owls in Heavenly Wish
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Oh this isn't going to turn into a territory conflict! Excellent. 

"Welcome!" she calls, severing a bean runner that was snaking towards her ankle. 

She's very good, for her age. She's still a rank amateur compared to the two of them. But she's smart enough to stay out of her way, so she oughtn't slow them down any. It means they'll get to the main witch first, but that's fine. 


It may not be a territory conflict but the red one doesn't seem to have any intention of letting the white one contend with the central witch (a very menacing garden-themed multitool armed with a trowel and shears and garden fork and hoe and spade) and dispatches it herself.


"Sorry for butting in," she says when the witch is dispatched, bending to start untying the guy who was presumably trying to drink bleach now that witch influence is no longer an issue. "I'm a nomad, and I keep track of whose territory is where when I find out, but if I don't know I don't always bother checking before going hunting."


"Oh, that's all right," says the girl in white, collecting the fellow's mop so she can clean up the bleach spill off the floor. The guy is tied up with white ribbon. "If you need the magic you can keep the seed, San Niang and I have a stash."


"Nah, I'm a teleporter. I can get out in a hurry if I get in over my head, so I do a lot of hunting. I have enough spares to share with the newbies."


"That's wonderful! Sir, are you all right?" she asks the Indian fellow.

"Y-yes, I think so," he says, eyeing his righted glass of bleach.


"Just out of curiosity, why are you wearing hanfu?" she asks in a low voice that hopefully the Indian man shouldn't hear. 


"This is what my magical girl dress used to look like. San Niang said she found it in a thrift shop."


"Ah, I can't transform any more." She finishes mopping up the bleach and puts the mop away.


"You can't--by any chance do you know a girl named Wei Ying."


"She bought me a burrito once!"


"Hi! I accidentally trespassed on your stalker once."


"Trespassed on her?"


"So Wei Ying got kidnapped into a monster with a flowers and blood and silver butterflies theme, which is also the description of a monster that magical girls occasionally encounter and which then immediately spits us out. My mentor and I stumbled across it, and it threw us out, and she recognized it from descriptions, and I tried teleporting in and that worked for like a fraction of a second before it kicked me out again, and I did some research, and Wei Ying found my post on a forum and told me about her kidnapping and you came up enough to, like, give context. Your stalker may or may not have saved a woman from Nazis in the forties!"


"...good for her, then, I guess!"


"It's a pretty cool thing to have done! I got Wei Ying to give me her info on swordchicks so I could apologize for teleporting in on her. I didn't get a response but that's fair honestly."


"I haven't figured out internet message etiquette yet. I've never had a very high response rate for things like Craigslist but maybe it is different on swordchicks."


"I think probably it's different when they're, uh, already invested in you."


"That makes sense." She starts making her way out of the Indian grocery store, though she pauses to look at some eggplants, and then San Niang collects a bagful and tosses some money onto the counter for them.


"On places like swordchicks as long as you're not an asshole you're pretty much good. There's non-zero specific etiquette but generally if you apologize after doing something wrong and don't do it again nobody who isn't an asshole themselves is going to make trouble."


"The Internet is very interesting. It seemed like it was going to be a flash in the pan at first."


"It's hard to imagine that, from my perspective," she admits. 


"It looked like a worse version of phone calls!"


"Huh. Yeah, I can see how that wouldn't seem to have a lot of staying power." 

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