew everything. She knew the villagers' secret, she knew about the jahk, she knew the Sand Knights would come, she knew about their compact.

Paj Rekken knew it all, and orchestrated it that way. The plan was not, has never been, to fulfill Matkina's promise. The plan is to ensure the battle happens. When the Knights arrive, Paj will destroy the jahk, forcing the "hill-people" into their feral state, unleashing them upon the Knights. Weakening them. They have ever been one of the Militia's foes.

Paj Rekken is coming in person to see that all goes right. That all goes according to plan. That the villagers are slaughtered, just to hurt the Sand Knights.

Used as pawns, and discarded just as easily.

"Yes," says Tash.

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"Good. Okay."

Matkina, with absolutely no idea of the treachery that is about to befall her, leads Tash to where the jahk is being kept. It's easy to retrieve, if one just knows how, and she's quick and clever and was told how to get it. Because she is trusted by these people. The jahk is simple, and looks like some kind of reed flute. Music plays endlessly from it, almost too soft to hear and too haunting to bear.

"I think it calms them," she murmurs, reverently, "helps them keep control of their... less than savory urges."

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And it's about to be destroyed so that the people of the village are unleashed upon the Militia's enemies. She can see the cold logic in it.

NO, she wants to scream, but she can't—do anything—at all.

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He watches it all, impassively, almost expectantly...

Matkina's quick, at the end of the cave, at grabbing the jahk. Tash watches as she snatches the jahk from above the pedestal, as an arc of energy misses her by half an inch. She is much too quick for it, and he almost laughs. But instead he nods, and starts leading the way out without waiting, knowing she's following.

At the gate, back outside the cave... they're waiting. Paj Rekken and her bodyguard, and half a dozen castoffs with drab armour. Down below, past them in the village, the Sand Knights have arrived and are meeting with Neng and the villagers.

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"Paj!" says Matkina, breaking into a smile. She holds the jahk in her hand. "Good, you're just in time—skist, what are you doing up here? We need to be down there, at the village. They're here! You know they won't play nice unless we make them!"

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This is like a nightmare. This is like a nightmare, and she's stuck here, screaming from the inside. Probably any attempt she makes to struggle is pointless, this is all a simulation, right, this all already happened. But she can't just not. She has to try to, to find the edges of this cage that's holding her, has to wiggle her way out, has to do something because this is not fair—!

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Tash twitches, just a bit.

...no. She twitches, just a bit, wearing Tash's body. But Paj either doesn't notice or doesn't care. At no visible signal, instead, one of her bodyguards lowers his weapon at Matkina and fires.

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"What—?!" gasps Matkina, but she's already enclosed in an anti-gravity forcefield, suspended off the ground. She's fast, but she wasn't expecting to need to dodge. Wasn't expecting to be betrayed. Trapped. "No!"

The jahk escapes her grip as she flails, trying to find some purchase in her prison. She has her knife out, but it's useless, she's spinning impotently in the air.

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Meanwhile, her sister—asserts—control.

This is not a simulation. She doesn't know how she knows that, but she does. Matkina was wrong. This is, this is an actual connection to this moment in the past, this time when Tash was feeling this, and, and. For some reason, she thinks she can change it.

Probably she should think about this more, consider whether or not this might break reality, err on the side of caution and do what she was here to do, but she has leverage over this incredibly unfair thing and she—won't—just—stand aside!

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She twitches again, as Tash, but then it's her, not him.

She swallows, and tries to figure out... what to do now. It's not like she can fight them all, even if she managed to free Matkina. It's not like she knows what changes she can or can't make. Realistically, she should, she should aim small, do as little as possible but try to do as much as possible.

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The bodyguard and other castoffs are focusing on Matkina and completely ignoring Tash. Paj herself, after making sure Matkina is well and secured, aims a tiny device in the direction of the jahk, activates it and—

—the flute disintegrates.

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She shuts her eyes and hisses through her teeth.

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"NO!" shrieks Matkina. "No, how can you do this, Paj how can you do this, they believed in you! I believed in you!"

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Paj ignores her and looks at Tash. "Now, if you please, brother, wipe her mind. Then we'll release her and see if she finds her way home to us, where she belongs."

...and if nothing else had convinced her that this was more than a simulation, that this is her—she can't. She can't do it. It's within Tash's power, wiping Matkina's mind like that, she can sense it, feel it, remember it. When the Tides surge through him, he can destroy memories.

