sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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He exhales slightly. "I would like you to make me whatever I want for the next hour, and in exchange I will give you a copy of today's edition of the magic newspaper." He would like the demon to agree.


"Okay," says the demon.


"Computer chip with the complete published works of Curufinwë Fëanáro and all his descendants, scale model of Nerdanels currently extant in Arda, a box in the corner of the room with counterfeit paper currency -"

- adding instructions about what kind of chip and what scale of model and how much money with the spell -


The demon makes these things.


And he concentrates -

- he's really not very good at this spell, and he can tell that he would get really good with practice, and maybe that's not such a good idea - 


If there are things that the demon would not mind telling Timothy that he objected to, but would object to doing, he would like the demon to tell him one -


"I hate apples," says the demon. "And not in the fun way."



- he's not going to snap the binding and tell the demon to murder a bunch of people but he expects it would work. 


Instead they'll go flying. That sounds fun. He'd like the demon to come downstairs with him to go flying.




The demon looks mournfully at the binding which confines him to the circle unless a task calls for him to be elsewhere.


"Make something for me outside -" 


Follow follow.


Down through the main bar area!


"Hi, Ister," says Cam.

"Hiiiii," says the demon.


Demon should interact normally and sound less spaced out. "We're going flying, want to come?"


"Is that useful in some way?"


"The stunning spell wore off fast for you, I'm curious if this one does too. But mostly no, mostly it's just that he's enjoying it and I felt badly about doing thirty seconds of tests and sending him home."


"I meant is it useful for me to accompany you."


"No, I was just inviting you in case you liked flying and would have fun."



"Yeah, all right."

And he goes out with them to the backyard.


And he will call his broomstick to hand and would like his demon to fly.


The demon flies very gracefully!

Cam flies too. "He's a dancer," he remarks to Timothy, "I hung around after a performance of Atriama, that's how I know him."


Ooooh! He will demand more graceful flying, it's really quite pretty. "Atriama?"


"It's a - musical theater kind of thing, best of its kind."


"I would have to be a demon to see it?"


"You'd have to be a demon or summon an entire cast to see it live, but there's recordings, demons are good about recording things."


"That sounds fun. Maybe when I'm done with testing - 

- I think, low confidence, the Imperius gets easier to cast with practice..."

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