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you had me at "let's burn down wizarding britain"
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Time to move this back to their house, she thinks.


Mmm, unless her Lady's in the mood for some potential exhibitionism... But their house is very exceptionally cozy, and well designed to their tastes besides.


They had enough of that earlier today. Now... she wants her Bella all alone.


"I'm all yours." Kiss.


And she will prove it, thoroughly and exhaustively and painfully in all the best ways.


Bellatrix's absolute favorite standard of proof.


Wonderful little girl that she is.

Later, it's time to add more recruits to her rank. One Bella has spoken of in particular, a young healer named Ted Tonks.


He's muggleborn, in the year above her. She didn't know him very well, but he was in Ravenclaw with her sister Andromeda and tutored Andy sometimes. He still talks to Andy, and she's fairly sure he's been doing notably well in his first year at St. Mungo's, specializing as a medi-witch. 

Bellatrix arranges the meeting with him, of course. (It's not like Andy doesn't already know she's on the Final Dawn's side.) She's fairly sure he prefers spending time outdoors - not really in the wilderness, but more 'parks' or 'botanical gardens' - over meeting in restaurants, at least going by where her sister seems to hang out with him. 


There are a few quite nice gardens in London, they can meet there.


He agrees after some hesitancy - midday, shortly after lunch, on one of his days off.



She arrives early, as is her wont, and is examining on of the bonsai trees near the entrance when he shows up.


He arrives a bit early, though not so much as Sidney Taylor did - just by a few minutes. He's a tall, lanky man. Handsome, in a plain way, and dressed in muggle clothes. (Reasonable, given that this garden is fully in muggle London). His gaze is sharp, and he apparently singles out the Dark Lady very quickly - of course, while there's other guests in the gardens, most people are in groups, and she does rather stand out. 

"Good afternoon," he says, walking up to her. "Are you Bella's friend?"


"I am. You must be be Mr. Tonks."


He nods. "Edward Tonks. It's nice to meet you." He holds a hand out for her to shake. 


She takes it, and gives a firm shake. "Likewise."

"Will you walk with me?"


"Of course," he says, and comments on some interesting garden sections he knows are nearby. 


And so they walk.

"How is your training at St. Mungo's progressing?"


He shrugs. "Well. I'm learning a lot, though it's a lot of work." Small smile. "They've got me doing a lot of routine things the more established healers don't have time for. But I don't mind; it gets me interacting with patients more."


"You enjoy that?"


He nods. "I like helping people."


"It is a noble calling."


He hums. "A lot of people say that. Though... 'Noble' and 'helps people' don't always seem to go together."


"Indeed not often when one is referring to the wizarding families. The expression is, perhaps, more idealistic or aspirational than simply descriptive."


Small smile. "Perhaps."

He pauses, then: "Bella was very sure you'd be interested in - making the world fairer. I don't like how many of my patients are struggling. Are poor. How many we have to turn away."

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