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I choose the path I walk
owls in Heavenly Wish
Permalink Mark Unread

Her plan was always "cope with her family's bullshit until she could go off to college." She would need scholarships for that, but she's smart, and more importantly, determined. And that's still the plan, sort of. But it's come to her attention more and more, lately, that potential maybe scholarships in the future are unhatched eggs, and that one shouldn't count the chickens in them. 

And her parents are getting less and less bearable to deal with as she gets older. Her brother's...fine. Mostly. Except that he doesn't want to cut ties with their parents, which limits the extent to which she can keep ties with him, in the long run. She can probably hang on until she turns eighteen; even if she doesn't manage to get into college, she can still leave. 

But she doesn't want to if she doesn't have to. 

She looks into the ways to emancipate herself as a fifteen-year old. 

One way is to get married, which--ugh, her mother might actually approve of that one, but even if there's any overlap between the kind of husband Rhonda would be willing to have and the kind her mother would want for her, he hasn't presented himself to her yet. One way is with mutual consent from her parents, which, haha, no. One way is to join the armed forces, which, extra, special, no. 

One way is to become a magical girl. 

Probably her odds aren't great. But it would be a good thing for a variety of other reasons besides just getting her out of here three years early, so she might as well check out what the application looks like. 

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Office of the Imperial Court of Magi under the Auspices of Her Majesty Jun Wu, Supreme Magical Empress
Magical Girl Application Form (US English)
Last updated 1987; please contact the office of Ling Wen with questions or corrections

1. Full name
2. Date of birth
3. Region [choose one...]
4. Is it legal, in your region, for you to become a magical girl at this time? (We can keep your application on file even if the answer is "no".)


14. What will you wish for?
15. Tell us about yourself.


☐ By checking this box you affirm that you have read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
☐ By checking this box you affirm that you are aware of the contents of Magical Girl FAQs including but not limited to section 4.9 ("Life Expectancy Statistics").

Permalink Mark Unread

1. Rhonda Susanne Wallace

2. 8/3/2006

3. Onondaga County, New York

4. Yes



...What she would wish for...she knows less about wishes than she would like. She's heard a lot about them, but she has no way to separate fact from fiction. She's pretty sure the thing where you can get recently-dead people back is real, but not certain; she's heard that it has to be something you really care about, which she has no way of knowing if it's true or not but she's reasonably sure they're only one to a customer so it wouldn't do to waste one. Wishing to get out of her parents' house would be redundant. What else does she care about, really care about in the depths of her soul? And of that, what would sound good to the people who'll be reading her application? 

She considers this. She likes books. She likes dancing and singing. She generally approves of social justice movements and environmentalism. 

Suppose she gets out of the Wallace house. What does she want most after that? ...To have a job, or a college scholarship; something stable where she won't have to worry about her next meal or a roof over her head. She wants...to be self-sufficient. Independent. To be able to get out if she ever finds herself in another situation like this again. 

How does she translate that into a wish?

I wish I would never have to interact with someone I don't want to again would be nice, but she can't see it impressing anyone. I wish I always had enough money to get by on sounds impractical at best, and liable to get her arrested for theft or counterfeiting at worst. 

She considers it for a little while longer, chin propped on one hand, and writes, 

14. I wish I could teleport. 

For number fifteen, "Tell us about yourself," she explains that her father is a drunk and her mother is impractically conservative/traditionalist and just wants her daughter to be a housewife and how she would love to blame them for that, but, cut to a well-arranged screed on interracial generational inequality in America in general and in her city in particular, with an aside on how the current Interstate was built in a way as to cut through the pre-existing black community and disrupt everything, and how being able to go wherever she wanted would help her to overcome systemic racism in America for herself and hopefully to help others do so, and also she's got good grades and lots of prosocial extracurriculars and no disciplinary record, you can check with her school. 




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There's no instant response.

Three days later she has an email asking if she is in a position to accept a plane ticket to Shenyang to be interviewed in person.

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Yes she is in a position to accept a plane ticket to Shenyang. She talks to her teachers about what she'll have to do to make up the work she'll miss and she tells her parents that she'll be "out with friends for a while" and gets a friend her mother approves of to corroborate it, and then she hops on a plane to Shenyang, almost vibrating with excitement. 

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In Shenyang a young man in the uniform of nonmagical persons employed by the Imperial Court meets her with her name on a sign at the airport. He doesn't speak a ton of English but he can get her to the palace.

The palace is ridiculously luxurious, like it's been kept in perfect repair and refined for two thousand years, which it has. There are magical girls all over the place; it's customary to go about in magical girl garb in the palatial environs.

She is handed off to a uniformed woman with significantly more English. "Welcome to the Palace, Miss Wallace."

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She had enough time before she left to look up some basic social niceties; she bows correctly. "Thank you very much--" she looks for a nametag. 

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It's in Chinese. "This way, please. Your application was received with much appreciation."

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Rhonda started a Duolingo account for Mandarin before she left but since this woman's name doesn't appear to be Li Hua or Zhang Ming she's left in the dark. She follows the woman. "I'm honored to hear that."

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There is a nice waiting room with nice antique furniture. Sitting on one of the antique chairs is some sort of creature.

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She gives the creature a curious glance but staring would be rude and she is GOING to make a GOOD IMPRESSION. 

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The creature hops into her lap as soon as she sits down.

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Well okay then!

"Hello. Nǐhǎo," she adds, in case it gets her any points for cultural sensitivity. 

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Hello. Welcome to the Palace. My name is Kyubey. Please tell me more about what you want to do as a magical girl.

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She blinks in surprise at the telepathy. 

"--Well, I don't know exactly what I'm going to want to do because so much about being a magical girl is unknown or uncorroborated--I hesitated a lot before filling in the wish slot on my application because I knew so little about how wishes work; I've heard dozens of things, some of them contradictory. But I know being a magical girl involves fighting monsters and I think I'm up to the task; I have a very high kinesthetic intelligence. I've never had any formal martial arts training because my mother didn't think it was ladylike but I'm an excellent dancer and I know how to take a fall and how to throw a punch without hurting myself. I also know a little bit of Cossack sword dance but I suspect that that has less applications for actual fighting than it could. I would like to use my powers to combat economic inequality, but I'm not going to do that in any ways that are stupid or illegal; I'm going to be careful and learn what's wise before I do anything." 

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What other wishes did you consider?

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--They PROBABLY have some kind of magical lie detection. 

"I considered wishing for a power that would let me render myself mutually uninteractable with someone--I considered wishing for more liberal economic policy--I considered wishing I spoke Mandarin--I considered wishing I spoke everything."

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Why did you choose teleportation?

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"Because it had the highest total score across the axes of plausibility, usefulness, and personal emotional weight."

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Are you ready now?

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"--I think so. How does wishing work, exactly?"

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The eartendrils of the creature lift up to touch her face. Tell me your wish, from the deepest part of your heart.

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From the deepest part of your heart. 

She thinks about it. Thinks about freedom absolute, thinks about never having to stay someplace she doesn't again. Thinks about being able to do anything she wants--if she hates these guys she could just leave, find deserving rich assholes and steal their knickknacks and hock them and live in motels that accept cash and have wifi and it's now how she'd choose to live but it'd be fine, honestly, and if someone caught up to her she could teleport to Antarctica, and for the hell of it why not imagine being able to teleport to her brother if and only if their parents aren't there--if and only if he's alone and not masturbating, maybe even--

She focuses on the sheer want that fills her with every imagining and says, "I wish I could teleport."

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There is light.

And Rhonda is a magical girl, with the bauble and the fingernail mark and the dress and all.

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Rhonda looks down at her dress--a black cheongsam with bright red dragons embroidered across it and a swishy red shift underneath that goes down to her wrists and ankles, extending from the short sleeves and the slits up to either hip on the cheongsam--and grins, and twirls around, and teleports to the other side of the room, and throws back her head and laughs gleefully. 

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Congratulations! says Kyubey.

The uniformed woman who escorted her in opens the door again. "Miss Wallace? Please come with me and register at the imperial office as soon as you're ready."

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"--Yes ma'am," she says, and takes a deep breath and smooths down the front of her skirt and turns to her cheerfully. 

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At the office Rhonda is supposed to answer a few more questions, but they already have her application information. She is photographed and they invite her to sign up for various introductory magical girl classes (she can do this back in the States, though since she can teleport she can probably do it somewhere else too).

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She grins for the photograph and answers the questions and looks over what classes are available where when. 

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Introductory Monster Hunting, Magical Resource Management, Using Your Powers.

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She signs up for classes. It happens to be convenient to take them all in the States. 

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Then she can go! If she has brought tribute for the Empress she can leave it over there but a lot of people skip that these days.

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Yeah she's gonna skip it. 

She teleports home. Well, what she actually does is teleports just outside of home, and transform back out of her magical girl dress, and stuff her soul gem in her pocket and walk inside from there. 

She can't actually move out right this second. She doesn't have a job or another residential situation lined up. She keeps all her important stuff at friends' houses, so packing isn't an issue, but everything's just changed and she's going to have to reorient herself before she starts burning bridges. 

And it turns out it's a lot easier to cope with her parents when she knows it's optional. She could just teleport the hell out. 

She shows up to the first magical girl class in her dress when it starts (her parents still haven't caught on that they no longer have legal power over her, although she has been justifying her absences less and less).

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Magical Resource Management is about making sure you're charged up! Apparently using magic uses charge, and you need monster byproducts to charge back up. Spiral-y negative thoughts can also use charge, and many magical girls go on antidepressants prophylactically so they can find a side effect profile they can cope with, or a few so they can switch if the prophylactic one turns out not to work should they have a real episode. The girl teaching the class has a photometer so they can see how charged they are now (as a percentage; different girls have different ceilings, and it can even sometimes change over time). If you get all the way to zero you will probably die unless someone rescues you right away. Here is a chart of things that magical girls do (exist, boost their physical actions, use telekinesis, use their special powers, conjure their weapons) and ranges for about how much power they take. Here is how to charge off a witch seed. When you are done with a witch seed you should turn it in to a Court chapter for disposal. There is a market for unused or partially used seeds, for girls who are for whatever reason not doing all the monster hunting they need.

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That seems like maybe a good way to make some extra cash. She would ask more about monster hunting but there is a whole other class for that. She checks how much charge she's already run down and asks how urgently it's important to turn in full seeds and how to tell if a seed is full. 

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She's at 82%. Used seeds can turn into monsters if left alone but you have a couple days. They look different, like so, plus you can't charge off them any more.

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82% isn't an emergency but she should definitely go hunting sooner rather than later. 

She's very attentive when she shows up to Introductory Monster Hunting. 

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Here is how to use your bauble to dowse for monsters. Not every monster has a seed; only the bigger and more difficult ones do. Monsters hide; when you find one you will enter an extradimensional space and will have to contend with mini-monsters, like a beehive, while looking for the monster's center, like a bee queen. When you kill that part dead enough the extradimensional space will collapse and you'll find the seed, if there is one, where you began. Monsters come in many kinds, though some are common and others are one-offs; here are some common ones that can be found and behave similarly all across North America.

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Rhonda wants to know if other teleporters can usually teleport out of a monster from inside it, if teleporting is common enough to have statistics.

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They seem to be able to. In general you can abort and leave a monster if you want to, though getting out isn't going to be easier than going in unless you killed a large proportion of the bees on your way in.

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Good to know. How much combat experience is usual for new magical girls and, if low, how do they usually start off hunting monsters?

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It's low, and many partner with a more experienced magical girl for a while, though some just dive right in and not all of them die doing that.

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How many is "not all" and how does one go about finding a more experienced partner?

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Did she or did she not affirm that she read the FAQ including "Life Expectancy Statistics"? There are websites, this teacher found her mentor on Abracadabra, she also hears good things about Puellae. Going it alone from day one is about 80% likely to get you killed inside a year.

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She read the faq! It didn't have the buddy thing on it! 

She writes down both websites and some other personal notes. 

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Here are some artists' renderings of the insides of common monsters (also called witches, demons, and horrors) with the mini-monsters and center-monsters marked. Any other questions?

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Does she have recommendations for good places to do independent research on survival and strategy?

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There are, again, websites, and also books, some of them very old and translated from Chinese and some of them newer.

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She writes down all the websites and books. 

After class she signs up for Abracadabra and Puellae and starts looking for mentors. 

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This one says she's just graduated a buddy and would take a new one!

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She'd be grateful! Where is she, Rhonda's a teleporter so she can go wherever. 

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> I live in Seattle, but I can fly so I go all over!

she says.

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>Cool! I live in upstate New York, where do you want to meet up?

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> Come by the Seattle chapter and ask for me! If you can't pronounce Shi Qingxuan I also accept Debbie!

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>I've been studying Mandarin since I got my magic, I couldn't hold a conversation but if you tell me the tones I can probably pronounce your name!

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> 1 1 4!

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She sends a thumbs-up emoji and a smiley face. 

Before heading to Seattle, she goes to her final class, Using Your Powers. 

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She might not be able to imitate special unusual powers of other magical girls without going way over her energy budget; it's more efficient to use your own power. But some things are low-effort enough to be available to everyone, like telekinesis, healing (of oneself and others), doing the energy bolts thing and the jumping around on shaped force in midair thing, and generally being especially strong and graceful and fast. She should never get more than a hundred meters from her bauble/ring/ornament, no matter what; this will render her catatonic and deplete her magic quickly. Most magical girls can summon a weapon, in addition to whatever their particular power is. It is not, despite popular myth, the case that all such weapons are equally effective in fighting monsters, and if you get a dud - or don't get one at all - then you should buy, like, a gun or a bunch of them, or a sword or something, and then boost it with magic.

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Rhonda would like some examples of particularly good and bad weapons?

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If you have a small knife, you are going to get shanked by something with more reach than you. If you have a gun, that's better, swords are traditional and work well for people who are good with them, this person in particular has a spear and is pro-spear.

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Do ranged weapons come with free ammo?

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Sometimes they do, sometimes they're limited-shot per and you have to conjure lots of them. They don't appear in the form "useless until you add a few pounds of whatever they have at the gun shop" though.

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Good to know. 

Unless someone else indicates otherwise Rhonda is going to assume they should NOT try to summon their weapons in class to find out what they are. She will wait until afterwards to do so even if this means asking less precisely useful questions. She does ask the question about recommendations for further research again, though. 

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They are actually invited to summon their weapons here but this does cost some magic so she didn't want to assume everyone would want to.

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She wants to know before meeting her sponsor. 

She summons her weapon. It is, in her opinion, an incredibly cool-looking saber. 

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In that case she can recommend specific books (there are the old Chinese variety, by a Mu Qing) and websites about sabers!

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Rhonda is very cheerful when she teleports to in front of the Seattle chapter and asks for Shī Qīngxuán.

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Shi Qingxuan is easily found by the first person Rhonda asks! She bounces out of the magical resource center cheerfully in her white and baby-blue dress, which is unspeakably frilly. "Hi! You're Rhonda?"

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"Hi! Yes I am! Your dress is really cute!"

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"Yours too, I like the dragons! White and blue, black and red, frilly with sleek, we'll look awesome together. What's your weapon?"

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"I have a kickass saber!"

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"Snazzy! I have a fan. It doesn't sound like a weapon but I make it work."

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"Is it one of those fans with the steel ribs?"

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Shi Qingxuan produces the fan! It's as tall as she is. She whips it open; it looks sharp.

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Rhonda gives an awestruck round of applause. 

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"Thank you, thank you!" She bows.

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"That is so cool. I would show you my sword but I feel like it would be an anticlimax after that fan." 

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"Do you know how to use a sword yet?"

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"I...know how to do a Cossack sword dance? I learned that before becoming a magical girl, it's just a coincidence that this type of sword fits. Aside from that I'm afraid I'm at 'pointy end goes in enemy' levels of expertise; I only made my wish a little while ago." 

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"I've taken sword lessons, let's go get practice swords and spar."

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She picks out a practice sword the approximate shape of her sword and tries to stand in a minimally stupid way. 

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Shi Qingxuan grabs one that's similar. "Okay, don't worry about hitting me too hard, you're not gonna. Gimme all you got."

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Well she's definitely going to get her ass kicked but hopefully in an informative way. She lunges forward, aiming for her opponent's knee; it's farther from her arm and probably not a standard target. 

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Shi Qingxuan doesn't actually do more than tap Rhonda, but she does it a lot, and she blocks everything Rhonda throws at her. "Don't feel bad, I'm a hundred twenty, I've picked up a lot of tricks. You're good for a newbie!"

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"I don't feel bad, I knew walking into this I was going to get my ass kicked," she assures her. "I'm learning, which is the point of the exercise." 

She's learning fast, too. She still doesn't have much in the way of form, but she doesn't generally make the same specific mistake twice. 

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"I don't want to teach you anything too specific, 'cause witches're all different, and the way you fight a human is different from fighting an, an octopus with chainsaw arms, or whatever, but the very basics like how to move your feet and keep your grip're about the same. Are you getting the hang of magicking yourself so you don't get tired or anything?"

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"Yeah. I'm trying to be carefullish about charge but this seems like a good investment."

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"Oh, don't worry about that for your first, like, month, at least, I have plenty of seeds, do you need one now?"

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"I dunno about now now but soonish, yeah."

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"Okay, don't leave today without a top-off though! You don't want to flirt with going dark."

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"That I do not. I know the life expectancy statistics aren't great but I don't plan to be on the bottom of the bell curve."

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"Yeaaaaah. It's, you know, mostly people making dumb mistakes their first few times out, but it's hard not to make any. Stick with me, 'kay? It's been a while since I've lost a buddy!"

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"I definitely will! I try pretty hard to avoid dumb mistakes, I think I've managed to train some pretty good habits. But if you see me fucking up I one hundred percent will not be too proud to immediately abort if you call me on it."

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"Cool. And you can teleport, right?"

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"Yeah! One of the first questions I asked in intro to monster hunting class was 'so can I teleport out of the monster if things go FUBAR.'"

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"Cool! So you just need to make sure nothing sneaks up on you and you don't get too dark to bail and you're in great shape. Can you take passengers?"

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"Yeah, I checked with my brother. It costs more charge than teleporting solo but it works."

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"Cool. If I get in deep shit you can pull us out - to here, probably, somebody'll be around and patch us up a bit if we can't do for ourselves. Do you know how to turn pain off?"

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"No, it hasn't really come up and I didn't want to waste charge hurting myself to experiment." 

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"Well, if you want me to hit you a little harder..." She kicks her practice sword into the air, catches it.

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"Go for it." 

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Shi Qingxuan resumes swatting her with the sword, enough to sting till she has the hang of putting the pain away where it can't bother her.

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"Okay, I think I've got it," she reports after a half a dozen swats.

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"All right, good. You don't want that all the way up, you want to notice if something bites you in the ass with six rows of li'l teeth, but you want to be able to keep going if you're down an arm, you know? Anything that can take your arm off can make you regret stopping to fix it. Though I guess you could also just teleport out if that happens to you."

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"I could, but I suspect that if my arm comes off I'm going to have a time stopping the bleeding before blood loss becomes a problem. I mean, I could be wrong, but it's not the kind of thing it's convenient to check in advance." 

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"So, blood loss is actually not as big a deal. You run on magic now. You still want all your blood to stay where it belongs, and in fact on that subject if you never wanna have another period you can do that, but you won't fall unconscious from it."

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"--Those are both really good to know!"

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"Yeah-huh! You can still get dizzy and chilly and blurry and stuff but you will be awake to, uh, enjoy that."

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"Sounds better than the alternative."

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"That's the spirit. Do you want to go out hunting tonight or do you want a bit?"

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"I'm ready if you don't think it's a bad idea. --Although maybe I should top off first. Just in case."

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"Very wise of you!" Shi Qingxuan produces a seed from a beribboned pocket and brightens the both of them up.

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She grins and bounces on the balls of her feet. 

"Do you want to start dowsing here, or elsewhere? I haven't had a chance to try dowsing for real, I didn't want to run into a monster alone the first time, and I don't know where's good to hunt--if monsters are more common where there's lots of people then here or some other city seems good but if they're geographically uniform probably less mobile magical girls don't get to rural monsters as often--"

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"They're more common where there's more people, but so are other magical girls, and if we wind up killstealing or getting kill... stolen... then there can be arguments about who gets the seed. So we split up the area, here, and right now I have this section." She points at a blue pin outline on a large map of Seattle and environs on the wall. "This doesn't mean nobody ever wanders over the edge but it cuts down on the arguments."

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"Neat. I should check what kind of range dowsing has, maybe I could grid-search a rural area really efficiently...but that's for later. Let me just--" she looks up a google street view of the relevant area. "--I target better with a good mental image." She holds out a hand. 

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"Ooh, I was thinking you'd want to save the magic but count me in." Hand.

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"I wished for teleporting, it's pretty cheap." 

And then they are in a random neighborhood inside the blue-pin area. 

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"All right. So, dowsing is a little tricky to get the hang of, but go ahead and give it a go, see if you turn up anything. You might not, sometimes you strike out."

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She nods and turns her soul gem from ring mode into dowsing mode. 

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Shi Qingxuan bounces on the balls of her feet, watching the gem - flicker, there it goes. "Ooh, there's a beastie."

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"Ooh," she says, excited. Is this what people who like fishing feel like when there's a bite on the line? Not important, stay focused, these things kill careless young magical girls. She follows the bauble's direction. By foot, teleporting ahead really would be a frivolous use of charge. 

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Shi Qingxuan follows along, letting Rhonda lead for the dowsing practice.

The witch is hidden behind a dumpster.

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She takes a deep breath, un-baubles her gem, summons her sword, and steps inside. 

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Her buddy is right there behind her. "Oh, I've seen this kind before. Watch out for the - clam things, they're surprisingly mobile for clams, but nothing especially sneaky. We're looking for a toothy pink mermaid with a long strangly tail wrapped around a treasure chest, you gotta take its head off."

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She nods and steps forward, keeping a sharp eye out for clams. 

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There are clams - cartoonishly huge wrinkle-shelled monstrosities that can spring into the air on no notice on their feet and need to be stabbed inside the shell to get them dead. There are slippery floors and the smell of the ocean and tripwires made of seaweed and singing fish on plaques on the ceiling that scream when they pass and everything has a quivery dim quality to it, like they're underwater, though they are not, and an oppressive pressure pops their ears as they make their way through the maze to the center, where there is indeed a strangly mermaid. Shi Qingxuan has at it with her fan.

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Rhonda stabs a very large number of clams and steps carefully over tripwires and she...is not even slightly going to get in Shi Qingxuan's way with that fan. She might try to stab the mermaid in the tail to keep it in one place if that seems useful and otherwise she will just keep the clams off their backs. 

