Stiles is flicking paper footballs at someone's head in homeroom, which is, in his opinion, a productive morning. If he can't learn magic, and he has to deal with cardcaptors and sorcerers and bears...well, he'll make his own fun.
"They can help a lot, even if you're as powerful as we think, you're still uncle can get you one."
"I'm not powerful, my other self was. Get me one? Like what? That'd be very kind of him." And very suspicious.
Scott returns.
"I had to convince him not to break the speed limit, but he'll be here."
"Stiles is bringing handcuffs, but we can try to brainstorm the other ones in the meantime."
"There isn't much to brainstorm. For the levitation, we want Float and Windy. If we do cards, we probably want Illusion."
"You know," he tells Scott, "that still takes my mind straight to the gutter." And to Alistair: "Illusion is good as an all-around thing, yeah."
"There was a card called the Mirror, I think? Maybe we can combine that with Illusion for a spell to do the saw and the box trick?"
"Do we know why the card has a limit on thickness? It could be hard to make a better spell."