sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"No, only once I saw him interacting with Findekáno, but that was very fast."


"In addition to being confusing on a personal level that is bewildering on a strategic level, what if they'd gotten a demon who'd only help them in the war if he happened to like them personally?"


"I could not begin to tell you."


"I would be skeptical he's me but he's totally me. ...they really, really were lucky they got you."





Inside. "Imperius doesn't get around bindings, though that doesn't help us very much because the summoner should be presumed vulnerable to it and someone who wanted could summon daeva, Imperius them, and snap the binding if the spell takes and they want something horrible done."


"They'd be risking the daeva throwing the spell off later, but I guess a minute is enough to do a lot of damage."


"Yep, and the daeva might be able to resist doing something they considered awful - didn't test that - but there're also requests you could make that would not be obviously horrible but would enable plenty of horrible -"


" - to-scale exact replica of some particular innocent-looking location gets you nuclear weapons -" Finis agrees -


"What're those -"


"Like, 'everyone in a city dies and the place spends a few decades uninhabitable'."


" - how does a replica of a random location do that -"


"If the location has nuclear weapons in it. They are perfectly duplicable by demons and if you set one off: that. Of course they're conventionally delivered by airplane, but I'm sure a creative person could surmount that obstacle."


"I am impressed Revelation still exists."


"Two nukes have been dropped in wartime and one in discovering that daeva are in fact immune to nukes like everything else. Otherwise people have behaved themselves and only use the tech for power generation and posturing at foreign countries."


" - someone killed a city to check if it'd kill a daeva -"


"People are not as careful with angels as they are with demons and she was a problem. Eventually they found her summoner."


"Ah. Is she somewhere under a binding getting regular visits from her mother or do they just put out a picture and say 'watch out for that one' - that wouldn't even work, with an angel -"


"She doesn't have a mother, most daeva are naturally occurring, but yes, summoned under a binding getting regular visits from people who think serial killers are neat."


Shiver. "If I ever commit any random atrocities I will make a point of doing them in 2179."


"The Elves don't even imprison people, if you imprison an Elf they just sort of randomly die."


"Wait, really? What do they do about, like, murderers and so on..."


"They don't. This managed not to present a problem for thousands of years, as I understand it, and then it did and they didn't cope very well."


"- ah."

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