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Azem gets possessed by an evil demon that likes ripping his shirt off
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Yeah nah, he's moving before the metal disc even gets close, twisting his body and yes his hands out of the way as he does and immediately pivoting into a sprint towards her.

Whatever rumours she may have heard about shikigami users not liking close quarters combat clearly don't apply to this shikigami user.


Out of a sense of honor, she absolutely cannot let him beat her without even using any of his shikigami. There is no way.

She hisses half a curseword under her breath, and decides to go with standing her ground and throwing more damnable pie weights at him. Some of them will move to follow him, some of them will not, and he's got to figure out which it'll be while rapidly closing the distance between them, thus giving him less time to react.


That tips the balance over to convincing him to summon his shikigami. He veers to the left and claps his hands together, left hand closing over his right palm while his right fingers point forward, index and middle slightly up and ring and pinky slightly down, thumbs pointing up and slightly separate.

You know, like someone who's trying to imitate a dog head shape.

"Demon dogs," he says, and his shadow extends to the right then quickly gains shape and volume, forming into only one dog, black and big and already keeping up with him at a trot. As soon as the dog is fully formed they split up, clearly meaning to attack Hayashi from two directions at once if they can dodge her discs.


That's actually kind of cute, making shikigami animals by making a shadow puppet of the animal, wait no she really does not have time to be charmed by such a cute curse technique, she's too busy trying not to get her ass kicked.

Well if her choices are 'pick an enemy to try to fight,' 'run,' and 'be attacked by both at the same time,' she's going to go with the first one, and furthermore go for the guy responsible for the summoning. If he wants to make this a close quarters combat, fine, she can in theory hit him with the goddamned cursed pie weights from close range, if anything she'll be more accurate that way. She covers her plan with a feint, pretending to focus her barrage on Fushiguro, and then having them twist mid air to impact the demon dog from the side while she turns to personally tackle the summoner.


It works, and pushes the dog off course and off its feet while Fushiguro himself is taken by surprise by the tackle. He tries to roll with it and use her momentum against her, but if nothing else the dog will probably recover soon enough and join the wrestle.


She has no idea what she's doing, no idea at all, she is not a close combat specialist in any way! Somebody help her! Mostly she just wants to keep his hands away from each other. She doesn't expect she can do that with both, so she dives for one and latches on for dear life. And, and - can she keep him between the dog and her? Using him as a human shield against his own critter sounds like it's a good idea in theory, let's try it.


Honestly he's not even trying to summon any more shikigami. Instead, he'll try to pin her down against the ground and even use the fact that she's holding on to his arm to try to get her more thoroughly secured.


Ack! No! Bad! She got too caught up on the cursed technique, she forgot he's a teenage boy who's both taller and stronger than her! She is successfully pinned, but her arm's free, and somewhere during this ridiculous wrestling match pie weights have scattered everywhere. So obviously the thing to do is to jerk her hand and send a couple at him from the ground. BAP! Feel her WRATH!


He is a teenage boy who is taller and stronger than her and who is also a jujutsu sorcerer; he can take the pelting at least for long enough for the dog to reach them and be Very Threatening to Hayashi's bodily integrity.

"Yield," he tells her.


She lets out an unhappy huff, then goes accordingly limp. Hayashi knows when she is beaten, and she is quite beaten.

"Fine. See! Handicapped! Pelting you with sharp things at the end would have worked great! Instead I'm uselessly throwing tiny pie weights!"


He smiles, a tiny bit, and his dog dissolves into shadow. "I have high pain tolerance," he replies, simply.


"Wouldn't matter if I aimed for your head! Eugh. At least I made you summon at all. And took you briefly by surprise. Mnrh."

He is in fact, still a teenage boy. On top of her. "...I'm so glad Itadori didn't see any of this and can't make a single innuendo at all."


Innuendo...? Oh. Oh. He gets off her and quickly jumps to his feet before offering her a hand, looking away as a faint blush creeps up his neck and cheeks.


She lets out a little laugh, then accepts the hand to pull herself back to her feet.

"It's fine," she says, looking away and busying herself with fixing her hair and clothes. Despite this, she has her own blush. Not that he can see, since they are both not looking at each other. She clears her throat. "It happens, let's not make it weird. Or mention it to Itadori. Ever."


"If he's any good at hand-to-hand combat he has to be used to this kind of situation," Fushiguro reasons, scratching the back of his neck before deciding to busy his hands by fidgeting with one of the fallen discs.


"Do you think familiarity with the situation is reason enough for him to not make it weird?" she wonders, archly.


He chews on his lower lip then shakes his head. "Should we... discuss what went right and wrong and... stuff?"


"Yes. I don't even know where to begin, though, that entire fight was..." she trails off, then lets out a little giggle. "... absolutely ridiculous."


...he starts laughing, too. "A bit," he admits. "How does your technique work?"


"Okay, so," she snorts, going to find a spot to sit down, still kind of giggling. "I can make a sympathy bond between objects that are alike. Then, what I do to one object happens to the ones it's tied to. I can do a bit of magnification of the force I exert, and have some control of the direction the force is expressed from, but I have to keep track of everything and it can get very complicated very quickly. Larger objects take more cursed energy, it also gets very expensive very quickly, especially when they're heavy. It's why I tend to stick with small, light things."


"Does it work on living things? There must be ways to make it less expensive."


"Living things are more expensive," she says, wryly. "And not really worth it to move around with cursed energy. But, with living things, if I have a piece that comes from a larger whole I can sympathy impress whatever damage I do to the smaller piece to the larger whole. So if we dismember any curses, throw their limbs to me and I can do terrible things with them."


"That sounds immensely useful."


"Oh, I think so! But my skillset does not lend itself well to dismemberment, curses don't bleed, and anyway, the proportionally smaller the piece is to the whole, the less damage I can do to it overall, so. It hasn't come up all that often."


"Demon dogs." Both dogs emerge from his shadows, one to either side, and he places one hand on each of their heads. The black one starts panting in a decidedly puppylike fashion. "Dismemberment should not be a problem."

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