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velgarth reacts to the snap
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:One moment: 

She turns back to Thor. Gestures at the enormous battle-axe. :What - is that? It has a mind-presence. One I can sense: 


"This is Stormbreaker. You can sense it? I know it has some sort of intelligence, it can obey my thoughts"—it flies a foot out of his hand and then returns in a physically implausible manner—"but I don't have magic mind-reading powers so I wasn't aware it was visible to them. Want to try to talk to it? That would be...interesting."


:It would be! I will try:

Nayoki takes a step closer, and focuses all her Othersenses on the battle-axe. 

:Can you hear me: 


ṵ̶͚̈͘ṉ̵̤̓w̸̨̅̍o̷͚̼͛r̶̡̔̕t̸͉͇̀͌ḫ̴̨̔y̶̠̞͛, it replies sulkily.


Huh. What. It's stupid for her feelings to be hurt but they are, in fact, slightly hurt. 

She's very curious what happens if other people try it, though. 

:Leareth? Vanyel? See what happens if you mindtouch the battleaxe. It shows up very faintly to Thoughtsensing but it - heard me: 


Leareth is distracted thinking about contingency-plans in case Velgarth personnel get mind-controlled - Vanyel being controlled would be especially bad - but sure he can try that. Mental tap. 


This is a bizarre request, but Vanyel diffidently reaches out. :Hello?: 


ṵ̶͚̈͘ṉ̵̤̓w̸̨̅̍o̷͚̼͛r̶̡̔̕t̸͉͇̀͌ḫ̴̨̔y̶̠̞͛, it says to Leareth.

Ŵ̴̢ḣ̷̲̈a̴̱̺͘t̵͖̺̐ ̴̯̣͐d̸̳̳̽ő̶̭̦ ̵̲̾y̸̗̖̑ỏ̷͍̍ú̶ͅ ̶̮͋̉c̸̻̹̕o̷̪͋́ḿ̴̜̏m̸͎̬̏͆a̸̜͂̃ͅn̶̘̈́d̶̢̰̔̏,̸͓͑͝ ̵̤̺̌̆m̷̳̦̂͠ẏ̶̪ ̷̝͈̀l̶͍̈́ò̵̼̭r̶̭̥͗d̷͙̕? it asks Vanyel, very nicely.


This response is unsurprising and not that interesting, it's not his battle-axe. Leareth doesn't pay it much attention. 





Oh gods is he supposed to answer it. Aaaaaaaaah this is so awkward.

:I'm, uh, sorry to bother you - I don't need anything...: 


Stormbreaker doesn't respond, but Thor notices Vanyel's reaction, and starts to put two and two together.

"What did it say to you?" he asks.


:It called me 'lord' and asked what I commanded! Why did it do that?: 



No one else is supposed to be worthy, only he's worthy—


"I could lift Mjölnir too. When you were challenging everyone to lift it, at that party years ago, right before Ultron attacked, I got it to budge. I pretended I couldn't 'cause I didn't want to hurt your feelings, but you're not the only one who's 'worthy', you know."


Thor looks puzzled for half a second, then—

"Alright, fair enough. You'd better not steal it, though."


:I'm not going to steal it! What am I supposed to do with a giant axe, I'm a mage, and, well, just -: 

Vanyel makes a vague gesture at his short stature and slight build. 


:To be fair, he is stronger than he looks. But very big fireballs are more his style: 


Vanyel makes a face. He's not a fan of the fireballs part either. Being good at it isn't the same thing as liking it. 


"I was talking to Cap."


"Oh, I don't plan to steal anything. But pick up the little one for me when you go to Asgard, will you?"

He turns to Leareth. "Anyway, you'll want to talk to the rest of your team, I assume? We'll be heading out first thing tomorrow morning."


Leareth nods and heads out, gesturing for the others to follow him. They've got a lot of work to do. 


Maitimo, who's been half-interestedly watching the meeting from afar for a while now, catches Leareth on his way.

Leareth. A moment?


:- What? Yes, of course: 

He Mindspeaks Nayoki privately, letting her know to go on without him and start briefing the group on his standard contingency plans, since three of five aren't with his organization, and then he follows Maitimo. 


Oh, there's no need to follow me, we can probably have this conversation across the building, I just didn't want to startle you by initiating it from there.

Anyway, my father has—plans, for the Infinity Stones. Secret plans that I'm not supposed to be telling you, but we are significantly disadvantaged by our inability to time travel, and of all the people here you seem most likely to agree with my family's thought processes.

The thought is—there are certain beings that we perhaps ought not to bring back from the Snap. Not Elves or Men, that's not ours to judge, but—the sort of beings for whom the Infinity Stones is the first real recourse against their whims that we've had, ever.

The gods, that is. My father means not to resurrect the gods. In fact he means to destroy those that remain.


Leareth freezes, momentarily lost for words and mostly not even having coherent thoughts. This is a very uncommon experience, for him. 

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