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Stabbing the mermaid in the tail is helpful, or at least not harmful, but the mermaid rips its tail out of the pin, spraying watery clear blood everywhere, rather than hold still. Shi Qingxuan presently beheads it.

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"We got through that with zero life-threatening injuries! Hooray!"

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"Hooray! That was a great first time out, congrats. Do you want to go get celebratory dr- you're a tiny baby, do you want to go get virgin beverages?" says Shi Qingxuan, scooping a seed off the pavement.

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"I am a tiny baby and would love to drink socially responsible fluids," she agrees. 

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Somewhere distinctly southward: 

"Lan Zhaaaan, wait up!" a teenage girl calls to her companion. 

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Lan Zhan continues power-walking. If Wei Ying wants to not be left behind then she can keep up or not flirt with the cashier at the grocery store. 

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"Lan Zhan, you're so mean," Wei Ying half-pouts, half-pants as she catches up. "Do I need to handcuff us together or something?"

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Lan Zhan stops in her tracks as she briefly short-circuits at the idea of having Wei Ying handcuffed to her. 

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Wei Ying is sufficiently behind her that she smacks into her abruptly immobile friend and bounces off, landing on her butt on the pavement. "Oof." 

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Lan Zhan immediately turns around, concerned. "Are you alright?"

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"I'm fine, I'm fine," she says, dusting herself off as she gets her legs under her and pushes herself upright again. "--Oh, I spilled the rest of my soda, though," she sighs. At least none of it got on her. 

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"I am sorry." 

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She waves a hand. "It's whatever, there wasn't that much left." 

She looks around for a recycling receptacle. 

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Someone near the nearest recycling receptacle is taking things out of it. She looks at the approaching Wei Ying, holds out her hand questioningly. The hand has a white crown-shape on one fingernail, and a ring with a white jewel around one finger. "Excuse me, may I?"

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"Yeah, sure." She hands it over. "Are you okay?"

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"I'm all right, thank you." She puts the soda bottle in her bag.

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"I don't think I've ever seen a homeless magical girl before." 

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"Wei Ying." You're being rude.

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(Wei Ying ignores this.)

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Shrug. "I'm not very magical."

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"It comes in amounts?"

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"Eh, something like that. It's a long story."

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"We'll buy you lunch if you tell us about it!" For values of "we" that mean Lan Zhan will pay for lunch and Wei Ying will listen raptly. 

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"...it was so long ago, I don't know that I'd remember quite how it went, but I can give it a try if you want very much to know."

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"I don't know much about how magical girls work at all. Everything is hearsay from thirdhand sources. I can at least upgrade to firsthand hearsay!"

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"I guess you can!" She slings her bag of bottles over her shoulder and strikes out for a taqueria.

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Wei Ying follows brightly. 

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Lan Zhan...also follows. She could theoretically put a stop to this nonsense by refusing to buy everyone lunch but she is empirically not doing that. 

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Wei Ying orders the spiciest thing on the menu. 

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Their bottle-collecting new friend gets a burrito.

"A long, long time ago," she says, "I did something I regretted very much, and I asked someone to seal away my magic, so it could never happen again."

A closer inspection of her ring will reveal that it's crisscrossed with dark lines, almost like a stray hair got wrapped around the stone.

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"You can do that?"

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"I don't know if most people can do that. The person I asked could."

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"Did you know she could beforehand? Why could she do it if other magical girls can't?"

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"Well, different ones have different powers, depending on our wishes. And some are more powerful than others."

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"How do wishes actually work? What makes one magical girl more powerful than another?"

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"The more powerful ones are the ones who - wanted their wishes the most, I think."

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"What did you wish for?"

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"Wei Ying." What an intrusive question!

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"Sorry. You don't have to answer that."

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"It was a long time ago. In another language in another country."

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"我们说汉语. 我姓魏, 她叫我魏婴, 不婴魏."*


*"We speak Chinese. My surname is Wei and she called me Wei Ying, not Ying Wei."

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"It wasn't modern Mandarin."

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"You know what, that is super fair. Why did you feel the need to seal off your powers instead of just not doing the thing again, if you had already learned that it was a bad idea?"

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"If you'd asked me when I was your age if I would ever fall so far I would've laughed at you. I could make a mistake twice."

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"People mostly don't make huge mistakes that hurt lots of people! ...Right? I mean, even magical girls don't do it very often, on average, probably." 

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(Lan Zhan is making a Deeply Concerned Face.)

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"They probably don't, you're right."

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"So probably you wouldn't again!"

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"Ah, I appreciate your faith in this total stranger."

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"It's not that much faith."

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Shrug. "Lots of people don't have magic and aren't immortal, you know."

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"Hm...yeah. People dying isn't great. Do you know why more people aren't magic? And why it's never boys?"

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"Sometimes it can be boys who want to turn into girls, actually, but I don't know why it's never boys who want to stay that way. It's not anyone who wants it because you have to want your wish just so, I think."

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"I guess that makes sense...can you wish for other people to be immortal, even if they aren't magical girls?"

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"Probably! I don't remember if I've ever heard of someone doing that though."

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"There are some people I'd like to be immortal. Hm. Lan Zhan, do you think you could want your brother immortal enough? If that's a wish we could do, then it makes sense to focus on the boys, who maybe for some reason can't wish at all--your brother and my brother and your uncle and Uncle Jiang--"

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"Probably." Wei Ying is the person she has the strongest feelings about, but Brother is a close second. 

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"You're thinking you'd apply?"

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"I'd consider it, at least. I have questions about the way Jun Wu does things."

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"I have a lot of respect for her."

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"If I were Empress of Magic I'd have a research division and make sure everyone knew things about magical girls and monsters from a reliable source." 

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"Maybe she has a research division. I haven't been to court in a long time."

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"But she doesn't tell people things! You are literally the most credible source on magic I have ever encountered!"

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She chuckles softly. "Maybe all her decisions were made long ago and she just hasn't updated them."

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"Maybe. It's the kind of thing I'd want to know. And what's up with monsters, anyway?"

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"...what do you mean, what's up with them?"

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"Like, what are they, why is it magical girls that fight them instead of dudes with hunting rifles, what happens if nobody fights them, what actually are they, where do they come from, stuff like that."

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"Dudes with hunting rifles can't see them - that's also why there are no photos. If nobody fights them they kill people, usually not by eating them but nonetheless. They can bud. What they are I don't know, exactly, people talk about them being made of resentful energy but I don't know if that's real."

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"If it's not a big deal that you got your magic sealed instead of fighting them then why don't more magical girls do more things that aren't hunting monsters?"

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"...oh, I do fight them. It's possible to kill them without doing any magic. You just need to be very good with a sword."

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"What do they look like, when you can see them?"

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"All different ways. I'm not an artist, you can see drawings from girls who are online probably. The most common one around here looks like an abortion clinic for some reason."

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She makes a face. "If they're so dangerous, how come nobody has managed to wipe them out by now?"

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"Lots of people die trying. And sometimes they must - mutate or something, because occasionally there are new kinds. I guess this is sort of like asking why there are still mosquitoes."

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She looks alarmed. "How many monsters are there? Like, per capita or per area or whatever."

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"...I can usually find one when I look? And I think most girls can."

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"Why do we not hear about people being killed by these things more often? Non-magical people."

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"It looks like other kinds of death. Suicides and murders usually, which can look like accidents, or sometimes - diseases or poisonings or other things."

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"Do you know what the ratio of monster-deaths to real-deaths in those categories is?"

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"Okay, I'm gonna see if I can find anything out about that. It sounds really worrisome."

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"...more than monsters killing people some other way?"

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"If monsters killed people some monster-specific way, the fact that you don't hear about people being killed by monsters would indicate an upper bound on people killed by monsters. You hear about people dying of suicide or murder or accident or disease all the time."

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"I don't think it's all monsters. But I don't know how much."

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"It can't be. Diseases are definitely real and accidents definitely happen and I would be astonished if people never killed themselves or each other without monsters being involved. But a lot of it could be monsters. And it sounds a lot easier to solve 'monsters' than all the reasons someone might decide to commit murder on their own."

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"This would kill all the magical girls," she mentions.

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"It would?"

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"We need monster seeds."

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"Okay...would it be possible to domesticate monsters? Keep them contained and away from people? Maybe feed them animals?"

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"I don't think they eat animals but maybe there are some that can."

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"Okay, then, solving the problem of monsters would involve finding some that can eat animals and breeding them somewhere they can't get at people before wiping out the other ones," she says decisively. 

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(Wei Ying is so good.)

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"That sounds like a pretty good idea."

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"Thanks! You've been really helpful."

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"Thanks for the food."

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"You're welcome!" she says, blithely overlooking the fact that Lan Zhan totally paid for the food. 

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Lan Zhan doesn't have a lot of actual cash on her, but this woman was collecting recyclables for redemption, she clearly needs whatever she can get. She digs a couple of twenties out of her bag and presses them on the woman. 

"Thank you for your patience."

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"Oh, I - thank you." She is not especially in a position to turn down a couple twenties. They go in a hoodie pocket.

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"You are welcome," she says, before departing with her friend. 

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Over the next few weeks, Wei Ying does as much research into magical girls and monsters as she can dig up. 

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The Imperial Court publishes very basic need-to-know level information about magical girls and monsters. With particularly diligent searching, she can also find:

- conspiracies that magical girls (either in general or some subset) deliberately farm witches so they can harvest them
- theories that monsters are imaginary actually and just the excuse magical girls give for lording it over people
- rumors about there being domesticated monsters that give magical girls their powers
- screeds about how racist it is that so many magical girls are Chinese, even the ones who were actually born in other countries and especially the older and more important ones
- concerns about wishes being monkey's-paw bargains that never work out right
- explicit erotica shipping the Imperial Secretary, Ling Wen, with basically everyone else who has ever been seen in a room with her

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She cross-references these theories and rumors against each other, checking which ones are believed by how many credible people and which ones only seem to be believed by crackpots, and what any actual magical girls have to say about them. 

(Also, who is Imperial Secretary Ling Wen and why is she the RPF bicycle?)

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Absolutely nothing about Ling Wen's internet footprint beyond the fanfic itself suggests that the bicycling has any basis in fact, And Yet. She seems to do administrative management and records keeping for the Imperial Court.

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She starts making inquiries. She tries to find websites that magical girls frequent and ask them questions, and she asks RPF writers what's so appealing about Ling Wen. 

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Magical girls frequent sites such as various password-protected Imperial fora and informal sites such as Abracadabra and Puellae. They do things like monster tracking, monster-type name contests, meetups for sparring and hanging out, bickering about local chapter leadership elections, and getting into side arguments about the statute of limitations on people who made wishes like a really long time ago that were not, to the modern turn of mind, strictly ethical.

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She finds some sites where people are discussing monsters that aren't locked to just magical girls and asks if anyone knows anything about monsters who can feed off animals. 

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(The RPF writers who get back to her are divided among "idk it's just what we do in this fandom", "she's hot", "her job sounds super fake so probably she slept her way into it", and "look at this photo from 1918 of her and Jun Wu, look at how they're LOOKING at each other" about a perfectly unremarkable black and white photograph in which the parties are making eye contact at all.)

Someone is sure a monster killed her cat. Someone says in Indonesia there's a folk superstition that if you do enough cockfighting the monsters will be appeased.

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She asks if the cat person knows anything about what kind of monster the cat-killer was and makes inquiries about monster varietals in Indonesia. 

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Cat person is not magical and cannot see monsters but Mr. Meow would never run away.

Monster trackers in Indonesia are... written in Indonesian. With the help of Google Translate she can determine that the common types there are called (something that translates as) "evil mosque", "corpse flower", and "liquor river", but there are other less frequent sorts.

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She makes inquiries in less magical-girl-related circles she frequents whether anyone is interested in helping her translate something from Indonesian. 

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It's not widely spoken but if she is willing to pay money this guy knows somebody!

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Laaaaaaan Zhaaaaaaan?

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--Yeah okay this is a legitimately valuable project. 

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She is totally willing to pay money!

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Hand-translation of the Indonesian websites confirms the "corpse flower", "evil mosque", and "liquor river" monster types endemic to the region but does not indicate that the magical girls think any of them are eating animals or appeased by cockfighting.

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Hmm. Mildly disappointing, but she wasn't placing a ton of confidence in folk superstitions anyway. 

She continues poking around magical girl websites making inquiries, being careful not to be rude or repetitive enough for people to just dismiss her as a sockpuppet or a troll. 

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Eventually, when she has explained where she's getting her information:

noon9834: where did you say you met this girl?
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noon9834: sounds like someone I know
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Tell me something about her I would know from having had lunch with her but haven't mentioned online. 

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noon9834: white gem
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Ok now convince me you're not a creepy stalker

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noon9834: at this point is there anything I could tell you where you wouldn't go "that sounds like what a creepy stalker would say"
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You could tell me something about yourself that if I run into her again I could mention it to her and she'd be like "yeah I know who you're talking about and they're definitely not a creepy stalker"

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noon9834: we last spoke a long time ago, she probably doesn't remember me
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You pretty clearly remember her. 

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noon9834: yes
noon9834: I don't think I made much of an impression at the time
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I recognize that the space of things that would be evidence that you aren't a stalker is pretty limited but that is farther outside that boundary than MANY things.

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noon9834 does not reply.


Later that week, Wei Ying is kidnapped out of her bed.

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What the fuck.

What the fuck!?

It looks like some of the artists' renditions of monsters she's seen--holy shit is she being eaten by a monster--if she is then probably this is not related to her trying to solve the monster problem but this SURE IS SUSPICIOUS. 

She yanks against her bonds, trying to test their strength. 

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They have enough give that she can shift position but she can't get out or break them.

It's a pretty witch, and not exactly like any of the ones she's seen drawn; it's themed around flowers and blood and silver butterflies. There is a silver butterfly on her shoulder, in fact.

When she starts moving, a curtain of flowers parts, and a magical girl dressed in red enters.

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She stops struggling. 

None of the monster-stuff is attacking this magical girl. 

Which means she's got some kind of cooperative relationship with it, or is controlling it in some way, or maybe is just making it ignore her. 

Which makes it WAY MORE LIKELY that her capture had an intelligence behind it. 

"So are you noon9384 or someone who objects to my monster-related inquiries?"

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"Call me Noon for short."

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"Why isn't the monster attacking you? Are you controlling it or working with it in some way? Do you know things about monsters?"

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"I know a lot of things about monsters. I can tell you about them if you tell me where to find her."

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"You realize that kidnapping me makes you about a BILLION times more suspicious, right?"

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"I am no longer trying to learn what I need to know by being unsuspicious."

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"So are we starting with waterboarding or fingernail splinters."

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"Is that what it's going to take?"

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"I'm not gonna sell out someone like her to a creepy stalker! She seemed nice. She had her own powers bound so she wouldn't hurt anyone! I would say I won't talk even under torture but I've read about torture and apparently almost everyone will break and talk within three days. I think it was three days."

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"It is good of you to try to protect her.

I don't wish her any harm."

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She looks slowly up and down her own restraints and gives noon a profoundly unimpressed look. 

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"Whether I wish you harm is a separate question. But she is safe from me."

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"Oh, sure, I was going to protect her from you, but since you say so, I'll definitely ignore the only available evidence with regards to whether you harm people."

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"Is she safe now?"

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"Is anybody safe in this world?"

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"Some more than others."

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"Well, she's survived long enough for Mandarin to change into a different language, I think she can take care of herself. Against monsters. You, I would make fewer bets about. After all, you say you've survived a while too."

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"Jiejie is older than me."

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"See, you say that, but also I'm still not betting her well-being on the things you say with your face hole. And it's not like she could confirm or deny if she doesn't remember you. Isn't it kind of presumptuous to call someone Jiejie who doesn't know you from the weaver girl?"

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"I've called her it before. Do you have a way to contact her, to ask if she recalls?"

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"Not that I can be sure wouldn't tell you where she was, considering that you kidnapped me based on internet conversations where I didn't tell you where I was!"

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"All I want is to help her. Does she have friends? Does she have a house? If you can tell me with a straight face that she's doing fine, that she's happy, I will let you go without further ado."

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"I didn't ask her about any of that! She didn't seem unhappy but she did seem to, uh, have some resource constraints, if you let me go and give me a hundred bucks I'll do my best to make sure she gets it." 

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"Suppose I let you go, give you fifty thousand bucks, and if it shows up in your expenditures, we will have to have another conversation."

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"That seems reasonable. I mean, I'm not super thrilled with the part where it would involve you stalking me, but you'd be trusting me with fifty thousand bucks and have already kidnapped me, so, within the available bounds, super reasonable."

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"If it is any consolation, someone who was very good at stalking people would not have needed to kidnap you."

The wall releases Wei Ying.

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She rolls her shoulders. 

"I don't know enough about stalking to confirm or deny that but sure, I guess it makes me feel a little better." 

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She leans back through the curtain of flowers, says something in a language Wei Ying does not speak, and retrieves fifty thousand dollars in a paper bag inside a heavy-duty plastic one to give to Wei Ying.

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Wow. Okay. Wei Ying takes the bag with the gingerness of someone who has never seen that much money in one place before. 

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"If you get it to her successfully, you can keep a few hundred for your trouble. If you can't, you can tell Noon where to pick it up."

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"Cool cool cool." 

This is EXTREMELY WEIRD. She tucks the bag under her arm and looks around for any kind of exit. 

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The flower curtain parts for her. Flower curtains continue to part for her, leading her through corridors till she is spat out on the curb of a strip mall trash alley.

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She...doesn't have her phone on her. Or any money not part of weird-maybe-stalker's gift. Well. Time to find out if hitchhiking is as dangerous as Madam Yu always said. 

She is pleasantly unsurprised to find out that it is not, or at least didn't happen to be on this particular occasion, although being in her nightgown did get her plenty of odd looks. She is very pleasantly surprised to discover that she hasn't been gone so long that she can't sneak back into the house before Madam Yu or Uncle Jiang notice she was gone. 

As soon as she reaches her phone again, she calls Lan Zhan. 

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Lan Zhan picks up on the first ring. Wei Ying never voluntarily wakes up before nine, and it is barely past Lan Zhan's own preferred rising time of five. And it's a Saturday. "Wei Ying?" she asks, deeply concerned. 

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"Okay, so first of all, don't panic." 

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Absurd. Lan Zhan would never panic. Panic is deeply inconducive to solving problems. She does, however, get some pre-emptive Deep Concern going. 

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"So I slightly got kidnapped,"

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"It's fine, they let me go, I'm back, but, like, it appears to have been about that magical girl we had lunch with. Remember what I told you about noon9834?"

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"Well, it turns out they have some ability to control monsters or something," and then she recounts her encounter with "Noon," adding a few stylistic embellishments and eliding over the bit where torture was discussed. 

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"There could be a tracking device on the money." 

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"The thought had occurred to me. Do you wanna come over and help me look for one? 'Cause I think she could probably use fifty thousand bucks." 

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"Fine." Lan Zhan is not convinced that this is a good idea, but hey, free excuse to hang out with Wei Ying. 

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"Awesome. Thanks!" she says brightly, and hangs up. 

Wei Ying does not tell her siblings about the kidnapping thing; they know about her new interest in monsters, but they don't have all the context that Lan Zhan does, and she doesn't want to unnecessarily worry them. 

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan don't find anything by physically searching the bills. Wei Ying "borrows" a geiger counter from their school's science lab and they fail to find anything that way. They try placing various radio receivers near the bag and twisting the dial to see if it picks up any kind of signal from it. 

This is probably not actually the state of the art in finding tracking devices but it's what they think of to try. 

The next time Lan Zhan goes to visit her brother at Stanford and Wei Ying tags along, she brings the bag, stuffed into her backpack, and keeps a sharp eye out for homeless magical girls. 

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Homeless magical girls do not appear to be lurking near Stanford.

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While Lan Zhan and her brother are having sibling time that Wei Ying shouldn't intrude upon, she explores the city, starting in the vicinity of that one Mexican place. 

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With enough concerted looking she can locate a shabby magical girl depositing bottles into the machine at a grocery store.

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Wei Ying waves. "Hi! Remember me?"

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"- hi! Sorry, I'm not great at faces...?"

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"I asked you a ton of questions and bought you a burrito."

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"Oh, yes, I remember that. Did you think of more questions?"

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"Sort of! I asked a bunch of questions online, and someone wanted to know where I got the information I already had, and I mentioned you in general terms, and," she pulls out a printout of her conversation with noon9834 and hands it to her. 

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"...huh. I have no idea who that is."

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"I made a sketch of her after she kidnapped me but if you're bad with faces it probably won't help. Did you ever meet someone with the power to control monsters? That's my best guess at what was going on with her but I could be wrong." 

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"I've heard... rumors? I don't think I've met anyone with that power."

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"Fair. Anyway, she kidnapped me, in my sleep, I woke up inside what I can only assume was a monster, I have a sketch of that too," she produces said sketch, "she continued to want to know where you were and assert that she didn't mean you any harm, I was EXTREMELY skeptical of this on account of the kidnapping, we bantered for a little while, she called you Jiejie and said she'd done it before, she inquired after your well-being, I told her that you seemed basically okay but plausibly resource-constrained, and she gave me fifty thousand bucks to give you and let me go." She digs out the bag of money and holds it out. "I can't swear that it doesn't have a tracking device on it but we couldn't find one."

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"I am so sorry that happened to you and really wish I had any idea why it did! I'm sure lots of people have called me jiejie, I lived in China for hundreds of years and it's just what you call a girl who is older than you if you're friendly, or casual, or six years old." She flips through the stacks of bills, a bit disbelieving.

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"I would have been less concerned by her acting casual and friendly towards you if it weren't for all the stalker tendencies and the kidnapping," she explains. "I'm fine, I didn't even get caught out of the house, Lan Zhan was more upset about it than me when I told her." 

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"Your quiet friend?"

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"Uh huh! She's my best friend, her brother goes to university nearby."

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"Oh, you don't even live around here and you got threatened into couriering to me?"

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"Well it's not like your stalker knew where you were! That's the whole point."

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"Well, I'm not sure who wants to stalk me and give me thousands of dollars. I'm just going to try not to worry too much about that, I guess."

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"Good luck. I guess being as old as you are gives you plenty of time to accumulate stalkers."

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"I guess! I'd expect most people have forgotten about me more or less by now."

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"You don't have to be especially interesting along any particular axis to attract a stalker, it can happen to anyone."

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"I guess I don't know much about it."

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"Teenage girls these days get all kinds of advice on not getting assaulted by guys."

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"Isn't this one a girl?"

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"Yeah, but I assume the same stalking-related principles apply."

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"...well, what's the advice?"

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"Call the police. Not super applicable in this case. The stuff I'm thinking of as applying is less the what to do and more the not-victim-blaming stuff."

