sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"Huh. Why haven't I heard of the place before?"


"Have you heard about the one with the Elves?"


"What? No..."


"This was a couple years ago but it was a demon that found it so I guess it hasn't propagated yet. We're not sure why no one in our world accidentally stumbled on summoning earlier, but it works reliably now."


"Weird. Why do you want a bunch of people who can't trade anything to summon angels?"


"We don't seem to go to Limbo when we die but it looks like ex-summoners might become daeva same as they do in the human world you're used to."


"What if they still have their magic after?"


"Then we are going to have to snatch them back under a well-designed binding right away, but the vast majority of people in my world don't have the potential for magic - if they did, they could pay you themselves - and the ones who do live separately, and we're trying to offer this to the ones who don't."


"You know taking summons is voluntary? You can't snatch them if they just want to cause trouble in Heaven."


He pulls out his wand. "Without one of these they can't do anything, and they'd have to go back here to trade for one, since these are magic and you can't do them yourselves - and also, if anyone were trying to give someone trouble in Heaven, you can just poof this and they'd be out of luck."


"Oh. Good to know. Magic stick."


"Yup. No stick, no troublemakers. I'm much more worried that wizards will summon angels and then use our magic to cause trouble, do you have suggestions on preventing that?"


"Not really. I don't know what the sticks even do."


"All kinds of things. The ones most relevant for troublemaking are that they can make people more suggestible."


"Well, does that go through bindings?"


"Nope. Could cheat the angels with it, though."


"You'll get fewer angels, if that happens too much."


"Yeah. Do you think many angels might be interested in learning to protect against it?"


"What, with our magic sticks?"


"No, anybody can learn, I just don't know how many people'd want to. I'd be happy to compensate them."


"It won't help if people summon randoms, there's billions of angels."


"You might know better than me but I think it's a bad idea to introduce summoning of randoms to my world. I think what we should probably do is find angels who want lots of magic items and other things I can provide them and are willing to sort of be on call for it, and then never teach anyone in my world how to get a random angel - or, for that matter, any daeva other than an angel -"


"It's not hard to reverse engineer as I understand it."


"Most people can't read, and even for the ones who can we can do circles in languages they don't read."


"Your funeral."

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