"We have several months worth of food, water, and air but not enough to last until we expect resupply or rescue. So we need to acquire more. Preliminary scans indicate that the planet probably has breathable air and clearly has water so our main limit is going to be food."
"We need to either find existing food sources or create new ones. We don't have any farming equipment, but should be able to improvise. This is where I expect people to volunteer ideas from the equipment they've been using."
The crowd is kinda buying it. They trust Bright, though invoking him may just be a ploy, and Char isn't acting like a homicidal maniac. But there is a lot of built up resentment, and even the truth still leaves them with a grievance against Char.
But while this conversation has been taking place three more people have been coming from another direction.
"Give me my father back you son of a bitch!"
The kids lunge at Char and make a rather ineffective attempt at pummeling him before anyone has a chance to ask where Katz learned that word.
Char just sort of lets it happen, he's not going to kick them away even if they are attacking him. He is more baffled at first than anything else.
Then, the pang of guilt hits him. The whole incident was more emotionally removed when it was adults or near adults he could discuss things with, ones that had picked a side in the war and had their own sins to work out the morality for. It just hit alot harder when he realizes these very young kids were also victimized. They didn't even have a chance to pick a side, it just happened to them. They reminded him of himself when he lost his own father.
It wasn't like he had never thought of the victims of his actions while leading a mobile suit squad for the Zeons, it just was a lot harder to justify when there were crying children right there beating on your legs.
He lets none of this show on his face, an easier thing to do when he was wearing a mask.
Fraw Bow snaps back to reality. She have not forgiven and only temporarily forgot but this is not the path she wants for her the children.
"Lets all settle down, and Katz who taught you that word?"
The kids will now switch from crying with violence to violently crying, which is sort of like settling down.
"This isn't over, but we'll talk to Bright before we go any further."
With that Kai turns on his heel and struts out clearly expecting the crowd to follow him as their leader. The fact that this works on a crowd people who have met him before is a testament to the power of confidence. Or perhaps just a sign of how awkward this scene has become.
Char extricates his body from the gaggle of crying children now they stopped attacking him, his pants were lightly armoured so they probably hurt themselves more than they hurt him. This is incredibly awkward.
"I was just looking for Sayla... So if we are done here I will... Just go keep doing that?" It is very hard to keep the appropriate level of gravitas in a situation this strange. Going from violent tension and veiled threats to dealing with children was definitely not something he had practice at.
Sayla is helping Amuro nerd at the Zeon mobile suits help Char's soldier's with the ammunition issue which just goes to show you should never split the party.
Before Char has a chance to figure this out, Kai and some of the others will find Bright whose whereabouts are known. They just barely have the sense to put up their weapons first.
Because Kai is their brave leader convenient fall guy if this goes south the mob lets him go first.
"Hey Captain we have some questions about Char."
"He claims that he's actually been against Zeon from the start as some kind of double agent except not actually working for the Federation either. Also that destroying Side Seven was against his orders."
Good he was expecting either this or for them to start questioning his decision to allow Char to stay on board and he didn't want to have to make an example of Kai for insubordination.
"I have independently confirmed that he has a grudge against the Zabi family that predates the war, and deliberately killed them. I don't have direct information on what orders he gave at Side Seven, but it fits with what else I know. Char wouldn't be walking around my ship if he was a Zabi loyalist."
"I don't like or completely trust Char, but we're stranded with him and he helped saved the Earth so we're cooperating as long as he is."
He doesn't say "thats an order" but it clearly is.
"Right that clears things up."
It's taken awhile due to his personality but Kai has mostly figured out when it is an extra bad idea to push Bright and the issue is clearly closed. The actual information is something he'll need to thing about.
Bright's very tempted to add that Char is where the money for his vintage glasses came from, but he doesn't want to cause issues for Sayla.
After the bridge has cleared out Mirai observes:
"At New York, we only survived because he wanted Garma dead."
Char is now much more careful about avoiding people in the halls while he looks for his sister, he doesn't find her anywhere, so he gives up looking and heads back to the mobile suit hangar to meet up with his men and warn them about angry feddies.
Oh! Theres Sayla’s recognisable blonde hair! ...and also recognisably curly brown hair belonging to Amuro. Char very much doesn’t want to talk to Amuro right now, its been months but the death of Lalah still felt pretty raw. He wasn’t going to challenge him to a dramatic duel to the death that resulted in vengeance or suicide or anything, half a year ago he still might have, but talking to him outside of a professional setting would be too much for right now.
He just just sort of stands awkwardly by the entrance to the hangar, unsure if he wants to go over there. For the millionth time he is glad for his mask so he just looks like he’s mysteriously brooding instead of insecure.
Sayla doesn't want to talk for only slightly overlapping reasons and will join in the pretending not to see game.
Char heads over to his comrades, who just happen to be near Amuro, but it’d be weird if he just left as soon as he saw them and didn’t speak to his buddies.
“Hey there captain. Looks like we will be able to reload our guns. But since this isn’t a proper ammunition factory they probably wont have the same muzzle velocity as the standard rounds. But who knows if the standard rounds would even scratch some freaky alien anyway.” The soldier chuckles at his own joke.
Another of the squad pipes up. “Wait we have to fight aliens? I don’t want to fight no creepy green men who can mind control you.” He looks nervous.
the first soldier smacks his comrade on the back. “Who else would we fight doofus! Ain’t no other humans out here, and you read too much old pulp, they probably have tentacles and aren't shaped like people at all.”
The bickering continues as the two others in the squad join in in arguing about what the aliens will look like, they are obviously a pretty closely knit group. Char does not join in, even among his own men he is a bit of an outsider.
“Glad we have the supplies to rearm, for... whatever's out there.” And more pointedly pretending Amuro and Sayla aren’t right there in front of him,