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"Like, the fact that you have a stalker doesn't mean that you encouraged them or did anything wrong to make them decide to stalk you, stalkers can pick anyone as a target for any reason."

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"...that doesn't seem like advice. It seems sort of like the opposite of advice, if there's nothing to be done."

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"The advice is to not make things worse when a stalking situation already exists by assuming someone must have fucked up when they didn't."

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"All right. Well, thank you for not assuming I have done wrong, apart from the part where I already told you that I have been known to do so very badly."

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"Just because you did one thing wrong doesn't mean you did any given other thing wrong. And I think probably if this were related to that she wouldn't be giving you fifty thousand bucks. Admittedly that is not usual stalker behavior."

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"No? What do they usually do?"

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"...It probably depends on the stalker, but like, the kidnapping is consistent, and so is the tracking people down without their consent...I've heard about stalkers taking illicit pictures and stealing underwear."

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"Well. With fifty thousand dollars I can probably afford new underwear."

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"Hmm." She opens her phone and looks something up. "The Internet says on a first pass that the most dangerous kind of stalking is intimate partner stalking and that one of the greatest dangers of being stalked is psychological disturbance from fear, so... don't date her unless she promises to stop stalking you, probably. But if you want to get in touch with her I can give you her user name on the site I met her."

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"I have never dated anyone!"

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"Then I assume you're less likely to be intimate partner stalked! She's noon9834 on swordchicks dot com. Do with that as you will."

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"I do not have, uh, a great up to date understanding of the internet."

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"...Oh. Uh, what do you want to know? When was the last time you acquired any internetformation?"

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"A librarian has helped me use some job posting sites? Mostly Craigslist."

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"Okay, do you want to go to a library and I can show you stuff?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It might be I should buy a phone first thing."

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"That is possible. Do you know where a phone store is or should I look one up."

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"I know where to find one. I don't know if it's a particularly good phone store, of course."

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"Which kind is it?"

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Permalink Mark Unread

"They're not the worst. Lead on."

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She starts off up a hill. "I don't know that I ever told you my name. I'm Xie Lian. Sometimes people render that as 'Lee-anne' and that's fine too."

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"Hey, I told you, I'm Wei Ying and not Ying Wei. I can handle Xie Lian."

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"Sure. Just, if someone is looking for Lee-anne that might be me."

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Thumbs-up. "You got it."

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The T-Mobile store is not very far away.

"That's kind of a lot of cash," says the phone guy when Xie Lian is ready to pay.

"I'm a stripper," she tells him blandly.

"Oh. Uh... huh."

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"I'm her niece," Wei Ying lies smoothly when he starts giving her looks for being a minor hanging out with a supposed sex worker. Then she starts looking at phones and giving Xie Lian advice.

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Xie Lian gets a midrange smartphone and the patient store person shows her the basics of how to use it.

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Wei Ying waits until they're done and have gone outside before she starts explaining the Internet. Her explanation isn't one hundred percent coherent but she's pretty good at backing up and clarifying things.

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Xie Lian follows along pretty ably considering she is hundreds of years old. She does not seem particularly eager to visit swordchicks.com and check out Noon though.

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That is 100% her own business! 

Eventually she looks at the time and says, "I should meet back up with Lan Zhan soon, wanna come?"

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Meeting up with Lan Zhan entails taking a bus to nearish Stanford, where Lan Zhan departs from a college-aged boy who looks pretty similar to her and walks over to Wei Ying. 

She nods politely to Xie Lian. "You found her." 

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"I did! And gave her the money. And helped her get a cell phone. And her name's Xie Lian and white people might know her as Lee-Anne."

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"I am glad you are well, Xie Lian."

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"Thank you."

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"I am sorry you have attracted the attention of a kidnapper."

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"I'm sorry Wei Ying attracted the attention of a kidnapper!"

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"It is not your fault." But Lan Zhan is ALSO VERY SORRY ABOUT THIS FACT. 

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"Unless it is because I horribly wronged this person centuries ago, and their generosity is a clever ruse, which I can't rule out! But apparently it is not in fashion to dwell on this while being stalked."

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"Even if that was so, it still wouldn't make it your fault I got kidnapped unless you knew someone kidnap-happy was after you and didn't warn us."

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"I do not know this. I am mystified."

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"It would have been convenient if you knew what was going on but I don't blame you for not."

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"Maybe she was just wrong about who I was. There are only so many gem colors, it could be a coincidence."

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"Maybe I'll ask her to specify the name of her target when I tell her the fifty K was successfully delivered."

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"I guess I shouldn't spend much of it, in case she wants it back if I'm the wrong person."

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"She kidnapped me about you, you can keep the money."

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"Yes, but suppose she kidnaps me about the money."

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"I see your point. I will text you when I confirm the name."

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"Thanks." Wei Ying can be the first contact in her new phone.

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Wei Ying puts her in her phone as "Xie Lian 🌯💸🔮"

All of the contacts in her phone have emoji. There's an "A-Cheng 😠😤💜" a "Jiejie 💜🍵💜" and a "Lan Zhan ❤️🐰🐇" among others.

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"I understand the money and the burrito."

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"It was the closest thing to a soul gem I could find ."

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"Fair enough."

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Wei Ying does not contact Noon as soon as she gets home. She waits until she's gone several more places, places she went before she started asking questions. 

But when she has, she messages noon9834: 

I delivered the money. I also gave her your info in case she wants to contact you.

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noon9834: thank you
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You're welcome. She expressed concern that you might be talking about someone else; she's not the only one with a white soul gem. Tell me her name.

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noon9834: suppose I tell you one radical from each character, so you can confirm but not track her down if it was someone else after all.
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You know what, that's legit. 

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noon9834: Speech radical and heart radical.
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Yeah, that's right. Cool. 

She takes a picture of the conversation history and texts it to Xie Lian. 

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I still have no idea who this is!

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But at least if she kidnaps you it won't be for spending her money!

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I suppose that's true! Thank you.

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I will let you know if I find anything else out. 

She goes back to messaging noon9834. 

So what happened that has you fifty thousand bucks worth of concerned about her but left her with no memory of you?

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noon9834 does not reply.

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She does not remember you and has no idea who you are and I promised her I'd share details if I found them. I will not give you free access to her on account of the kidnapping thing but I am an available line of communication if there's anything you'd like to say to her. 

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noon9834: Let me know if she runs out of money or needs anything else.
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If I cared about someone fifty thousand bucks' worth and hadn't seen them in, what, centuries, I would have something to say to them.

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There is again no reply.

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Hey, you kidnapped me! I think that skips us over the intimacy levels where we can't talk about this stuff.

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Why don't you want her to know more things? Knowing things usually helps people be better off or stay safer than if they did not know things. 

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What if you tell my friend Lan Zhan? She's kind of mad at you for kidnapping me but if she thinks you have a good reason for not telling then she'll keep it secret. And she's really smart and sensible.

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noon9834: How would this possibly improve on telling you?
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She didn't promise to tell Xie Lian anything!

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noon9834: That hardly guarantees she won't.
Permalink Mark Unread

Well, you can talk to her and see if you think she will. 

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Noon does not dignify this with a response.

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When I met her, she was scavenging recyclables for deposit from the trash. We bought her lunch in exchange for answering questions. Money is a real good start. But she thinks she needs her powers sealed to prevent her from getting people killed and she kills monsters with just an ordinary sword! Something needs to change.

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noon9834: Well, if you tell me where to find her, I can help her.
Permalink Mark Unread

I told her I wouldn't and gave her your info! If you want to tell me anything to tell her to convince her to get in touch with you you are welcome to.

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Apparently not.

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What are you even planning to DO with her location if you won't talk to her?

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Apparently it is Wei Ying she is not talking to.

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After a little while:

Wei Ying asked me to contact you.

Permalink Mark Unread

Apparently this is not enough to garner a response.

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Hey. Respond to Lan Zhan. 


Hey. Hey. Hey. 


You know you can't abandon this account because it's the only one I or Lan Zhan or Xie Lian know and Lan Zhan'n me are the only ones who know where she is, right? And you can't just ignore all my messages because I might slip up and say something revealing. So I have INFINITE PESTERING YOU POWER. 

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Infinite pestering power does not actually get an answer.

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my little brother will tell you that INFINITE PESTERING POWER is not something you want me to have over you! and my little brother is a lil bit of a grouch but he's probably not wrong. 


hey. hey. hey.


guess what? chickenbutt

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Permalink Mark Unread

I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, and this is how it goes: I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, and this is how it goes: I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, and this is how it goes: I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, and this is how it goes: I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, and this is how it goes: I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, and this is how it goes: I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, 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know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, and this is how it goes: I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, and this is how it goes: I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, and this is how it goes: I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, and this is how it goes: I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, and this is how it goes: I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, and this is how it goes: I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, and this is how it goes: I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, and this is how it goes:

Permalink Mark Unread

Not even filling the character limit with song lyrics works.

Permalink Mark Unread

Lan Zhan has asked me if using Infinite Pestering Power has ever worked out for me, ever, and that maybe I should "apologize" for "being obnoxious" before you kidnap me about it again.

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If her apology is accepted, it is accepted silently.

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She texts Xie Lian again. 

Can I not tell you stuff I learn if not telling you is a requirement for learning it?

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You don't have to tell me stuff, it's fine.

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She messages Noon again. 

I got her permission to not tell her stuff. Will you talk to me if I promise not to tell her anything without getting you to agree to it first? For values of "get you to agree" that mean like "convince you it's actually a good idea, and you say so with words," not that mean "pester you a bunch and call it good."

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noon9834: What good would it do for you to be more informed?
Permalink Mark Unread

How long have you been doing this alone?

Permalink Mark Unread
noon9834: Doing what?
Permalink Mark Unread

You know what.

Permalink Mark Unread
noon9834: What makes you think I'm alone?
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She considers this. 

Monsters don't count. Unless they're people? I don't get the impression monsters are people.

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noon9834: I talk to people.
Permalink Mark Unread

Well of course you talk to people.

Permalink Mark Unread

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You seem alone. I can't point to any specific evidence, but you don't feel to me like the kind of person who has backup they can trust. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

Will you at least tell me things about monsters?

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The reason you should tell me things is in order to convince me that telling you where Xie Lian is is not a TERRIBLE idea. 

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noon9834: What do monsters have to do with that?
Permalink Mark Unread

nothing I just got bored of asking you for the other stuff

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

You're the one who wants me to be convinced to tell you where she is!

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Permalink Mark Unread

I am TRYING, okay.

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She continues her monster inquiries elsewhere. She texts Xie Lian on a regular basis. She stops messaging Noon. 

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(Lan Zhan is quietly relieved that Wei Ying has decided to stop poking the kidnapper.)

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Rhonda improves very, very fast. 

She quickly adopts a style involving dual-wielding her sabers, only partly because she's already familiar with doing so because of the Cossack sword dance thing. She's very cautious and scrupulous about following her mentor's safety advice, but within the area she feels confident in, she dishes out destruction to monsters and familiars with ever-growing ease. 

"When I graduate, how much experience do you think I should get before I start offering to mentor younger girls?" she asks, one afternoon. "You've been really awesome and I want to pay it forward."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Aww! I think you should be at least, like, twenty or so. You can give people tips and spare seeds younger than that but being responsible for two people instead of just one in a real witch is tricky. I would say twenty-five but teleporting is a hell of a backup plan."

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"That makes sense. Although in that case I should probably work harder on being safe for people to be within touching range of while I'm killing things, 'whirling dervish of death' is a good look on me but it's not the most passenger-friendly thing I've ever done."

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"It is not! You could stand on a force platform and let your mentee grab your ankle?"

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"I feel like that would involve the mentee having to deal with more than their fair share of monster bullshit. But maybe. I can experiment when I find weaker monsters that handicapping myself with weird experiments shouldn't kill me in."

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"Smart! One of the little bubblegum ones, maybe, catch it early before the gumballs hatch."

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Nod. "Rule zero: don't get overconfident and take stupid risks."

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"Rule zero, funny. Do you have other ones?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Rule one: keep track of your soul gem's current charge, don't just assume you'll be okay. Rule two: check to make sure a movie or album or book or whatever isn't reviewed as incredibly depressing before consuming it. Rule three: Don't piss people off for no reason. Rule four: if you're in a shitty mood, eat some chocolate or punch something about it before it can drain too much charge."

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"You could go on the prophylactic Zoloft, you know. I'm on it."

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"I'm still working with my doctor to figure out which antidepressant works best for me in the long run. And antidepressants don't prevent all bad moods anyway. If I run into my parents it's going to ruin my day no matter what chemicals are hanging out in my bloodstream."

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"Good reason to live in another city!"

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"Yeah, but I still visit my brother sometimes. I might quit that if he insists on maintaining close ties to Mom after he turns eighteen, but," shrug. "It's not his fault he isn't eligible to skip out sooner."

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"Kidnap him and teleport him to Disneyland and drop him off six blocks from his house."

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"I don't generally run into our parents when I visit him, and there are other potentially day-ruining things that could happen to me. I want to be prepared, is all."

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"There goes your perfectly good excuse to go to Disneyland!"

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"Like I need an excuse! Want to go to Disneyland?"

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"Hell yeah I do!"

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She grins and grabs her mentor's hand and teleports them to Disneyland. 

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Where they can have a lovely time! Shi Qingxuan still loves flying best but roller coasters take no charge.

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"Can you get that kind of scary high flying?" she asks, giggling, as they debark a particularly twisty roller coaster. "Or is it one of those things like how it's harder to tickle yourself than someone else."

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"I can fling myself and then stop controlling it for a bit!"

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"Oh, fun. I bet that doesn't have such abrupt twists, though." 

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"Well, once someone dared me to fly into a tornado. ...but I got scared and killed the tornado."

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"Aren't tornadoes filled with a ton of debris? That may have been for the best." 

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"Yeah it was a pretty dumb thing to do."

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"You know what I'd do if I could fly? I'd go over Niagara falls and pull out before I hit rock."

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"Well, you can teleport, but as your buddy I am obligated to tell you that this might do you serious injury."

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"I haven't worked out a reliable way to use teleporting to cancel momentum yet. Or, rather, I have yet to develop the reflexes to reliably do it in time for it to be safe for high speeds yet. Nnnnnot gonna try any daredevil stunts until I've got that down cold."

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"Very sensible!"

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"I really don't want to die! I extra special don't want to win a Darwin Award!"

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"A what?"

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"It's a mocking award they give people who died in super dumb ways to congratulate them on making the gene pool better by exiting it."

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"Wow, that's so mean."

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"It's not something I would tell aliens I was trying to impress with the quality of humanity, no."

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"Ha! What would you tell them?"

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"Ice cream and really cool mentors."

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"Awwwww." Shi Qingxuan pats her on the head.

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Rhonda beams and tilts her head into the patting.

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"Cuuutest buddy."

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"Takes one to know one," she says, flicking one of Qingxuan's frills. 

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"It does! I am very adorable."

When they are through at Disneyland they can go home and patrol their area for witches.

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Rhonda locates one, and steps through the barrier into a monster filled with flowers and blood and silver butterflies. 

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"Oh, I've seen these, they're - harmless to us, I assume they eat people but they -" The witch barrier spits them back out whence they came. "Disappear when magical girls go in 'em. But they're not that common, I haven't seen one in years, so they can't be breeding out of control with this power, I guess?"

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"Huh. Weird. I wonder what happens if I--" she tries to teleport back in. 

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There is an epilepsy-triggering riot of red and silver and she's back whence she came.

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"--Whoah well I guess that technically succeeded," she says, clutching her head as she squeezes her eyes shut until they unconfuse themselves."

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"Are you okay?"

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"I'm fine, I did teleport back inside but it threw me out super fast, it was disorienting."

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"Huh! Yeah, it's a weird one all right. Maybe you could drop a bomb in there or something before it booted you if you were ready for it?"

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"Maybe...I did check the Anarchist's Cookbook out of the library and copy down some recipes specifically for the purpose of bombing monsters. If this thing is a known phenomenon, though, I think I want to see if I can find out more about it before I start escalating. I mean, we don't know why it's non-hostile to magical girls or why being essentially magical-girl-proof hasn't let it take over everything, or what might change one of those factors."

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"Yeah, I guess that makes sense. They're hard to find though. Dowse just like a normal witch, usually are in the least hopping hunting grounds, and not that common."

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"It's very weird...I wonder if it's intelligent. A monster who ate everything would starve afterwards, and magical girls kill monsters all the time, yeeting us is smart if you can do it."

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"Huh! And maybe there's only one kind of on purpose? So it doesn't have to compete with itself?"

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"Maybe! This is just wild guessing."

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"Well, it'd be really interesting if you could find more!"

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"I'll look into it. It's good to have a project." 

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"Good luck!"

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When she gets home, she looks up what she can find about a monster with blood and flowers and butterflies that kicks magical girls out. 

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There are some postings online! They are separated by years... and continents.

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Innnteresting. What else do they say that she doesn't already know?

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This person's grandma told her a story about escaping Nazi Germany via a flowers and blood corridor that popped her out in New York, though the poster clarifies that this is obviously made up.

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Rhonda posts her encounter, including the teleportation experiment, and invites comment. 

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lol maybe you tried to teleport to germany and new york at the same time
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When I try teleporting to two places at the same time it doesn't go.

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Nobody has a good explanation for that one.

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After a little while:

yingyingyingyingyingyingyingbananaphone: whoah I've been trying to research monsters for MONTHS how have I not heard of this before now??? anyway I think there's a magical girl controlling it

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saberdancer: why do you think that?

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yingyingyingyingyingyingyingbananaphone: well you see she kidnapped me this one time

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saberdancer: please start from the beginning!

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yingyingyingyingyingyingyingbananaphone: so I met this homeless magical girl and bought her lunch in exchange for her answering a bajillion questions and I learned some stuff about monsters and I wanted to know if there were any monsters who can eat animals instead of people and which could be bred to support the magical girl population so the obligate anthropophages could be wiped out. and I've been asking questions and doing research on that front ever since! this one time someone asked where I was getting my info and I mentioned some stuff about the homeless magical girl and they were like "I think I know her, where is she" and I was like "please convince me you are not a stalker" and instead I woke up inside a monster filled with blood and flowers and butterflies bound to a wall while she tried to get me to tell her where my source was and then when I continued to refuse she recruited me to give her stalking target some money next time I saw her. which, I agreed to that one, because, homeless.

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sounds like you had a weird dream or a bad trip
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yingyingyingyingyingyingyingbananaphone: a weird dream or a bad trip wouldn't have left me with a physical bag of cash. anyway, I made a sketch of the inside of the monster. 

She posts her sketch. 

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I saw one like that
confirms another poster.
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saberdancer: that does look like what I saw before it kicked us out the first time. I had a guess that it might be intelligent, but I didn't guess that it might be controlled by a magical girl.

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yingyingyingyingyingyingyingbananaphone: they probably look pretty similar if you don't actually see the magical girl! which I did. 

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saberdancer: I would guess that she can only control the one, since it's this one specific monster you hear about behaving that way; if I could control monsters I would use one for a while until I needed a new seed and then kill it and find a new one.

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yingyingyingyingyingyingyingbananaphone: maybe she's attached. like it's a pet.

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saberdancer: yeah it's only a guess. 

Rhonda brings her results to Shi Qingxuan next time they meet up. 

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"Wow, huh, I knew they were peculiar but I didn't know how peculiar."

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"I wonder why she's so interested in the homeless one."

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"I don't know. Maybe just because it's weird? Who ever heard of a magical girl being homeless?"

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"That is a good point and I will ask bananaphone about it."

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"I like her screen name!" (Shi Qingxuan's own screenname on that website is "boundlessly-talented".)

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"It's a pretty cool screenname! I wonder what the ying signifies. Like it could be part of her name or it could be totally random, who knows."

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"You could ask her!"

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"I could and I probably will but it's a little less important than the monster stuff."

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"Maybe having a friendly relationship with your fellow monster enthusiast is the most important thing of all!"

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"The real monsters were the friends we made along the way," she sporfles. 

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"You never know! Maybe she will learn to control monsters too and one day she will spare you because you asked about her screen name."

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"The reason she's researching monsters is so she can try to find ones that can eat animals instead of people and try to completely revolutionize the monster/magical girl ecology, I think probably we don't have to worry about her siccing monsters on people."

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"Maybe all that is just her villain origin story."

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"Maybe when she becomes a villain I can seduce her back to the side of good!" 

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"Kinky. - sorry, you are a tiny baby and I should not."

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"I don't think joking about sex with teenagers is that bad but I can understand you wanting to not."

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"I will probably slip sometimes whatever rule I set so it had better be a generously sized one!"

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"Extremely valid."

When she gets home, she messages bananaphone. 

Why was your magical girl friend homeless, that's weird. 

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She fucked up in some unspecified but big way way the hell long ago and asked someone with a power-sealing power to seal hers. 

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--How do you GET a power like that??? Do you wish for it directly? If so, why? If not, what kinda wish gets you that power???

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Even if I knew that much about wish-power interactions, which I don't, I super didn't pry.

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I will grudgingly acknowledge that as valid. How does she get monster seeds to live on if she doesn't have her powers? I assume she still needs them and didn't simply stop being a magical girl on account of how "way the hell long ago" probably isn't an age you survive to if you are not a magical girl. 

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She says she gets them on account of being merely human forms of extremely badass with a sword. 

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You know what, I can respect that. What's the ying in your name? If it's not too prying. 

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It's just my given name. 

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Neat. Chinese or something else I'm less vaguely aware of the syllabary of?

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Chinese, yeah. 

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Which tone?

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oh, 1. I was vaguely assuming you were a white person. 

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hey, I'm BLACK. I just started learning mandarin when I made my wish and give a shit about knowing all of the words that I know. not everyone is either chinese or white! 

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ok that was not my finest moment but IN MY DEFENSE white people are kinda...all over everything. 

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and yet

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yeah, sorry

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forgiven. hey, you said the monster-controlling girl talked to you before kidnapping, where and what's their name?

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I wanna apologize for trespassing and maybe ask some questions. 

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man GOOD LUCK she won't answer MY questions.

noon9834 on swordchicks

what else do you know about her?

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Rhonda sends her the links to the other blood-flowers-and-butterflies anecdata and messages noon9834 on swordchicks.

Hi, this is the teleporter, sorry for trespassing. The second time, anyway, the first time all I knew was monster barrier.

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Why are so many people who AREN'T XIE LIAN bothering Hua Cheng lately.

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Rhonda doesn't continue to pester her when she doesn't get a response, which probably puts her a step above Wei Ying in Hua Cheng's book. 


On the other hand, the next message Wei Ying sends her is 

San Francisco Bay Area. Not sure where she actually bought a house. Please don't make me regret telling you. 

