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The Worst Genin Team, take 2
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She falls back into rhythm with Chihiro, speaking in between exchanges of blows with Haku.

"The bloodline purges are over."

"What happened to your clan was atrocious, a crime that can't be undone nor repaid."

"But Kiri is working to do better, to heal what's broken in all of us. Bloodlines, jinchuuriki, enemies, traitors... We're welcoming anyone who wants peace. Who is tired of fighting their countrymen, of a bloody war without end or sense."

"This life can't be safe, for you or Zabuza. It can't be kind. There's a place for the both of you, among allies - if not friends."

"Even if you want to retire, there's a place. We're demanding no service; just - hoping, pleading that the people of Water not raise their weapons against each other ever again. Not against shinobi, or samurai, or civilians, or children, or those who've hurt and betrayed us."

"Peace among ourselves."

"It's not easy, at all. It's not always attainable. But we're trying."

"You and I shouldn't be enemies, wherever we stand in life."

(She and Chihiro avoid injury, for the most part, taking nothing more than scratches - but they aren't injuring Haku, and Sayuri suspects he's going easy on them.)


"A kind dream."

He pushes them a little, maneuvers them again to have to defend each other - makes it more awkward to maintain defense of themselves while still covering their ally - 

"But I cannot abandon Zabuza-sama's dream."

"Do you two have people you fight for?"


"I serve the village."


"To be a tool for an amorphous greater whole is a lonely thing."

He tries to form his mirrors, again, though Sayuri is keeping abreast of disrupting them - but the constant need for the Kiri kunoichi to abandon her own defense is stretching Chihiro thin. 

"My strength comes from my devotion to Zabuza-sama, and to him alone. I am his tool, and I cannot be anything but worthy."


Chihiro doesn't respond, focusing all her effort on the fight. It would be- bad, if Sayuri were to be injured. Counterproductive to mission objectives.


"Every time I fight, I fight for those I love," Sayuri says, softly. "This time is no exception."

She lashes toward Haku, pulling deeper on her reserves, fighting more recklessly with full faith Chihiro will defend her - and the tide of the fight begins to shift.


His grip goes tight on one of his daggers of ice.

He steps up his game to match, as far as he can.


Chihiro pushes, as much as she can-


He stiffens, suddenly, inexplicably - 


A moment before a blast of rage, corrosive, burning, fear and grief and hatred, a fire thicker than any mist - bursts, roars, fills their ears with static - 

It takes a moment to realize this is chakra, and the world hasn't been suddenly set on fire.


It takes a moment for Chihiro to spur herself back into action. If Haku's hesitating then this is her best chance to strike and then Sayuri will be safe-


Her blade cuts into him.

- Revealing watery ice rather than blood, and he turns to attack her, taking advantage of her closeness - 


The heavy feeling in the air vanishes.

The mist blows apart, instantly dissipating in a million little swirls, a masterfully wielded wind technique urging it along.

Both of Haku's ice clones shatter, and the real Haku - his mask broken, standing with his posture slouched in front of a stunned Naruto - is effortlessly knocked away from the genin, pinned as the tiles on the bridge surge up to grab his limbs; Chihiro doesn't even see the blows.

And a woman blurs into sight between Zabuza and Kakashi, idly redirecting the attack Kakashi had been aiming for Zabuza into the ground, before turning and slamming into Zabuza, knocking him on his back and coming to rest with her foot on his chest.

"Momochi," she says, voice flat and loud in the sudden silence, "I would suggest never threatening my students ever again."


"Ffffuck," he groans.




"Yeah. Yeah, I got it."



She removes her foot from his chest and looks around - then, to Kakashi: "Your unconscious student is paralyzed by senbon; I can safely remove those, if you're unfamiliar," with a gesture at Uchiha Tobirama's crumpled body. 


His uncovered Sharingan eye is spinning. "No need. I'll do it." He goes over to tend to Tobi, patting Naruto on the shoulder as he passes.


Small, lost noise. "Tobi's alive?"

His voice cracks, a little.


"Still alive."


He starts crying. Happily! But crying.

To Haku: "I - thank you for not killing her."


He's quiet, then: "I did not want you to lose your bonds."

"But I - have failed Zabuza-sama - "


Shinrei facepalms. (And retracts the tiles holding Haku in place, smoothing the floor back out.)

To Zabuza, entirely unnecessarily loudly: "I suggest you both get therapy."


Zabuza mutters something that sounds a lot like "Meddlesome bitch."


She rolls her eyes and turns to Kakashi.

"Thank you for keeping my students safe."

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