sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"It is reasonable not to want werewolf neighbors and this sucks a ton for werewolves and everyone involved dies if we set the balance wrong and is accordingly really really upset if anyone tries tipping it."


"Sure, and it's reasonable to want your neighbors to be fully legally responsible for the behavior of daeva they summon so they're incentivized to get the bindings right, and that leaves daeva with no legal responsibilities of our own... and if you get it wrong an inhabited planet gets sucked into a black hole..."


"Is bad incentives really the reason people get the bindings wrong?"


"Not explicitly, but they do double-check them better when they'll be on the hook if something happens."


"There seem like a lot of ways to achieve that which aren't 'daeva have no legal responsibility' - "


"And yet this is the one we landed on. And there are ways to deal with the werewolf problem, too, like, 'werewolves are obliged to lock themselves up when they're going to turn into out of control wolves, everybody gets over themselves the rest of the month'."


"It is hard to restrain yourself well enough. Not impossible but resource-intensive. Maybe the future has a solution there, though, don't know -

- are, uh, the events of the war known in Hell and your native Earth -"


"I'm not sure about Hell. It depends on how much various demon curators have been conjuring for the news. News does not get from Hell to Earth particularly efficiently because demons are typically summoned with a binding that doesn't let us talk, and there haven't been Hell concordances recently to let it filter to Heaven or Fairyland or Limbo yet either."


"It going to make things worse?"


"Make what worse? Daeva rights? Not sure, probably not much. Could even have the opposite effect if policymakers decide that only people commit atrocities or something."


"- oh, I guess you can't bring back the elephants. They'll be so upset."


Snort. "Yep. Also Valinor had dinosaurs, although at least those laid eggs, I can do eggs."


"What's a dinosaur?"


"Extinct clade of animals known to Earths only in fossil form."


"Huh. Okay. You can steal some of our elephants, if the new Valinor wants them."


"They might be challenging to get through the door."


"I have never shrunk an elephant but have no reason to expect it'd be damaging to their health."


"Well, then, by all means. But we'll have to be careful, elephants have close-knit family relationships."


"Hogwarts teaches transfiguration by experimentation on small mammals. Just so you know. Start with mice, get proficient with kittens."


"This will complicate your relations with 2179 Earth but I really have other things I'm more inclined to worry about."


"We don't even have a way to get there yet, do we?"


"No, so it's really not a big deal."


"The immunologists won't get upset?"


"I was thinking of demon immunologists most of whom are at least twice my age."


"Okay. I'll stop transfiguring kittens, I do in fact care a lot about what people on another planet think, but it's not among the first ten fights I want to pick. I am glad you have old demon acquaintances."

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