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noon9834: Thank you.
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Will you answer my questions about monsters now? Not that that's why I changed my mind but you did say you would if I told you, when you kidnapped me. 

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noon9834: what do you want to know?
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What monsters ultimately are, why magical girls need monster seeds to live, how that whole ecology got set up in the first place, how monsters reproduce, and whether there are any that can eat animals instead of people so we could just propagate that strain and set them up to feed on factory farms or something--like as in taking advantage of pre-existing factory-farm-based animal suffering, not as in factory-farming monsters--and wipe out all the ones that kill humans. I'm not expecting you to know all of that necessarily but the last one is most important if you happen to know it, and anything could conceivably help. If it helps, Xie Lian likes my plan if I can pull it off. 

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noon9834: I'll look into the factory farm thing.

Magical girls "run on" joy and hope. Both in expending it to use magic and in having less to use if they aren't experiencing joy and hope. Offloading negative emotion into a witch seed, the only known receptacle, provides more space to feel magic-conducive emotions.
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Is there something else besides a witch seed that could work for that? Does witch mean the same thing as monster?

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noon9834: Yes, different words for the same thing. Magical girls can give each other charge, so in short local situations a soul gem can function as a witch seed.
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Are witches and magical girls the only magic things?

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noon9834: No.
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What else is there?

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noon9834: The wish-granters.
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Ooh, that makes sense! What are they? 

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noon9834: 孵化器 is what I've heard them called. And various nicknames.
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So if 孵化器 are where magical girls come from, where do they come from? And witches?

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noon9834: I'm not sure.
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Hm. Okay. Do 孵化器 run on emotions in any way?

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noon9834: They don't seem to.
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Can non-magical people see them? What do they look like?

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noon9834: No. Catsize mammals, mostly white.
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Huh. There's got to be a pattern, here, if I can manage to see it...of course, I don't know that I'm not missing pieces. Do you know what connection they have to Jun Wu and her empire?

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noon9834: They work together. I'm not sure if she works for them or they work for her, but they coordinate.
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I don't suppose you know anything about how Jun Wu became Empress.

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noon9834: I do not.
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Come to think of it, do you know how I could see your monster while I was inside it? I'm not a magical girl.

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noon9834: That means you have enough potential to make a wish.
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Potential? What's that?

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noon9834: Capacity for hope and joy.
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Oh! Neat! Does that mean I could see a 孵化器 too?

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noon9834: Yes.
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What do people who don't have magic or potential see if they're inside a witch?

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noon9834: The one you saw, or a typical witch?
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Either, both. How is that one different from a typical witch?

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noon9834: In a typical witch a normal person inside it would be in the process of getting eaten and not doing much visual processing. In the one you saw a normal person can see the flowers, but not the blood and butterflies.
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Do you know what's different about the flowers?

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noon9834: I only have guesses.
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What are your guesses?

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noon9834: I'm not going to answer that.
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That's fair. Can normal people see witch seeds?

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noon9834: Yes.
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What happens if a magical girl tries to photograph the inside of a witch? Why is a normal person inside a witch necessarily in the process of getting eaten, I know they can be killed without magic because Xie Lian does it. 

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noon9834: Magical girls are immune to being eaten by witches in the way normal people are generally eaten by witches. Photographs come out black, or white, depending on the type of film.
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What about digital?

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noon9834: Black.
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Hmm. If someone carried a butterfly out of your witch, would people be able to see that?

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noon9834: No.
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If I walked out of the witch with a butterfly on my shoulder, and someone put their hand on my shoulder where the butterfly was, would they feel it?

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noon9834: That depends.
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On what?

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noon9834: Me.
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Fair enough, I guess. 


Do you think I would have a better chance of learning the things I want to know if I became a magical girl?

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noon9834: Probably.
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Do you think it would have any unexpected consequences if I wished to know everything about monsters?

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noon9834: I don't know.
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Okay. Thanks for being patient with my questions. Sorry again about the pestering earlier.

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Noon apparently feels released from her agreement to reply to this Not Xie Lian Person.

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This is zero percent a surprise. 

Wei Ying brings up the possibility of applying to be a magical girl with Lan Zhan later on. 

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Lan Zhan frowns. "It sounds dangerous." 

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"Leaving the monster situation alone sounds dangerous." 

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"You have been speaking to magical girls. They could do it." 

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"They can't make novel wishes! And they don't know enough without wishing to know things." 

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"I could make the wish." 

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"Do you want to know badly enough?"

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She WANTS Wei Ying to be SAFE. 

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Wei Ying pats her arm. "It'll be fine!" 

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"If you apply, I will apply." There is NO WAY she is going to let Wei Ying fight monsters on her own. 

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"What'll you wish for?" 

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"If I tell, it will not come true." 

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Wei Ying laughs and slaps Lan Zhan's arm. "Lan Zhan! That's not how magic wishes work!" 

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Wei Ying looks at the application thoughtfully. She still doesn't know exactly what's up with Jun Wu, but if she's managed to get as much information as she has just by talking to a handful of magical girls, even though a couple of them were pretty old, Jun Wu must know more things than that. And she isn't telling people. Wei Ying doesn't trust that. 

So she doesn't want to say that she's wishing for information about monsters and magical girls. She's going to have to think for a while about what she should write down for her wish. 

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Rhonda graduates to solo jaunts. She still hangs out with Shi Qingxuan when it's convenient for both of them, but she goes all over the place hunting monsters. 

She likes having spare seeds to hand out to girls who need 'em. Which isn't to say she never sells extras, because it really is a good income stream, but most new magical girls aren't nearly as fast a study at monster-hunting as her, and some of them are a lot younger, too. She does not want them pressured to head out before they're ready. 

She tries to keep track of where isn't anybody's territory, but if it comes down to a confrontation with another magical girl, she can always leave. She finishes off a stained-glass-themed witch in rural Iowa and teleports to the Bay Area; an internet acquaintance recommended a poke bowl place in the area. She goes in and has a lunch as lovely as her friend suggested, then walks out, takes in a deep breath and lets the sun warm her skin, and baubles her soul gem and dowses. 

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There's one that way! It's up hills; up to her if she wants to climb or 'port.

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She's very physically fit and can always use a little more exercise, and most monsters aren't generally in the middle of murdering someone such that killing them five minutes sooner will do anyone any good. She walks. She'd twirl her saber if that wouldn't come off as unnecessarily menacing to the civilians. 

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Some people take pictures of her.

The witch is tucked in the back of an Indian grocery store. The proprietor appears to have been tied up and there is a drinking glass spilled on the floor that smells like bleach.

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At first glance, the proprietor being tied up looks like a very bad sign. But the bleach glass looks like he was going to drink it, which suggests him being tied up might be for his own good...?


She ducks inside the witch, summoning her sabers, her situational awareness going on high alert. 

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It's a garden monster; there are lemon wedges and zucchini slices and one still-ambulatory horse-sized tomato to get past on the way in, and soft dirt compresses under Rhonda's feet, but there's not even fake sunlight; it's dim inside.

There's already somebody in here. She's wearing civvies - it's a white hanfu, but she's also wearing sneakers. She's got a sword, but isn't using tactics that suggest she could produce another one at any time.

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And she's fighting back to back with another girl, whose outfit is of the magical girl varietal, and whose sword is too.

They're both really good at this.

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Huh. Surprisingly sexy. Something to think about. 

"Why is this woman wearing hanfu if it's not a magical girl outfit" wars with "why is she not in a magical girl outfit" in her head, before the both of them are swiped aside as a familiar approaches close enough for her combat reflexes to take over; she stays the hell out of the pair's way, but she does obliterate the familiar and any others she can catch closer to her than to them. 

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"Thank you!" calls the one in white while she disassembles an evil asparagus spear.

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Oh this isn't going to turn into a territory conflict! Excellent. 

"Welcome!" she calls, severing a bean runner that was snaking towards her ankle. 

She's very good, for her age. She's still a rank amateur compared to the two of them. But she's smart enough to stay out of her way, so she oughtn't slow them down any. It means they'll get to the main witch first, but that's fine. 

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It may not be a territory conflict but the red one doesn't seem to have any intention of letting the white one contend with the central witch (a very menacing garden-themed multitool armed with a trowel and shears and garden fork and hoe and spade) and dispatches it herself.

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"Sorry for butting in," she says when the witch is dispatched, bending to start untying the guy who was presumably trying to drink bleach now that witch influence is no longer an issue. "I'm a nomad, and I keep track of whose territory is where when I find out, but if I don't know I don't always bother checking before going hunting."

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"Oh, that's all right," says the girl in white, collecting the fellow's mop so she can clean up the bleach spill off the floor. The guy is tied up with white ribbon. "If you need the magic you can keep the seed, San Niang and I have a stash."

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"Nah, I'm a teleporter. I can get out in a hurry if I get in over my head, so I do a lot of hunting. I have enough spares to share with the newbies."

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"That's wonderful! Sir, are you all right?" she asks the Indian fellow.

"Y-yes, I think so," he says, eyeing his righted glass of bleach.

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"Just out of curiosity, why are you wearing hanfu?" she asks in a low voice that hopefully the Indian man shouldn't hear. 

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"This is what my magical girl dress used to look like. San Niang said she found it in a thrift shop."

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"Used to?"

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"Ah, I can't transform any more." She finishes mopping up the bleach and puts the mop away.

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"You can't--by any chance do you know a girl named Wei Ying."

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"She bought me a burrito once!"

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"Hi! I accidentally trespassed on your stalker once."

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"Trespassed on her?"

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"So Wei Ying got kidnapped into a monster with a flowers and blood and silver butterflies theme, which is also the description of a monster that magical girls occasionally encounter and which then immediately spits us out. My mentor and I stumbled across it, and it threw us out, and she recognized it from descriptions, and I tried teleporting in and that worked for like a fraction of a second before it kicked me out again, and I did some research, and Wei Ying found my post on a forum and told me about her kidnapping and you came up enough to, like, give context. Your stalker may or may not have saved a woman from Nazis in the forties!"

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"...good for her, then, I guess!"

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"It's a pretty cool thing to have done! I got Wei Ying to give me her info on swordchicks so I could apologize for teleporting in on her. I didn't get a response but that's fair honestly."

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"I haven't figured out internet message etiquette yet. I've never had a very high response rate for things like Craigslist but maybe it is different on swordchicks."

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"I think probably it's different when they're, uh, already invested in you."

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"That makes sense." She starts making her way out of the Indian grocery store, though she pauses to look at some eggplants, and then San Niang collects a bagful and tosses some money onto the counter for them.

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"On places like swordchicks as long as you're not an asshole you're pretty much good. There's non-zero specific etiquette but generally if you apologize after doing something wrong and don't do it again nobody who isn't an asshole themselves is going to make trouble."

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"The Internet is very interesting. It seemed like it was going to be a flash in the pan at first."

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"It's hard to imagine that, from my perspective," she admits. 

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"It looked like a worse version of phone calls!"

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"Huh. Yeah, I can see how that wouldn't seem to have a lot of staying power." 

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"I'm getting used to it. What's your name? I'm Xie Lian."

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"Rhonda Wallace! Is that in Eastern or Western order, I don't like to assume."

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"Cool. Come to think of it I think even for a magical girl I know a disproportionate number of Chinese people living in the US who haven't switched to Western order. Maybe that suggests that I'm cool and I naturally end up interacting with cool people, I dunno."

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"I don't think of it as a particularly cool thing that I'm doing."

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Shrug. "I dunno. Wei Ying seemed to think you're pretty cool anyway." 

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"I suppose she can think so if she wants!"

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"Wei Ying is right, jiejie is extremely cool."

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"And I can personally confirm that, because the way you fought inside that monster was extremely cool."

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"I just have a lot of practice."

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"And that is very cool."

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"It is! I'm going to be that good someday if I live long enough and it's going to take me lots and lots of practice to get there." 

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"Well, I hope you can live long enough to get all the practice you want."

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"I have a good power and the sense not to take stupid risks. I think I'll be okay."

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Xie Lian nods. And yawns.

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"Is jiejie tired? We can go home."

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"Just don't carry me there! That was embarrassing."

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"San Niang will carry Jiejie as far as she wishes and no farther. If you are tired enough you do not wish to walk, San Niang will rent a scooter."

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Oh no they're cute. Sorry stalker looks like you might have some stiff competition

"If you ever want to kill something together again I'm down, although I think I'd be getting the better end of that deal." 

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"I don't mind company! It's definitely easier to fight three monsters with three people than to fight one monster with one person."

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"As Jiejie says."

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Rhonda scribbles her phone number on a scrap of paper and hands it to Xie Lian, then waves before teleporting off. 

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"Does Jiejie want to rent a scooter?"

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Giggle. "No, I can walk, San Niang."

Fifty thousand dollars was plenty for Xie Lian to buy a used camper. ...and driving lessons. It's parked by Golden Gate Park.

It only has one bed in it, but every time Xie Lian asks San Niang if she would prefer not to travel home after a late night of witch-hunting, San Niang says,

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"San Niang would be honored to be Jiejie's guest."

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And then Xie Lian is hardly going to have San Niang drape herself across the little kitchen table, and San Niang won't hear of Xie Lian doing it, so they wind up in the one bed that there is, which isn't very big, but Xie Lian's slept in smaller places and San Niang claims every morning that she has never slept better.

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Wei Ying has been thinking very hard about her wish. 

Wishing to know all the things she wants to know is extremely appealing, but...even if she managed to wish to know everything about monsters, that would only tell her what was currently going on, not how to fix anything. And any given information is something she could learn, in time. She only gets one wish. 

She thinks about Noon. Thinks about her apparent control of her monster or monster lineage or whatever exactly it is that she has going on. Thinks about what she said about looking into factory farming. Thinks about the thing that ultimately made her decide to tell Noon where Xie Lian was, a hallway between Germany and New York. 

She still isn't at all sure that this is something it makes sense to trust Jun Wu's government with, so she keeps thinking about ways to phrase it to sound more innocuous. She isn't yet willing to just outright lie about her wish; it would make way too much sense for them to have lie-detecting magic. 

Meanwhile she keeps doing research. She corresponds with saberdancer and asks questions and pokes into Indonesian folklore when she runs out of better ideas. 

And she collects statistics on diseases and murders and suicides. 

She locates some news articles about a suspicious cluster of patient violence at a local hospital, and decides to head over to ask the doctors questions about it. 

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The doctors cite patient confidentiality at her.

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She's not asking about any specific patients! Just, like, an aggregate assessment of the ways in which the incident was weird. 

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The doctors are much too busy to deal with this. One of the nurses, taking her coffee break to get off her feet for a minute, will talk, though. "Oh, it's not that weird for somebody to try to pull out all their own tubes when they wake up but it's very weird for them to pull other people's tubes."

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She nods and writes this down and thanks the nurse, and when it becomes obvious that nobody else has the time for her, which is pretty valid, she supposes, she starts heading out through the parking lot. 

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Somebody is being removed from an ambulance! He's struggling and when they try to transfer him he gets free - one paramedic flings up her hands in disgust, another blames her, screaming in her face, and punches her in the ear - the patient has a gunshot wound in his shoulder but still staggers toward Wei Ying.

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She turns and runs away from him, at a diagonal--she knows she can see witches, if she finds herself inside one, but she doesn't know if that means it won't automatically eat her and either way she sincerely doubts that magical girl potential will give her any advantage whatever when it comes to the human violence that witches cause. Which means she needs to get away, and hopefully inform someone--thank you thank you saberdancer for being a TELEPORTER since she doesn't know anyone closer--

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She can outrun him.

She makes it into the hospital courtyard, where a grandma with a cannula and a wheelchair looks like she's asleep till Wei Ying gets close enough, and then she lurches out of the chair and wraps her skinny arms around Wei Ying's neck.

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Wei Ying starts out more worried about hurting the grandma getting her off herself, but the grandma turns out to be surprisingly strong, and a broken arm is less lethal than asphyxiation, so she starts trying to break away in full earnest. 

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The grandma is BITING HER EAR. The grandma's nurse is staring into space, apparently unconcerned.

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Losing part of an ear is also less lethal than being strangled! Wei Ying finally manages to extract her neck from the woman's arms, and rolls away from the wheelchair, coughing, her ear throbbing and spilling wetness down the side of her face. Wei Ying does not have time to assess the damage, she sits up and starts to rise to her feet, scanning for any other possible avenues of attack. 

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The grandma can apparently walk a bit and totters at her before she can assess the Littlest Cancer Patient under the willow tree for witchedness.

She can hear tires screeching in the parking lot ahead, and screams.

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Oh that's not good. 

She makes it to her feet and dashes away from the grandma. She isn't too worried about speed, here, she's sure she can outrun her. What she's concerned about is edging along the wall so that she can maybe make it out without any of the screaming people or the people causing the screaming noticing her. 

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She can mostly do this.

There's a janitor along one wall, taking an illicit smoke break in spite of the clearly posted signs declaring this hospital a smoke-free campus, and he looks at her fixedly when she turns the corner and they can see each other.

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She gives him a nervous little wave.

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He starts striding intently toward her.

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--She attempts to run off in another direction.

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The parking lot is... on fire.

There are sirens in the distance but not close enough to be imminently in rescuing distance.

The inside of this section of the hospital is - actually deserted, maybe everybody who could run ran out to join the parking lot conflagration.

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That's probably not great on account of all the witched people. She checks her cell phone for signal with which to contact saberdancer and discovers that her phone cracked when she hit the ground getting away from wheelchair grandma and the screen is filled with random colors and shapes that don't respond to her poking at them.

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She can hear the elevator ding, on her left. The burning parking lot is on her right.

There's snarling from the corridor ahead.

There is a single-occupancy all-gender bathroom behind her.

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She ducks into the bathroom and locks the door.

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No one saw her go in. She is safe there for now, unless the hospital catches fire.

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She sits down and hugs her knees and takes deep breaths.

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Above her, the air vent rattles.

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She looks up at it with alarm.

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It's nowhere near big enough for a person to get through.

The grille pops off.

A cat-sized mammal peers at her.

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"Are you a witch's familiar or a 孵化器?"

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I'm a 孵化器.

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"Cool, neat. Are you here because of the witch?"

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I'm here because of you.

Do you have a wish? What do you want most, with your whole heart?

Something's pounding on the bathroom door.

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"I wish--right now I especially wish--that I could control witches!"

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The cat-sized mammal leaps onto her chest, clinging to her collar with its forepaws, and touches her face with its ear-tendrils, and there is light.

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She emerges in hanfu dress, black outer robe over red inner, her hair held up by a red stone comb carved into a nine-petaled lotus shape. A black lacquered dizi flute with a red tassel appears in her hands. She looks at the flute, then at the door, then raises the instrument to her lips and begins playing. 

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The 孵化器 disappears back up into the air vent.

The startling glow of her gem, red and sun-bright, starts to drop.

What would she like this monster to do?

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The banging on the door stops.

After a delay, the entrance to a witch-barrier, shimmering gold, slides into the bathroom through the hinge-side crack in the door, distorting to get between the hinges and then expanding again on the wall for her.

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She stalks inside. She is still playing the flute, and orders the witch's familiars to not attack her and to lead her to the witch itself. 

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The familiars - distorted versions of children's toys, here a rubber duck, there a teddy bear, one Barbie doll with even more outlandish proportions than normal - make way. A red wagon rolls into her path and turns to show her the way to the witch. The witch is a merry-go-round, jangling music that keeps trying to escape from matching Wei Ying's tune but can't, keeps trying to have the horses spin faster than the pace she sets but can't.

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She doesn't have a weapon weapon other than her flute. 

So she uses teekay to beat the shit out of it with her busted cell phone. 

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This takes a while. Her gem is dangerously low by the time the carousel lies in ruins at her feet between drifts of Legos on Candyland-board flooring, and then everything shivers, and vanishes.

She gets a seed for her trouble.

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She offloads charge onto the seed. 

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This makes her feel much better. It doesn't get her to the same brilliance she had to begin with, though, not even when it's full.

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She turns back to her normal clothes and pockets the seed and unlocks the bathroom door and peers outside. 

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The medics are rushing around trying to triage people. Somebody on a stretcher being rushed past spots her and mouths "thank you".

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She gives them a weak thumbs-up. 

Then she trudges to the bus stop and goes home.

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"A-Ying!" Jiang Yanli says, concerned when her little sister comes through the door looking frazzled. "Are you okay?"

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"...Ish? Uh. There was a monster at the hospital and there weren't any magical girls around so now I am a magical girl and it is dead." 

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"Do you need some alone time? I can hold off A-Cheng..."

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"No, let's get A-Cheng's overprotective wrath over with," she sighs. 

Predictably, A-Cheng is Not Amused by Wei Ying's story, and demands a lot more details than their older sister did. Madam Yu catches wind of it and spends about ten minutes yelling at Wei Ying for being reckless, after which she escapes to her room and gets on her computer. 

yingyingyingyingyingyingyingbananaphone: ok so it turns out showing up at places witches are known to have been without making sure someone took care of the witch is dangerous

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when you put it like that


what happened?

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well uh a wish granter showed up and I made a wish and killed the witch with despacito and a dead cell phone

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you what now

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I wished to be able to control monsters. and I do it with music. my weapon is a flute. and my cell phone got killed in the fleeing-from-witch-victims process. so I beat the witch to death with it telekinetically. but I filled up the grief seed and I'm not at full charge, music monster management is EXPENSIVE it seems, so I think I probably need help. 

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no shit. that's an incredibly useful power but the statistics on newbies going solo is, uh, worse, than the other survival statistics for magical girls. by a LOT. 

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I'm not shocked. 

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I will talk to some people and get back to you. Meanwhile expect me where you are soonish, I don't usually teleport to internet acquaintances without express invitation but I have a few spare seeds for new kids and it sounds like you need it. 

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neat, thanks.

Then she texts Lan Zhan. 

hey I have some news but you have to promise not to freak out

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Wei Ying.

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ok so the good news is I'm a magical girl now

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That's the good news!?!? Oh no. 

Wei Ying!

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so I went to the hospital to do research and there was still a witch and I got chased by some witched people and locked myself in the bathroom and then a fuhuaqi came in through the vent and gave me my wish. so I wished to control monsters and now I can do that, with a dizi, and I made the monster let everyone go and come to me and I killed it. 

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Are you alright?

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My gem is not at 100% charge but saberdancer promised to come by later with spare seeds so I will be 100% fine. 

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This is not the most reassuring thing Wei Ying could have said. Lan Zhan is less than totally reassured. 

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Hm, what else should she do...oh!

She texts Xie Lian. 

So I'm a magical girl now. 

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I didn't know you had an application in!

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I did not! I got cornered by a witch and a fuhuaqi showed up on its own. 

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Oh, I'm sorry, that sounds terrifying! At least one came by in time?

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I locked myself in a bathroom, I might have been okay otherwise. I don't super wanna bet on it though. 

