sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"We can tell the difference between random and individual summons but not the difference between summoners, and listed angels are more likely to be sometimes summoned individually already."


"Oh, yeah, then in that case definitely." And he settles down on the couch and opens his alt's files.


Cam resumes prison arcology design.


A long while quietly reading. "Miranda, do you have a computer I can send the stuff of interest to you to?"


She has quietly acquired one and with some figuring can tell him how to send things!


Most of the stuff from the end of the war is chiplocked, but there's plenty of correspondence related to peace and demobilization negotiations since, and he sends a sampling of earlier stuff that makes it (to him, at least) particularly apparent that they are in fact the same person.


She reads through it and then sends him a little computer note that says I wish there were more of me.


Well, apparently it's a big multiverse. I'm kind of envious of my alt. He has - a lot of people.


That must be convenient. It probably helps that he's a prince.


Probably, but I think if I were surrounded by people that - aligned with me - I could get most of the way there. They just - care about the same things as him, and are trustworthy to do stuff unsupervised. And there are hundreds of thousands of them.


We should probably ask for their help.


Sooner than later?


Since the trip'll be such a hassle I think we wanted to wait until we knew exactly what we want.


Makes sense. Do we know that yet at least to the point of knowing who to ask your alt to bring?


I'm not sure. I have a feeling Elves'll find our world a - shock to the sensibilities.


More so than people from 2179?


Differently so but - yeah, I think so. Some of them remember living before the invention of electricity and computers and things, but none of them ever lived in a society that practiced slavery, you know?


They did have that horrible war, our world is not quite that bad.


Yeah, true. They might take to it fine. I'll make a list of stuff and people we need.


Is Cam going to have to hold the door or will the people there do it?


The alternate universe of my mom is on that planet. I think I'll ask her.



Is she one of the people your alt sent with Cam to help or is she one of the people who died.




You don't think this will be dreadfully awkward?


I want to talk with her. Cam might not want to be around and I'll warn him and everything.

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