sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"There's enough else going on it might be okay. I am not very good at being indifferent to the wellbeing of people around me."


"I don't object in principle to being cheered up, I don't think I forfeited the right to ever be happy again or anything so morbid."


"Oh, good. I think we should vaccinate against everything right now, our population is tiny compared to the populations by the time you finally got around to it -"


"Some of the vaccines would need reengineering, the diseases have probably changed. Malaria's easy because I can just wipe out the carrier species."


"Do you know anyone who can do the reengineering - can any of the Elves or whatever -"


"No, they have totally different biology; there are humans in the world but they're new, like, 'overdeity dropped them pretty much mid-war' new, nobody knows how their immunology works; I know people in Hell who are acquainted with the field, it's possible we could get someone to summon one of them."


"Might be worth it - we should check if summoning works here, but we shouldn't check in Hogwarts, even if it works in general there might be wards against it here."


"Is that a reason not to check, or just a reason to check outside the wards even if it doesn't work inside?"


"It'd probably fail gracefully but I wouldn't completely rule out a bad interaction like 'it lets summoning through but objects to bindings'."


"Ah. Yeah, immunologists I met in medical school are not the most dangerous class of demon by a long shot but still."


"Are there particularly dangerous classes of demon -"


"I don't mean that in the sense of there being different kinds, just different personalities."


"Ah. Anyway, we can check off the grounds - and should soon, that rather changes the best way to fix things up, if we can summon people -"


"I can make it fast, I can make most of a safe circle and a human can fill it in. Do you know any Muggles in case they can do it and wizards can't?"


"It'd be a statute violation, alerting a Muggle to magic even if it's not our kind -"


"That's weird that the Statute is worded that way. Anyway, they don't need to know what they're doing, we can have most of the circle on the other side of a wall."


"That works? In that case yes, I could find someone."


"It is entirely possible to accidentally summon or I wouldn't have appeared when an Elf kid drew on the floor."


"I mean, the wall doesn't disrupt it or something. - if the Elf kid hears about what happened would he - be upset -"


"I dropped a black hole on his home planet what do you think. He doesn't know yet because if he dismisses me I won't be able to put everybody back."


"You have control over his means of finding out?"


"Before I waded into the war I made him and his family and some other families a planet in the middle of intergalactic space where they'd be safe, because if he died I'd be dismissed, too."


"Okay but if they summon someone to ask for the news -"


"Their most recent information suggests that the fourteen dead gods were alarmed that I had been summoned and made it impossible to repeat the feat."


"Okay. I'll think how to find a Muggle to help us with the summoning test."

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