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Yeah. Do you like being a magical girl?

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well, I can control monsters by playing the flute, now, so that's kickass

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That is very kickass!

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It's pretty expensive, though. but I guess it didn't help that I don't have a non-flute weapon so I had to beat it to death with teekay 

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Do you have a companion?

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not right this minute but I talked to someone who said she'd talk to some people and get back to me

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If you want to come hunt with me and San Niang for a while I don't think she'd mind. I don't need much since I don't use magic anymore so we'd have plenty for you.

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thanks! speaking of, do you know where I can buy a sword? I should probably buy a sword.

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I have had mine since before I became a magical girl. Whenever it was getting shabby I'd beg a repair off another girl. I once considered saving up to get one from a Renaissance faire as a backup. But I think those are seasonal.

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you've had it all this time? that is insanely cool.

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It's a very good sword. I have bad luck but the sword must have good luck.

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I hope you have more good luck in the future

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San Niang says her good luck is enough for both of us.

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I hope so. It seems like she makes you happy. 

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She's very good!

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Good. I'm glad. 

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hey do you have a new mentee yet

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I did but she got poached, can you believe it?

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no I cannot, you are the best. how did that even happen

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She MIGHT be sleeping with her new buddy. Who is only... twice... her age...

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wow ok! I mean at some point you have to be ok with that I think, like, if a hundred-year-old magical girl wants to date a non-magical person in their thirties that's fine, but a newbie would be like...nineteen at most, so...yeah. concern.

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Eighteen, so it's not ILLEGAL, but yeah. Anyway why do you ask?

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wei ying got cornered by a witch and an incubator found her

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Wow okay! Where does she live?

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sacramento california

her power's even more useful than mine, she can pied piper monsters

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Holy shit!

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I know, right? her weapon's a flute so probably she'll need a mundane weapon so she doesn't have to beat them to death with teekay in the future. 

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I have been known to sword things swordily!

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and I, as a sword person, appreciate this about you

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A seed's cheaper than a flight, whether she wants to come to me or have me come to her, you down?

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yeah, I'm heading to her place soon for seed delivery anyway

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Okay, I'll pack up!

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Rhonda pockets some seeds and picks up Shi Qingxuan and appears in Wei Ying's bedroom. 

"Hi! I'm saberdancer. Rhonda Wallace. This is my old mentor, Shi Qingxuan." 

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Wei Ying spins around, startled, then smiles. She stands up, activates magical girl form, and bows. 

"It's nice to meet you, Shi-shifu." 

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"Wow, you're polite, aren't'cha. Nice to meet you too, I hear you have an awesome power."

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"Oh, I'm an absolute gremlin most of the time, don't let the manners fool you," she assures her. "And yeah! I've been thinking about what wish I would make for a while but boy let me tell you being cornered by a witch really ratcheted up my emotional investment in it."

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"I guess that'd help! So I don't have a conventional weapon either, I have a fan, but I have been known to buy swords. And guns, sometimes, but I don't prefer 'em."

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"I think I'm going to have to teekay the sword most of the time since playing the dizi really required two hands," she summons her flute, "but a sword should still be better for killing stuff with than a busted cellphone." 

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"Hmmm, if you're going to teekay it anyway I don't know if a sword is your best bet - I guess it depends on how much stuff you can juggle at once."

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"What would you recommend?"

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"Like a ton of knives, or a gun even - that might take less teekay attention to no-hands it than a blade would. Or something in the flail genre."

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"I'm worried that no-handsing a gun would make aiming it harder..."

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"Laser sights?"

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"That would be pretty kickass. Let's see what I can juggle." She levitates her broken phone and her flute and a handful of pens and pencils from her desk. 

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"Nice! If you decide you want a gun you should practice at a range, not in a witch - well, I guess you can get the witch to hold still but you can't get it to give you tips."

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"If I'm practicing then I'm gonna wanna spend long enough on it that I don't wanna waste charge holding the witch still that long."

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"That too. How bad is it per second?"

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"Um..." she rubs her nose with one finger. She rummages around in a drawer for a flashlight with a variable brightness setting, finds her gem's original brightness, then dims it at the appropriate rate. "Like that." 

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"Gotta borrow you a luxometer. I can look up the local chapter, they should have one."

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"Yeah, that'd be good. I haven't really had time to look into stuff like that, this happened only a couple hours ago." 

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"Speaking of--here." She hands over an empty grief seed. "Gimme the one you filled up, I'll drop it off with the Imperials." 

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Wei Ying takes it gratefully and finishes recharging her soul gem. "Here," she says, handing over the full one. 

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"Speaking of the Imperials they're probably going to track you down and get you registered soon."

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"Are they gonna be mad I didn't go through official channels?"

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"No, but they wanna officialize everybody."

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"So, do you wanna recommend me a hotel for while I'm hereabouts? Or a swanky AirBnB."

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"Oh, uh, I dunno about AirBnB but," and she names a couple of hotels, "that's where family usually stays when they visit." 

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"I will consider them recommended!"

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There are footsteps outside, and another young woman bursts into the room, blinking when she sees Wei Ying's visitors.

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"Hi! I'm Shi Qingxuan!"

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"...Hello. I am Lan Zhan." 

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"That's saberdancer," Wei Ying says, pointing, "Rhonda Wallace. Shi-shifu is her old mentor." 

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Lan Zhan bows. "Thank you for aiding Wei Ying." 

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"Now, her, she's polite for real." 

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"It's no problem, I like doing the mentor thing."

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"I am still grateful. Wei Ying is reckless." 

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"Lan Zhan! You can't just say that!"

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"It is true." 

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"Well, it's been a long time since I lost one, so don't break my streak, Wei Ying, 'kay?"

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"I won't!"

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She had better not. 

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"Good! I will figure out local lodgings and borrowing you a luxometer, anything else I should get taken care of?"

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Headshake. "I'll look into the knives and guns things." 

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"Knives and guns?"

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"To more efficiently kill monsters with!" 

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"Wei Ying should be careful." 

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"Yeah, I know." 

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"She's got a flute, and her power's very magic-intensive, so she needs to supplement! I will take her to a range first thing if we go in the guns direction."

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"I'm gonna have to look up how California gun laws interact with magical girls, 'cause otherwise it would be super illegal to sell a minor a gun here."

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"I'm pretty sure you're allowed! As long as you don't have a record. If you have a record it is probably the opinion of the state of California that you should be bitten in half by a neon green flying shark."

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"Huh. I should check if I have a record or not." 

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"You don't know?"

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"There was an incident with some illegal fireworks that I was sorta near. I don't think I was ever formally accused of anything..."

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"Wow, okay, hopefully that doesn't get you to sharkbait territory."

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"Worst case scenario I pick up some knives! Anyway, I do know for sure I was never convicted of anything, so there's that."

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"Can't hurt!"

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Lan Zhan takes Wei Ying's hand and squeezes it. "We will find a way."

She's going to submit her magical girl application as soon as she gets home. No way in hell is she letting Wei Ying do this alone. 

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"I'll be fine, Lan Zhan." 

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If Wei Ying were capable of taking adequate care of herself NONE OF THIS WOULD BE HAPPENING. 

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"I'm off to go find where I'm putting my suitcase down and I'll swing by to pick you up after dinner time tonight?"

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"See you guys later. Text me if you need a ride," she tells Shi Qingxuan.

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"Will do!"

She lets herself out the window and swoops away.

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And Rhonda teleports off. 

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Lan Zhan stays with Wei Ying a little while longer before going home, finishing filling out her application, and submitting it. 

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Before Lan Zhan's application is responded to, the Imperial office sends Wei Ying a ticket to Shenyang for the registration process.

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Wei Ying hugs her siblings and gets on the plane. 

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(Lan Zhan paces, frustrated by her inability to go with her.)

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The process is pretty painless! They are curious about how she came up with the idea for her wish, and how well it works, but all in all the process is scarcely worth the flight.

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She talks about her misgivings about the necessity of witches for magical girls to survive and how she wants to do something to reduce the impact of witches on the civilian population without starving magical girls, and doesn't leave any conspicuous gaps in her story where Noon's absence from the narrative is suspicious. 

And then she flies back home and hugs everyone some more and kills more witches with Shi Qingxuan. 

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Shi Qingxuan buys her some simple pistols - turns out this is legal for magical girls even in California even if they have been near fireworks incidents - and brings Wei Ying to a range so she can learn to use them, though with a partner helping she doesn't need them inside witches. Shi Qingxuan can slice one up before Wei Ying's too run down holding it still for her.

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It also turns out Wei Ying was not formally accused of being involved! (Which she was not, she assures Shi Qingxuan. Their setup was terrible, Wei Ying would have done much better.)

"At some point I want to test what I can do that's more complicated than holding them still," she muses. 

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"You can't exactly get the familiars to do a conga dance and put it on Tiktok."

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Snort. "No, definitely not. Although that would be hilarious if they would photograph. No, I mean like seeing if I can make them feed off the animal suffering in factory farms or something." 

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"It'd be very cool if you could but it might just eat the workers as soon as you lost control of it."

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"I would definitely want at least one other magical girl ready to kill the thing at a moment's notice."

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"I can come with you but we can't really tell from the inside of a witch if it's started getting humans to throw themselves into the - whatever they kill chickens with - or if it's happily switched to a white meat diet."

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"I mean, it's pretty obvious whether they're under control or not, so if I tell it not to eat people it won't eat anyone while I've got a hold of it. That was the first thing I told the one that got me my wish, was to let all its victims go." 

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"Oh, yeah, I guess you can do it from outside the witch. Is that more expensive?"

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"It doesn't seem to be."

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"You will probably need permission from the factory farmers."

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Snort. "Can you imagine that conversation?"

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"Hi, mister, uh, Tyson, your industry causes unimaginable suffering, may I use it for mad science and bring a monster in range of all your employees?"

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She sporfles. "I think even I'm more tactful than that!"

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"Well, what are you going to say?"

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"Uh...'hey, how would you like a great rebuttal to animal rights activists'?"

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"Ha! I don't know if it'll go over well but it's at least hilarious!"

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"It would probably go over better than the words 'mad science!'"

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"Maybe some farmers wanted to be mad scientists and were thwarted in their ambitions."

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"This is possible but since they haven't admitted it in so many words it's probably safer if I don't either." 

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"Have it your way."

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"I mean, I'm not saying it wouldn't be mad science."

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"Will you cackle?"

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"Depends on whether it works or not, of course. Frankenstein never cackled when lightning struck and his creation just lay there."

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"Better make it a real good cackle if you pull it off."

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"Maybe I should practice making a cackling noise with my flute."

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"Do flutes do that?"

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"There's at least one way to find out!"

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"You should get a real flute like that so you can practice detransformed."

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"...I already had one."

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"Oh, convenient! I wonder how the magic figures out that sort of thing. Imagine if you had a tuba and no idea what to do with it."

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"Rhonda says she didn't know how to use a sword when she started out..."

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"I think weapon weapons might be different."

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"Maybe. What did you know about fans before you got magic?"

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"I actually think I have the fan because I wished to fly!"

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"Can you fly without it?"

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"Yes, but it's easier with."

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"Huh. How exactly does your flying work, like, on a mechanical level?"

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"I control the wind! It blows me around. I can kinda surf on the fan."

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"Neat! Have you ever tried using a hang glider? Or a wingsuit?"

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"I can't wear a wingsuit when I'm transformed! I tried parasailing once though."

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"Couldn't you put it on over the dress?"

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"Maybe? It's a pretty fluffy dress."

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"I feel like that's a solvable logistical problem."

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"Maybe one day I will try it. But I can fly fine as-is."

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"Legit," she nods. "I'd've tried it by now, but that's because I'm a mad scientist."

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"Yes you are! Good luck on finding a candidate farm."

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"Good luck having perfectly sane fun flying!"

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"I always do!"

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The Imperial office has accepted Lan Zhan's application, here is her ticket.

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Lan Zhan would prefer that she had been able to go at the same time as Wei Ying, but this is still for Wei Ying's sake. She goes readily. 

Her uncle is proud of her. He would probably be less proud if he knew that this whole thing was ultimately about Wei Ying, but Uncle would probably be distressed if he understood just how much of Lan Zhan's life revolves around Wei Ying and has for years; she has long since accepted the necessity of not telling him. 

Brother is also proud of her. He understands a great deal more of what goes on in her life (and her heart, regardless of any attempts she may make to hide that from him) and his approval is consequently more important to her. 

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They check if she can see the 孵化器. She can.

She is supposed to tell it more about her wish.

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Her education has always been important to her, and expanding the store of humanity's knowledge as a whole is a highly desirable thing. So she wants to wish for a complete knowledge of all salient and humanly verifiable information about her favorite topics. 

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The wish-granter shakes its head.

That is not something you want with your whole heart.

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"What I want with my whole heart is less noble."


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We will never tell anyone what you wished for. You can tell the world whatever you will.

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"I wish that Wei Ying would always be safe." 

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She is batted in the face with soft soft tendrils.

There is light.

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Her gown is more elaborate than many, with a lacy outermost robe and several layers of pale blue and white. Her soul gem is a pale but vibrant blue. 

"Do you know what effect my wish had?"

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Not exactly.

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"What do you know?"

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The wish does not use your words, but the deepest desires of the one who wishes. It will do ask you asked, and as you meant to ask, but it will not guess what you would have asked if you had thought longer.

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...Slow nod. 

"Thank you."

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It is limited by the power of your feelings. So, it is not going to be perfect. But it will be as perfect as your love. Its tail swishes.

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"I hope it is enough." Lan Zhan has never had Wei Ying's well-being LITERALLY hanging on how much Lan Zhan loves her before. 

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The creature bats her gently on one cheek with a paw and departs.

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Lan Zhan sets her tribute (an antique incense burner which has belonged to her family for generations) in the appropriate location, signs up for her classes, and departs. 

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Wei Ying is EXUBERANTLY ENTHUSIASTIC when she returns, hugging her and wanting to know how everything went. 

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Lan Zhan hugs back. "All is well." 

...Probably her love for Wei Ying is enough to power a wish of sufficient protectiveness. In this moment it feels impossible that it could not. 

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Pout. "Lan Zhaaaaan, that's not an answer! Will you tell me what you wished for now?" 

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Lan Zhan hesitates. 

On the one hand, she really doesn't want to. 

On the other hand...if her wish made some kind of permanent change to Wei Ying, the argument that Wei Ying is not entitled to know seems awfully flimsy and threadbare. 

"I wished for Wei Ying to be safe." 

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Wei Ying gapes at her. "You did what?" 

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Lan Zhan looks away, her ears flushing red. 

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"Lan Zhan, your wish has to be something you really really really want!" 

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"Yes." Wei Ying is NOT entitled to know that Lan Zhan tried to make a different wish and failed. 

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"I guess I must really worry you a lot, huh? I'm sorry. I know I'm not the easiest friend to have." 

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"Wei Ying is worth all the worry," she assures her, hugging back. 

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Lan Zhan acquires a local mentor who is less awesome than Shi Qingxuan but still basically competent at keeping Lan Zhan alive. 

Wei Ying texts Xie Lian: 

Lan Zhan is a magical girl now! Through normal channels. She wished for me to be safe. We're not sure EXACTLY what effect this had because I haven't done anything dumb enough that I would probably be dead otherwise but we think probably I am slightly more immortal than a regular magical girl. 

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Wow, that's a pretty heavy wish, are you, like, comfortable with that?

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well it's not making me stay inside the house or not fight witches or anything so we're pretty sure it's just defensive in some way, not forcing me to be less reckless or anything like that. 

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Yeah, I just mean having the entire force of somebody's wishing aimed right at you. Probably you'd have said if she asked first.

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no she was all "if I tell you it won't come true" and I was like "that's birthday cakes not fuhuaqi." but, like, she's my best friend, it's not news that she has a lot of feelings about me

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Well, I suppose she can't un-wish it even if you go to different colleges and drift apart, or whatever it is that separates friends in this day and age.

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that's true...I don't think that'll happen to us, though. I guess lots of people think that and are wrong but I still think that. 

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I hope you're right!

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we'll see in ten years or so I guess

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What kind of powers did she get?

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some general defensive stuff. nothing outstandingly cool but still, practical. and her weapon is this pretty jian blade

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That's the same kind as mine!

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cool! do you think you could show her some stuff? her mentor has a bow and arrows, not even slightly similar.

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Sure! She can drop by any time.

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thanks!!! it's convenient how you're in the same area as her big brother

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I used to travel more but I've been hereabouts for years, mostly because it's still pretty comfortable to sleep outside in wintertime.

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yeah about that did fifty thousand bucks cover a house because I have been looking up some stuff about the bay area and I am less confident of that than I was when I delivered it

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Oh, no, it didn't. I considered getting a tent - or a bus ticket - but then I found this used camper van on Craigslist, and it did pay enough to cover that! I didn't know how to drive so I also had to pay for lessons.

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ok cool. lemme know if you need more money, I still have your stalker's info and she said to tell her if you needed more. 

Also based on the timing she suspects that San Niang and the stalker are one and the same but she's not going to mention that right now.

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I still have most of it! I'm being careful.

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that's probably smart. are you going to move around more now that you have the camper? because we can still visit, I have a friend who teleports now

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Is it Rhonda? She walked in on me and San Niang in a witch a while ago. We might travel, I'm not sure.

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ha! yeah that's her. I'm a little surprised you happened to run into her but just a little, she really gets around

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She seemed very nice.

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she's really cool, when I told her I had magic now she referred me to her old mentor and SHE'S really cool too

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I'm glad you have so much support in figuring out magical girling!

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it's really excellent! still amused that you and Rhonda ran into each other already

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I guess if you can teleport you meet lots of people.

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yeah. she fights witches all over the place, so she meets lots of magical girls. and disproportionately talks to the ones who don't get bitchy about territory

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I don't need much, so I don't fight over it if someone wants the same seed as me. I can always get another.

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San Niang has normal needs though, right?

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A little less than usual! Not by as much as me, but she doesn't do big flashy stuff.

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that's fair. I do know a lot of people who do variously flashy stuff. I'm probably the most expensive magical girl I know but fortunately my power also makes hunting much safer

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Yep! You should probably carry seeds with you in the field.

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Oh I do. Lan Zhan gets on my case if I don't have at least three on my person at all times.

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Three? How expensive IS your power?

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not three seeds worth of expensive. Lan Zhan just worries about me enough to make her whole wish about it 

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I guess that makes sense!

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to be fair I can totally imagine emergency situations where it would be useful 

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Yeah, like if you wind up bailing out some girl who got caught in a particularly bad witch you'd want extra.

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or if I ran into a REALLY strong witch. stronger witches are more expensive than weaker ones

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Huh, they have a single defined strength level? Some are easier and some are harder but I sort of assumed that was partly about how well fed they were and partly about stylistic matches between their combat style and mine and partly luck. Is strength mostly what I've been thinking of as fed-ness?

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I think so! it's like how there's a difference between how much charge a magical girl can keep in her soul gem and how good she is at fighting. you wouldn't be a very "strong" magical girl since you don't do magic but you're amazingly badass

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You're too kind.

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I mean now you have San Niang but do you know what magical girl survival statistics look like for normal magical girls with all their powers? you have none and you've survived since hanyu was a completely different language!

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For a lot of that time I did have all my powers.

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well I have never heard of whatever mistake it was so it must still be a long time ago

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You study a lot of ancient Chinese history?

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no but the fact that it qualifies as ancient puts you squarely in the objectively impressive category!

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All right, all right.

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someday I'm gonna be super old and people are gonna tell me I'm impressive and I'll be like "nah, I have the easiest power to survive with, you should see Xie Lian, now she's impressive"

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San Niang is reading over my shoulder and she agrees with you.

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San Niang is objectively weird but as far as I can tell she's right about all the important stuff

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Is she weird?

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I mean I'm not saying she's bad weird or anything but it's kind of weird to be uhaul lesbians with someone without actually being lesbians with them

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She doesn't actually live here, sometimes she goes home.

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how often?

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She went home last night!

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and when was the last time before that?

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Tuesday, I think.

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hmm. anyway, weirdness aside, she's still right about stuff

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So she keeps telling me.

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another thing she's right about!

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Anyway, I'm happy to teach your friend some sword stuff if she comes by.

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thanks, it means a lot. Lan Zhan's a lot more sensible than I am, but that doesn't mean I can't worry about her at all

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Like you said, being a magical girl is dangerous.

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yeah exactly! and she doesn't have a really useful power like me or Rhonda...

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What does she have?

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extra-good shields and she can do some neat stuff with her flesh body's durability

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...neat stuff?

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like, make herself denser and harder for familiars to injure

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it's a lot better than nothing!

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Lan Zhan shows up a few days later, having bribed Rhonda with her family's recipe tea eggs, Rhonda not having tried tea eggs before. She knocks on the door of the camper. 

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Xie Lian answers the door. "Lan Zhan! Hello! We were just having lunch."

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Lan Zhan holds up a tupperware container. "Hello, Lian-shifu. I brought tea eggs."

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"Ooh, we can have a tiny potluck! Come in!"

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San Niang inclines her head just barely enough to not be rude and goes back to eating an extremely colorful vegetable stirfry.

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Lan Zhan nods in return, setting down her container of eggs. Not talking is fine with her! 

She serves herself and puts tea egg on both of the others' plates. 

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Nom tea egg. "Oh this is really good! Here -" She peels a paper plate from a stack of them and puts some vegetables on it for Lan Zhan. They're very colorful, purple and green and red and yellow and orange and pink. The orange component is recognizable as carrots but the rest of it is kind of hard to tell.

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"Thank you. What are these?" Nom.

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It's frankly disgusting. There's way way way too much salt, and even more too much grease, and the carrots are undercooked and the - peppers? come with seeds and the ?eggplant? is disintegrating into oily mush while the ??pink tofu?? has managed to burn on one side of each ragged-faced piece while raw on the other sides. The greens are basically raw in the stems and charred on the leafy edges. There are the stems of some kind of mushroom that resist teeth, probably because you aren't supposed to eat the stems on that species, and the caps are rubbery.

"I call it 'Fried Riot of Colors'! I dyed the tofu to make it more rainbowy."

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San Niang looks Lan Zhan right in the eye and takes another big bite of hers.

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Lan Zhan chews slowly. This is definitely worse than Wei Ying's cooking was before she realized Lan Zhan doesn't like spicy. 

She is a guest. It would be extremely rude to complain. 

"It succeeds at being rainbowy." 

She takes another bite. Not cleaning her plate would also be extremely rude. And wasting food is bad. 

She assumes that San Niang isn't saying anything for the same reason she didn't say anything about Wei Ying's spices before Brother realized what was going on and talked to Wei Ying behind her back, based on what Wei Ying has told her about San Niang. Also because she would one hundred percent have given that look to someone Wei Ying had served something much too spicy to. 

