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velgarth reacts to the snap
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:- Thank you for telling me: he manages, after a few seconds. :I - need a moment to think: 




He is still having trouble generating actual thoughts about it. 


All right. Focus. 

It's– well, regardless of whether it's a good idea or a terrible idea or one where they don't even have enough information to judge one way or another, it's certainly a BIG idea. him more respect for Fëanor, that he has the mental flexibility to come up with it. 

Leareth, personally, feels like he's missing nearly all the information that he would need to judge whether this would break anything, and if so, how badly. 



:...I would like to discuss it further with both of you, then: he manages, eventually. :Later, once the missions are done. It - seems potentially very worthwhile. Also, it could have very disruptive side effects. I would want to know that you had reason to think you understood what those would be, and also a plan to handle any resulting disruption. I...probably have many further thoughts but I am somewhat busy right now and would prefer to reason through this in depth at a less busy time: 


Okay. I certainly have my own reservations about it—my father is very strong-willed and does not always think things through, but I certainly don't intend to carry this plan out without significantly more discussion. Involving everyone who could contribute, I think, though obviously you should not tell them yet.

I had meant to ask you more about your original goals, on your home-world, but that can wait as well.

The essential thing, here, is that—during the mission, try to keep too many of the Infinity Stones from falling into the hands of those who would disagree strongly with this idea, so that the decision is ours, when it's time to make it.


:Is it in fact going to matter who physically takes possession during the mission? I was assuming they would all need to be given to - whoever will be wielding them to resurrect the dead. ...In any case, for the Velgarth leg that just means Brightstar and Featherfire. Do you have a better sense of which Avengers would be opposed?: 


I haven't really spoken to them. I think that this world is a place where many people are not accustomed to believing in gods at all, and might have mixed feelings about learning that they exist. Nonetheless, a plan to kill them is—not the sort of thing that I expect to inspire trust.

All the stones will have to be wielded by the same person, yes, but if we insist too loudly that it be one of us—and none of us are really best suited for it; it would probably be fatal to you—this will draw enough suspicion that I doubt we could continue to conceal our goals completely. All the cards are going to be on the table before the Stones are used, and I just want us to be holding as many as possible when that happens.



Personally Leareth feels that, if it's in fact a good idea to kill some more gods, he should be able to explain his reasons for thinking that to smart, reasonable people, and convince them. ...All right, maybe not Captain America, who more than any of the others gives off the impression of someone who might be some-flavour-of-religious. Tony, he could probably convince. At least for Velgarth. Tony is in favour of technological advancement. Strange, he isn't sure one way or another, he still doesn't feel like he has a great read on the man... 

Either way, he has three options here – himself, Nayoki, Vanyel – and all of them are powerful and useful in combat. He's not inclined to make any compromises on the mission's success or risk levels for this, but if it's the same one way or another, he might as well take this into account... 

:Is there anything else?: 


Not at the moment.


The next morning, everyone who's going to New York drives down to the city. For the Avengers this is a very mundane thing. For the Velgarthians, it's the largest city they've ever seen, by a factor of somewhere between ten and a hundred, and their first exposure to most of the infrastructure needed to have that many people in one place. Leareth would probably have a lot of thoughts about it, if there weren't far bigger things on his mind.

Yet, even to those who have never seen a city bigger than Haven, it feels far, far emptier than it should be.

Then they put on their time-travel suits, and set their coordinates, and they're in the same spot, six years previously.

The city is in chaos, swarmed by hideous alien creatures destroying nearly everything in their path. The sound of gunfire echoes in the distance, but the guns have nearly no effect on the huge, snakelike spaceships slithering through the air.

Far off, there's a roar, almost human—but no human could muster that kind of ferocious rage.


The Velgarth group immediately spreads out, ducking behind the shelter of different buildings, getting their bearings. They can stay in touch easily via Mindspeech; all of them have it. 

