Stiles is flicking paper footballs at someone's head in homeroom, which is, in his opinion, a productive morning. If he can't learn magic, and he has to deal with cardcaptors and sorcerers and bears...well, he'll make his own fun.
"You know, I hope you get your memories back so we can ask you what Clow was thinking. Can you Jump home?"
Expectations? And what good things? Also what did they think of you interacting with the cardcaptor?
She called you practical and canny, which is high praise from her, those are the only qualities she respects.
I don't know that we interacted enough for her to conclude that, but I'm flattered anyway. I'm kinda worried that you did not answer my third question, though.
They're not worried about him beyond just, the leverage he has if he messes up.
My mom usually decides things, anyway.
Yeah. They're even letting me go, last chance to feel fresh air, before they lock me in a tower and I have to grow my hair out to get visitors.
I had a book of fairy tales I loved to read as a kid.
I think it was Kit's, but he wouldn't admit to reading.
Anyway, you can rescue me without anyone getting mutilated or pregnant, which is a much better ending.