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"My camp stove broke a year ago but San Niang had one she wasn't using and brought it here! I'm not as good as the cooks in the langar - do you know what a langar is -"

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"I do not." She eats some more fried riot of colors. The faster she eats it the sooner she will be done eating it. 

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"The Sikhs do a thing where they give out free food. I volunteered in the kitchen for a while but they told me I was the best volunteer they had at mopping so I mostly did that. Ate a lot of their food."

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"That makes sense." She isn't going to touch the mopping thing. 

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Xie Lian and San Niang eat their vegetables and their eggs and then San Niang pushes Xie Lian back down onto the bench when she tries to start cleaning up and does it herself. There is some telekinesis involved since it's a pretty cramped space for three people.

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Lan Zhan offers to help with the cleaning up. 

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San Niang hands her a frying pan she was halfway through cleaning of oil and char with magic.

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Lan Zhan scrubs at it diligently, partly with her hands and partly with magic. 

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There is no actual sink in the camper. San Niang tidies away the rest of the lunch things and then sits back down beside Xie Lian.

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Lan Zhan sits down, summons her blade, and lays it across her lap. 

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"Yeah! Do you want to practice in the park?" Xie Lian asks, grabbing her sword from under the passenger seat of the camper.

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Nod. "That sounds excellent." 

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Xie Lian leads the way to a nice flat lawn section of park without too many picnickers in it. "All right, pretend I'm a familiar, let's see how you do this. Rar."

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Lan Zhan has studied sword forms, and has killed a great many familiars with her mentor. 

She is still very young and unpracticed, her forms stiff and not backed up by as much muscle memory as would be ideal. 

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Xie Lian observes her, retreating rather than striking back for the first few minutes to see how she does it, and then calls a halt and goes over to her to correct her with little pokes to her back and shoulders and fingers, and then shows her tiny exercises that don't seem like they should do anything that will strengthen the tiny muscles she needs to support her form.

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Lan Zhan nods seriously. She understands all about little things that support greater structures; many of her family's rules follow similar principles. She observes the exercises carefully and makes sure that she can replicate them to Xie Lian's satisfaction. 

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Once she has them down and will be able to do them as homework they can spar! Xie Lian will imitate the habits of various familiars she's seen for her, for variety, and then critique her interpretive speed and tactical response.

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Lan Zhan has good reaction times and a good tactical head on her shoulders, but both are still largely untrained. She does well, for someone as new as her; but that caveat is a sharp limiter. 

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"Hey San Niang, come here!"

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San Niang has been sitting with her legs dangling out the back of the open van, watching, and hops down and lopes over as soon as she is called. "Jiejie wants me?"

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"Let's spar - not too fast, we want her to see it all - and then we can teach her whatever looks cool, okay?"

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"As Jiejie says," says San Niang, and she bows, very deep, and produces her own sword.

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Xie Lian starts to bow back but doesn't get very far before San Niang springs at her.

They're both very very good.

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Lan Zhan is impressed. She watches carefully. 

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They will pause whenever she is particularly intrigued by something or has a question, and then show her even slower!

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Lan Zhan tries very hard to use her still fairly limited judgment to pick out which things will be most practical for her in particular and inquire about those. 

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They have suggestions, too - mostly Xie Lian has suggestions, though San Niang is a very supportive teaching assistant in the sense that she supports Xie Lian and does not really care that Lan Zhan is there.

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This is extremely valid of San Niang. Lan Zhan can relate to that kind of single-target focus. Lan Zhan is probably going to have to report this to Wei Ying when she gets back; Wei Ying has started to get invested in the Xie Lian and San Niang situation. If Lan Zhan recalls correctly, the term is "shipper on deck." 

Lan Zhan is an extremely diligent student, drilling everything Xie Lian shows her and asking questions whenever she has them. 

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Then when it's getting on about dinnertime and San Niang reveals that she found a gift card for Burmese food on the ground somewhere she will have plenty of custom-tailored homework assigned her.

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She writes down all the homework, just to be safe, and is already working on one of the hand-based exercise sets when Rhonda whisks her off home. 

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Xie Lian and San Niang go to the Burmese place and discover the card has almost a hundred dollars on it, amazing, they can stuff themselves.

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Meanwhile, factory farms aren't biting. They are:

- concerned the scheme violates OSHA
- concerned the scheme will violate the terms of their insurance
- concerned that Wei Ying's family will sue them if she dies trying this
- concerned it will mess up the meat

Would she like to buy a lot of male chicks to run experiments on herself? She can have them for the price of shipping. Or she can take the hints this one guy is dropping that he doesn't want to commit to a digital trail of conspiracy to commit insurance fraud but he wouldn't exactly mourn a specific pig farm.

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Wei Ying blinks at this last one. 

"Hey, Lan Zhan, aiding and abetting insurance fraud is bad, right?"

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"Yes." She peers over Wei Ying's shoulder to see what prompted this. 

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Wei Ying leans out of the way. "I'm kinda leaning towards the male chicks option...if the witches I test can feed on animals, they can make them attack each other or something...I'm a little concerned about what to do with them if it doesn't work, though."

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Lan Zhan nods. 

"We will think of something." 

She's not thrilled about the potential cruelty to animals, but she knows Wei Ying isn't either, and they really do need a solution to the monster problem. 

"We should test it outside the city." 

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"Mhm. You think Rhonda will want to help?"

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Wei Ying orders the male chicks and texts Rhonda about the project. 

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Her order of 5,000 live male chicks will be there in two days!

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She really hopes this isn't a terrible idea.

At least whatever she does will almost certainly be better than what would happen to them otherwise...

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has anyone told you this is slightly fucked up

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I am aware but like, all the alternatives are WAY MORE fucked up. like, both in terms of witches eating people and in terms of factory farming, like, existing

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can't say you're wrong! I will be there with spare seeds. do you have a site picked out

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not SPECIFICALLY. do you have any thoughts for a place super far away from everyone?

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I don't wanna try teleporting witches so no, we're gonna do this outside the city but still sorta close

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yeah that is fair

She finds a spot where probably nobody will notice them and sets a few things up. 

...then, because she is not an idiot, she texts her mentor explaining what's going on. 

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I want to pet them

But then I'll be attached

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I am very sure that no matter how things turn out I do not need all five thousand for mad science if you want any

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It would stop being a downy baby soon though!

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That is true. I know some people keep chickens as pets but I think people who do that mostly keep hens...I don't really know what happens to extra male chicks when it isn't horrible factory farming things.

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I don't know. I do know that you can't keep roosters in most places because they're loud though.

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makes sense. I wonder if there are any magical girls who do sex changes and could generalize to birds

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I've only done the one, and it was pretty labor intensive, no way could I do five thousand.

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you don't have a specific power for it!

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Nobody smart does! If that's what you want you can get it wishing for anything!

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ok but there are lots of not smart people in the world I bet any of them are magical girls

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They don't live as long! Maybe there are some alive right now though.

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I proooooobably have better things to do than track them down

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Poor fuzzy chicks though.

Do you want me on standby in case anything happens?

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for something like this more backup is better than less. but like also I was thinking regular check-ins and if we miss one someone ie you knows something has gone horribly wrong

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Okay, I can do that.

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the chicks arrive. Wei Ying buys them several sacks of oats and dumps them in the middle of the pallet after it gets teleported out to their chosen site. She texts Shi Qingxuan to expect check-ins at least every fifteen minutes. She collects Lan Zhan and the three of them go monster-dowsing. 

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Chicks go peep peep peep and try to climb over each other to eat the oats.

The nearest witch isn't as close as would be convenient. It's almost a mile off. It is, however, a small one, not even causing any newsworthy misery in the suburb it's roaming at the moment.

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She raises her flute to her lips and commands the witch to follow them. 

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The shimmery barrier glides over stucco siding and concrete gutters to follow her obediently.

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It's a long walk. Wei Ying stops multiple times to recharge off grief seeds, although she hasn't quite filled up the first one when they reach their destination; it really is a very small witch. 

She orders the witch to feed on the chicks. 

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The witch approaches them. Slides right under them. They go on eating oats and do not gouge out each other's eyes or anything.

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She tries playing harder, putting more force behind the command. 

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The witch dispatches a familiar out of its barrier, a spider-thing wrapped in layers of its own web like a mummy, and it emerges among the chicks and tries to stab them with needlepoint feet. It is able to stab them, they do die, but it isn't clear if the witch gets sustenance from this process.

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She recalls the familiar and puts her flute down, breathing heavily and pouring her disappointment into the grief seeds she's carrying. 

"It's not working," she says quietly. "Kill it." 

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Lan Zhan is going to HUG WEI YING. Rhonda can kill it. 

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Rhonda gives the two of them a sympathetic look and steps inside the witch. 

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It's a spiderweb. Big for a spiderweb, but small for a witch, she can get to the giant spider in the middle pretty quick.

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She slashes it apart. 

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The witch ceases to be. She's standing in a pile of bloody chicks, most still alive.

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Poor little things. 

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Wei Ying gets the ten-minute ding on her phone and texts Shi Qingxuan. 

experiment over. everything went safely for us humans but it didn't work

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Oh no, I'm sorry.

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people are just gonna keep dying and I don't know how to stop it


there has to be a way to stop it

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I guess we could try to reduce the witch population and the court could accept fewer magical girls and eventually we'd all find some way to die and potentials with guns could mop up the rest??


then no one ever gets a wish again

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yeah. and I don't think...I think probably the Empress wouldn't go for it anyway. if it needs the Empress to cooperate and she probably wouldn't then that doesn't work either

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Yeah. People are dying but - this way some of them can come back, sometimes

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yeah...I wonder why you never hear about people from a long time ago coming back. you'd think someone would have wished for jesus or mohammed or siddharta guatama or kong fuzi or somebody.

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I guess that's a good question. Maybe most people just don't actually feel strongly in the right way about those people? or if they're that religious they think they're where they ought to be. like imagine if you wished jesus back and he was like "no thanks, I was supposed to be in heaven"

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I'm not surprised that MOST people don't I'm just surprised that no one has, like, there's a LOT of people in the world and a whole bunch of them become magical girls. maybe they deny all the applications that say I wanna bring back a religious figure...I guess it'd have to be more than religious figures or else someone would have wished for, like, ghandi

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Maybe, I dunno.

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it's not the most productive line of inquiry

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I don't blame you for wanting a distraction. If you get Rhonda to drop you off here I'll take you out for sushi!

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can I bring Lan Zhan

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Rhonda drops the two of them off at the door to Shi Qingxuan's hotel room shortly thereafter. 

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She's already gotten sushi reservations - "For four, if you want to come!" she tells Rhonda - " at a very fancy place.

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"--Oh wow," Wei Ying says when she sees where the reservations are for, at least for a moment thoroughly distracted. 

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"They do amazing things with salmon! You have to let the itamae pick for you, though, you can tell him what you're allergic to and that's it."

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"Conveniently I am not allergic to anything. Neither is Lan Zhan."

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"Do magical girls even have to be allergic to things at all?"

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"I don't think so but you might forget to fix one! Or be surprised!"

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"Well, if anyone's going to be surprised I don't think we'll be able to warn the servers beforehand."

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"That's fair, that's fair. Everybody make sure you won't go into shock if you eat surf clams and let's go."

The sushi is really really good.

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Wei Ying is so impressed with the sushi! It is very distracting. She makes little noises while she eats it. 

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The little noises are also very distracting. Lan Zhan's ears flush. 

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Shi Qingxuan eats a lot of sushi with a lot of soy sauce on it and exuberantly praises the chef every time he makes eye contact with her.

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"Are you flirting with him?" asks Wei Ying, who is much better at seeing the specks in other peoples' eyes than the log in her own. 

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"Only if he wants me to be!"

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"Good luck!"

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"Thanks!" Om nom. Shi Qingxuan treats them all with the casual unconcern of someone who has been living off investments for a hundred years.

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This is both reasonable and highly convenient for all of them except Lan Zhan, who is somewhere on the lucky side of the hereditary wealth inequality, but is probably still less personally wealthy than Shi Qingxuan. 

"I can probably still do some productive research on witches, even if I can't revolutionize the whole ecology," Wei Ying sighs, after the distractingness of the sushi has worn off a little. 

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"Yeah. Maybe there are some that aren't as bad as others? Like if they make people... depressed or something that's still bad but not as bad as setting things on fire, and they'll get better when the witch dies..."

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"Yeah...there are probably people who would consent to that, in exchange for enough money. It would take some working to make sure it didn't end up as a reprehensible social institution, if it worked, but that's still loads better than people dying."

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"Yeah I don't know how you'd do it but it doesn't sound totally impossible."

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"Assuming the depression thing works. The animals thing didn't, I shouldn't...pin that many hopes to something like that again." She makes a face. "Good thing I had a bunch of grief seeds already at hand, I reacted badly, that's not safe."

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"Hence sushi party!"

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"And I appreciate it!"

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"Do you wanna do more fun distracting stuff after we're done? I can zoom other people around on my fan!"

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"--Ohmygosh yes."

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Lan Zhan tamps down on the jealousy HARD. Shi Qingxuan thinks they are all little babies and is not even slightly interested in Wei Ying. 

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After sushi - she gives the chef her phone number on the receipt - they can go to the nearest open park and take turns zooming on her fan.

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Lan Zhan very much wishes that it was her putting that smile on Wei Ying's face, but it is good to see it there regardless. 

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Zoom zoom zoom! Till she needs to beg off because her gem's looking a little dark. She charges it back up with a spare seed.

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"Thanks. You're really great at distractions."

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"The very best, don't you forget it."

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She salutes. "I'd have a hard time doing so!"

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Despite starting later, Lan Zhan graduates before Wei Ying does. She has more of an innate self-preservation instinct (at least when her safety doesn't trade off against her loved ones') and her mentor, while entirely adequate, has less to teach in general than Shi Qingxuan. 

Once Wei Ying also graduates, the two of them make a habit of hunting together. It's...nice. Spending time with Wei Ying is always nice. Hunting is more nerve-wracking than many ways of spending time with Wei Ying, but between Wei Ying's power and Lan Zhan watching her back it's not so hazardous that Lan Zhan would try to talk Wei Ying into staying at home and mooching grief seeds off of other people. 

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Hunting with Lan Zhan is the BEST. 

Wei Ying tries more experiments. Some of them succeed, strictly speaking, but none of the ones that succeed are ones that show particular promise in solving the problem. But none of the failures have the gem-draining effect of the first one; Wei Ying does not have a hard time limit on her researches. If she isn't stupid, she'll live for a very, very long time. If the problem is conceivably solvable, she'll be able to solve it eventually. 


She doesn't make a lot of progress on the question of where witches and 孵化器 come from. It occurs to her at one point that witches have grief seeds and magical girls have soul gems and to wonder if 孵化器 have anything similar. She asks around about that a bit, but if they do, nobody knows anything about it. Well, if nobody killed witches then nobody would know about grief seeds, and people don't go around killing 孵化器...

She can't shake the niggling feeling that magical girls and witches are similar to each other in a way that 孵化器 aren't similar to either. Which is silly, on the face of it. Magical girls and 孵化器 are people and witches aren't. But still...

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Lan Zhan supports Wei Ying's research unconditionally, unless you count "as long as it's relatively safe" as a condition. She still doesn't know what the limits of the effect of her wish are, and has NO DESIRE to find out experimentally. That is one area of research Lan Zhan would firmly veto if Wei Ying ever brought it up. 

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Wei Ying may be reckless, but she's not THAT reckless. 

They hunt. Wei Ying uses up grief seeds faster than most magical girls, between her experiments and just holding witches still to be killed, but they still manage something of a surplus. Rhonda is notified that if someone needs emergency grief seeds they're able to contribute. They don't bother selling them; Lan Zhan's family isn't Shi Qingxuan living-on-several-lifetimes-of-investment levels of wealthy, but they're not that far off, either, and Lan Zhan is generous with what she has and Wei Ying is shameless about taking advantage at need. Besides, they might need emergency extra grief seeds at some point (where they probably means Wei Ying). 

They hunt. 

They step into a witch barrier that looks like some kind of old wooden shop, the shelves lined with dolls and dolls and dolls, all in some kind of disrepair. As soon as they enter the barrier, the dolls perk up and jump off the shelves to scuttle towards them. 

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"Be careful," Lan Zhan says, bisecting one of the familiars. "I think this is a Dolls of Bedlam witch. They're supposed to be very strong." 

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"Got it," Wei Ying says, and raises the flute to her lips and orders stop. 

The familiars judder to a halt, but there is a surprising amount of resistance to her command. Wei Ying's eyes widen fractionally. This witch may be stronger, in terms of brute power, than any she's tried to command before. 

She switches her command to the less power-intensive ignore us, which does not strictly prevent a witch from eating people but they found this one by dowsing, not by reports of deaths, so that probably won't get anyone killed in the time it takes them to find the witch's main body and kill it. 

The closer they get to the center of the witch, the more it fights her command. She grimaces slightly and switches to fumble all your attacks, which lets the familiars charge at the two of them but not do any serious damage, especially with Lan Zhan guarding her back. 

She has to stop, briefly, and recharge off a seed they brought with them; she wasn't getting down to dangerous levels, but she likes to avoid getting down that low. Just in case. 

The witch keeps fighting her

Magical girls and 孵化器 are people and witches aren't. But still...


Time to do something stupid and reckless. 

She changes her command again, as they approach what she can only assume is the witch itself; another doll, with some ugly cracks running down the size of its face, the size of a human being. 

Think. Feel. Be. If you are a you, then be you.

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Chaos and pain and grief and death and--

Think. Feel. Be. If you are a you, then be you.

Wen Ning opens her eyes. 

Behind the endless ocean of witchly madness, her memories are clear. Everyone dying--she hadn't even been looking at her gem to see the charge, but she wouldn't have thought her death would mean much anyway, among so many--

"Who are you?"

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"--Holyshit it worked. Uh. Hi! My name is Wei Ying. Do you have a name?"

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"Wen Ning. What...happened?"

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"I wished for the power to control witches! I told you to wake up, if there was a you to wake up. Where did you get that name? It's a pretty human name, did you used to be human?" 

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"...I used to be a magical girl." 

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Freeze. Pause. 

"How did you become a witch?"

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"My gem ran out of charge." She would REALLY REALLY like to not talk about how.

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Wei Ying collapses to her knees. "Oh shit." 

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No kidding. 

"I figured witches had to be connected to magical girls somehow...grief seeds and soul gems. I noticed there was something similar and the 孵化器 didn't have them...um. Hm. Oh man I have to rethink SO MANY assumptions. Okay okay okay." She puts her head in her hands. 

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The witch's barrier...vanishes, and they are standing in a dark alley with a human-sized doll in a slightly preposterous outfit with a crack down her face. 

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"--Okay it's very convenient that you can do that. Uh, we should probably get you...normal clothes...man I guess I shouldn't assume those aren't normal for when you witched, when did you witch?" 

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"'Kay, I'm pretty sure those weren't normal even then. Uhhhh..." she reverts back to her non-magical state. "Both of you close your eyes or turn around or whatever." 

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Wen Ning, slightly confused, complies. 

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Lan Zhan is NOT CONFUSED and it takes her a lot more willpower to comply and not peek at all. 

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Wei Ying strips out of her civilian clothes down to her underwear, leaves the clothes in a pile, and transforms back to her fully-dressed magical girl mode. 

"Put these on," she says, thrusting the clothes out to the witch. "It's too bad I wasn't wearing a hoodie, we'll have to conceal your face somehow...damn, I'm really not sure what you should do in the long run, so far my best plan is 'sneak you back to my house.' Or, like, someone's house, Madam Yu would probably have a fit if I snuck a witch into the house, even one who can, like, talk, and not murder people, and stuff. Uh, I'm gonna...talk to some people...damn did they have telephones in the thirties."

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"Great great great well this," she pulls out her phone, "is LIKE a telephone, except, like, waaaaaaaaaay more so. Basically. It's more complicated than that. 

She opens a group text with Xie Lian, Rhonda, and Shi Qingxuan. She doesn't bother to add San Niang; Xie Lian can loop her in. 

Ok so guys. 

I tried this spur-of-the-moment-experiment

and it WORKED

and I learned some disturbing stuff


first off, I think I know where witches come from

new witch types I mean, I know witches reproduce by budding

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And seeds can hatch if you don't give them to the 孵化器

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yeah that too. so uh. witches used to be magical girls

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apparently the thing that happens when your soul gem runs out of charge is not "die"

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so I was thinking about the fact that magical girls and 孵化器 are people and witches don't seem to be and Lan Zhan and I were fighting a, uh, she called it a Dolls of Bedlam, and I told it that if it was a person it should calm down and think instead of witching all over everything, and it WORKED and she says she was a magical girl in 1937

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okay uh

are you still doing the thing

do you have to do it at all times or she goes back to being a regular witch


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I am not still doing the thing and she seems fine! one sec

She turns to Wen Ning, who looks slightly more surreal having changed into Wei Ying's modern clothes. 

"Hey, do you know what happened to the rest of you?"

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"The rest of me?"

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"You know how witches have, like, types, and bud and stuff? You're a type." 

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"...Oh. What year is it?" 

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"...Oh. Well. I don't know." 

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she says she doesn't know. 

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San Niang says she's going to go find out! I don't know what she means, she left before I could ask

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huh. lemme know what she says?

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Will do

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What is being a witch even LIKE

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"My old mentor wants to know what being a witch is like." 

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"Do you not have more detail or do you not wanna talk about it."

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"I don't want to talk about it."

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she says "unpleasant" and doesn't want to talk about it in more detail--hang on

"Is it still unpleasant?"

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"...No. Or, not nearly so much. The negative emotions are still there, but they aren't everything."

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she says it's much better now

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I don't know what to do about this!


I guess we should tell the Empress?????

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She hesitates.

are you sure the Empress doesn't know


she works with the 孵化器 a lot

it seems like they would HAVE to know

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Why would they have to know?

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they MAKE magical girls! they have to know stuff about how we work

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I made chili and was still pretty surprised when it turned into remarkably colorful mold after a few months in the back of the fridge!

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you are aware of the basic principle that food goes bad and stuff grows on it though

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I mean yeah

but I don't think they definitely know

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'm gonna ask Lan Zhan

"Lan Zhan, Shi Qingxuan thinks we should tell the Empress and I'm worried the Empress doesn't have our best interests at heart."

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Lan Zhan considers this.

"If the Empress does not have our best interests at heart, then she will find out anyway whenever you act publicly, unless we simply mean to sit on this information and do nothing," she points out. "I do not think we will sit on this information and do nothing. Being upfront may increase our benefit of the doubt."

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"Sometimes I hate when you're right."

