sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"People manage to have lots of relationship drama even under these conditions. Why does he want emotional scars?"


"- if you want to interview him about his suitability to hook up with a demon who calls me Parlor LARP, I should probably fetch him instead of speaking on his behalf."



"Parlor LARP? I get the LARP part but why parlor?"


"Told her I'd made the magic bag with a creative application of a parlor trick. I do not get the LARP part."


"It stands for 'live action roleplay' which is the polite term for 'running around doing dorky improvisational theater' and would explain your clothes if you were wearing non-2179-issue."


"I didn't want to try to figure out pants again. Anyway, I should read my computer. Thank you for the charger."


Cam glances at the romance novel folder again, then says, "You're welcome."


"You'd have to ask her," he says about the romance novels folder. "If you neglect to say "a computer containing only the following" can they just add whatever they want on there? - the other bit's because I need to check, and it'd have been irresponsible to ask you for the information -"



"The binding I gave you would not in fact allow extraneous-to-task makings, outside a range of basics that does not cover 'data on a computer to be handed over'."


"So when I suggested she make the bag to prove it was in fact a magic bag, was she not able to do it, or is that sufficiently task-related because of how I said it - is there a good book on summoning request phrasings -"


"That is sufficiently task-related. She could make things that contributed in good faith to the negotiation. I could probably assemble my notes from when I taught class into something for you if you like."


"I'm happy to just use circles you make but it'd probably be good to know what I'm doing by the time I'm summoning random angels to interview - oh, that was what we were going to tell you, Miranda and I were throwing around implications-if-summoning-does-make-our-humans-daeva and I am currently leaning towards doing a rollout through the church because it covers everyone and is pretty wrangleable as an institution, but we'd need angels who found this amusing to cooperate with."


"I know some angels but my knowing of angels is a hundred fifty years out of date and I don't know if they'd still talk to me."


"Angels dislike people who got sorted as demons after they died? Isn't that a bit unfair?"


"...were you under the impression there were fair forms of irrational daeva racism?"


"Wizards pride ourselves on our irrational racism being over bona fide capabilities differences unlike the Muggles, who go in on skin color. I thought maybe by 2179 that'd have changed."


"...daeva types are, in fact, a capability difference."


"Yes, so it's the kind of irrational racism I am totally familiar with. Extending to people you already liked is a little rarer, though."


"I don't know that they wouldn't talk to me but it's entirely possible they'll assume that in the last century and a half I'll have picked up slothful habits with my cheaty overpowered magic or that I've been rubbing shoulders with bad influences or that my being a demon reveals secret weaknesses in my character."


Sigh. "I bet I can get pretty far interviewing random angels."


"You could also go off a list, but that's more about technical qualifications and preferred payment forms than personality."


"People who can do healing'd be helpful but personality matters a lot more."


"And you might want to bypass listed angels anyway."



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