She can't do it. Even if she wanted to, she cannot access Tash's powers at all, here. She is, in all but appearance... herself.

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She hopes that just being herself is enough.

"Yeah," she agrees. Realistically speaking, there's nothing she can do for the villagers in this—this state. She wants to, and she can hear them screaming, beastial and horrifyingly human, but. She needs to focus on what she can do, not what she can't. And what she can do is save Matkina's mind. Probably. Maybe. As the person controlling the one who fucked her up in the first place.

She steps towards Matkina (Ugh, this body feels so wrong now that she's properly controlling it, if she had any doubt that she was a she, it's well and truly gone now, this is a stupid thing to notice right now) and holds her hand out near her head, leaning her own close.

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"What! No, fuck you, fuck all of you, you're the real monsters—!"

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"This will be easier," she says, gently, "if you don't struggle."

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"Wh—" and something in Tash's tone causes her to look up.

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Play along, she mouths, where none of the others can see.

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Matkina's eyes widen, then she obeys. She's lied before, she can lie now. She gurgles in her throat and twitches in the forcefield—then she slumps, as if drugged.

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She sighs. Is she shaking? She might be shaking. "Good luck, sister," she murmurs. It makes perfect sense as something to say for her in character. They didn't want to kill her, right? This is the kind option.

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Paj watches it all with only slight interest. When Matkina slumps she nods to him and says, "Good. Leave her. We'll see if our lost tremulan returns to the flock." Then she turns around and looks down at the battle that's broken out in the village below. Neither side has the upper hand, and between the now-turned-monstrous hill-people and the cornered Knights, it is nothing short of carnage. "It's time to go home," she says, nodding to herself in satisfaction. "The airship awaits."

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Can she—no, should she? Is there anything else she could do? Realistically? With her unknown powers and her complete lack of knowledge about how her reality bending whatever it is works?

Probably not. Probably she should quit while she's ahead. This is... not enough, but it's as much as she can get safely. Actually it's probably as much as she can get unsafely, this was in retrospect very dumb. She doesn't regret it, precisely, but. Very dumb.

She obediently follows Paj onto the airship. Trying to block out the screams.

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By the time they board, the few Sand Knights who remain—thirty or so—have managed to get the upper hand, forming a defensive square and burning what buildings they can. The still living hill-people skulk in the shadows, only a handful left now, torn between mindless revenge and terrified flight.

Paj watches it all impassively, be it because her senses are not as good as Tash's and she can't make out the individuals or because she simply doesn't care. When she notices him watching, she smiles at him. "I'm proud of you," she says, with what looks like a genuine smile.

And Paj leaves, back to her cabin, to plan some new battle, as she always does.

And the castoff leaves, slipping out of Tash's body and mind, coming back to the present, the world changed by her hand.

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"Yeah," she murmurs, with her own lips, "me too."

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To Aleks's eyes, everything is very boring, with his castoff sleeping in his arms peacefully, until she returns to herself, and Matkina twitches.

"What... what did you do?" she whispers, clawing at her own head.

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...eh? What did she do?

But most importantly, is she alright?

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"I'm fine. I um. Did something that probably in retrospect was kind of dumb," she mumbles, opening her eyes. "Not that I regret it for a second. If it worked. Matkina, are you...?"

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"I—I remember Tash cutting me. I see the holes in my mind. I remember him forcing me to the ground, tearing out my history with his Tides..."

She sucks in a breath that almost sounds like a sob.

"And I have other memories now. They're. How are they real. Tash didn't do it. He could have, but he didn't, he. He lied to Paj and saved me and. But he didn't...?"

Matkina holds her head in her hands, shaking, her voice becoming thick. "The two strands of memory... this is pulling me apart." Then she looks up. Tears stream down her face. "No. No it's pulling me back together. I remember now. The hole is. It's gone. Almost. I can. Half see it. Little sister. You changed reality. You changed it!"

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"It was cruel and unfair," she says, with passion. She pats Aleks's hand and stands. "So yes, I did. And I'm only sorry I couldn't change it more." Pause. "As long as reality is fine, anyway, I guess I'd regret it if this ends the world for the ninth time or whatever we're on."

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Matkina blurbles a little hysteric laugh.

"You're mad. You're mad just like the rest of us."

Then she tips forward and scoops her into a hug.