Lan Zhan thinks we should go for it. Xie Lian?

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I agree she needs to know.

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yeah okay. shifu I think probably you're the most likely to be taken seriously, on account of age plus not having the weird thing that's up with xie lan, do you think you should go or is this urgent enough we should send Rhonda

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I guess I can go but I didn't see anything in person, what if they laugh me out of court?

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I think she'd probably take me seriously, we do know each other.

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Ok cool how about Rhonda picks up me and Xie Lian bc I saw the thing and Xie Lian knows her. Uh. I'd rather leave Wen Ning bc, like, shoot first ask questions later is not the worst idea wrt a witch near the Empress' court

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I am okay with this plan

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What if she has some kind of WITCH RELAPSE while you're away though

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I think PROBABLY that won't happen but we could drop her off somewhere super uninhabited in case she does?

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should we wait for San Niang to find out whatever she's going to find out?

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yeah probably. the more information we have the better

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She's never gone long, but I don't know where she's actually... going.

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if I have suspicions that I'm really not sure about, and I've been keeping quiet bc if I'm wrong I don't want to accuse anyone of anything and if I'm right it sorta seems like someone else's secret, is now a time that I should stop keeping quiet, bc it seems like maybe that 

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Is San Niang in some kind of trouble?

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not..as...such? but uh. when I found out that my kidnapper/your stalker had probably rescued at least one person from nazis I, uh, broke down and gave her your location. and this happened like RIGHT before san niang showed up. and I have more hypotheses about what the fuck is up with your stalker than I did yesterday

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San Niang's not a witch, she has a soul gem and transformation and everything.

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like I said I don't know for sure. I just felt bad about keeping all this from you. especially the part where I did tell your stalker where you are

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I'm fine, it's okay.

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you are an incredibly chill person and I admire that about you

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San Niang is back

San Niang says she doesn't want to talk about this on the phone

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ok. I'll pick up Wei Ying and we'll drop off Wen Ning somewhere remote and show up at yours

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San Niang says maybe make it an island, most witches can't swim, but I don't know if Wen Ning remembers how she got to North America.

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I was thinking Antarctica, I don't know a ton of uninhabited islands, but tell San Niang thanks for the tip. 


Rhonda shows up at Xie Lian's place a few minutes later, with both Wei Ying and Lan Zhan in tow. 

"She," she gestures at Lan Zhan, "refused to stay behind while Wei Ying got up to shenanigans unsupervised. I tried to tell her you were enough supervision but she's stubborn. Also! We found out an important thing! Wen Ning can eat the dinge out of a soul gem."

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"With what?"

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"Her...self? I guess probably there's a grief seed or something stashed in there somewhere. She just touched it with one of her doll hands if that's what you mean."

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"Does it do anything to her?"

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"It feeds her! We may have broken the ecosystem!"

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"That's amazing!"

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"The other Dolls of Bedlam are gone."

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"That's proooobably a good thing. How d'you know? Why didn't you wanna say so over the phone?"

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"It seems like a sensitive conversation. It might even be wise to go somewhere more private than this."

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"We could go to the uninhabited island where I left Wen Ning. Or a different, warmer one."

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"We could go here."

A witch barrier - appears, out of nowhere, on the wall of the mobile home.

San Niang steps into it.

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Xie Lian walks in quite fearlessly.

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Wei Ying walks in and throws up her fists. "Called it!" 

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"San Niang?" Xie Lian is calling.

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"I'm here," replies San Niang's voice. A flower curtain parts for them. It looks like a throne room, full of silver and rubies. There are some paintings and knicknacks decoratively scattered around. San Niang's red magical girl outfit suits the room perfectly, or vice-versa.

When Xie Lian comes through the curtain San Niang slides gracefully off her throne, prostrates herself at Xie Lian's feet, and says, "Taizi dianxia."

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Crown princess? Rhonda mouths at Wei Ying.

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Wei Ying makes a shushing gesture.

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"- oh, no, I'm not - that was a long time ago - jiejie is fine -"

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"Jiejie," says San Niang, no less worshipfully.

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"Who are you?"

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Shrug. "They call me Hua Cheng. I have a little city, in here, so. Flower City."

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"I think she might mean what's up with your fixation on her. I mean, I can't fault your taste, she's great, but you did say you met her once upon a time."

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"I had a different face, then."

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"Ah, San Niang, have I not gotten to see your true face since we've been hunting together?"

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"If jiejie wishes to see it she may. I wear many disguises."

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"Sometime. But not right now. So you're - what, exactly -"

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"I have tended to think - a magical girl with some powers of a witch. With Wen Ning to consider, perhaps I'm just stuck halfway."

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"Do...you...want me to try something. I won't without consent."

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"I'm fine, thank you."

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"Mmkay. What other witch traits do you have besides the barrier?"

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"It's mostly that."

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"So--hmm. How did you get stuck? Does your soul gem behave normally?"

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"You're asking her such personal questions!"

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"--Sorry! Sometimes I get carried away when science." She bows her head contritely.

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"At any rate. Wen Ning does not seem to be the same thing as I am."

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"Yeah, you look all human and Wen Ning doesn't have a soul gem at all."

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"Are all San Niang's many disguises human?"

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"Do you want the rest of us to leave so you can tell Xie Lian stuff in private?"

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"- I don't want to ask her all these personal questions either!"

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"You could ask her different personal questions! Or questions that aren't personal but she trusts you way more than anyone else."

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"Because I was a princess once hundreds of years ago?"

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"Because jiejie is jiejie."

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"I really don't think the princess thing explains all this!"

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"--Not, to be clear, that I'm claiming to be personally entitled to an explanation."

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"Good, you aren't."

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"I'm aware!!! But given how many personal questions I've accidentally asked in the past five minutes on account of interest in witch-related science, I thought it was important that I specify that I'm aware."

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"What exactly are we bringing to the Empress, then, in light of what we know now - San Niang, will you be able to learn anything interesting about Wen Ning if you meet her -"

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"It's possible."

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"I'll ask if she wants to meet you. Do you want us to not tell the Empress about you."

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"I believe she's aware I exist. I'm not small enough to be a very well kept secret. But I don't want an audience."

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"Okay, I won't mention you unless she asks."

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"Can I still call you San Niang?"

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"Of course, jiejie."

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"You two are cute."

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"It's just what I've gotten used to calling her!"

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"I mean, you two have been cute for some time."

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"It just means 'third daughter', you know."

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"Yeah, so? My given name just means baby, names aren't the point." 

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"Anyway. Thank you for showing us, San Niang. The whole thing - does what you want it to?"

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"You won't go wrong thinking of it that way."

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Wei Ying is SO CURIOUS but she WILL NOT ASK. 

"D'you wanna talk to Wen Ning before or after we talk to the Empress?"

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"Cool, don't kick me out next time I teleport into you," Rhonda says, and grabs Wei Ying and Lan Zhan's elbows and teleports off. 

She returns after a few minutes, now herding three people, one of whom appears to be an old, cracked china doll wearing blue jeans and a black tank top.

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The doll bows. "Hello." 

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Can you do any magic?"

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"I made my barrier go away. I could bring it back. I can direct my familiars. I haven't tried to do any normal magic yet." 

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"Just your familiars, or other features of the barrier?" The flower curtain rustles.

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"...I think I could change other things about my barrier. I haven't tried." 

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"But you do not have a soul gem?"

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"No, I don't." 

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She hesitates, then nods. 

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She holds out an empty hand, palm up, closes it and opens it again, revealing a seed, then closes it and opens it again, empty. 

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"Is it just the one? There were dozens of active Dolls of Bedlam, and they're gone now, but it's unlikely no one had one of the seeds."

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"I don't have anything to hold that many in. I don't want to let them spill all over the floor." 

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"- but if you have them, then whoever's been holding the seeds in reserve - doesn't."

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"None of us need seeds anymore," Wei Ying says firmly. "We can find out who had the seeds, or at least try, and give them ones we already had."

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"I don't suppose you remember?" Xie Lian asks Wen Ning.

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Headshake. "I remember...bits and pieces. Not details, not context." 

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"It's unlikely anyone was able to defeat a seed-bearing Dolls of Bedlam and is also relying on that seed as the difference between life and death right now. But if Wei Ying means to scale this up..."

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"Before I scale it up we can warn people. Have a way to get people uninvolved seeds before it gets far enough and a way to get them to awakened witches who will eat the dinge out of their seeds once it has. And--and if I do scale it up, then the consequences of running out of charge aren't actually death."

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"It may be she can't keep serving as a brightener forever. Or that not all of them will be able to."

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"Maybe. What do you think would cause that?"

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"I don't know. I can't do it, but I have a soul gem. Wen Ning, do you feel - stable? I wasn't confident for a long time I would be stable."

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"I feel...a lot of things. But none of them seem liable to do anything." She hesitates. "I was always very good at not acting on negative emotions, before I was a witch. It might be different for other people." 

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"What did you wish for?"

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"My older sister was a doctor. She was devastated, the first time one of her patients died. I tried to comfort her, but she brushed me off and said it happens to every doctor. But I could tell she was still hurting. So I wished her patient back to life." 

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"Oh, that's so - so sweet of you -"

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"I don't know if that wish is likely to be helping you now or not. Mine is."

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"It's a secret, jiejie."

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"I was very good at healing, as a magical girl. I don't think it changed anything while I was a regular witch."

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"But it might be having effects now. I suppose Wei Ying will just have to repeat her trick a few times."

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She cracks her knuckles. "I am happy to do so."

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"Is there anyone either of you know who 'died' of soul gem dimness who we should especially watch out for."

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"I don't know if my old friends are all still around but I don't know them to have died."

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"'Kay. We'll probably want to ask more people that question. I don't know any but I really haven't been magic that long." 

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"In order to really scale this up we'll need to find more people who can make my wish."

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"There are thousands but not tens of thousands of types of witches, you could most likely do it yourself if you were determined."

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"That's good...not all witches come in recognizable types, though. And what about types that have been wiped out, where all the seeds are--wherever the Empress contains them so they won't sprout?"

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"Not sure. It's possible she destroys them."

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"Oh. I hope that's not true." 

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"Okay. So maybe in order to retrieve everyone who's ever witched, we don't need more of me, we need someone who really wants to know who all the lost witches are and a buncha people invested in getting them all back...of course, at that point, there's no reason to stop at only the witches...hm. This really only scales well if one wish can make multiple people immortal, otherwise we'd just be grabbing the same people back over and over..."

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"Is she always like this?"

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"I think Jie would have liked you." 

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"We'll get her back. --Assuming she's dead--you witched in 1937, how long were you a magical girl, is there a chance she's still alive and just really, really old--"

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"Jie died before I witched. Not of old age." 

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"Okay, I have just barely the social grace to shut up now." 

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"I would be kind of surprised if a single wish could often make multiple people immortal."

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"It wouldn't necessarily have to be often, depending on if we could identify the ones who could and how many they could fit...if every woman on earth became a magical girl, we'd still need enough wishes to get all the boys...this might be a hard problem. Oh! Are there any healing magical girls who can de-age people? Even if it was expensive, if the witches-eat-dinge thing scales that wouldn't necessarily be prohibitive!"

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"Some people can do that, yes."

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"Okay, so we don't need everyone immortal, as long as we make sure the de-aging healers keep pace with the mortal population."

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"If the magical girl population increases, more witches than currently exist will eventually be needed." 

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"Excellent point! I bet we could get volunteer witches from the transhumanist crowd, as long as we were able to reliably wake 'em right after." 

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Hua Cheng does not seem terribly attentive to this conversation. She pulls a whittling project from under her throne.

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"--I'm probably getting ahead of myself, though. Hua Cheng, is there anything else you wanted to talk to Wen Ning about before we're off to see the Wizard?"

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"It may be useful if I could see her brighten someone's gem."

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Thumbs up. "Just a sec." 

She disappears, and reappears less than a minute later with her gem visibly dinged. Not dramatically, but enough to suggest she spent the time she was gone rapidly teleporting between places. She holds her gem out to Wen Ning. 

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Wen Ning reaches out and touches it very carefully, and draws the dinge into herself. 

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"I think it is likely she is stable."

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"Oh. I'm really glad." 

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"What makes you think that? --If that doesn't manage to be a personal question in some way."

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"It does."

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"Should I bring the next one by so you can see if the stability is a general thing or just a her thing?"

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"That seems best."

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"Cool, will do!"

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"While the rest of us are gone, should I leave Wen Ning here or drop her off--I guess it doesn't need to be on an uninhabited island if she's stable."

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"I don't know that my city will be to her taste."

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"That sounds like a remarkably friendly 'get the fuck out' to me," she says. "Wen Ning, do you wanna hang out at my apartment until we get back?"

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"That--sounds fine, thank you."

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"No problem!" 

She pops off with Wen Ning and pops back by herself. 

"Are we ready to go, do you think?"

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"I'll feel awfully silly having San Niang over to my RV now..."

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"There is nowhere San Niang would rather be than wherever jiejie is to be found," replies Hua Cheng. "But if jiejie does not find the city to her taste, the city can be changed, so perhaps jiejie will stay here."

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"Wei Ying is right, you two are super cute." 

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"What does that even mean!"

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"It means you two interact and it's adorable!"

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"I don't think that answered my question!" Xie Lian giggles.

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"Sometimes she looks at you and she's just visibly really really happy and it's good."

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"Jiejie is more wonderful to behold than any other sight these eyes have seen."

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"See? Lan Zhan does the same thing with Wei Ying sometimes except she emotes pretty subtly so it's harder to catch." 

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Wei Ying turns and gives Lan Zhan a startled look. 

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Maybe Lan Zhan can set Rhonda on fire with her mind without actually using magic. 

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"- anyway, San Niang, how does making entrances to your barrier work?"

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"I can make them anywhere I like. A barrier isn't, really, anywhere, so it might as well not really be in several places."

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"Neat. I wonder if Wen Ning will be able to learn to do that."

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"Quite likely. Where would you like to be let out?"

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"I don't, personally, have any reason to care." 

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"Well, perhaps Lan Zhan and Wei Ying have a destination in mind. Or perhaps you're planning to take them all along with you. Or perhaps you wanted to stop at the casino on your way out. I wouldn't know."

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"Well, we're all going to see the Empress, and you don't particularly want her attentions, so it's probably better for Rhonda to take us there than you."

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Hua Cheng makes a little shooing motion.

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Wei Ying waves cheerfully as she turns and exits the barrier, followed shortly by the others. 

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"Is there a particular spot we should go to? I imagine trying to teleport directly to the Empress wouldn't end well."

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"No, you'll want to aim for the court grounds somewhere."

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She briefly looks up some public court grounds on her phone and then teleports them there. 

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The place has been updated but the basic layout is the same. Xie Lian takes the lead.

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Wei Ying physically crosses her fingers that this is the right move and the Empress isn't secretly evil. 

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The lowest level functionaries don't recognize Xie Lian, so they have to wait for a while while the request for an audience is processed.

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Wei Ying quietly judges them as a distraction from being nervous about the Empress. 

Thinking about how she wants to think about things other than the scenario where the Empress is evil makes her think about what Rhonda said about Lan Zhan. She looks over at her friend. 

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Lan Zhan is also looking at Wei Ying. Of course she is; why would she look at not Wei Ying when Wei Ying is available and there aren't immediate concerns like looking where you're going?

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Wei Ying is NOT going to hug Lan Zhan in front of random low-level imperial functionaries. But she can hold her hand. 

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Eee. Handsqueeze. 

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Eventually the Imperial Secretary emerges into the waiting room. "Xianle, long time no see."

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"Hello, Ling Wen." She bows.

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"Hello." Wei Ying stands up. "She's mostly just here because I know her and she's met the Empress. I'm the one who found out something important." She belatedly bows. This is the time for manners, right???

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"Something important. Well, what is it?" She materializes a notepad and a flashy inkbrush that must be her magic "weapon".

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"Magical girls don't die when they run out of charge, they turn into witches. And I can fix them. Well--give them their minds back. Not turn them back into magical girls."

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"Do they continue to have the powers and inclinations of witches when you do so?"

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"Powers yes, inclinations no. Uh, also, this turns out to result in all the other witches of that type vanishing, and the one who regained consciousness has all their seeds. So, uh, if you know of anyone who had a Doll of Bedlam seed, they may be entitled to compensation? From us."

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"...in what form would you mean to compensate them?"

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"I have other seeds."

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"I can check with my staff in the records office but it's pretty uncommon for girls to register kills with us. Without looking I only know of one person who had one."

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"--I only have a couple seeds on me, but--" she pulls one out. "This one's empty, if you gave it to whoever it was."

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"I don't think she needs it, but if you'd like to leave it here I can make sure it gets to her."

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"Thanks, I'd rather minimize how pissed off people have a really really good reason to be at me." She hands over the seed. 

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"So who, ex hypothesi, is the Dolls of Bedlam?"

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She would REALLY PREFER not to give this person more of Wen Ning's personal information than necessary but it looks like this is necessary. "Her name is Wen Ning, she turned into a witch--would be on record as dying--in 1937."

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"Wen Ning. Do you know the characters?"

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"Nnnnnno, hadn't gotten around to it before we came here. Uh. She had an older sister who was a doctor? And predeceased her. Oh! I know her wish! She wished to bring back one of her sister's patients who died."

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"That will be enough to let me find her in the records, then. What are your plans going forward?"

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"I want to rescue as many witches as possible and--oh man how did I not mention this this bit is critical--she can eat the dinge out of my soul gem."

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"That does seem important, yes. Does this process generate full seeds?"

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"I don't think so. She keeps all her seeds inside herself, anyway, I don't think another Dolls of Bedlam is going to hatch inside her given that her waking up destroyed all the ones that exist."

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"How many seeds does she have 'inside herself'?"

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"Enough that she didn't produce them all at once because they wouldn't fit in her cupped palms and she didn't want them spilling all over."

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"I'm going to need that number, and more importantly whether the number changes over time."

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"Okay. I will ask her. What's the significance if the number changes?"

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"That information is sensitive."

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You're asking me to give you information about my friend for a reason you won't specify

This does not make Wei Ying less suspicious about the imperial administration. 

Outwardly, she nods. "Okay. I'll let you know what I find out." 

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"Thank you. Please don't do it again right away. It may have some destabilizing effects, if it doesn't stick as you might hope on Wen Ning, or depends on the individual witch, or is very unpopular with the general magical girl population."

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"...I think it's probably pretty stable. But I won't try to scale it up until we have longer-term observation data." 

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"You may email my office with anything you find. When I have a while free I may wish to meet her myself."

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"Sure! Of course!" If that happens Wei Ying is making SO SO SURE that Rhonda is ready to teleport Wen Ning to safety at a moment's notice.

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"Is there anything else I need to know right now?"

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"I don't think so!"

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"All right, thank you very much for coming to us with your breakthrough! Is your contact information on file up to date?"

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"My address is out of date."

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"As long as you're here, what's your new one?"

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She gives her apartment address and number. 

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Ling Wen's magical brush takes that down. "Thanks very much. Where can we find Wen Ning?"

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"...I'm not sure she would feel safe, being approached by a strange magical girl right now. We can bring her here if you want to see her?"

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"We don't mean your friend any harm. But if she's in a known location, we can expect that any reports of danger there might have something to do with her, and go in more cautiously. It would be revolutionary if your solution were stable. Until we know, we need to be oriented to exactly where it might be unstable. When we don't know what we're sending people into, girls die. And this is often in fact death. Shattered gems, not witches."

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"We've been moving her around a lot, I don't necessarily expect that where she is now is where she'll be long-term..."

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"I'm going to need you to keep my office up to date. Just in case."

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"Sure, okay."

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"Great, thank you. Where is she now?"

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"My apartment, trying to figure out how the internet works."

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"I wish her the best of luck. Thanks again so much for coming to us."

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Bow. "We realized it was very important information." 

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"Drop a line if there are any developments!" And Ling Wen departs.

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Rhonda teleports everyone back to Xie Lian's place. 

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"Ling Wen is an excellent secretary. She works so hard."

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"I think Wen Ning should prioritize learning Hua Cheng's being-in-lots-of-places-at-once thing. I didn't say we know she's stable because Hua Cheng said so because Hua Cheng didn't want to be specifically brought up but I'm confident her fears are baseless and I am not happy with all the things she wanted to know about Wen Ning and wouldn't say why. Like, I'm not saying the Imperial Government is bad as governments go," she waves a hand, "but sometimes governments hurt people."

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"The history books I grew up with say that magical girls used to kill each other, over territory and seeds, and it was Jun Wu who put a stop to it."

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"Do the history books say she killed zero innocent magical girls doing it? I'm not saying she would be malicious. But she's the Empress. It's her job to look out for the world. And we're Wen Ning's friends, and it's our job to look out for her."

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"I'm not sure Wen Ning would appreciate it if taking care of her wound up meaning that we let her hurt anyone."

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"But it wouldn't!"

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"San Niang thinks so but even she hasn't seen anything quite like Wen Ning before."

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"She's more like Wen Ning than either of them is like anything else, I think, and she doesn't hurt people."

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"Are you sure?"

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"She rescued people from Nazis! Well, at least one person. Which is more than I have." 

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"I feel safe with San Niang. But I don't know for sure that Wen Ning is stable, or will still be stable after you've done a dozen like her. And the last time I met a strange witch -

- Jun Wu was the one who put it down."

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"Whoah, strange witch, tell me more? --Ah, crap, this is going to be another one of those questions that shouldn't be personal but is, isn't it."

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"Sorry! I don't mean to be intrusive!" But tell me anyway No, bad Wei Ying. 

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"It's no big deal. It was a long time ago."

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"Just because it was a long time ago doesn't mean it's not a big deal."

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"Well, don't worry about it, at any rate. I think there was only one of it."

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"I wasn't asking because I was afraid, I was asking for science."

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"Well, we hadn't invented science back then."

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She blinks and tilts her head. 

"What, not even astronomy?"

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"It was pretty mixed up with astrology. My teacher told me I was born under an ominous star."

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She waves a hand. "You still need to, like, know things about the stars to do astrological bullshit. I wasn't expecting you to have a sheaf of research notes, but even anecdata is better than no data! --Which is not to suggest that anecdata is more important than not asking nosy questions. Or at least backing the hell off when you find out they're nosy."

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"Mm. - do you think Wen Ning is anxious about the results of the trip -"

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"--Quite possibly--Rhonda--"

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Rhonda grabs Wei Ying and Lan Zhan and teleports off to her apartment. 

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"Wen Ning!" she calls. 

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"Oh--you're back." She stands up from where she was poking at a laptop. "How did it go?"

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"Not as well as I'd've liked, not as badly as I feared. Uh, what are the characters of your name?"

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"Wen like warm, Ning like a preference." 

