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The Worst Genin Team, take 2
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"When and where should we meet you? Would rather not do 'on the bridge,' in case there's an ambush set up - the workers shouldn't come in tomorrow, too. Same reason. You can tell them we need them to protect Tazuna's family, maybe..."


"Back here, then, and we'll go together. Say around quarter of eight."




Back to camp for them then, until the morning.

Contrary to popular belief, Elaise is in fact capable of waking up in timely fashion while on a mission.


They're all very impressed.

Sayuri helps; she's awake at a morally offensive hour, and can heat up water with a jutsu, get the powdered tea mixed in so 'caffeine and lots of it' is ready by the point Elaise is having to wake up, and so Sayuri can already have taken care of morning tasks so Elaise can handle waking up more efficiently.


That is indeed very efficient of her. Then to meet up with Sayuri's girlfriend the Konoha team?


Sayuri and Chihiro aren't dating yet, growth mindset, so, yeah, the Konoha team.

They can even get there a bit early.


Chihiro and the other genin are there to meet them.

"I should inform you that in the seventy-three instances I have personally witnessed Hatake Kakashi give or be given a time or deadline, he has been an average of forty-three minutes late."


"How hard is he to track down?"


"Nearly impossible."


"Aw, Chihiro-chan!" Kakashi pops up behind her. "I knew you cared!"


"Decided to pull her averages down?"


"A proper shinobi must always be prepared for the unexpected."



"Good thing you're keeping your students on their toes, then."


"I'm glad to see some people appreciate my efforts." He pats Naruto and Chihiro on the head.

"Now, let's get going."


"Are we bringing your client, too?"


"Yep. Need to have some bait for this trap."



And onward to the bridge, then. 


A thick fog is rolling in off the water even as they arrive.


She spreads her chakra - slowly, subtly, Zabuza is a jounin and will probably catch it but that doesn't mean she can't try - to produce interference, get her own mists woven in, reduce the negative impact on herself and her teammates. 

She isn't Amajina, who can just oversaturate the air with chakra and win that way - but Sayuri has been using this technique in some form ever since she learned to mold chakra intentionally, and she has a prodigy's control.

(And, if Zabuza does catch her - this is a very clear signal that there's a Kiri shinobi, here.)


Abruptly, a spot clears around one of the bridge pillars, to reveal Zabuza standing on top.

"Found some fresh meat, did you, Friend-killer? Where'd you come from, girlies?"


"Kirigakure no Sato," she says, still weaving her chakra through the mist. "It's an honor to meet you."


He scoffs beneath his bandages. "And you're all they sent? I'm almost insulted."


"We were in the area on a separate mission, heard you were here, and decided to stick around in case you hadn't heard about the general amnesty."

"If we had known you were here earlier - Mei-sama went to talk to Mangetsu and Raiga herself. You'd receive the same courtesy, if you felt like sticking around long enough for diplomacy."


"Yeah, we'll see. Right now, I've got a mission to complete. And you seem to be standing in the way of that."

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