Yvette finds herself in the unenviable position of coming into existence in free fall at almost terminal velocity
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“Yeah, you were not kidding!!!” She gives a shudder. “Let’s. Let’s be away, from. From that. I. I want to figure out a way to get the city to stop this cruelty but actually if I stay here much longer I’m probably going to just throw up and start crying.”


He nods and leads the way back to the cultists.

At least they are disgusting people in an entirely mundane and harmless way.


Augh augh augh augh terrible that was terrible that was a thing that should not be why does it exist who would want to make that happen in the world!!!

“Give me a bit before we. Go talk to the people who don’t see me as a person.” She shudders. “Maybe go window shopping. Or. Or something.”


This is the marketplace, he can definitely show her around some nice shops selling pretty things and trinkets and devices and art and what have you.


Mostly she is unhappy and distracted, actually! She’s trying to cheer up a bit but augh the psychic impressions of a drugged man being tortured to death!!!



Maybe he could. Hug her again?

(This is a higher density of hugs per minute than his entire life has had.)


Oh. Hugs. Yes okay, this. This helps. She’ll just cling to him, then.

“Thanks,” she mumbles.


He just nods and... you know, hugs, that thing. That he's doing. Hugging.


… little giggle.

“You’re so confused by this,” she sniffle-giggles. “It’s kind of endearing.”


"I'm not confused," he replies, tartly. He's merely unused to it! And it's kind of awkward. Even if it's nice.


“It’s very nice,” she agrees, and she’s reminded of that other thing she didn't want to think about earlier, and this reminds her of other ways she could distract herself from horrible psychic impressions of a man being tortured to death while a crowd watches in fascination. That she could do, possibly with Aleks. No, no, that's. No. She is going through quite enough as her first day as a person, she is not going to use her only friend as her rebound from horrible feelings.

"You were a little confused, though," she teases, a little.


"Only the first time," he grumps.


"Uh huh. Sure."


"You're the mind reader, not me."


"It seems really rude to disagree with you about what you're thinking!"


Shrug. "You might be better at finding out what it is than me anyway."


"... Yeah, but do you want me to?"









Honestly, kinda? It's pretty irritating not knowing what he's feeling or thinking. They're his thoughts and his feelings and not knowing them grates.


"Huh! Okay. Well. You also like hugs, but you're confused about liking them because it's... not your normal, I guess. Less confused than you were the first time I brought it up, but not no confused."


"...hm." That doesn't not make sense, he supposes.


"You mostly seem very confused about why you like me and why you keep helping me! Which seems uncomfortable and confusing. You like me because I make funny jokes and because I'm... sincere and helpful and nice? And you keep helping me because you like me, and because you feel like walking away from me would be a bit like abandoning a small child in some sketchy ruins, which. Is kind of fair."


She is definitely going to get herself killed if she keeps walking around poking things like she seems to like so that last part definitely tracks.


"Yes, though for the record I think I'd be better off in a bunch of sketchy ruins than in a city with people! ... Also this is making you a little uncomfortable even though you think it's really nice, too. Want me to stop?"


........honestly, no. A part of him just wants to never have to use words again even though another part of him is calling him immature for it.



"I don't think you're immature for wanting to never have to use words again! They're tricky. There have been a bunch of times where I've wanted to just fling my feelings at you so I don't have to say stuff, but unfortunately. I have to say stuff."

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