sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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Another one!


This one beams at him and flutters his wings when he appears.


"Hi! I'm Timothy, nice to meet you, I'm doing interviews for some future projects but I can get you something for your time."





" - first summons?"


Nod nod.


"Cool! What's your name?"


"I don't have one yet!"


"Wait, really? Wow. Uh, humans get names from their parents, do angels pick their own?"


"I think so? I couldn't understand most of what people were trying to tell me before."


" - you start without language? Wow. That's - kind of inconvenient.  - we start even more inconveniently, I guess, but with people committed to looking after us."


"Some people were helping me! I learned enough that they could tell me to come here for easy languages."


"That's good. Did they explain how the 'coming here' thing works beyond that you get all my languages?"


"I think they tried..."


"So, in Heaven, everyone can change things and no one can get seriously hurt, right? My world doesn't work that way - we're very fragile, if you damage us enough we get destroyed and stop existing and can't be brought back, and we can't do the changing-things either, although we have other magic. So we bring angels here to help us with projects, and we do it with safety precautions so you don't damage us - you can't change stuff right now, I don't know if you've tried it - and then we can agree on terms and if we agree on terms you can help me with a project and I can pay you and then send you home. And if we don't agree I just send you home."


"But I don't want to damage you," blinks the angel.


"Yeah, I know! But some people might be mean or angry or careless, and since it'd be so bad if that happened we're really careful even though most people are perfectly nice."


"Oh. What do you want help with?"


"I'm looking for some angels who want to have a regular job coming to my world and doing all kinds of things. Right now I'm just asking around for people who might want to do that sort of thing, I don't need anything changed right now. Though if you want to change anything we can agree on it and then you'll be able to do it like normal."


"I kept changing my feather colors." They're currently a mix of blue and yellow. "But I don't have to do it right now."


"Okay. That I think you should be able to do anyway, it's if you tried to change the grass that you'd notice it. What's Heaven like?"


"It's brighter. And everybody has wings. You don't. Is that weird?"


"Humans don't get wings! I can fly with my magic instead, though. People without magic can't fly at all; I don't know if they are sad about it."


"I just thought it might feel weird to be missing parts."

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