"Thank you."

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Oh! Hugging time now, okay. She returns Matkina's hug, patting her back.

"You're welcome."

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Oh. Oh. Yes, now that she mentions it, he, he does have different memories. Probably much fewer than Matkina herself, of course, but still, every time he's interacted with her is—doubled, overwritten, overlayed. It's subtle, it's the ways not being so broken have changed her, the mannerisms and the paranoia and the hurt.

His castoff... changed reality. Or forced another reality on top of this one? He doesn't understand. But he is...

...in awe.

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She beams at him. She kind of likes it when he thinks of her as his castoff. Even if she thinks she maybe has a name for herself.

“Do you think ‘Vetmera’ would make a good name?”

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Matkina collects herself and pulls away, wiping at her eyes with a sleeve.

“What, that’s, that’d be ‘shifter of Meres’? In… how do you know anything at all about the ancient dialect of the hills-people. I barely even know that, and I was there. Why would you pick something from them. They’re, they’re all dead, you didn’t change that.

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“But they mattered. And they deserved better. And… this feels kind of personally defining, so. Fine name? Bit on the nose, admittedly, but if I’m leaving multiple memories in my wake I’d rather just directly own up to it.”

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“… call yourself whatever you want.”

(It matches her name. ‘Matkina’ is from the same dialect. Kholn Village was responsible for naming her. It’s something they both share, now.)

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"I like it," says Aleks. It's pretty. And fits her. And maybe his brain is sightly less than fully online right now with how much he wants her.

This is distracting he doesn't like it.

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Vetmera giggles, then practically floats over to him to take his hand.

“Do you want some time alone to adjust to, um, being okay?”

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“I. Yes, please.”

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“Okay. And may I come back later to visit you and talk?”

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“… Fine,” grumbles Matkina, looking away. “Now get your damn hormones out of my bolt hole.”

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Vetmera cackles.

“Yes sister, sorry sister!”

And now they can leave!

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He can teleport both of them outside and then walk the rest of the way.

"I had never been called hormones before," he says, dryly.

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“There’s a first for everything!” She squeezes his hand. “We should probably go check on how the murder mystery is being handled, I hope that got sorted by Tahir while we weren’t looking. … I hope that got sorted competently while we weren’t looking!”

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Aleks... is not holding out hope.

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"I am! Because if it's all competently sorted we can do whatever we like with the rest of our morning! ... It's still morning, right, I wasn't out for all that long?"

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He more meant that he's pretty sure the golden man is not going to have been of any help.

...wait, "whatever we like"?

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Back to Fulsome, then.

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She giggles. But yes, Fulsome first.

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He is not where they left him. Some of the bloodstains are still there, haphazardly cleaned, but the symbol on the wall has been meticulously scraped off.

But he's not hard to find. He's at the Dendra O'hur Chapel, arms crossed, glowering at a woman's corpse.

"—going to be new insurances in place to make sure none of this mind fuckery happens again," he's telling a too-tall skeleton of a man that Aleks will recognize as Imbitu, leader of the local Dendra O'hur cultists.

  "This is why it's our church's custom not to eat alone," Imbitu sighs, "but yes, I quite agree."

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And the golden man is there! Looking very proud of himself.

a most satisfying conclusion THE QUEST WAS A SUCCESS THE KILLER WAS APPREHENDED "apprehended" THE KILLER WAS DETAINED we are starting to think you don't know what these words mean

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...well colour Aleks surprised. And suspicious.

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"Well! That looks promisingly sorted, but let's go make sure. ...How exactly does eating dead people relay their memories...?" she wonders to Aleks in an undertone, a little caught up on how completely nonsensical that sounds.

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"Some sort of device."

The Dendra O'hur are a cult one of her brothers started a while back, he thinks for her benefit. Melmoth is what he was called, Aleks believes, and they have a whole thing about knowledge never being extinguished and making sure it lives on. By eating the dead like that. But they have a fairly strong indictment against killing people, it's the opposite of the point, people should live a full life creating things and learning things and only be eaten once they are dead to make sure all of that is preserved.

Or so it goes. Disgusting, if you ask Aleks.

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But Tahir notices them.

OUR LOVE INTEREST RETURNS ...we agree but we think you are wrong about who it is

"Aleks! Castoff! We have caught the killer!"

