sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"If I say it would be inappropriate are you just going to argue about something unrelated to whether it would be appropriate or not again?"


"I don't think whether it was right is unrelated to whether it would be appropriate but no, I'm actually just trying to help you come up with an overview so people don't constantly ask questions that awkwardly trip on it."


Sigh. "I would like to put it in enough context that people don't expect me to go about committing random acts of violence, without trying to make assertions about whether I drew the line in the right place, had any business drawing it, etcetera, and I don't know how to do that."


"That makes sense but - I think people in my world might suck more than you are accounting for."




"...and I cannot imagine anyone being at all inclined to debate whether you drew the line in the right place or had any business drawing it? We're still on 'are Muggles people', here."


"So, what, killing fifty five million Elves and assorted deities is no big deal because they didn't have magic sticks?"


"Is going to be a more common reaction than people getting mad at you for it, yes."


"One would have to be not only morally bankrupt but also fairly dense to imagine that magical demons from 2179 sort potential murder victims in this way."


"Oh, I'm not saying they won't be scared, I'm saying it wouldn't even occur to them that there's something to judge you for."


"I suppose I'll take your word for it."


"You also don't really want to be blackmailable and it's sort of an announcement you're blackmailable - no one here can in fact offer that much of a bribe, but -"


"What, 'do as I say or I'll publicize the fact that you singlehandedly caused more civilian deaths than World War Two' - not that they'd make the comparison - I told you it wasn't a secret."


"World war they number them? No, I mean, you made a deal with the evil god wherein he stopped torturing people and you killed people for him, if the magnitude of the 'stopped torturing people' isn't adequately conveyed people will think they can get that deal."


"That is extortion, not blackmail, but you make an excellent point. Possibly also relevant that he was doing so en masse before the notion that anybody he might be able to make this or any similar deal with came along. ...There were only the two, at least by nomenclature."


"Yay. Let's try for zero. Is it relevant that the evil god was doing this long before you arrived, would you not have taken the deal if he'd started in order to get your attention -"


"I would have considered the implications. I did at one point threaten to warn the fourteen not-extremely-evil deities that the deal was on the table if he - fucked with the rules of engagement too much. If they'd been warned it wouldn't have worked."


"Okay. So - not many people need to know at all, but summary for the ones who do that conveys mostly the extreme unusualness of the circumstances."




"Does that accomplish your goals in sharing it?"


"The relevant ones, pretty much."


" - do you prefer I pretend you're okay, or -"


"I prefer not to prompt anyone to consider my emotional state a particularly salient feature of the situation?"


"...okay. I'll try."


"I can produce preferences which aren't that if it's inconvenient."

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