:Vanyel, get us Farsight. Nayoki, Thoughtsensing. Brighstar, mage-sight?: 

Leareth extends his own mage-sight as well, of course, but Brightstar is a Healing-Adept; he has Earthsense, and much better range, and he's trained in reading the faint residues of earlier magically-detectable attacks, as well as ongoing ones. 


Vanyel, crouched in the lobby of a bank behind an ATM machine with an extra shield held over himself, plops a Farsight-point five hundred feet above his head, and 'looks' around. 


Brightstar extends his Othersenses as well. He can 'read' the surroundings for almost a mile in all directions. What's showing up as magical? 


Near the top of a tall building about three-quarters of a mile north of where they are, there are two blindingly bright sources of magic, like the power of a thousand gods compressed into a point. One of those is probably what's responsible for the very-visible-to-natural-sight beam of blue energy that's shooting from the top of said building and creating a portal in the sky that the aliens are coming through.

About the same distance away, in the opposite direction, there are some more human-scale combat spells happening. However, one of the mages is carrying, but for some reason not using, a similar white-hot singularity of magic.


Tony swaps his time-travel suit for his combat one and follows Leareth.

"Alright. Space and Mind Stones are in that building"—he points out Stark Tower with the beam of blue energy coming from it. "As of right now, the government has decided to destroy this entire city in an attempt to contain the invasion. Past me decided hey, why don't we nuke the aliens instead, and is about to redirect the weapon through the portal. The battle ends very quickly once that happens. We need to be at Stark Tower when it does. We have about five minutes, which—I hope you have some method of transport faster than walking."


Strange Mindspeaks the group.

:Alright, I'm headed down to the Sanctum to talk the Ancient One into letting us borrow the Time Stone. I shouldn't need backup, but it won't hurt.:


Leareth glances at Nayoki. :You can do the Gate?: 


:Of course: 

She reaches out to slip into mind-rapport with Vanyel, sharing his Farsight. :We want that building: 


:Er, right: 

Vanyel's mage-gift is still in the re-training process after the incident at Urtho's Tower, by now he's basically fine with the 'giant fireballs' mode of mage-work, and they sorted out his allergy to Gates a while ago.

Which doesn't mean he likes them. He can handle it, though. He focuses his Farsight on a convenient point just outside Stark Tower. 


And Leareth turns back to Strange. 

:I can accompany you, if you wish. If the group at Stark Tower does need my help, I could be there in seconds, and - I confess that I am curious about the Ancient One. ...If you have a visual memory of the Sanctum or immediately outside, and do not mind sharing it with me, I can Gate us directly there: 


"Okay, we actually want to be near the top of the building, if you're making a portal," says Tony. "See the flat part that sticks out there? Also, it would be helpful if you could, like, make us invisible. Or at least make me not look like me, people will notice if there's two of me flying around.

"Also, if travel's instant, let's not go before the big blue beam goes away."


:You're welcome to come, but I'm perfectly capable of a portal by myself.: And he raises one, opening just outside the front door of the Sanctum.


Nayoki nods, wordlessly indicating for Vanyel to shift his viewpoint. 

:Illusions to make all of us truly invisible are difficult, but I can make us difficult to see, at least: 


:- I can do a backup illusion for just you: Brightstar tells Tony. :I can make you look like - my papa, I suppose: 

He knows Moondance's face very very well. Better than just about anyone else. Also he definitely has a lot of emotions about this, but they're...overall helpful emotions, for a mission where the entire purpose is revenge. 

Behind Nayoki's not-quite-invisibility blurring illusion, Tony now looks like Moondance. 


Nayoki concentrates, and raises a Gate to the flat sticking-out part of Stark Tower. 


And Leareth follows Strange through his portal. 


They step through Nayoki's portal, and out, invisibly, onto the helipad of Stark Tower, near the source of the blue energy beam. There's a woman there, jabbing at it with some kind of spear, which—when looked at through Othersenses—obviously contains the other Infinity Stone.

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