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velgarth reacts to the snap
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That doesn't seem like it would take a week—oh, yeah, the time-warp effect.

:I didn't know there were that many Gifts, to be honest. We've been studying them—my magic seems to do basically the same things as your mages', and I can imitate most of their spells, and vice versa, though it's a lot of work and we both already have most things that are going to be useful in combat. I haven't been able to get hardly anywhere imitating the other Gifts. There are some, ah, implementation differences too—I'm pretty sure both your species and your planet have been heavily modified by whatever it is you're calling gods, because I don't have an unusual region in my brain—I used to be a neurosurgeon, I've definitely checked—and this planet doesn't have ley lines unless you just mean the magnetic field. I do most of my magic via this:—he points out his Sling Ring—:and am not limited by my own internal energy reserve, although the continuous power I can use isn't much greater than your people's—maybe less than yours, Vanyel, if you're as great as Leareth says. I'm fairly sure I can't do the suicide-bombing thing, although I don't plan to try.

:There's going to be a planning session for the time travel expedition in the main conference room in a few minutes. You should join us.:


:I can channel five times as much power as Savil: Vanyel offers quietly. :More, for short bursts, though I - prefer not to push it that hard: 


:The other Gifts involve...a great deal of hidden complexity, I think: Leareth acknowledges. :Especially in the sensory elements. It is possible to crudely imitate Mindspeech with a communication-spell, and Mindhealing with compulsions, but even with centuries of research, I have not made progress on replicating their Sight. Anyway, we will be happy to join your planning meeting: 


Five times as much as Savil is way more than he can produce with the Sling Ring alone. If he still had an Infinity Stone, it would be a different story.

He leads them to the conference room, where the rest of the Avengers, Fëanor, Savil, and Nayoki are gathered.


Steve and Tony are at the front of the room.

"So nearly everyone in this room—well, all of the Avengers, at least—have had an encounter with at least one of the six Infinity Stones," he's saying.


"Or, substitute the word 'encounter' for damn near been killed by one of the six Infinity Stones."


"So, we've identified several points in time and space when multiple stones were in a known location that would be—relatively—easy for a team of us to go in and grab. Point number one: six years ago, in New York City—for the off-world people, there's a city of approximately ten million about fifty miles south of here—during Loki's, ah, attempt to conquer the planet. He had the Mind and Space Stones, and the Time Stone was nearby, in the Sanctum Sanctorum that's run by Strange's people. The plan there is to slip in right as the battle is winding down and grab the Stones in the chaos."


"I wasn't practicing magic yet at the time. However, the previous Sorcerer Supreme could see the future, so she'll know me."


Leareth is listening attentively. 

Permalink not. 

He thought he would never see Savil again. He couldn't even imagine what it must be like for her, he mostly bounced away from even thinking about it, when he was in the Shadow-Lover realm when he was wherever Mandos keeps his dead people... 

Savil's eyes are locked with his and the entire room feels full and vibrating with everything they have to catch up on - 


Savil wasn't completely caught off guard; Yfandes contacted Kellan as soon as their arrived, and Kellan told her the fastest way to see her nephew would be at the meeting anyway, so she went there. At a run. 



There's work to be done and she should really be trying to pay attention to the stupid strategy meeting but VANYEL. 


Leareth glances at them. 

:- Strange, I think that Vanyel and Savil could use a moment: he sends, privately. :They are family, and they - were not expecting to ever see one another again: 


Vanyel wants a hug so badly but that would be so embarrassing in front of all these people he doesn't know. 


Strange whispers something to Steve. Er, the other Steve, though absolutely no one calls him that.


"Take five, guys. Give the new arrivals a moment to catch up."

The Avengers and Fëanor leave the room.


Oh no did someone notice he was distracted, this is so mortifying. 


Savil isn't mortified at all. 

She crosses the room in four steps, and throws her arms around him. :Van, ke'chara - gods - are you all right -: 


He stiffens briefly, and then decides that being embarrassed is pointless, and tucks his head against Savil's shoulder. 

:I'm all right. I'm - better than I've been in a long time. I missed you:


:I missed you too. Everyone did. ...Leareth especially: 


:What, really?: 


:Gods, ke'chara, you didn't notice? He was devastated. - I mean, about all of it, really, but - I think it hurt, losing you: 


:I guess I'm the only one where he saw it happen, up close: 


:He what? .....Gods. Ouch. In the dream?: 


:It was pretty terrible timing: 


Snort. :No kidding: She squeezes him tighter. :...Anyway. We've got a lot of catching up to do, but - maybe after the strategy meeting?: 

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