Stiles is flicking paper footballs at someone's head in homeroom, which is, in his opinion, a productive morning. If he can't learn magic, and he has to deal with cardcaptors and sorcerers and bears...well, he'll make his own fun.
"We understand you have a plan. Alistair has explained the details, and I'll be taking his place."
"Jump!" The card glows and two small wings appear on either side of each of her feet.
She jumps after them, not really bothering to keep out of sight since everyone's memories are going to be erased anyway. She has a moment of wishing the Argents' memories would, too, and then remembers that's a horrible thing to wish for.
The Erase is in a different part of town than before, vanishing cars again.
They arrive.
"Have you considered that capturing it now will be completely useless? It's possible this should wait until after midnight."
"Yeah, the point here is to not let twenty-four hours elapse."
Lookit that car, disappearing much faster than yesterday.