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The Worst Genin Team, take 2
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Shinrei laughs and kisses Elaise's cheek. 

"I'm looking forward to seeing you three compete."


"The exams won't know what hit them."


Amajina laughs. 

She wants to step up training so much... Though there's only so much more intense they can get, and only so much time before they have to leave...


Elaise will do what she can to help. She's not going to get to making her own sword before the deadline, but she's confident in taking the plain sword along.


You shouldn't rush great works, too; a truly worthy sword might take years - but Elaise is talented with her sword already, and Shinrei's worked her to the beginnings of lightning techniques with it. 

The trip to Konoha is smooth - helped along by how they're traveling with the other two entrant teams. Kiri doesn't default organize genin into permanent teams, and most of their companions spend the trip getting familiar with each other - Shinrei chats with the other jounin a lot, pulling her students into the discussions where she can. 

Konoha itself is massive - larger and more densely populated than Kiri, and significantly louder. Getting into the gates doesn't take too long - they're expected, after all, and they're all issued visitors passes and information on where to stay, who their escorts are...


They're not the only group entering, either. There's a contingent from Hidden Sand as well. Two or three teams of genin, it looks like, with one girl around Sayuri's age who seems to make the rest of her party nervous. She's dressed in drab robes and carries a large gourd on her back that seems to dribble sand continually.


Amajina's gaze goes distant as they're standing near the Suna teams - and then she orients her attention to the girl, tilting her head. 


Her lip peels back in a silent snarl as she senses Amajina's attention.



"Hi!" she says, stepping closer. 


She is smoothly intercepted by a boy in a black cowled robe and elaborate kabuki facepaint.

"Hello. You are from Kirigakure?"


"Yup," she says, amused. "And you're from Sunagakure."

She leans around him to wave at the other jinchuuriki. 


He leans back into her line of sight, smiling faintly.

"Ah, my sister is... tired, from our travels. Best not to disturb her just now. Perhaps later?"


"Okay..." She steps back. "Hope you're all able to rest well, then."


"And you as well." The Sand group heads off.


The angry (jinchuuriki?) girl has one last glare for Amajina over her shoulder.


She's still smiling.

Despite the unfriendly encounter, she's in good spirits as they're allowed through the gate. 


"Someone you, uh, relate to?"


"Pretty much!" she says, brightly.


"...She doesn't seem as friendly as the last one."


"Well, I'd be grouchy in her shoes, too."


"Yeah, all that hot sun and scratchy sand, not an ocean around for hundreds of miles..."


She laughs. "That, too, but - a noisy, rude friend, mostly."


"Looked like the sort to spread her problems around. Be careful, okay?"


"I will, yeah."

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