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"Cool, awesome. So, uh, we didn't actually meet the Empress, just Ling Wen, her secretary, not that that's not pretty freaking high up. She wanted to know a lot about you including, like, where you are at all times, which I think is super unnecessary because Hua Cheng said you were fine but of course we weren't going to bring up Hua Cheng first. So I think you should try to figure out Hua Cheng's being in lots of places trick in case of Imperial assassins."

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"I'm gonna go make popcorn. Wen Ning, can you eat people food?"

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"I don't know." 

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"We'll find out, then." She walks out of the room. 

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"I'm not sure I should be--making myself harder for the Empress to deal with. If she has to."

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"But Weeen Niiing, she wanted to know all kinds of stuff about you! And she wouldn't say why! It was so suspicious, Wen Ning." 

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"Stuff like what?" 

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"Like how many grief seeds you have and whether that number changes over time."

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"I can't think why she would want to know that." 

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"Neither can I and I don't like it. And she told me not to cure ANY more witches until we had more data on you over time. I said I wouldn't scale it but I pointedly did not agree to zero more witches cured. And like maybe that's just sensible caution but maybe not and I don't have a super high baseline respect for authority!"

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"I do. I do not know that Wei Ying is right. But I do not believe it to be unwise to take precautions in case she is." 

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"See? Anyway, if you did have a relapse probably you couldn't use the barrier trick any more, it sounds like it needs complicated philosophical thought about concepts like 'existence' and 'location' and stuff." 

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"I don't know..."

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"Well, think about it at least." 

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"Okay. Thank you."

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"You've been hurting for a long time. You shouldn't die as soon as you stopped hurting." 

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She hugs back stiffly, like she maybe isn't quite sure she remembers how hugs work. 

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Rhonda comes back with popcorn. "Do either of you two need anything else?" 

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Wei Ying glances at Lan Zhan and shakes her head. "Not here, I think." 

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"Cool. I will get you kids home and then introduce Wen Ning to this modern concept we call 'Movie Night.'" 

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"Kids? We're older than you!"

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"Yeah, but I've been a magical girl longer, so there." 

And then she bops them into Wei Ying's room and vanishes before Wei Ying can retort. 

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That is an annoyingly effective tactic!

"--So um. What Rhonda said earlier. About the way you look at me." 

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Wow Looks Like It's Time For Lan Zhan To Pack Up Her Stuff And Head Home Uncle Will Start Worrying. 

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Wei Ying grabs Lan Zhan's wrist. "No, this is serious." 

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Lan Zhan would rather cut her arm off than have this conversation. 

But she would rather have this conversation than cause Wei Ying to stop touching her. 


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"So like, it's super obvious that Hua Cheng slash San Niang is super in love with Xie Lian, right?" 

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"Mn." She is not sure she WANTS to admit this, given the context, but what's she going to do, lie to Wei Ying?

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"And you didn't argue. When Rhonda said you look at me the same way." 

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There is no POSSIBLE safe response to that. Lan Zhan says nothing. 

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Wei Ying takes a deep, nervous breath--

and kisses her. 

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Wei Ying????? Is kissing her?????????


She is so dumbstruck by this development that it takes her SEVERAL SECONDS to start kissing back. 

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Oh GOOD she did NOT misread anything horribly. Kiss kiss kiss. 

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The next day, Wei Ying texts the group chat. 

ok so for shi qingxuan's benefit I was RIGHT and san niang WAS the stalker. and she thinks wen ning is stable. and the empress or like ling wen anyway wants to keep tabs on wen ning anyway and also has weird questions about grief seed numbers. 

for everyone's benefit! Lan Zhan is now my girlfriend

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Aw, congratulations!

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also like what kind of weird questions

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she wanted to know how many grief seeds Wen Ning has exactly and whether that number changes and when I asked why she said it was classified

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huh! Maybe they're using them for something??

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maybe...why would that be classified though?

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I guess they could be using them for something secret? Or they can... clean them up somehow and have a strategic reserve, and don't want it stolen.

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I mean I bet people try to steal the Empress' grief seeds anyway ever, it seems like a thing people would do. 

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I guess! But maybe more people would try if there was known to be a big pile.

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I was sort of assuming there was a big pile before any of this. Like, in an anti-magic vault someone wished for, so they couldn't hatch

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Whose deepest wish is going to be an anti-magic vault?

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someone who really really doesn't want grief seeds to hatch? it wouldn't have to be anti-magic in full generality

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it's not like I had a full-blown conspiracy theory going it was just my best guess

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I think it's normal for governments to have secrets

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yeah, I guess. it's not like the freedom of information act was a thing to draw inspiration from whenthefuckever jun wu got started. 

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What's the freedom of information act?

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in theory the US government is supposed to be transparent about the shit it's up to. it doesn't always live up to it

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Are there countries that do?

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man, I dunno. probably not. government is hard

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That's my impression, yes.

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like I said, it's not that I'm accusing the empress of being evil or anything. it's just that government being hard makes things slip through cracks sometimes and I'm worried about wen ning being one of those things

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I'm not gonna say wei ying's paranoia is accurate in this case but I get why she has it? like probably the empress is better than the us government, you don't hear about anyone working for the empress shooting kids, but, uh, governments do fuck up. real bad. 

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So do non-governments.

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SUPER true. I don't think she'd be less paranoid if it was a corporation or the girl scouts or something

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if it were a corporation or the girl scouts I wouldn't have to tell them things they wouldn't tell me what they wanted them for. and I was suspicious of hua cheng for a long time!

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You seem like a pretty suspicious person.

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if I were really a suspicious person I would STILL be suspicious of hua cheng, she KIDNAPPED me

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Do you want me to ask her to apologize?

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nah. not much point. 

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I think probably wei ying is less a suspicious person and more one with a higher than average inclination to talk. about things she's suspicious of but also everything else

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Wei Ying is a DELIGHT

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yes I am!

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She very much is. Lan Zhan does not say this to the group chat but she does ~snuggle~ her ~girlfriend~ about it. 

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I'm not saying otherwise! 

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Should Wen Ning be in here?

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probably but she doesn't have a phone yet. I think I've gotten her to the point where she could operate one okay, but we haven't gone out and gotten one yet. we've been doing experiments where she can pass as human if you put her in concealing enough clothing but if you can't see that she has a doll face then you can't see her face and it looks a lil bit suspicious in some contexts. 

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What about the things Muslims wear sometimes?

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--that could maybe work. lemme do some research. 


okay a burka would probably look weird but we could maybe put her in a niqab? and if it's a sunny day it won't be suspicious if she wears sunglasses...except indoors...hm gonna do more research

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one time I healed a person who had a condition where they were really sensitive to light and wore sunglasses indoors till I fixed it

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well, it's true that if she says "I have a condition" to any questions anyone has about her appearance, it's not false, being a witch is a helluva condition

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I mean I think under the circumstances it would also be okay to lie!

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I imagine she will have to lie if anyone presses her for details but telling the truth is funnier

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Rhonda is 100% right

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Do you guys have plenty of money? San Niang told me I can have money if I ever need any.

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Lan Zhan has enough money for the kind of stuff we've needed so far but she doesn't have, like, infinite money or anything

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I haven't been bottlenecked on cash flow since I moved out of my parents' house but I can absolutely imagine scenarios where more money would help especially if we try to scale the wen ning thing

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Well, if you want me to pay for the niquab I can do that.

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I haven't even checked how expensive they are but I might take you up on that

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now that san niang isn't pretending not to be your mysterious benefactor and has given you a blank check do you have plans to get an actual house or are you keeping the RV

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I kind of like the RV! But I think we will spend more time at her place going forward.

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that is also extremely legit. she didn't exactly want us hanging around the way she wants you hanging around, is it cool in ways other than being pretty?

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She has a lot of art and stuff! And there are people who live here, or work here, and it's neat.

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oh cool I didn't expect that!

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it's a city! probably she wouldn't mind if you wanted to hang around the city part of the barrier.

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if there's a whole city why don't more people know about it?

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I think a lot of what is there is probably illegal.

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ok that's so legit

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you think so?

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I'm a black girl who grew up in not the best neighborhood, I know about a lot of stuff that's illegal and not actually like bad

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Yeah, that makes sense. I haven't been through all of the city, I've mostly been in the part where San Niang lives.

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do you think the people living there will be bothered if I wanna go through the whole place and look at everything. It sounds really cool but, also, trying not to be insensitive and prying

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I mean, don't go into their apartments.

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well obviously! but if stuff's illegal I don't know how nervous ppl will be

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I think not especially, since San Niang can spit people out.

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ok cool. will she just not spit us out if rhonda teleports us in or do we have to talk to her, I bet she'd rather we don't have to talk to her

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I don't know if Rhonda can get to the city part without having been there! But if you come by the RV I can show you where there's a regular entrance.

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that makes sense!

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The regular entrance, when they arrive, is in a seedy part of San Francisco exactly where you'd expect an entrance to some kind of crime den. Xie Lian opens the door and shows them down a long passageway with flower curtains hiding branches in all directions till they come out in a central market, which is loud and chaotic and colorful and crowded.

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Most of the hubbub is not strictly speaking in words of any kind, since the occupants share no common languages. There are gestures and whoops and jabbered snatches of every tongue under the sun spoken with more concern for tone than content. Someone grabs Wei Ying's arm to emphatically show her a bottle of absinthe. Someone waves fossils in Lan Zhan's face. Someone offers Rhonda a durian, which smells terrible.

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"Do you know what money gets used here," Wei Ying mutters to Xie Lian. 

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"...um, I have no idea, people keep offering me things for free." She looks around. "Looks like - gold and barter and American dollars and - Norwegian krone and - I don't recognize half of these."

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"Okay, neat--do you think they're trying to give you free stuff because you're Hua Cheng's friend--"

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(Lan Zhan made the mistake of attempting to examine the fossils and is now Trapped by an encouraged vendor.)

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"I guess that's probably why, now that you mention it!"

The fossil vendor has lots of stuff! Would Lan Zhan like a matched set of mammoth tusks? A narwhal horn? Perfect imprints of crinoid? A scoopful from the small ammonite bin? A nearly complete compsognathus skeleton?

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Lan Zhan turns and walks away briskly without saying anything. 

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The vendor yells at her on her way off but he's speaking Punjabi.

By the time they've gotten to the far end of the market Xie Lian has received a box of Kinder eggs, a forged license authorizing her to fly kites in India, and an ivory hair ornament.

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Wei Ying is examining the license delightedly. 

"There is so much neat stuff here!"

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"I guess if you ever want to fly kites in India you know where to go!" (Someone tries to convince Lan Zhan to buy weed.)

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ABSOLUTELY NOT NO. She pretends very hard that she doesn't see them or hear them or perceive them in any way. 

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"It's less likely than it would be if I weren't friends with Rhonda. But, like, using it isn't the point! Why does it even exist? I love it!"

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"I have no idea!"

There is a sign in thirteen languages for the casino, and the red-light district is marked with a silhouette, and the residential neighborhoods are marked by name, usually in just one language apiece.

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"Do you think she ever thinks about the fact that there are basically people banging inside her or do you think she just doesn't care."

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"- I hadn't thought of it like that so maybe she hasn't either!"

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"Well, if she's sorta witchlike, then her barrier isn't not her."

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"I don't think it's really like that!"

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She gazes contemplatively at her own arm. "Well...the human body has, like, a shitton of bacteria in it. And one of the things about bacteria is that if you put some dead bacteria in a petri dish with some alive bacteria, and the dead bacteria have some obviously beneficial trait that the alive bacteria don't, then pretty soon the alive bacteria have the trait. So there's probably sex going on inside everyone all the time. Necrophilia, even." 

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"Probably Hua Cheng is smart for not thinking about it. And maybe Magical Girl bodies have less of that." 

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Xie Lian follows an unmarked passageway down into a chamber that appears to be an art museum.

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"Oh wow!!!" Wei Ying darts around to look at everything. 

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Lots of stolen and fraudulent works! They're crammed together much more crowded than a typical museum.

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"This is so cool," Wei Ying enthuses. 

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"Isn't it? I'm not sure how she winds up with all this stuff, she doesn't seem to care about it at all."

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"You probably don't have to care much when you've got a whole cityful of people to care for you!"

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"Yeah, maybe she has some curators here."

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"I wonder if any of this was stolen by Nazis." She looks for information on who stole or defrauded what when. 

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The museum is not very well labeled as they go but there's stuff from the Nazis, stuff from Egyptian tombs, stuff smuggled out of various locations during their communist revolutions, some Benvenuto Cellinis, some M.F. Husains, a Native American collection, and loot from the National Museum of Brazil.

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"I wonder if this place has internet," she muses, examining the placards. "I wonder if whoever curates this place would be interested in a project to give some of this stuff back."

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"There's internet, yeah -"

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"Oh, there you guys are!" says Shi Qingxuan, catching up; she was waylaid early in the market by a hatter and is now wearing a rather silly fascinator with feathers on it. "Wow, there's so much art here."

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"There is! It's very--I can see what Xie Lian meant about stuff here being illegal."

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"Well, it's art, not, like, murder. I guess maybe there is also murder. Xie Lian, is there murder?"

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"I haven't seen any!"

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"Oh, I don't think Hua Cheng did anything wrong here at all, it's just, you know, possession of stolen goods is also illegal. The fraudulent stuff might not be, I dunno."

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"Art fraud is objectively the coolest crime. - okay, no, open water piracy is the objectively coolest crime, but if you construe murder as uncool, it's art fraud."

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"Murder is probably cool in some contexts, but scurvy is super antisexy," she says, examining a fraudulent vase. 

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"Ooh, this one's pretty."

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"Would jiejie like it for her room?" Hua Cheng asks, stepping out from behind a fresco.

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Lan Zhan jerks backwards, then relaxes when she sees it's just Hua Cheng (who she has not COMPLETELY forgiven for that time she kidnapped Wei Ying but she's been neutral-to-helpful since and Wei Ying, for some reason, seems to like her). 

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(Rhonda is startled enough to teleport around behind Hua Cheng but then also realizes who it is and returns to her original position.)

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"But it's a museum piece!"

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"Would jiejie like to own it and loan it to the museum but borrow it back whenever she would like to put on her wall?"

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"San Niaaaang!"

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"It's not like this is an official museum or anything. And there's so much stuff!"

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"Well, if you insist," she tells San Niang.

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They're so cute!!! Wei Ying hugs Lan Zhan about it. 

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Lan Zhan hugs back (Rhonda is forgiven and not to be set even slightly on fire).

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San Niang pulls out a pen and writes under the label on the painting. It's sufficiently illegible that it's hard to tell what language it's supposed to be in.

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"What does it say?"

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"On loan from Taizi Dianxia Xie Lian."

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"Maybe I should add a line in English -" Xie Lian takes the pen and does this.

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(Wei Ying makes a mental note to get a look at the city from above in case its streets spell out "I <3 Xie Lian" or something like that.)

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"San Niang, if you would like calligraphy lessons -"

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"San Niang would love jiejie's calligraphy lessons."

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Rhonda very, very quietly types out on her phone and then shows to Wei Ying, Lan Zhan and Shi Qingxuan (angled so Hua Cheng and Xie Lian can't see it) 

wanna bet she can already write perfectly fine if she wanted to?

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Wei Ying snorts quietly and makes a shooing gesture at the phone. 

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"Where did you get all this stuff? I mean, how did you find out about it to show up and take it?"

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"Sometimes an art thief flees into the city, leaves some things behind, and later runs into some sort of trouble, usually related to being an art thief."

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"Huh. That makes sense!"

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"Or related to being a Nazi," Wei Ying says, examining a particularly pretty stolen-by-Nazis piece. 

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"Perhaps. I don't keep close track." She opens some drawers, looking for something, and finds a necklace absolutely dripping with diamonds to drape around Xie Lian's neck.

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"Xie Lian, maybe if you tell her things you like and would have no qualms about accepting, she'll quit trying to give you stupidly expensive things."

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"I don't know what I'd ask for! San Niang, this is silly, I couldn't walk down the street wearing it."

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"As jiejie wishes." Necklace goes back in drawer.

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"You must like something. Sword...polish...?"

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"I used to have a great big sword collection but this one has been enough for the last few hundred years."

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"I guess you've had a very long time to get by without long-term possessions. Books? Scented candles? Fancy soap? Chocolate truffles?"

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"I don't need anything!"

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She gestures at Hua Cheng. "Yeah, but she keeps trying to give you stuff anyway."

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"She's very sweet."

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"Jiejie deserves to be accustomed to having nice things."

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"She does, it's true. But nice is a subjective term! Not that I can blame you for using the shot-in-the-dark method if she won't say." 

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"Jiejie took the hanfu."

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"I'm beginning to suspect you did not find it in a thrift store."

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"What, only just now?"

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"Not just now."

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"Oh good! It's a cool hanfu anyway. I went a little more manchurian," she smooths a hand down her cheongsam, "but all y'all have good taste." 

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"Thank you!"

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"You do also look nice. Oh, Hua Cheng, I meant to ask, I assume most of the people who live here aren't potential magical girls, what do they see? Like in terms of...sky and stuff."

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"They can see the flowers. I cover most of the surfaces in flowers."

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"Fair enough. --Right, you did mention that when I was asking you all those questions online." 

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"If you do not want things, are there any charities you like?" Lan Zhan asks Xie Lian quietly. 

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"I like Sikh temples, I used to eat at one every day."

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"I read in a book that a major Sikh religious figure was the only known person in the ancient world to willingly die for another religion's right to practice."

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"Oh, I didn't know that! That's neat. They're lovely people."

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Nod nod. 

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"I have literally never heard a bad thing about Sikhism, which is impressive, Buddhism has been mean."

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"I met a Sikh magical girl whose hair was fourteen feet long because she couldn't cut it and magical girl hair doesn't fall out by itself."

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"Huh, that's neat. Did it drag or did she do the Tangled megabraid thing?"

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"Fancy turban. Incorporated into her magical girl outfit and everything. Apparently it was controversial because usually only men wore them traditionally."

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"Gender is a lie and a trap."

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"I'm not sure what that means."

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"Uh okay so what do you know about modern queer theory. If anything. I'm not judging you if it's nothing."

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"It's nothing."

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"Okay, so you know how sometimes people who start out as boys become magical girls, and after that they are girls?"

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"I resemble that remark!"

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"Yes, I know about that."

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"Okay, so even without magic, some people who are born as boys want to be girls, and some people who are born as girls want to be boys, and some people who are born as one or the other want to be neither, or both, or something more complicated. And there are social elements who are like, 'no, if you're born with a penis you have to be a boy and if you're born with a vagina you have to be a girl' and those people also say girls shouldn't kiss girls and boys shouldn't kiss boys, so people who have such desires, and people who are socially aligned with them, say things like 'gender is a lie and a trap' and 'be gay do crimes' and so on."

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"This sounds confusing. I don't think I need to keep track of it, though, I took a vow of chastity when I was seventeen."

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"You what?"

Wow that sounds like a HUGE disappointment for Hua Cheng. 

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Hua Cheng doesn't look particularly surprised or disappointed.

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"It was customary for magical girls where I grew up. I would have adopted an heir, if it had, uh, come up."

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"Huh. I've never heard of a vow of chastity for non-religious reasons before."

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"I guess you could construe it as a religious reason but we didn't think of it that way."

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"Sure, why not. I just wasn't expecting it." 

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Shrug. "It's not very relevant."

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"Is that why you've never dated or is kissing okay if the clothes don't come off."

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"...please don't kiss me, Wei Ying."

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"I won't! I have Lan Zhan! I don't want to kiss anyone else!"

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"Then why does it matter?"

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"Because I'm really really really bad at not asking intrusive personal questions."

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Xie Lian nods sympathetically.

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After people have looked around at art some more, Wei Ying sidles up to Shi Qingxuan. 

"Will you take me flying? I wanna see if the streets say 'Xie Lian' or are a picture of her face or something," she says in a low tone. 

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"Sure, but I'm not sure we'd be able to read it!" Shi Qingxuan manifests her fan and off they go. The paths between all the this-and-that look like an organically developed tangle.

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Wei Ying pouts slightly. How disappointing. 

"If it was writing, it would be Xie Lian, or dianxia-jiejie, or something like that," she asserts. 

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"Their initials in a heart. I guess not initials, Chinese doesn't have initials."

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"I think hearts are a western thing too."

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"Really? Wow. My parents moved here more than a century back so I don't actually know these things."

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"I don't actually know of a Chinese equivalent but there's umbrellas in Japan."

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"Awww, like sharing an umbrella?"

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"Yeah, exactly!"

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"I bet Xie Lian's vow doesn't prohibit umbrella sharing."

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Snort. "Non-metaphorical umbrella sharing, anyway. I can't imagine being a virgin for--well, I don't know how long exactly, but over a thousand years, anyway."

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"It does seem a bit much."

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"Xie Lian is great, but sometimes I really don't understand her." 

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"She's kind of old fashioned? Not like in a way where she sucks, like when people are like 'oh grandma's just old fashioned', but just in thinking about different stuff than recenter people."

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"Yeah! That's it exactly."


"Is it okay if I ask you an intrusive personal question?"

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"Go for it, I'm an open book!"

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Blush. "So, uh, you said you were one of the people who used magical girlness to transition--and that's a way more comprehensive physical transition than surgery gets--so--which kind feels better?"

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"I wished when I was nine! I don't know!"

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"Oh! Okay, sorry, most people are older--sorry." 

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"I think the most people being older thing is mostly a modernity thing."

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"I think I probably have at least half a braincell more than the maximum necessary to ask Hua Cheng and Xie Lian how old they were when they made their wishes," she says wryly. 

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"Well, she said she made her vow when she was seventeen and that it was customary for magical girls, but Hua Cheng might've been younger."

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"She said it was customary for magical girls; she didn't say it was customary to do, like, right after making their wish."

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"I guess that's true but I think it'd be pretty surprising if they were like 'yeah it's okay to fuck when you're sixteen, but after that absolutely not!'"

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Snort. "No, of course not, but if seventeen was the marriageable age..."

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"Yeah, I guess that's a good point."

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"Anyway, me asking intrusive personal questions never ends well."

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"Hey, I'm okay with it, I just didn't know the answer!"

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"I still think I'm glad I didn't accidentally sorta ask about nine-year-olds having orgasms where someone else might overhear it."

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"You are valid and your gladness is valid."

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Fingerguns. "I know I am."

They continue to fly around for a little while and then they can go find Xie Lian and the others again. 

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Xie Lian is giving Hua Cheng calligraphy lessons. They are trying to paint "Hua Cheng". Xie Lian is guiding Hua Cheng's hand and the strokes only come out a little bit completely wrong.

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It would be unfair to characterize Hua Cheng as not paying attention but she is not perhaps paying most of that attention to the calligraphy per se.