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Yeah, it sounds... pretty disgusting. Logical, though? She guesses she doesn't have a problem with it, on principle. If everyone's consenting. But then it starts getting into the fuzzy grey area of 'And we also eat executed convicts and use that knowledge to hunt down their friends,' where that's perfectly logical, but also aesthetically distasteful. Also what if people don't want their memories to live on, what then?

"Congratulations!" she says with a smile, because regardless, she is glad that there is no longer a crazy murderer on the loose.

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"You two took your time," observes Fulsome, eyeing them both.

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"Sorry. I turned out to have castoff business with Matkina, and Aleks didn't want to leave me alone with her. But it seems like Tahir relayed everything important?"

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"Yeah. Good job. Thanks." He looks at Aleks. "But half of your doubled fee's going to golden boy over there, because he did half your job. So. You get your usual."

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spoils QUEST REWARDS the blood price TREASURE

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"That's fine," says Aleks, still squinting suspiciously at the golden man.

He's actually... competent?

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"Figured it would be," agrees Fulsome. He knows how Aleks works by now.

  "And hello, my dear," says the skeleton man with glittering eyes and a knowing smile, to Vetmera, "I don't believe we've met. Fulsome mentioned you, am I to understand you're the reason the symbol was figured out so quickly? Well done, and thank you for your civil service."

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"Uh. Matkina was the one who knew the specifics. But. Happy to help. It's nice to meet you, I'm Vetmera."

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"Imbitu, head of the church of Dendra O'hur in Sagus Cliffs. A pleasure. Do let me know if you see any more hints of this, hmm?" He would really rather Fulsome not get involved if this happens again, thank you, this is church business. "You're one of the few who can observe the signs in complete safety."

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"Oh. Uh. Yes." Is she being threatened? She might be being threatened. ... No, intimidated, he's just trying to intimidate her. It's working.

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You know who's more intimidating than old skeleton dude? Aleks is. He moves barely an inch, and yet the way he looks at Imbitu and his posture make it very clear that he is not intimidated and if he wants to get to Vetmera he will go through Aleks first.

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"—wait, you got a name!" realises Tahir, belatedly. "Congratulations! It is a pretty name."

WE HAVE THE BEST NAME we don't know that WE CHOSE IT OURSELVES SO IT MUST BE THE BEST you literally just chose the same name we were using before WE CHOSE IT

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Imbitu just smiles pleasantly at Aleks. He's just helping her find her legs here in the Underbelly! He's helping. Really.

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"It's fine," she murmurs to Aleks, patting his arm. He is a sweetie and she appreciates him. "And yes! I did. Thank you, I like it."

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"Everything seems well and truly solved, then."

Can they leave.

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WHAT'S OUR NEXT ADVENTURE we don't have one WHAT adventures don't usually chain together like that WE NEED TO FIND ONE

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It's kind of interesting how much of the Tahir beneath the nanites keeps poking through. She hopes that he's okay, in there. Underneath the two beings fighting over him and making him quest relentlessly.

But yes, she doesn't want to deal with these other people anymore, if the crisis is over she wants to go back with Aleks to his apartment and be very distracted and not think of any of this nonsense.

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Fulsome, similarly done with social niceties, is directing a goon to grab the corpse of the woman who was affected by the resident memetic threat. Apparently he will make sure that nothing of her remains, so that no one gets any bright ideas about eating her.

Someone else is not apparently done with social niceties, though.

  "Young man," says Imbitu, apparently noticing Tahir's problem, "would you be so kind as to help me with a problem related to our church?"

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A QUEST don't get used to it A QUEST A QUEST

"I absolutely would!"

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Off they go, then, back to his apartment.

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  "So one of our recent acquisitions has sparked the interest of a local artist..." Imbitu is explaining to Tahir, as they leave.

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Yep! To his apartment.

"I like when you think of me as 'your castoff,'" she says, when they're inside.

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...he smiles.

"Well, I didn't really have a way to refer to you in my head, before." Not that he thinks in words so much all the time so there's only so far that excuse can go to explain the possessiveness his brain was projecting.

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"You can keep thinking of me as your castoff. Even though I went and figured out a unique name for myself and everything."

And then they can do the obvious thing!

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Her fault for being so attractive all the time.

...............Aleks had literally never had that thought about anyone ever. He had literally never thought of anyone else as attractive at all, full stop. He just figured he wasn't into people. But apparently he's found his exception.