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velgarth reacts to the snap
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:One more minute?: Vanyel rests his cheek against her shoulder. :I just– I missed you: 


:I know. But I'm here now, ke'chara. I'm not going anywhere: 


They hug for another couple of minutes, and are focused and ready by the time the rest of the Avengers get back. 


Leareth has been waiting just outside the room, not wanting to impose on their space. 


The others filter back in.

"Okay, next—the Reality Stone. Thor, what do you know?"


"Okay, so first of all the Reality Stone is more of an angry sludge thing than a stone most of the time. On Asgard we called it the Aether. Five years ago my girlfriend at the time stuck her hand inside a rock and then the Aether stuck itself inside her. I had to take her to Asgard to get it removed. We should be able to grab it from just after that point."


"The Power Stone was mostly unguarded on a planet called Morag prior to about the same point. And the Soul Stone was on a planet called Vormir until Thanos claimed it."

He pauses for several seconds, then Mindspeaks Leareth privately.

:Leareth, there is—something about the Soul Stone which you ought to know. I—don't think that telling everyone will go too well, but Tony and Cap know, and I think you ought to as well. And Vanyel too, possibly, but I'll leave that decision to you.:


That's awfully ominous. Leareth is generally in favour of having all the information he can get his hands on, though. 

He glances at Vanyel, whose eyes are fixed on Strange, but with one hand still entwined around Savil's. 

:Go on:


:To claim the Soul Stone, one must sacrifice someone they love. 'A soul for a soul' is the way it's phrased. In such a way that they cannot be resurrected by any means, I believe, since the Soul Stone itself would normally give one that power and I have not heard of it being used in such a way.

:Tony and Cap have volunteered to go. I don't know which one plans not to come back, but I'll let them work that out between themselves. However, I feel like—you, and your people, should also have the chance to volunteer, though of course we do not expect you to.:


:Oh. Thank you for telling me, it - is relevant: 

It...makes a lot of sense, that this information isn't wise to share with everyone. 

Vanyel, Leareth thinks, can probably take it calmly. And would be furious with Leareth afterward, if he learned Leareth had known and decided against telling him. 

He can think about that and decide after the meeting though. 


"Strange thinks it unwise to have anyone travel back to an event in which they were personally involved unless it's absolutely necessary. Thor will be going to Asgard, I think that's unavoidable and we don't really have anyone else who could navigate things there. Strange will be getting the Time Stone in New York. Tony and I will be going to Vormir. The rest is still up in the air—I think Velgarth people could handle the rest—"


"Maybe we shouldn't send the medieval wizards into the middle of a battle with aliens in New York City. At least, not alone."


"I'll go with them."


"Leareth, Vanyel, your thoughts?"


"Honestly I think we can look after ourselves in a battle with aliens, especially if it already happened in your timeline and you can advise us on what magical protections to prepare." 

:- Strange, is there any reason the missions need to take place simultaneously, such that our total staffing for all of them is limited to ten people? I would make different choices on who to bring to New York. Also, I - am not sure of the strategic cost to you of losing one of Captain America and Tony, but...I can think of possible options among my people where it might be substantially lower: 

This doesn't mean that the options currently floating in his head aren't very horrible. Just, in some sense, possibly less costly. 


:I suppose there is not. That didn't occur to me, I suppose our planning was biased by the originally foreseen version in which we were limited in total trips.

:If you need a moment to talk with your people privately, we can give you that.: 


:I think we ought at least do New York separately, then; it sounds rather chaotic, and having more redundancy might end up mattering. Especially Mindspeakers, for staying in communication. I suppose the Heralds will need to be separated from their Companions for it, since you do not have time travel suits for horses: 

And, separately, to Vanyel: 

:I have a question for you: 


....Oh no. Vanyel can tell from the overtones that this is going to be awful and horrifying in some way. 



Leareth summarizes the Soul Stone question, tersely and neutrally. 

:- and, no, I am absolutely not going to let you die for it. Valdemar will need you, after this is all over. I did want to ask if you had any ideas: 

He has one, but he's not going to be the first to say it. 


....Vanyel hates his brain so much right now. Why did he even think of that. Now he can't unthink it. Or stop from noticing that, in fact, it would work and has a lot to recommend it. Goddamnit. Aaaaaaaaaaaah. 




Leareth is realizing that he had also been hoping Vanyel would fail to think of the obvious option. 

:You think she would agree to it?: 


:Yes. In a heartbeat. She would have all sorts of arguments, too, how she's only got a few years left anyway - she won't be much good if there's fighting, during this mission or afterward - she, she, she matters to a lot of people but - it's only a matter of time, right, we all die sooner or later. Except for you, I guess: 



:...That could change, you know. We have new resources now: 

They might, at some point, have the infinity stones. Leareth is pretty sure those would be sufficient to solve mortality on Velgarth. Assuming anyone let him use them for that. 

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