sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"Not really."


"It seems like kind of a shame to have access to unthinkable cosmic power and use it to set up low-variance mediocrity."


"I encourage you to improve on that. The low variance part does matter, things run more smoothly when everything's predictable; mediocrity is a side effect."


"Yeah, I can see the benefits of predictability. The Minister's an elected position and I was planning to be elected to it, it's not an inherently terrible way of doing things, just - if you put Muggle personhood to a vote it'd be a close one, if you prohibited making more house-elf type species you'd lose a vote badly - people are not that great -"


"It's important to enfranchise the population. If you let Muggles vote on their personhood the nays would be a rounding error. I suppose you might get different results if you let house elves vote though."


"Or let everyone vote on whether they can make themselves house-elves - or whether to kill werewolves on sight -"


"I didn't say enfranchisement was a complete solution."


"Maybe universal literacy and less - desperation - gets you the rest of the way."


"Not instantly, but yeah."


"There anything they're still wrong about in 2179?"


"Well, daeva rights are a work in progress but we don't have to take summons if we don't care to so it's not urgent. There's some neglectful behavior by lunar colony leaders that nobody's come up with a way to effectively police. I think they went a little overboard on the protections for animals thing but maybe that's just because I was born in 1987. People have not come to any kind of constructive agreement on certain matters of disability rights and integration."


"Protections for animals?"


"I mentioned it's not customary to eat things that used to be them."


"That could be 'you have to be sufficiently nice to them that conjuring's more economically efficient' or 'killing owls would be prosecuted as murder' -"


"Killing owls is not prosecuted as murder, but killing elephants or apes or cetaceans is, plus an environmental regulation charge. Some places protect corvids and cephalopods and monkeys and the parrot family that strongly too. It's not just more economically efficient to conjure your meat or eggs or dairy, it's outright illegal to farm animals for meat, milk too some places, eggs is okay most jurisdictions as long as you're exquisitely kind to the poultry."


"- wow."


"But it doesn't really matter if I think it's silly, I make everything I eat."


"And it's less uncanny than having the future just agree with me about everything."


"Yeah, that would be a bit odd."


"I was imagining trying to explain to some of my friends 'I met people from the future and by the future everyone has decided that it's completely obvious all varieties of people should have the same rights which is quite a lot of them, and the Statute is ridiculous and memory charms are terrible and slavery should be immediately abolished -'"


"Whereas in fact people have only come to this agreement about humans and maybe elephants but not daeva especially demons, let alone house elves who haven't even been brought up as a hypothesis..."


"- how do you miss it with daeva, that's not even complicated the way werewolves are -"


"What's complicated about werewolves?"


"Couple nights a month they turn into wolves and are very dangerous to everyone around them and if they bite you turn you into a werewolf yourself."


"...I'm not sure how that's more complicated than daeva."

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