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The Worst Genin Team, take 2
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Hair pets and a soothing hum, that slowly transitions into a soft, crooning lullaby.


Elaise quietly falls asleep.


She's so, so beautiful. 

Shinrei keeps singing for a little while, petting Elaise's hair, her chest feeling like it's overflowing with how much she loves her girlfriend. Then she, too, drifts off to sleep. 


Elaise has a very peaceful night.



Shinrei throws them all headlong into a new training regimen over the next few days - helped by how the Mizukage has them on leave for a little bit. She gets Elaise an ordinary but fine sword and starts drilling her, teaches her the beginnings of lightning manipulation, pushes all three girls on speed and endurance and chakra control, sits each down separately to figure out their goals for this more in depth...

For Elaise, that also involves talking about some of the famous swords of history, how they were made - what skills go into their construction. Where Elaise might want to start. 

(Seal work is surprisingly common, and foundational for a lot - but there's far more skills interwoven with the field, and, yes, Shinrei does actually believe Elaise should do everything herself, here.)


Then there's a lot of work she'll have to do with that.

She also spends some of her private time talking with the jaguars, explaining the challenges and her goals, the caliber of enemy she'll need to face, asking if they have any help to offer.



Death of All Masters tilts their head - then stands, stretches, and taps their paw on the ground. A thin golden disk, complicated symbols carved around and across it, appears in a small curl of smoke.


"What's this?"


They nudge it towards her. 


She bends down and picks it up, examines it.


Elaise doesn't know the entirety of the writing system the jaguars use, though she's got a bit - and some of the markings are more illustrations - probably that's... Some kind of deity or witch, Elaise doesn't recognize the figure but the themes are familiar... Surrounded by sun and blood markings, symbols to show power flowing from the world into the ?deity?. The writing is - probably more a description of what's happening than an instruction manual...



"I... don't suppose you've got an explanatory pamphlet to go along with this?"




"Oh, this is the pamphlet. Okay."

"So this is... some way to gain power. Absorbing it from things around you... natural things, natural energy. Nature energy? Is this... senjutsu?"


Approving mrrr.


"Oh. Wow."

"Can I, uh, think about this for a while?"


They nod. 


"Cool." Pet pet.

"Thanks. For offering."


Nuzzle purr.


Elaise will bring the disc up with Shinrei, next chance there is.


There's one pretty soon; Shinrei's available for her a lot, after all. 

"What's this?" she asks. 


"I asked Mas if there was anything the jaguars had that could help me. They pulled this out."

"They're offering to give me sage training."


"Congratulations," she says, softly. "Do you want to go forward with it?"


"I do but- It's a lot, and with all the things you want me to do for the sword, and the other training... Do you think I would be overcommitting?"



"Right now? Probably," she says. "You're busy, and - you need some time that isn't training, for your own mental health if nothing else - and sage training is reputedly dangerous to do while distracted with other pursuits."

"My suggestion... Focus on what you have in front of you, what you can reach easily, and ask the jaguars if there's any preliminary skills you should develop. Meditation, sensory acuity..."

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