owls in Heavenly Wish
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when you put it like that


what happened?


well uh a wish granter showed up and I made a wish and killed the witch with despacito and a dead cell phone


I wished to be able to control monsters. and I do it with music. my weapon is a flute. and my cell phone got killed in the fleeing-from-witch-victims process. so I beat the witch to death with it telekinetically. but I filled up the grief seed and I'm not at full charge, music monster management is EXPENSIVE it seems, so I think I probably need help. 


no shit. that's an incredibly useful power but the statistics on newbies going solo is, uh, worse, than the other survival statistics for magical girls. by a LOT. 


I'm not shocked. 


I will talk to some people and get back to you. Meanwhile expect me where you are soonish, I don't usually teleport to internet acquaintances without express invitation but I have a few spare seeds for new kids and it sounds like you need it. 


neat, thanks.

Then she texts Lan Zhan. 

hey I have some news but you have to promise not to freak out


Wei Ying.


ok so the good news is I'm a magical girl now


That's the good news!?!? Oh no. 

Wei Ying!


so I went to the hospital to do research and there was still a witch and I got chased by some witched people and locked myself in the bathroom and then a fuhuaqi came in through the vent and gave me my wish. so I wished to control monsters and now I can do that, with a dizi, and I made the monster let everyone go and come to me and I killed it. 


Are you alright?


My gem is not at 100% charge but saberdancer promised to come by later with spare seeds so I will be 100% fine. 


This is not the most reassuring thing Wei Ying could have said. Lan Zhan is less than totally reassured. 


Hm, what else should she do...oh!

She texts Xie Lian. 

So I'm a magical girl now. 


I didn't know you had an application in!


I did not! I got cornered by a witch and a fuhuaqi showed up on its own. 


Oh, I'm sorry, that sounds terrifying! At least one came by in time?


I locked myself in a bathroom, I might have been okay otherwise. I don't super wanna bet on it though. 


Yeah. Do you like being a magical girl?


well, I can control monsters by playing the flute, now, so that's kickass


That is very kickass!


It's pretty expensive, though. but I guess it didn't help that I don't have a non-flute weapon so I had to beat it to death with teekay 


Do you have a companion?

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