Stiles is flicking paper footballs at someone's head in homeroom, which is, in his opinion, a productive morning. If he can't learn magic, and he has to deal with cardcaptors and sorcerers and bears...well, he'll make his own fun.
"Are any of us confident we can direct the Maze? Enough to let us travel through it without any impossible geometry?"
"Right. So let's see how much control I have over this."
Staff, meet card.
"Maze, create a path from me to Sadde, release!"
"Yeah. So long as I ask it for a path, I get one. Next we can try a path to a card that one of you activates, in case cards are different because they're made of magic, and then we can try what happens if I don't know where you are."
"Good ideas. Also you should try aiming for a place rather than a card, assuming the Time is in the same place."
"Can you think of anything else, before we start? I'm not sure if you were listening, so if you weren't, that's fine."
"Oh. I was listening but I can't think of anything else. Maybe you should dispel the Maze?"