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Azem gets possessed by an evil demon that likes ripping his shirt off
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"Itadakimasu!" Itadori's bowl is clinked with her soft drink. It doesn't make a proper clinking sound, but the thought is there. "And to friendship."


"Itadakimasu," says Gotou softly from afar, looking like he's a million miles away.


Fushiguro doesn't say anything but he does, after a couple of seconds' hesitation, offer his bowl up.


SUCCESS he got Fushiguro to be at all friendly in any way he will NOT open his mouth to ruin it and will instead just grin at him and bowl-clink.


Hayashi sees Itadori light up and stifles a giggle. Fushiguro gets his bowl clinked with a soft drink as well.


"Where did you even get the ramen, anyway, Kakashi-I-mean-Gojō-sensei?"


"The same place I left the orange jumpsuit I had planned for you, kid."


Itadori sticks his tongue out at Gojō but then promptly starts eating his own food.


But it has been an extremely long day already and Fushiguro needs his beauty sleep to recharge. He is still recovering from injuries after all.



They head back soon enough. Hayashi gets the room on the other side of Fushiguro's; apparently someone thinks they should all be housed near one another.


The someone gives them a little wave and tells them to go settle in, and that they should be ready for training with their Sensei tomorrow. He's got to go handle local sorcerer stuff for now.


Fushiguro's door is slammed with a "'Night" as soon as they get there.


Itadori bows to Hayashi, though. "Good night, Hayashi-senpai. It has been a delightful day with you."


Hayashi seems more amused than insulted at Fushiguro immediately retreating into his room.

She returns Itadori's bow, gracefully. "Good night, Itadori-san. It was a pleasure meeting you."

And then she needs to go get her room set up! Apparently she has a lot of unpacking to do.


"I liked her more when she was angry," drawls Sukuna from Itadori's face.


He slaps himself again and doesn't bother replying, choosing to just go into his room himself instead.



"So!" says their Sensei, the next day. "Akiho-chan and Inori-kun, you two pair up. Have yourselves a friendly spar! I expect you both to be competent enough to avoid injuring each other. When you're done, tell your partner about their strengths and weaknesses and how you think they could shore them up, or how you could help cover them, and then..." He gives a thoughtful hum. "Compare and contrast the difficulties and quirks of country curses versus city curses with each other. And Tokan-kun is with me for remedial cursed energy training."


"Uh." Hayashi raises her hand. "Gojo-Sensei, Iiiiiii only have sharp things to throw. There is not really a way to make that safe. I'm not even sure a hundred little padded cushions for needles or something would fix it, they're very small."


"Then this is a good chance for you to branch out into non-needle things to throw at people! Look, precious student, I got you these while I was out!"

He presents her with a small jar of tiny metal discs, looking terribly proud of himself.

"Pie weights!"


".... pie. weights?" she repeats, blankly.


"Yes! They are small aluminum weights that you spread out over uncooked pie crust to prevent bubbling during baking! They are small, light, of matching composition for your sympathy techniques, and not at all sharp!"


"Oh. Uh. So I will be sparring with Fushiguro-san with. A completely new set of equipment. That's. That's great."


Fushiguro watches this with mild interest. "I will tell the demon dogs not to bite. Too hard."

He sounds entirely serious about this.


"Wait what if I want to watch them, though!"


"Too bad!" says his Sensei, with absolutely no sense of sympathy or mercy. "Until you have any idea how to use cursed energy you're an active hazard to your teammates if you ever lose that dagger that isn't even yours! No watching anyone else fight until you can manage competently by yourself, Sensei's orders."

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