In an ordinary Midwestern suburb is an ordinary two-bedroom house containing an ordinary couple. One of them has a plate of chicken and green beans and the other is kneeling beside him with his hands tied behind his back, opening his mouth to receive a green bean.
"I suspect that I'd need to talk to her in live video in order to - believe anything, in that part of me that doesn't already believe things."
"I'll ask if she'll Skype you." Type type type... "...she will Skype you for fifty dollars, I'll comp you fifty dollars."
She doesn't want to do this. It's really going to trigger Video memories.
"All right, let's try it and see what happens."
Isabella sets up the Skype call. "I'm telling her you came from a weird cult, it explains why you'd be so freaked out and doesn't invite a ton of further questions and will discourage her from hitting on you."
And here's video of Linsee Harp, pigtailed and sipping a smoothie and looking in perfect health.
Yep, part of Thellim definitely thought this person was dead, all right. Before the world seemed horrible, but coherent. Now the world just seems inconsistent, like she's in the middle of an educational-prank that's being revealed. Thellim's brain seems split between thinking the Video must be a lie, and thinking that this video must be a lie. Nice video-call technology, though.
"Hello," Thellim says. She's still having trouble thinking of how to ask any of the things she wants to ask.
"Wait, you can just directly turn off infohazards in the search function? How?" Thellim is genuinely annoyed that this was not mentioned to her... well, maybe it's obscure enough that Isabella didn't know.
"Oh, yeah, it's like a safeword but it works when I can't talk! I just go like so -" She makes a gesture with the hand that's not holding the smoothie. "And then Master and whoever else we invited on set all cut it out sharpish and give me ice cream. 'S actually the only time I get ice cream so Master's not worried I won't do it if I gotta."
"So you could have made it stop at any time. But you didn't." There goes Thellim's implicit model of the whole thing as some kind of sheer massive failure of intertemporal self-bargaining. "Why the metal clamps if you - if they didn't need to hold you down - I don't understand."
Thellim tells her Noticing Confusion detectors yelling 'I defy this data' to shut up long enough to hear this out. It's not going to be a lie, the literary conceit of this unreal world is obviously going to have whatever she hears next be the truth.
"Oh, just 'cause I'm wiggling don't mean I want it to end, hon, they gotta lock me up nice and tight to hold me still," Linsee laughs. "Sorta like being tickled, you ever try to hold still for somebody tickling you? Or tickle a li'l kid, they'll kick and roll away but come right back. Also it's fun by itself, sometimes Master snugs me up in something when we're watching a movie and we don't even have sex about it."
This is like some bizarre-thought-experiment on how awful you can make a scene and then try to justify it afterwards.
Actually it's really really like a bizarre-thought-experiment. Too pointlessly extreme for anybody in dath ilan to consider good practice to write about - you can almost always make the point in thought experiments without the extreme torture or the rape or whatever, and students with possible edgelord tendencies are specifically cautioned about that - but if you imagine somebody not being warned about that, then this reads eerily exactly like the kind of thought experiment they'd come up with. Suppose you saw a woman bonded in place and hurt and screaming, now, what kind of elaborate backstory could somebody come up with to excuse that? And the answer is that some thought experiments have no apparent purpose except to damage your emotions and deontology and you shouldn't go along with their premises.
It is very like that. To the point where Thellim almost has a horrible feeling that she knows where she is inside reality. Next, the inhuman superbeing responsible for the eclipses will materialize and offer her insane, contrived choices.
- no. Thellim forces herself to focus. It is not, quite, a foregone conclusion that she has correctly identified her story's new genre.
"Did you consent to the sexual part of it? Explicitly?"
"I been married five years, he doesn't make me fill out paperwork every time about it, hon, he knows me real well. Some places make you record a scene negotiation first but I don't think there's one for the vid you saw. But it was all fine by me, and I could tell him we hadta reschedule if I was feeling off."
"Please - forgive me my ignorance and stupidity. But if you imagine that I'm an alien and furthermore I just had all my memories about anything relating to submission or masochism psionically erased in an eclipse accident - and that's closer to the truth than you may realize, so please take that really really literally - is there anything you could say to - to explain all this - to somebody whose reaction to the video was to wonder if you could still be rescued? I just don't understand what it could be like from the inside to, to be screaming, to need to be held down, and to have a sign that would make it stop, and not use that sign. Unless they were threatening to kill your children but I know by now that's not going to be the answer."
"- well, I like it, hon. Feels - floaty and exciting at the same time - an' I get off on it, obviously - you ever stand around in an outfit without pockets and realize you don't know what to do with your hands, I feel like that a lot, goes away if I'm tied up. If I go a while without getting wailed on - like we had to stop when I was pregnant, for months and months - I get all itchy, kinda, and feel like I'm gonna forget what it's like to be all in my body and none in my head. The screaming just kinda happens, you know, people get like that even when it doesn't hurt at all when they're having sex."
"Is it - I don't -" Thellim doesn't know what questions to ask. She cannot imagine what kind of mental entity this is, it seems more alien to her than a cat; cats try to avoid pain. "If you accidentally drop a brick on your foot, does that feel bad? Is the pain itself different? Or is it other feelings that go along with the pain?"
"Some people like random pain like that, I'm not one of 'em, I got a kidney stone once and it was awful. It's a context thing, sometimes Master can help me deal with something that we didn't do for that reason - we went to this class on orgasmic birth, and we didn't get, y'know, top-flight results out of it but it was still better than doing without, I think, nurse said I was lower on the painkiller needs than a lotta people - people say stuff about, y'know, endorphins and things, I don't know if that's the whole story but it don't really matter."
"Could somebody inflict the exact kind of pain that was inflicted in the video, in a different context, and you'd react to that the way you would to - ordinary pain, not pain in the video?"
"It sounds like sexual - desire? arousal? familiarity? - is one of the keys here. Can you explain how the pain with - your husband - is different from the same pain if, say, a mechanical robot was inflicting it? What's present in the pain that's hot, that isn't in exactly the same version of the bodily impact that would be ordinary pain?"
Yes, somehow she was expecting that. She's starting to pick up on the pattern of the edgy thought experiment. "But, just guessing here, you are very content with the way you are, it is a key part of your identity, it makes you happy, your current set of relationships are founded on it, and if a psion tried to turn you into a non-masochist you would resist with all your strength."